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Village City

Small, rural settlement Larger urban settlement

Fewer buildings (family houses) and more natural surroundings Large skyscrapers (flats), bustling streets, and modern infrastructure,
including transportation systems, hospitals, schools, and shopping
Located in the countryside, Centres of
centred around agricultural activities (farming, animal husbandry) commerce, industry, and innovation
Small, close-knit communities where everyone knows each other
People from different cultural and social backgrounds living and working

More traditional and family-oriented with a slower pace of life and a Fast-paced and more individualistic, with people often focused on their
stronger sense of community careers and personal goals
Lack of work possibilities, access to certain services and facilities, Many options to build their careers, and there are entertainment
and a lack of diversity but rich in traditions: people celebrate various venues: cinemas, theatres, museums, restaurants
events like religious festivals, and cultural events together, Melting pots of ideas, traditions, and perspectives, diversity is reflected
Opportunity for hiking, fishing, and other outdoor activities, direct in the city's food, music, art, and architecture,
connection to nature may be extremely refreshing and healing Vibrant nightlife and social scene
a simpler, more sustainable way of life high cost of living, cities' size and complexity can be overwhelming
strong feeling of community, sense of belonging and friendship people might feel alone and disconnected from their surroundings

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