Formal Theme English (Grade 9)

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St. Mary’s Academy of Sto.

*PAASCU Re-Accredited (Level II) * CEAP and RVM-EAP Member
Tel: (044) 323 – 4010 Email: Website:

Name: Robin Johann P. Valencia

Section: 9 - GENTLENESS
Group Lead: Nicole Soberano

Stop Hating Asians

The quickest way to solve racism is to educate our students on the values of acceptance and
understanding, teach love instead of hatred against one another. Teach them to not judge due to
someone’s ethnicity, judge based on how they treat themselves and other people that interact in
the environments around them. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be
taught to love for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Prejudice
may have been taught inside or outside the homes, depending on who the child is around but,
that does not mean you can’t replace that hatred, with something more beautiful and that is love
and compassion for one another, no matter what the skin color may be.

We can also solve it by changing our mindset, changing our mindset to respect other religions
and countries. We can educate people to stop hating other for racism to end. We can also teach
them by trying to be empathetic, try to be on someone’s shoes. What if I was the one being
discriminated? What would I feel? It’s by trying to understand how others feel.

Treat them equally no matter what their skin look like or how their body is build. Spread some
awareness to the people you know that RACISM is bad and it doesn’t give you any advantages.
Don’t be biased to everyone according to their color

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