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COMM1205 - Module Reading List Introduction to Communications Research, 2011/12, Semester 1 Dr Bethany Klein On this page: 1 Required Readings 1 Suggested Readings Required Readings Brabazon, Tara (2006) The Google Effect: Googling, Blogging, Wikis and the Flattening of Expertise. 157-167. Brosius, Hans-Bernd (2008) Research Methods, in W. Donsbach (ed) The international encyclopedia of communication. Blackwell Reference Online. Keen, Andrew (2008) The cult of the amateur : how blogs, MySpace, YouTube.(2nd ed). London: Nicholas Brealey. Chapter 6 (pp. 141-163). Lessig, Lawrence (2004) Free culture : the nature and future of creativity. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Chapter 13 (pp. 213-246). Sanders, Karen (2003) Ethics and journalism. London: Sage. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-13). Scholl, Armin (2008) Quantitative Methodology, in W. Donsbach (ed) The international encyclopedia of communication. Blackwell Reference Online. Scholl, Armin (2008) Qualitative Methodology, in W. Donsbach (ed) The international encyclopedia of communication. Blackwell Reference Online. Silverstone, Roger (1999) Why study the media? London: Sage. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-12). Taylor, Paul (2008) Baudrillards Resistance To the Ob-Scene As the Mis-en-scene . The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies 5(2). Williams, Raymond (1974) Communications as Cultural Science. Journal of communication. 24(3): 17-25. Top of page Suggested Readings Research Methods Berger, Arthur Asa (2000) Media and communication research methods : an introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Sage. Deacon, David, Pickering, Michael, Golding, Peter and Murdock, Graham (2007) Researching Communications (2nd Edition). London: Arnold. Gray, Ann (2003) Research practice for cultural studies : ethnographic methods and lived cultures. London: Sage. Gunter, Barrie (2000) Media research methods : measuring audiences, reactions and impact. London: Sage. Hart, Chris (1998) Doing a literature review : releasing the social science research imagination. London: Sage. Maykut, Pamela and Morehouse, Richard (1994) Beginning qualitative research : a philosophic and practical guide. London: The Falmer Press. OLeary, Zina (2005) Researching real-world problems : a guide to methods of inquiry. London: Sage. OLeary, Zina (2004) The Essential Guide to Doing Research. London: Sage. Robson, Colin (2007) How to do a research project : a guide for undergraduate students. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Schutt, Russell K. (2006) Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Research (5th Edition). London: Pine Forge Press. Silverman, David (2005) Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook (2nd Edition). London: Sage. Smith, Mark J. (1998) Social science in question. London: Sage. Stokes, Jane (2003) How to do media and cultural studies. London: Sage.

Academic Skills Cottrell, Stella (2005) Critical thinking skills : developing effective analysis and argument. New York: Palgrave. Cottrell, Stella (2008) Study Skills Handbook (3rd Edition). New York: Palgrave Greetham, Bryan (2008) How to Write Better Essays. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Levin, Peter (2007) Skilful time management. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Levin, Peter (2004) Write great essays! : a guide to reading and essay writing for undergraduates and taught postgraduates. Maidenhead: Open University Press Northedge, Andy (2005) Good Study Guide. Milton Keynes: Open University. Redman, Peter (2005) Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guides. Milton Keynes: Open University. Soles, Derek (2005) The academic essay : how to plan, draft, revise, and write essays. Derek Soles.. Taunton: Studymates. Walton, Douglas N. (2001)Informal logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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