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1, 2. 4. 5. “> of valence band and conduction band. POKHARA UNIVERS Ty Semester: Fal} The figures in the Margin indicate full marks, Attempt alt the questions, a) Derive the Wave function for an el in the infinite © the lectron Confined in the infinit ») Define the term electrons drift Velocity and mobility. How are they® related? Show that the Conductivity of electrons with in metallic conductor 1S product of charge density and mobility, a) Show that ionic conduction in liquid decreases with increase in temperature and increases with increases in electric field, 5) What'are different 'ypes of polarization in dielectric medium? Explain orientational Polarization in detail, > materials, b) Derive. the expression for density state per unit volume and per unit “energy. =~ a) In intrinsic Semiconductor, Prove that the Fermi Level lies at the center i i o> 18 3, b) Avheavily doped p-side with acceptor concentration of 10"* cm? is : isbnascied to Gas with donor concentration of 10"* cm®. Calculate the built in potential and depletion width. Assume T=300K and n,=1.45 10cm? a) Derive the Ideal diode Equation for PN junction, : b) Calculate the resistance of pure silicon cubic crystal of 1 em? at room What wil is it is doped Il be the resistance of the cube when it is do wart ae in 10° Silicon atoms and | boron sami per billion silicon ain i ilicon is 5*10” cm°, intrinsic i ration of silicon is 5 : oa ston hag" 1O cart Assume the mobilities of electron and concentratit i= I. hole are 1350 and 450 cm?V"'s". ~ a) Explain the ion implantation process with a neat sketch. b) A parallel plate capacitor has an area of 20cm? and a separation of 0.5 8 im. The space between the plates is filled with polyethylene. An alternative voltage with amplitude of 12V is applied at a frequency of 1.5 MHz. At this frequency, the real Part of the relative permittivity is 2.25 and the loss tangent is 4 10+. Calculate the energy dissipated per second. Write short notes on: (Any two) 2x @) Degenerate and Non-degenerate Semiconductor 5 >) Fermi Dirac distribution function / ¢) Diffusion and depletion layer capacitance pe nel ay hy - tes E37 jo** lo? Tor POKHARA UNIVERSITY Semester:Fall Year : 2020 Pull Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 45 Time: 3h. Level: Bachelor Programme: BIS Couuse: Electrical Engineering Materials, Candiclates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ‘The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. a) The nommalized wave function for electron in infinite potential is we =G)"Sin 2, where symbols have their usual meaning, Find the expected value of position and momentum for the electron. by What do you mean by efgtive mass of an electron? Derive an expression m' =h'/(@' Ek’). 