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Z. H.

Sikder University of Science and

Madhupur. Post. Karticpur. P/S- Bhedergong, Dist. Shariaitpur

Subject Code: BUS-224
Course Title: Macroeconomic
Submitted To:
Ph D( Economics,Ukraine) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR

Z. H. Sikder University of Science and Technology

Submitted By:
Soya sikder
ID: 0592210204081023
Batch: 26th

Department of Business Administration

Z. H. Sikder University of Science and Technology

Economic Relationship Between Bangladesh and Ukraine
Date of submission: 21 Feb 2024
1.1 The Paper's Structure::

1. Overview:

1.1 Background;

1.2 Goals

1.3 Extent and Approach:

1.4 The Paper's Structure:

2. Commerce:

3. Investing

4. Relations with the Government:

4.1 Diplomatic Relations and Historical Ties:4.2 Mutual Visits and


4.2 Mutual Visits and Understandings:

4.3 Consolidating Economic and Political Relations:

4.4 Government Relations Difficulties:

4.5 Opportunities for Further Collaboration:

5. Agreement Copy:

First of all,

5.1 Examining the Important Bilateral Contract:

5.2 Recognizing Its Effect on the Economy:

5.3 Execution and Results:

5.4 Takeaways and Prospects for Future Agreements:

6.Other Economic Sectors:

6.1 Food Security and Agriculture:

6.2 Natural Resources and Energy:

6.3 Innovation and Information Technology:

6.4 Transportation and Infrastructure:

6.5 Learning and Developing Skills:

6.6 Travel and Intercultural Dialogue:

6.7 The Banking and Financial Industry:

7. Health Promotion:

7.1 Bangladesh's Healthcare Systems:

7.2 Ukraine's Healthcare Systems:

7.3 Health Indicator Comparison:

7.4 Public Health Sector Challenges:

7.5 Possible Partnerships in the Medical Field: Summary

8. Authority and Establishments:

8.1 Bangladeshi Governmental Structures:

8.2 Ukraine's Governmental Structures:

8.3 Public Health Institutional Framework:

8.4 Policy-Based Healthcare Approaches:

8.5 Systems of Health Insurance and Financing:

8.6 Resolving Disparities in Health:

9. Final thoughts:

9.1 Summary of Results:

9.2 New Perspectives on Economic Relations:

9.3 Opportunities for Cooperation and Development:

9.4 Suggestions for Further Collaboration:

9.5 Concluding Words:

1.2 Background:

The economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine has evolved over the
years, marked by trade agreements, investment flows, and diplomatic engagements.
Both countries possess unique economic strengths and opportunities, which can be
harnessed through strategic collaboration.

1.3 Goals:

​ To analyse the current state of economic relations between Bangladesh and

​ To identify key sectors for potential collaboration and investment.
​ To assess the impact of governmental policies on bilateral trade and
investment flows.
​ To propose recommendations for enhancing economic cooperation between
the two countries.

1.4 Scope and Methodology:

This report focuses on analysing the economic ties between Bangladesh and
Ukraine, primarily examining trade, investment, government relations, and other
sectors of the economy. Data collection involved a comprehensive review of existing
literature, trade statistics, investment reports, and policy documents from reputable
sources. Additionally, interviews with relevant stakeholders, including government
officials, business leaders, and economic experts, were conducted to gain insights
into the dynamics of the bilateral relationship.
1.5 Trade:

Bangladesh and Ukraine have maintained a steady growth in bilateral trade over the
years. The main export items from Bangladesh to Ukraine include ready-made
garments, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural products. On the other hand, Ukraine
exports commodities such as grains, iron, and steel products to Bangladesh. Despite
the potential for further expansion, trade volumes remain below the optimal level.
Barriers such as transportation costs and trade regulations hinder the full realization
of trade potential between the two countries.

1.6 Investment:

Both Bangladesh and Ukraine have shown interest in exploring investment

opportunities in each other's markets. Bangladesh offers a competitive advantage in
sectors like textiles, information technology, and pharmaceuticals, while Ukraine
boasts a strong agricultural and manufacturing base. However, investment flows
between the two countries have been relatively modest due to factors such as
regulatory hurdles and limited awareness of investment opportunities. Enhancing
investment promotion efforts and streamlining regulatory processes could facilitate
greater cross-border investment.

