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Test Biology Name F/Name Dated 1/10/2023

Total Marks 100 Marks Obtained Father/Guardian Sign

1.Write The Correct option in the Following Blanks

1. The word “biology” has been derived from two…………..words.

a) Latin b) Greek c) English d) Scientific

2. In biology the word “bios” means………..

a) Life b) Logos c) Living things d) All of the above

3. In biology the word “logos” means………

a) Thought b) Reasoning c) study ) None

4. The division of biology in which we study animals is called……

a) Botany b) Zoogeography c) Zoology d) Cell biology

5 The study of insects is called……….

a) Entomology b) Histology\ c) Pharmacology d) Embryology

6. The study of tissues is called………

a) Anatomy b) Histology c) Physiology d) Entomology

7. The study of internal structures is called…..

a) Anatomy b) Cell biology c) Genetics d) Biotechnology

8. The transmission of characters from one generation to the

other is called…….
a) Genetics b) Cytology c) Heredity d) Both (b) and (c)

9. The branch deals with the study of parasites called………

a) Taxonomy b) Parasitology c) Embryology d) Socio-biology

10. The study of fossils is called………

a) Physiology b) Paleontology c) Morphology d) Embryology

11. Five Kingdom System was presented in the Yearn a.1859 b.1960

12. The study of the development of the embryo into a new

individual is called……..
a) Histology b) Genetics c) Environmental biology d) Embryology

13. Five Kindom Classification was presented by

a)Carl linneus b)R.H Whittaker c)Bu Ali sina

14. The study of naming and classification of organisms into

groups and subgroups is called…….
a) Biotechnology b) Taxonomy c) Pharmacology d) Cell biology

15. The branch deals with the study of the functions of different
parts of living organisms are called…….
a) Histology b) Physiology c) Morphology d) Pharmacology

16. Jabir Bin Hayan was born in

a) Iraq b) Iran c) Labnan d) Turkey

17. “Al-Haywan” is a famous book by which Muslim scientist?

a) Abdul Malik Asmai b) Jabir Bin Hayan c) Bu Ali Sina
d) Omar Khayyam

18. Abdul Malik Asmai famous writing (Al-Khail) meaning

a) Camel b) Horse c) Animal d) Plant

19. Group of similar cells performing similar functions called

a) Organ b) Molecules c) Tissuesd) Community

20.The founder of medicine is :

a) JabirbinHayan b)Abdul Malik c) Bu Ali Sina d)Al-Beruni

2.Answer The Following,,

1. Write all the levels of organization in sequence?

2.Define & Differentiate Five of the following.

a).Autotrohpic and HeteroTrohpic Organisms

b)Multicellular & Unicellular Organisms

c)Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Orgainsims

d)Palentbotany & Palentzoology

e)Tissue & Organ

f)Anatomy & Morphology

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