1a) What is tunneling in quantum mechanics? Explain with the necessary mathematical expression, the nature of wave function in different regions in case of tunneling. ') Describe ionic conduction in electrolyte and show that ionic conduction in electrolyte depends on femporature. a) What is polarization? Derive the Clausius ~Massetti equation for ionic polarization. b) Describe about Hysteresis loop. Differentiate between hard and soft riagnetic materials. ) Define intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Deduce mass action law and derive i; = (ves) €xpCEy/2KoT)where symbols have their usual meanings. .d the resistance of a lem’ pure Silicon crystal. What is the resistance when the erystal is doped with one Arsenic in 10° Silicon ‘aloms? Given: Atomic concentration is Si is 5 x 10% cm”, m= 1.45 * 10" cm, y= 1350em? VS" and yy = 450 em°V'S". 2) A heavily doped p side with accepter concentration of 10"em” is connected to n ~side with donor concentration of 10" cm”, Calculate the built in potential, depletion width in n-side and pide , total depletion width and electric field at the junction, Relative permittivity ») 1, 9, K=1.38x10, e=1.6x10"% of material is 11 5 wlation between diffusion b) What i diffusion? Derive Linstei coefficient and mobility of electrons. 2) The enystal of sodium chloride has state dielectric constant of optical index of refinetion 1.5. Calculate the percentage cont of ionic polarizability. b) Explain the ion implantation process with neat sketch. ‘Write short notes on: (Any Two) a) Feri-Dimae distribution b) Effect of temperature and frequency on dielectric €) Czochralski method of Crystal Growth 7 1 “611 38 pur ,.W9 4 O1xSP'T =U “HOOE =L 74 UAID pI uona|dap {TeIaAo pu fenUaIod WI 3IINq aR aTENI|RD {,.WO 5,0] JO UOHENUADUOD JOUOP WIM apIs-N 01 peIzeuU0D S| Wd 5,01 JO UoneNUasUOD so}deooe YIM apis-q Padop Ajjaeay V @ “pueg 89U9]2A pue pueg UONoNpuOD oy} UeeMIaq Sat] JOONPUOSTUIES oIsul. JPAe]-TuEY a Jey) MOYs UOTeALep AresseooU WM @ “severe op ul UoRezpeuseu pur Aqsuap xj 242 PUL *,.O1 HT St amueradurs woos 3 Aypiqndaosns om WIP UOAID * WY OT St ¢O%eq Jo ooaid v UI yuan spjey opeuseuoyL (4 ‘TeHsyem opauBeut yos pur prey ApIssejO ‘doo] sisezaysXy Jo diay sip IM EsTevoreU oneuTeMOUSzar wey “JOU 201XZO'9=YN PUR ,.|OUI8 56 f=" ‘W098 g*] St AIsuap su UAAIS IV PHOS JO sJuBIsUOD ONDe[SIP ONBIS aly SIEMITLD “WY, O1XL'] SI Wor ry Jo Apiqezisejod oronsaye ey (G -uoneztrejod amor 30 = pa wopenbe mosey -snisne[D eaueq = (e “S/O St UORDa|2 JO Aqpoppa oBéson8 Jt uOIsTT]Oo Uaamieq Hed aay wesw pue uM say WEST 2 AMAL *,.5,.4 AHO gg JO AUy[Gow aney JeYereUr UoHONpUCD W (q ‘wonsale Ue Jo ANTIgoUr am TIM WeTsyyEI0o uoisnyyip Banejar uopenbs s,uyaysuig soy uorssaidxe am arteq (e “JeISAuo Ul UORoe|a Ue Jo sseu BANOAYJo Joy UoIssaidxe ue eAEq (q EfPA9] ABxoU9 TINOY amp 01 ind aq wes LONdeIe STR sso} ‘Couanbayy uerpes pue uonoaje lp jo ABsous punos’ amp erejnopeD “WIL Z'0 8ZIs Jo |J>m JeRUAIOd syUTFUT Ue Oo} pauTfuCD s| UONoZJa Uy (B ssuonsanb ay) jo iduany “symm mf arorpus uiS.z0w ays uy samBif ay, “2qqoouooad so 40f 0 Sp1oK umo soy Uy scomsun 4yoy) an18 01 posmnba. a40 sarepypoD ‘yg: UNL Sh SSURIN sseq STeLoIeW] Supeeursug jeoNda|g :esmNoD 001 SRN Ing Ag