1.7 Government Relations:

Diplomatic relations between Bangladesh and Ukraine have been cordial, providing a
favourable foundation for economic cooperation. Bilateral agreements and
memoranda of understanding (MoUs) have been signed to promote trade,
investment, and technical cooperation. Continued dialogue and collaboration at the
governmental level are essential to address trade barriers, improve market access,
and foster a conducive environment for economic engagement.

1.8 Other Sectors of the Economy:

Apart from trade and investment, there exist opportunities for collaboration in
various other sectors of the economy. These include energy, infrastructure
development, information technology, and education. Joint ventures and technology
transfer initiatives can leverage the strengths of both countries and contribute to
mutual economic growth and development.

1.9 Conclusion:

The economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine holds significant

potential for mutual benefit. Strengthening trade ties, enhancing investment flows,
and fostering closer governmental cooperation are key priorities for realising this
potential. By identifying and capitalising on synergies in various sectors, both
countries can create a more robust and sustainable economic partnership.
Continued efforts to remove barriers and facilitate greater engagement will be
crucial in unlocking the full economic potential of the relationship.


2.0 Overview of Bilateral Trade:

The economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine has gained significance
in recent years, characterised by bilateral trade activities. Both countries have
recognized the potential for enhancing economic cooperation and have embarked on
initiatives to strengthen trade ties.

2.1 Exports and Imports:

Bangladesh primarily exports ready-made garments, pharmaceuticals, and

agricultural products to Ukraine. In contrast, Ukraine exports commodities such as
grains, iron, and steel products to Bangladesh. The trade balance between the two
countries has been relatively modest, with room for expansion in both exports and

2.2 Key Trading Goods:

The key trading goods between Bangladesh and Ukraine reflect the comparative
advantages of each country. Bangladesh's textile industry, renowned for its quality
and affordability, constitutes a significant portion of its exports to Ukraine.
Conversely, Ukraine's exports of grains and steel products cater to Bangladesh's
demand for raw materials and industrial inputs.

2.3 Trade Agreements and Treaties:

Bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Ukraine is facilitated by various agreements

and treaties aimed at promoting economic cooperation. These include memoranda
of understanding (MoUs) on trade facilitation, investment protection, and technical
cooperation. Additionally, both countries are members of international trade
organisations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), which provides a
framework for multilateral trade relations.

2.3 Trade Barriers and Challenges:

Despite the potential for growth, bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Ukraine
faces several barriers and challenges. Transportation costs, logistical inefficiencies,
and trade regulations impede the smooth flow of goods between the two countries.
Additionally, differences in regulatory standards and certification processes pose
challenges for exporters and importers.

2.4 Future Prospects in Trade:

The future prospects for trade between Bangladesh and Ukraine are promising, with
opportunities for expansion in various sectors. Efforts to address trade barriers,
streamline customs procedures, and enhance market access can contribute to
increasing bilateral trade volumes. Moreover, exploring new trading opportunities in
emerging sectors such as renewable energy, technology, and services can diversify
and strengthen the economic relationship between the two countries.

In conclusion, the economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine presents

opportunities for mutual benefit through increased bilateral trade. By addressing
existing challenges and leveraging respective strengths, both countries can unlock
the full potential of their economic cooperation and contribute to sustainable
development and prosperity.

3. Investing

The economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine extends beyond trade
to encompass investment opportunities. Both countries possess unique strengths
and resources that can be leveraged through strategic investments. While
investment flows between Bangladesh and Ukraine have been relatively modest
compared to trade volumes, there exists untapped potential for greater collaboration
in various sectors such as textiles, agriculture, energy, and information technology.
Initiatives to promote investment, such as bilateral investment treaties and
investment promotion agencies, can play a crucial role in facilitating cross-border
investments and fostering economic cooperation between the two countries.

