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Data Migration Techniques

Data Migration-> It is also called as Data Transfer. Data Migration means migrating
the data from Legacy system to
SAP system.

Legacy System -> The system other than the SAP system is called as Legacy system.
It is also called as Non-SAP system.
It contains the data to be transferred.

Steps of Data Migration :

1) Extracting the data -> Extracting the data from the Legacy system into a file .
2) Coverting the data -> Coverting the data to appropriate format. This is called
as Conversion.
3) Importing the data -> Importing the data in to SAP system.
4) Verifying the data -> Checking the accuracy of data in SAP system.

Data Migration Techniques/Tools:

1) BDC( Batch Data Communication)

2) LSMW( Legacy System Migration Workbench)
3) BAPI( Business Application Programming Interface)

BDC( Batch Data Communication)

The purpose of BDC is to transfer data from Non-SAP( Legacy) system to SAP system.

Principle - BDC Works on the principle of Screen recording.

Transaction code for Recording : SHDB

Precautions for Recording :

a) Never Use F4 & F1 help.

b) Do not pass wrong values.

BDC Methods -> There are 3 methods for BDC.

1) Call Transaction Method

2) Session Method

3) Direct Input Method.

Call transaction Method and Session Method are called as Batch Input methods.

1) Call Transaction Method ->

Call transaction 'Transaction Code' USING ( BDC Internal table) MODE 'A or N or
UPDATE 'A or S or L' Messages INTO ( Internal table).

Example : Call transaction 'MM01' USING LT_BDCDATA MODE 'A' UPDATE 'S' Messages
Processing Modes ->
A -> All screen( It will show screen by screen processing)
N -> No Screen( It will not show any screen, directly we will get a output).
E -> Error( If there is a Error in BDC - It will show the screen where the error
If there is no Error - It will not show any screen )

UPDATE Modes->

A -> Asynchoronous( COMMIT WORK)

The called transaction does not wait for any updates to be completed.
Results in faster execution of the data transfer program.

S -> Synchronous( Sync between the sender and receiver , COMMIT WORK AND WAIT)

The called transaction waits for any updates that it produces to be completed.
Execution is slower than with asynchronous updating because called
transactions wait for updating to be completed.

P1 P2
Sender Receiver
Called Calling

L -> Local Update

If the data is updated locally, the update of the database will not be processed
in a separate process, the update functions are run in the same dialog process.

2) Session Method -> Use Function Modules - BDC_OPEN_GROUP , BDC_INSERT,


Run the Session with the help of transaction code : SM35.

Processing Modes : Foreground , Display Errors only, Background.

Question : What is the significance of KEEP parameter in BDC_OPEN_GROUP?

Answer : Indicator to keep processed sessions.( Keep = 'X' - Processed sessions

will remain in SM35 , KEEP = ' '( Processed session will not be available ) ).

HOLDDATE -> To lock a session for a specified date.

3) Direct Input Method -> Direct Inputs are standard SAP programs to post the data
in to SAP.
Examples for direct input programs are:

RFBIBL00 - FI( Finance)

RMDATIND - MM( Material Management)
Q-1 : Difference between call transaction method and batch input method.

Answer :

Q-2: Difference between Batch Input Methods( Call Transaction, Session) and Direct
Input Method.

Answer : Batch Input : The consistency checks are executed with help of the
This technique create sessions.
This Method is slow as compared to Direct Input Method.

Direct Input : The consistency checks are executed with the help of
Function modules.
This technique does not create any sessions.
This Method is fast as compared to batch Input Method.
This method update database tables directly.
This method is used to process large amount of data.

LSMW(Legacy System Migration Workbench)

1) It is a ABAP Workbench tool which is used to transfer data from Non-SAP( Legacy)
system to SAP system.

2) Transaction Code : LSMW

3) LSMW works best for Master data, one doesn’t require to use much coding while
using LSMW.

4) This method is preferred by Functional SAP Consultants rather than Technical

Consultants for data migration.

5) We can Export and Import a LSMW.

Difference between BDC and LSMW->

LSMW is for Functional consultants which does not require much coding, while BDC is
designated for technical consultant.

Project -> Specifies the name of the data transfer project.

More than one subproject can be assigned to a project.

Subproject-> Specifies the name of the subproject

A subproject can have an unlimited number of objects.

Object-> An object corresponds to a business object.

Examples- Material Master, Client Master etc.
An object is assigned to a subproject.

Example -> Project ->Datamigration


Project ->Datamigration

Project ->Datamigration

Project ->Datamigration

LSMW Methods : 1) Direct Input

2) Batch Input Recording
3) Business Object Method(BAPI)
4) IDOC(Intermediate Document)

BAPI(Business Application Programming Interface)

1) It is a technique which is used to conduct large scale data migration from

legacy system to SAP system.
2) BAPIs in the SAP systems are implemented as a Functional Modules.

BAPI = Function Module + Business Object.

3) BAPI is always Preferable as compared to BDC for Data Migration.

Create and Change Material Master Data : BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA

Data Migration Techniques in SAP ABAP:

Difference between BAPI and BDC

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