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Nama : Lulu Santika

Kelas : XII KKBT1


Assalamualaikum wr. wb

First of all, let us all express our thanks to the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace upon
us, so that we can gather on this bright morning in good health.

Dear Sirs, Teachers and friends whom I really appreciate.

On this occasion, I will invite the happy audience to talk about how important it is to prioritize digital
ethics in an era of increasingly sophisticated technology. There is a saying "Ethics is knowing the
difference between what you have the right to do and what you should not do."right thing for you to

Technology has changed the way we interact and communicate, but sometimes the sophistication of
technology makes us forget the ethical values that should be applied in the digital world. Examples of
cases that are happening now are the spread of fake news, online harassment,and invasion of privacy of
others. Therefore, we all have to develop our awareness of ethics in the digital world. For example,
communicating politely and politely in the virtual world as well as communicating in the real world.

Apart from that, we also have to be critical recipients of the information we receive. Before sharing
information, make sure the information is trustworthy and does not harm other people. If we are able to
prioritize digital ethics we can create a safe online environment. more positive and safer for internet
users. Let's together contribute to building a digital world that is both useful and ethical. That's all I can
say. I apologize if there are words that are not pleasing to you, I apologize and to Allah I ask
forgiveness.Thank you,wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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