Discussion On Choroidal Thickness

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Effects of Atropine Treatment on Choroidal Thickness in Myopic Children

- 1% atropine could increase ChT, whereas 0.01% atropine caused a decrease in ChT after 6
m onths of treatm ent

-For participants receiving 1% atropine, the short-term increase in the ChT m ay predict long -term
eye elongation.

-Changes in ChT at the 6-m onth visit were negatively associated with the IAL changes over 6
m onths in both groups. Sim ilar results were found in m yopic children treated with
orthokeratology (Higher ChT = Lower IAL changes)

*Myopic children with the presence of peripapillary atrophy (PPA; an inner crescent of
chorioretinal atrophy with good visibility of the large choroid al vessels and the sclera) should be
closely monitored because they have a relatively poor response to 1% atropine and are at a high
risk of developing high m yopia and pathologic m yopia.

A retinal photograph centered on the optic

disc with the area of the PPA m anually
outlined (green shade area; C).

*These findings suggest that the choroidal thickening may participate in ocular growth retardation,
probably by influencing the synthesis activity of m olecular signals and the tr ansm ission ability of
choroid, or by increasing the ChT and choroidal blood flow and m itigating scleral hypoxia.
https://www .ncbi.nlm .nih.gov/pm c/articles/PMC5974399/

Daily morning light therapy is associated with an increase in choroidal thickness in healthy
young adults (20-29 years old)

-This study showed m orning light is effective on increasing choroidal thickness

https://pubm ed.ncbi.nlm .nih.gov/28935528/

Choroidal thickness and axial length changes in myopic children treated with orthokeratology

https://pubm ed.ncbi.nlm .nih.gov/30288939/

Change in subfoveal choroidal thickness secondary to orthokeratology and its cessation: a

predictor for the change in axial length

-Two studies showed ortho-k is effective on increasing choroidal thickness

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