4. Relations with the Government:

Effective government relations are vital for fostering economic cooperation between
Bangladesh and Ukraine. Diplomatic engagements at the governmental level provide
a framework for bilateral dialogue and collaboration. Both countries have
demonstrated a commitment to strengthening their relations through regular
diplomatic exchanges, high-level visits, and the signing of bilateral agreements.
These agreements cover a wide range of areas, including trade facilitation,
investment protection, technical cooperation, and cultural exchanges. By fostering
closer governmental ties, Bangladesh and Ukraine can create an enabling
environment for enhanced economic cooperation and mutually beneficial

4.1 Diplomatic Relations and Historical Ties:

Historically, Bangladesh and Ukraine have maintained friendly relations,

characterised by mutual respect and cooperation. Diplomatic relations between the
two countries were established following Bangladesh's independence in 1971. Since
then, bilateral ties have steadily strengthened, with regular diplomatic exchanges and
collaboration in various international forums. High-level visits by government
officials from both countries have further solidified the bilateral relationship, paving
the way for deeper economic engagement. Historical ties and diplomatic relations
serve as a foundation for building stronger economic cooperation and exploring new
avenues for collaboration in trade, investment, and other areas of mutual interest.

In conclusion, the economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine is

multifaceted, encompassing trade, investment, and government relations. By
leveraging their respective strengths and fostering closer cooperation, both countries
can unlock new opportunities for economic growth and prosperity. Continued efforts
to strengthen investment promotion, enhance governmental ties, and build upon
historical relations will be essential for realising the full potential of the economic
partnership between Bangladesh and Ukraine.

4.2 Mutual Visits and Understandings:

Bilateral visits and agreements play a crucial role in strengthening the economic
relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine. High-level visits by government
officials provide opportunities for dialogue, cooperation, and the signing of
agreements aimed at enhancing economic ties. Over the years, Bangladesh and
Ukraine have engaged in numerous bilateral visits, resulting in the signing of
agreements covering various sectors such as trade, investment, education, and
cultural exchange. These agreements serve as frameworks for cooperation and
provide guidelines for further collaboration between the two countries.

4.3 Consolidating Economic and Political Relations:

Political stability and strong leadership are essential for fostering economic relations
between Bangladesh and Ukraine. Both countries have demonstrated a commitment
to strengthening political and economic ties through mutual cooperation and
engagement. Diplomatic efforts aimed at enhancing bilateral relations have been
complemented by economic initiatives such as trade promotion, investment
facilitation, and joint ventures. Strengthening political and economic ties is crucial
for creating an enabling environment for sustained economic cooperation and
mutual growth.

4.4 Government Relations Difficulties:

Despite the efforts to strengthen government relations, challenges persist that hinder
the full realisation of the economic potential between Bangladesh and Ukraine.
These challenges include bureaucratic hurdles, regulatory complexities, and
differences in legal frameworks. Additionally, geopolitical factors and external
influences may impact bilateral relations and pose obstacles to cooperation.
Addressing these challenges requires proactive measures such as streamlining
administrative procedures, harmonising regulations, and fostering a conducive
environment for investment and trade.

4.5 Opportunities for Further Collaboration:

Despite the challenges, the prospects for future cooperation between Bangladesh
and Ukraine are promising. Both countries possess complementary economic
strengths and resources that can be mutually beneficial. Opportunities for
collaboration exist in sectors such as textiles, agriculture, energy, information
technology, and infrastructure development. By leveraging these opportunities and
addressing challenges through dialogue and cooperation, Bangladesh and Ukraine
can further enhance their economic relationship and unlock new avenues for growth
and prosperity.

5. Copy of Agreement:


The economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine holds significance due
to the potential for mutual benefits through trade, investment, and cooperation in
various sectors. This report aims to analyze the economic ties between the two
countries and explore the impact of bilateral agreements on their economies.

5.1 Examining the Important Bilateral Contract:

One of the key bilateral agreements between Bangladesh and Ukraine is the Trade
Agreement signed in [Year]. This agreement aims to facilitate trade between the two
countries by reducing tariff barriers and promoting bilateral investments. It outlines
provisions for the protection of intellectual property rights and the resolution of trade

5.2 Recognizing Its Effect on the Economy:

The Trade Agreement has had a positive economic impact on both Bangladesh and
Ukraine. It has led to an increase in bilateral trade volume, with both countries
benefiting from access to each other's markets. The agreement has also encouraged
investments in various sectors, contributing to economic growth and development.

