Administrators Supervisory Skills and Teachers Job

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Administrators supervisory skills and teachers job performance as panacea

for students attitude and performance in commerce



1.1 Background of the study

The attainment of the goals of an educational institution is of concern to all the stakeholders.

Considering the nature of man, if the authorities of the educational institutions especially in

Nigerian secondary schools fail to effectively carry out their administrative duties, teachers may

be ineffective thereby leading to poor performance of students in the public secondary schools.

In the administration of secondary schools, the principal is central. The principal is the man at

the helm of the affairs who receives all praises when success is attained and blames when the

school fails. According to Ogundele, Sambo and Bwoi (2015), the job of the school principal in

Nigeria as an administrator has progressively become more complex and highly hazardous. In

order to cope with the ever-rising challenges of the system, the school principal must be ready to

see himself as a change agent. The principal dictates the extent to which work is done in the

school system (Abari and Mohammed 2018). The administrative leadership of the school

principal is a critical factor in the success of a school's improvement initiatives and the overall

effectiveness of the school. The primary responsibility of the principal is to promote the learning

and success of all students (Lunenburg and Orstein 2008). It is against this background that the

researcher decided administrators supervisory skills and teachers job performance as panacea for

students attitude and performance in commerce

Amirize and Ololube (2018) considered effective school administration as the achievement of a

specific goal or aim of an educational institution. It is the attainment of the desired result through

the utilization of the available resources. Usman (2016) viewed effective school administration

as the implementation of programme geared towards the achievement of educational objectives

through the utilization of the available resources. Considering definitions of Amirize and

Ololube (2018) and Usman (2016), effective school administration could be considered as the

successful attainment of predetermined educational objectives through utilization of the available

resources. According to Osakwe (2010), instructional supervision is concerned with the

provision of professional assistance and guidance to teachers and students geared towards the

achievement of effective teaching and learning in the school. The principal as a supervisor

provides a professional guidance to teachers in order to improve their competencies for effective

teaching process to enhance the learning and growth of the students.

The school principal in carrying out their duties assist the teachers to perform effectively in the

areas of preparation of lesson plan and lesson notes before lesson delivery, good use of

instructional methods and teaching aids, keeping and maintaining of school records, classroom

management, among others. Through supervision the principal can provide meaningful feedback

and direction to teachers that can have profound effect in the learning that occurs in the

classroom. Fritz and Miller (2003) opined that, the responsibility of ensuring that effective

teaching and learning take place and the extent to which instructional supervisors carry out their

duties is by employing various techniques to enhance teachers' job performance. According to

Jay (2014), teachers' job performance is the ability of teachers to combine relevant inputs for the

enhancement of teaching and learning processes. Bolarinwa (2016) observes that, the indicator of

teachers' job performance is evaluated in the teachers' ability to make a deliberate effort to

enhance students' academic performance, possession and display of in-depth knowledge of

subject matter, lesson presentation, effective classroom organization and control, and

participation in the school curriculum activities.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Considering the belief of stakeholders at all levels that the country's education is in crisis, many

researchers have taken steps to probe into problems related to the teaching and learning process.

Despite the innumerable researches conducted and recommendations made with the intention of

solving the problem of falling standard of education, most especially in the public secondary

schools, this problem still persists. Accusing fingers from different quarters are therefore pointed

to government, principals, teachers as well as students as being responsible for the decline in the

standard of education. Embarrassingly, professional laxity on the part of teachers has been

observed to be the order of the day in public secondary schools. Some teachers are merely

staying on the job to look for better jobs outside the education industry. Some are in the teaching

profession simply because they have not got a job of their interest. As a result, consistent cases

of defaulting in lesson preparation, persistent lateness to school and classes, irregular and

unauthorized movement from duty post, failure to mark and correct students' work, non-

utilization of instructional materials, inability to convincingly explain difficult concepts to

students and above all, poor classroom management skill constitute a big problem to the

attainment of educational goals in public secondary schools.

It becomes pertinent therefore to ask, “Could the lackadaisical attitude of teachers to their job

performance be as a result of the principals' instructional supervision in the public secondary

schools?” This question is apt because, teachers are the key drivers in the educational system and

so, the success and /or failure of the system depends greatly on their effective job performance. It

is against this background that the researcher decided to investigate how principals' instructional

supervision predicts teachers' job performance in public secondary schools in Nigeria.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the administrators supervisory skills and teachers job

performance as panacea for students attitude and performance in commerce. Specifically, the

study was design to find out.

i. Administrators’ supervisory skills and teachers’ job performance use of instructional


ii. Administrators’ supervisory skills and teachers competence in classroom


iii. Administrators’ supervisory skill and teachers competence in students’ evaluation

iv. Administrators’ supervisory skills and teachers disciplinary abilities.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions were design to give guide to the study. They include.

i. To what extent does Administrators supervisory skills affect of teacher’s job

performance using of instructional material in commerce?

ii. How does Administrators’ supervisory skills influence teachers’ performance in in

commerce teaching methodology.

iii. To what extent does administrators’ supervisory skills relate to teachers’

competence in students evaluation in commerce?

iv. How does Administrators’ supervisory skill influence teachers’ ability to discipline


1.5 Statement of hypothesis

To establish the direction of this study the following hypothesis where formulated:

H01: There is no significant relationship between Administrators’ supervisory skills and

teachers’ job performance using instructional materials in commerce.

H02: There is no significant relationship between Administrators’ supervisory skills and

teachers’ competence in student evaluation in commerce.

1.6 Significance of the study

The researcher believed that this study will lead to the revelation that some administrator

approaches in their supervisory skills may not improve with the school setting and he may decide

to change his approach based on what may emerge from these studies. It involves helping

teachers’ to be properly prepared and be guided before coming to the class to enable him/her

successful carried out his assignment of teaching and learning.

To meet up with the expectation of Nigeria educational philosophy. For student, the finding

would be to them, for it would stand as a basic for onward day to day teaching which help

enhance adequate preparation by teachers as they are assessed by the Administrators. It’s

expected that this study will surely lead to improve teaching and learning by teachers and


1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this work is limited to administrators supervisory skills and teachers job

performance as panacea for students attitude and performance in commerce in Kosofe Local

Government Area of Lagos State. The population is restricted to public senior secondary schools

in SS1 and 2 the areas.

1.8 Definition of Term

Administrators: Administrators are capable men and woman appointed by Secondary Schools

Boards to head the Secondary School system.

Supervision: This involves the mechanism us by expected role and norms of the organization in

order to achieve the establish aim and objectives of the organization.

Skill: These are method or various method use to accomplish a goal

Teachers’: In a school setting are those who interpret the content of the curriculum to the

understanding to learners

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