Poster Fabric Waste

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The textile and garment industry is a global powerhouse, producing an enormous volume
of clothing and fabric materials. While this industry contributes significantly to economic
growth and employment worldwide, it also generates a substantial environmental

challenge in the form of fabric and textile waste. Unlike plastic waste, which has received
considerable attention for its environmental impact, fabric waste often goes under the

radar, despite its equally detrimental effects.
Indonesia, as one of the world's leading textile and garment producers, faces a growing problem of fabric and

textile waste. The production process of textiles and garments is resource-intensive, requiring vast amounts of
water, energy, and chemicals. This places immense pressure on Indonesia's environment, contributing to issues such
as water pollution, soil degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions.


Fabric garment and textile waste in Indonesia pose a A promising solution to tackle fabric waste
significant environmental challenge, yet it often is the establishment of a social enterprise
receives less attention compared to plastic waste. dedicated to upcycling textile industry
However, fabric waste is equally detrimental to the leftovers into practical products like fashion
environment and demands urgent action. The impact items (bags, shoes), coasters, scrunchies,
of fabric waste encompasses various aspects such as
doormats, etc.
resource depletion, pollution, and health hazards for
This initiative not only addresses Sustainable Development Goal 12
local communities.
(Responsible Consumption and Production) but also empowers local
Who is Affected? What is the Problem? communities, especially women, individuals with disabilities, and
People in Indonesia especially The problem lies in the excessive marginalized groups through employment opportunities. This initiative
that lives near textile/garment consumption and disposal of fabric simultaneously empowers local communities while contributing to
industry, renowned for its garments and textiles, perpetuated Sustainable Development Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities).
textile and garment industry by fast fashion practices and By employing local people, including women,
consumer behavior. individuals with disabilities, and other marginalized
Why is it a Problem? groups, the social enterprise fosters economic
empowerment and social inclusion. Through training
Firstly, fabric waste's impact on the environment is significant and
in skills such as sewing, knitting, and the use of
comparable to plastic waste. Secondly, fabric waste management in
sewing machines, they can develop valuable expertise
Indonesia is inadequate. Insufficient recycling infrastructure, coupled
and gain confidence in their abilities. This, in turn,
with limited awareness and education on sustainable disposal methods,
leads to improved self-esteem and financial
further exacerbate the environmental impact.
independence as they generate their own income.


Recycling Empowering
By transforming fabric waste into useful products and By empowering local communities, especially women, By creating employment opportunities for local
promoting the principles of a circular economy, this individuals with disabilities, and marginalized groups, communities, including women, individuals with
initiative contributes to reducing waste generation, through employment opportunities and skills training, disabilities, and marginalized groups, the initiative
promoting sustainable production practices, and the social enterprise fosters inclusivity and reduces contributes to promoting inclusive economic growth
encouraging responsible consumption patterns. SDG inequalities. Providing job opportunities to these and fostering sustainable livelihoods. SDG 8 aims to
12 aims to ensure sustainable consumption and vulnerable groups helps bridge the socio-economic gap promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic
production patterns, and the social enterprise plays a and enhances their access to better livelihoods and growth, full and productive employment, and decent
crucial role in achieving this goal by minimizing fabric economic independence. SDG 10 aims to reduce work for all, making the social enterprise an important
waste, conserving resources, and promoting eco- inequalities within and among countries, and the social driver in achieving this goal by empowering vulnerable
friendly alternatives. enterprise's focus on empowering marginalized groups and fostering economic independence through
individuals contributes to achieving this goal by skills training and job opportunities.
promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for all.

Faculty Economics and Business

By: Sherly Angela (202001010084), Stephanie Putri Sanjaya (202001010141), Vanessa Friska Chrisella (202301010035)

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