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FIRE – fire is a chemical chain reaction which takes place with the evolution of the heat and light
- It is the state, process or instance of combustion in which combustible material is burned at a sufficient
temperature and sustained by oxygen, giving off light, heat and flame.
- It is the product of chemical reaction in which combustible material burn at a sufficient temperature and
sustain by an oxidizing chemical
- Is the manifestation of rapid chemical reaction, occurring between fuel and oxidizer

Results of Fire
1. Light – it is a form of flame
- FLAME – composed of glowing particles of the burning material and certain gaseous product that are
luminous at the temperature of burning material
2. Heat – energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature
- The energy possessed by a material or substance due to molecular activity

The Chemistry of Fire

Chemistry- it is a branch of science that deals with the composition, structure and properties of matter and the
changes in undergoes
Matter – anything that occupies space and has mass
Atom – smallest part of a matter

States of Matter
a. Solid – the molecules are closely packed together or are held firmly in place.
b. Liquid – Molecules are loosely packed together or separated from each other
c. Gas (Vapor) – Molecules are greatly separated from each other and are free to move

ONLY VAPOR CAB BURN. It is because solid and liquid molecules are tightly packed to be surrounded by oxygen

When a solid or liquid is heated, the molecules move rapidly. If enough hear is applied, some molecules break away
and form vapor missed with oxygen. If there is enough heat to raise the vapor to its IGNITION TEMPERATURE- it
will start burn

Changes of Matter
1. Evaporating- liquid to Gas
2. Melting- Solid to liquid
3. Condensation- Gas to Liquid
4. Freezing- Liquid to Solid
5. Sublimation- Solid to Gas (moth balls)

Principle of FIRE


TRIANGLE OF FIRE – for many years, the fire triangle (fuel, oxygen, and heat) was taught as the components of fire
while simple example is useful. It is not Technically correct.


1. Fuel – it is the combustible matter in which fire consumes
2. Heat – it is the thermal agitation of matter or increases of temperature at kindling point.
3. Oxygen – is the elements that sustains fire. The oxidizing agent

Fuel – the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the combustion process.

Fuel sources
a. Solid- molecules closely packed together
b. Liquid – molecules loosely packed
c. Gas- molecules are free to move

Oxygen (Oxidizing Agent)

- Colorless, odorless gas and of the order composition of air which is approximately 21%
Oxygen Sources
- 21% Normal Oxygen
- 78% Nitrogen
- 1% Other Gases
Oxygen Requirements
- 12% No Fire
- 14% Flush Point
- 21% Fire point

3. Heat – the energy components of the fire.

- when heats come into contact with a fuel, the energy surprises the combustion reaction

Temperature – a measures of degree of molecular activity of a material components to a reference point

- Measured in degrees Fahrenheit or degree Celsius

A. Heat Transfer (Propagation of Fire)

- Propagation the manner on how the fire transfer or spreads

3 means of propagation of fire.

1. Conduction- it is the heat transfer occurs in solids in which heat transfer from molecules to molecules
2. Convection- it is the heat transfer that occurs in fluid/liquid and gasses in which fire transfer from
molecules to molecules
3. Radiation – it is the means of heat transfer that occurs in vacuum in which heat travels in a form heat wave.

Fire Extinguishment
1. Cooling - This method removes heat from the fire, effectively lowering the temperature below the point of
2. Starvation -This method removes the fuel source from the fire, preventing it from sustaining itself.
3. Smothering -This method displaces or removes oxygen from the fire, preventing combustion.


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