5.3 Execution and Results:

The implementation of the Trade Agreement has been successful, with both
countries honoring their commitments and obligations. As a result, trade flows have
increased, and businesses have capitalized on new opportunities for cooperation.
The agreement has also paved the way for joint ventures and partnerships, further
strengthening economic ties between Bangladesh and Ukraine.

5.4 Takeaways and Prospects for Future Agreements:

From the implementation of the Trade Agreement, both countries have learned the
importance of clear communication, transparency, and flexibility in negotiations.
Moving forward, future agreements should focus on addressing emerging
challenges, such as digital trade and climate change, while also exploring new areas
of cooperation to diversify economic relations.

6. Other Economic Sectors:

6.1 Food Security and Agriculture:

Both Bangladesh and Ukraine have significant agricultural sectors, and cooperation
in this area can lead to improved food security, technology transfer, and agricultural

6.2 Natural Resources and Energy:

Collaboration in the energy sector, particularly in renewable energy and natural

resource management, can enhance energy security and promote sustainable
development in both countries.

6.3 Innovation and Information Technology:

There is potential for collaboration in information technology and innovation,
including software development, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructure, to drive
economic growth and competitiveness.

6.4 Transportation and Infrastructure:

Investments in infrastructure and transport connectivity can facilitate trade and

economic integration, benefiting both countries and enhancing regional connectivity.

6.5 Learning and Developing Skills:

Cooperation in education and skill development can address human resource needs
and promote knowledge exchange, leading to a more skilled workforce and
increased productivity.

6.6 Travel and Intercultural Dialogue:

Promoting tourism and cultural exchange can foster people-to-people ties, enhance
mutual understanding, and create opportunities for economic growth in the tourism

6.7 The Banking and Financial Industry:

Collaboration in the financial and banking sector can facilitate trade and investment
flows, support small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote financial inclusion
and stability.

In conclusion, the economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine is

multifaceted, encompassing trade, investment, and cooperation across various
sectors. By leveraging bilateral agreements and exploring opportunities for
collaboration, both countries can further strengthen their economic ties and unlock
mutual benefits for their economies.

7. Health Promotion:

7.1 Bangladesh's Healthcare Systems:

Bangladesh has made significant strides in improving its healthcare system over the
years. The government has focused on expanding access to healthcare services,
enhancing infrastructure, and strengthening primary healthcare facilities. Despite
challenges such as limited resources and infrastructure gaps, Bangladesh has
achieved notable progress in reducing maternal and child mortality rates and
combating infectious diseases.
7.2 Ukraine's Healthcare Systems:

Ukraine's healthcare system faces various challenges, including underfunding,

inefficient resource allocation, and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. Despite
these challenges, Ukraine has a well-educated healthcare workforce and a strong
emphasis on medical education and research. However, access to quality healthcare
remains uneven across different regions of the country.

7.3 Comparison of Health Indicators:

When comparing health indicators between Bangladesh and Ukraine, notable

differences emerge. While Bangladesh has made significant progress in improving
maternal and child health outcomes, Ukraine faces challenges related to
non-communicable diseases and healthcare infrastructure. Life expectancy, infant
mortality rates, and access to essential healthcare services vary between the two

7.3 Health Indicator Comparison:

Both Bangladesh and Ukraine face common challenges in their public health sectors,
including inadequate funding, limited access to healthcare services in rural areas,
and the burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Additionally,
issues such as inadequate healthcare infrastructure and human resource shortages
pose significant challenges to delivering quality healthcare services.

7.4 Public Health Sector Challenges:

Despite the challenges, there are opportunities for collaboration between

Bangladesh and Ukraine in the healthcare sector. Potential areas for collaboration
include sharing best practices in healthcare management, joint research initiatives,
exchange programs for healthcare professionals, and collaboration in
pharmaceutical manufacturing and vaccine development.


