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Progress Report - 1
Program & Semester: IMCA 6

Enrollment Number: 2105040201015 , 2105040201016 , 2105040201018

Name: Riya M. Gohil , Nancy P. Goyani, Priti A. Hirpara

Name/Title of the Project: NutriHealth

 Objective of Project:

Our project, NutriHealth It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases,
such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The general goals of weight loss and
management are: At a minimum, to prevent further weight gain.If you want to gain
weight slowly and steadily, aim for 300–500 calories more than you burn each day
according to the calculator and etc...

 Project Category: NutriHealth

 Platform (Front End and Back End):

Front End : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Back End : MY SQL,PHP

 External Guide Name:

System Analysis:
 Existing System :

NutriHealth is a comprehensive program designed to combat chronic noncommunicable

diseases by focusing on weight Management With The Prevalence of Conditions Such as
Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer on The Rise, There’s an Urgent Need to Address
Lifestyle Factors Contributing to These Ailments. One Such Factor is Maintaining a Healthy

 Objective of the New System:

 Scheduling Calendar
Implementing a comprehensive scheduling system for NutriHealth , ensuring efficient
management of bookings and itineraries, while accommodating varying preferences
and requirements of customers.

 Enhanced Billing
Enhanced billing for the NutriHealth includes comprehensive invoicing features,
dynamic pricing options, and seamless integration with payment gateways to provide
customers with transparent and efficient billing experiences.
 Problem Definition:

• In this method Some Time Button Event Not Working.

• In This Method Convert To Int and String Problem.
• In Project in Page Path Defining of the Run Time Error.

 Core Components/Modules:

In this project in Three Side :

• Admin Side
• User Side
• Client Side

Sides Functionality :

Admin : 1. Manage are User Details

 Project Profile:

Project Title NutriHealth

Language Html, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Internal Guide Mrs. Simpi Singh

Time Duration 3 – 4 Months

Riya Gohil
Submitted By Nancy Goyani
Priti Hirpara



 Hardware Requirements:
• Processor with Speed of 2.90 GHz and above
• Memory about 4 GB and above
• Display
• Mouse
 Software Requirements:
• Operating System Windows 11
• Visual Studio Code 2022
• My SQL Server 19.0.2
 Assumptions and Constraints:
Participant Compliance: NutriHealth assumes that participants will adhere to the
program guidelines and recommendations consistently. This includes following meal
plans, tracking calories, and engaging in physical activity as prescribed.

Nutritional Understanding: It assumes that participants have a basic understanding of

nutrition concepts such as calorie counting, macronutrients, and portion control.
While educational resources are provided, participants are expected to grasp
fundamental nutritional principles.

 Advantages and Limitations of the Proposed System:

NutriHealth offers a structured approach to improving health outcomes by focusing
on weight management. Through personalized meal plans, calorie tracking, and
exercise recommendations, participants can achieve weight loss or gain goals, leading
to reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

 Requirements Gathering & Targeted Users:

• Individuals Seeking Weight Management:
• Health-Conscious Individuals:
• Those with Specific Health Goals:
• Healthcare Professionals and Wellness Experts

Date: 20/02/2024

Internal Guide Details: ___________

Name: Mrs. Simpi Singh


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