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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Course No: EEE 306
Course Title: Power System I Laboratory
Experiment No:4
Name of the Experiment: Short Circuit Study for a Test Network

Date of Performance:02/12/2023
Date of Submission: 10/02/2024

Submitted by:
Name: Md Refat khan
Level:3 Term:1
Department: EEE
Section: c1
1. In this experiment, fault analysis for a test network will be
2. CYMEPSAF software will be used for this purpose.
Circuit Diagram:

Study 1: Fault Analysis on Selected Bus:




Observation for different fault situation(Bus01):
Line currents in all three phases are illustrated as faulty Bus Current Report.
LLL fault: Here at bus 1, Io, I1, I2 are same. This value is zero. This means that the three
phases are currently not supplying any load.
LG fault: Io= I1=I2=2461.84 ∠-85.631. This means that the three phases fault current is
flowing from phase to neutral.
LL fault: |I1| ~ |I2| and |Io| ~ 0. I1 and I2 are almost 180° apart in phase. I1 = 3529.9672∠-
85.0516 A and I2 = 3529.9672∠94.9483 A.
LLG fault: I0 = 2579.7616∠93.177 A, I1 = 4819.67∠-85.36 A and I2 =2240.51∠95.62
Observation of First Ring Contributor G2 for B2:
The first ring contributions are fault currents from connections directly adjacent to
the fault bus. Three the ring contributions are observed for defect at bus 2. In the
simulation, G2 was added as a Voltage Controlled source in the system, and it was
in Yg configuration, signifying solidly grounded with the neutral line. As a
consequence, the generator neutral current is zero for all four conditions.
LLL fault: A balanced fault current flow through all A and C phases is observed.
LG fault: All currents are identically same.
LL fault: Currents of equal magnitude but contrary phases run through phases B and C
just as seen in the Bus.
LLG fault: Lines B and C are shorted.
Observation of First Ring Contributor L32 and L52:
LLL fault: For both lines, balanced fault current is observed to flow into all three phases.
LG fault: All phase currents are equal in magnitudes with phases 0, -90and 0 respectively
for phase sequence A, B and C for both lines.
LL fault: Similar to LG fault.
LLG fault: Exactly identical to LL.
Observation of faulted bus voltage report:
LLL fault: All phase voltages have identical zero values for obvious reasons.
LG fault: A,B and C phases has 180,0,180 phase angles
LL fault: Phase A is unaltered, but per unit voltage magnitude for other two phases drop
to 0.5 with phase angles 0 for each.
LLG fault: Per unit voltage for phase A,B,C are 0.5.
2.Fault analysis for sliding fault at different locations on different lines
LINE14 for 5%:

LINE14 for 50%:

LINE14 for95%:

LINE16 for 5%:

LINE16 for 50%:

LINE16 for 95%:

LINE32 for 5%:

LINE32 for 50%:

LINE32 for 95%:

LINE52 for 5%:

LINE52 for 50%:

LINE52 for 95%:

Observation of sliding fault current report:
L14: In variable length fault analysis, the line currents for all four fault types follows a
decreasing pattern as we increase the fault location length. The generator is linked to B1,
and the further we walk away from B1, the further the fault is from the generator, as a
result, the fault current diminishes with increasing lengths.
L16: Follows the similar trend as of L14.
L32: The fault currents grow with the increase of fault location length with a sudden dip
only for the 50% fault location case. Increased length means moving closer to B2 which
holds the generator, and we have a rising fault current.
L52: Follows the similar trend as of L32.
Observation of sliding fault voltage report:
L14: Increasing the fault site didn’t effect the LLL and LL type fault, while line voltages
of the non-faulted lines decrease progressively in LG and LLG fault.
L16: Similar to line L14, except for large decrease of per unit voltage for LLG and LG
L32: Changing the fault location has no obvious influence on the voltage characteristics
of the line for all fault condition.
L52: Similar situation of L32.

Report 1 : Network Equivalents

Positive Sequence Network:
Negative sequence network:
Zero sequence network:
Report 2: Fault current
Report 3: Circuit Breakers Rating
A circuit breaker has to be able to momentarily withstand a fault current and
disconnect the faulted bus.
Maximum current for the system is 6628.67A

The maximum symmetrical interrupting capability,

= K × (rated short circuit current)
= 1.66265 x 6628.67 A
= 11021.16 A
Thus, the rated voltage of the circuit breaker = 13.8 kV
Rated momentary current of the circuit breaker = 11021.16 A

Report 4: Effect of eliminating loads

Omitting the loads from the short circuit analysis will not vary the fault currents much.
Because the fault currents are very high in magnitude comparing to the load currents. And
the loads hardly affect the fault current magnitude.

In this experiment we simulated different types of fault conditions and observed the fault
voltages and fault currents. Later, we compared it with theoretical calculations and the
results were pretty similar to the PSAF reports. The power of system must be able to
withstand all types of faults except the permanent ones. For example, for LG fault due to
storm or timber fall, manual repairing of the system is the only solution. In the other cases,
we have to design the circuit breakers and the other protective equipment accordingly.

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