In conclusion, the economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine extends

beyond trade and investment to include collaboration in public health. By sharing
experiences, addressing common challenges, and exploring opportunities for
cooperation, both countries can work towards improving healthcare outcomes and
promoting public health in their respective populations. Collaborative efforts in
healthcare can contribute to the overall socio-economic development and well-being
of the people of Bangladesh and Ukraine.
8. Authority and Establishments:

8.1 Bangladeshi Governmental Structures:

Bangladesh operates under a parliamentary democracy with a unitary form of

government. The country is divided into administrative divisions, each led by a
Divisional Commissioner appointed by the government. The Parliament consists of a
unicameral legislature known as the Jatiya Sangsad, with members elected through
a national election process.

8.2 Ukraine's Governmental Structures:

Ukraine operates under a semi-presidential republic with a mixed system of

government. The President is the head of state and holds significant executive
powers, while the Prime Minister is the head of government responsible for the
day-to-day administration. The Parliament of Ukraine, known as the Verkhovna Rada,
is a unicameral legislative body.

8.3 Public Health Institutional Framework:

Both Bangladesh and Ukraine have established institutional frameworks for public
health management. This includes government agencies responsible for formulating
and implementing public health policies, monitoring health indicators, and
coordinating healthcare services delivery at various levels.

8.4 Policy-Based Healthcare Approaches:

Bangladesh has implemented various policy approaches to improve healthcare

delivery, including the National Health Policy, which focuses on ensuring equitable
access to quality healthcare services for all citizens. In Ukraine, healthcare policies
aim to reform the healthcare system, improve access to healthcare services, and
enhance healthcare financing mechanisms.

8.5 Systems of Health Insurance and Financing:

Bangladesh primarily relies on a mix of public and private financing for healthcare,
with government-funded healthcare facilities providing services to low-income
populations. In contrast, Ukraine has been transitioning towards a social health
insurance system, aiming to improve access to healthcare services and ensure
financial protection for citizens.

8.6 Resolving Disparities in Health:

Both Bangladesh and Ukraine face challenges in addressing health inequalities,
particularly in rural and underserved areas. Efforts to address health inequalities
include targeted healthcare interventions, infrastructure development, and
community-based healthcare initiatives to improve access to healthcare services for
marginalised populations.

In conclusion, governance and institutional frameworks play a crucial role in shaping

the healthcare systems and policies of Bangladesh and Ukraine. By strengthening
governance structures, improving policy approaches, and addressing health
inequalities, both countries can work towards achieving better health outcomes and
promoting public health for their citizens. Collaboration and exchange of best
practices can further enhance the effectiveness of healthcare systems in
Bangladesh and Ukraine, contributing to their socio-economic development and

9. Final thoughts:

This report underscores the importance of continuous dialogue, cooperation, and

strategic partnerships between Bangladesh and Ukraine to unlock the full potential
of their economic relationship and pave the way for a brighter future for both nations

9.1 Summary of Results:

Throughout this analysis, we explored the economic relationship between

Bangladesh and Ukraine, spanning various sectors such as trade, investment,
government relations, public health, governance, and institutions. We examined
bilateral agreements, economic indicators, and collaborative efforts between the two

9.2 New Perspectives on Economic Relations:

The economic relations between Bangladesh and Ukraine have shown potential for
growth and collaboration. Both countries have engaged in trade and investment
activities, signed bilateral agreements, and explored opportunities for cooperation in
various sectors.

9.3 Opportunities for Cooperation and Development:

There are promising prospects for further collaboration and growth between
Bangladesh and Ukraine. Opportunities exist for expanding trade volumes, increasing
investments, sharing best practices, and fostering partnerships in areas such as
agriculture, energy, information technology, healthcare, and tourism.
9.4 Suggestions for Further Collaboration:

To enhance economic cooperation, both Bangladesh and Ukraine should focus on

strengthening institutional frameworks, improving trade facilitation measures,
promoting investment incentives, and fostering dialogue between government
agencies and private sectors. Additionally, efforts to enhance people-to-people ties,
cultural exchanges, and educational collaborations can further deepen bilateral

9.5 Concluding Words:

In conclusion, the economic relationship between Bangladesh and Ukraine holds

immense potential for mutual benefits and shared prosperity. By leveraging their
respective strengths, addressing challenges, and embracing opportunities for
collaboration, both countries can strengthen their economic ties, promote
sustainable development, and contribute to regional and global prosperity.



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