sourmesBorg 6107: reo Wed steysautag Jojeyoeg :Jonoy ALISUBAINN VUVHNOd ‘Moss [eIshto Jo spomaut suoz Suyeoy (> TTP Urewop pue emonns urewrog (q : uonsuTy YOM (e SxZ 4 (omg Atry) to saqou poys au2A, “uolssaidxa Aressacou 8 im soseZ ur covjd soye, woreztuo; repuooes oy Moy uredxg (q 2 “ssadoid uoneoLigey 9] Uo ydeotoo Jouqeealn (e& i npuosnues ad Ayu uy jUaTOYJOO? drysuoneyas uraisung aquosad (4 Jo}ONpuosusas aisutQuT Ur woReAUaIIOD UOTDaTe OJ uopeja: ayy aaved (© raqamosonu §@ Jo Play Snauseu seonpord LwYyOOZE JO PIPB Suznauseur ev vay Wd 70 Pare yeuonoes “sso jo 109 worT we jo Aaqqndassns pue Ariqveutzad ayeynTeD @ Loyeul ojousew yos pue Prey waaMieg susnaudewouey Jo Aroey) ulewop ayy Inoge uredxg (e é “kuyiqezisejod jo seared ayy ayeynoqe “Ateanoadsas s'9 pue SP'T Jo} weIsUAD OINOBeIP aly PUB UOTIOBITAI JO xoput yeondo au, (4 , ~ “An uLd ayy YM Agezuejod Sunejes ‘uonezimRjod suoNoea Joy ut yenba mossey “snisne[g) al aaueq ‘uoneEzuEjod oy uonRa: UI Ploy Too] euyeq Ce -sureiSerp Aresseoau yim sase8 ur uonoMpuo feInoape uredxg “CPAP = woissardxe up aatiag juondeja ue Jo sseu aanoaye Aq urow! nok op TeUA (@ Ayyiqows woR2aTe 0} 10191 uorsnyyIp wonpaye sarejay yORM arenuazalyt ‘yeaay ABsau9 punoi wouy jana] ABieu9 Ypnoy ayy ye voNDale atp ind 0} pasinbos WBusjsaem ain puty ‘Souenbey werpes pue womoaje emp Jo ABioue punosS op SIRIND|PD “WU CTT "O ezIs JO ]Jam auUyU Ue OF Pouyjuod si uoNosja UW (4 “uonenba suaBurporyog + nispuedapui oun aaueq soNeW jo Auenp sforred oem urejdxg (e ‘suonsanb ayp yo sdwony “syrou nf aroorpun wiBaow ayy ur soanBof 2141, ‘anqnonaoad so inf S0 Spi0m umo 404) ws s4amsuo yay) an)8 01 paambou auv sazopipuo Spam SujsauRug peoynoe|g sso Aq sauuresforg Jojayoeg Janay RTA TIN 610: BAK funds siasawag ALISUBAINN VUVHWOdd S99014 Mor8 Teskio r¥stemysoz4 © UoHdE sseu jo meq (q Sxt Turerdxg (q éManonpuos ayy S} rey “uoyswore ie ot demmeiedua rem we woos jo edsa1 's"A/wHo Ocy pue SAD OOET Ou 9tN JT wW9/,.0Lx1OS-1 st (i009) IIS 40} ortenuaouod 4 SIsUERN ayL (eg t Gaoueys{sar MAL BYR S| YM *,LWO/sUIOT UOIOG OUT UE padop soywry St 4 J] ‘OoL? We [Ora] fuuay SISULAUT SI Woy [Ad] {Way UL YIYS ey} pue soUrISisaL sit ‘U purg “woysuore Auowpuy 01 iM padop si} ajdures uoais vy (q “(zg = 4q] ‘pueq uoronpuos ay} pue pug aouR[eA at} Uaemied Aempiut Sat JooNpuoo Us d[SULsIU JO [AI] 1WUEy ayI Tey MoYS (B ‘daqam o1D{W pZ Jo xn oNeUseUW saonposd W/V 00ZI JO YBuUENS pfey oneuseu e UoyM jw 7'Q Bare feuOTIES -s8010 Jo eq uoL! Ue Jo Aupiqndeosns pue Aiyiqeautiad ay areinofey -(G y gsteyereut onaufetu ul ssol sigezeisky pue ssof queuno Appa uayy urejdxg (e Ky used izirejod 0} Sunejas ‘uoneziejod o1uoNoaia 40} UoReNbs mossepsnisne[D ayl eauiaq ‘uoreziejod jo sadhy ayy aM (q cammeseduiay yin Afasreaut spuedap NPUOD d1UOT FeyT MOUS (B Zumuapg dour Jo snipe s}wore pue Jajawered soe] “uonesUIOUOD SWOT Si TY * [OW 8 p6'S6 JO SseUI dTWOTe Ue pu‘, + uo 8 Zz‘O1 Jo Aulsuap B “oimonas |eisKio JO ay sey uNuepakjo~ (4 “Auyiqour pue Ausuap aBreyo so yonposd st soyonpuos WAU UL YIM SUORO@[a Jo AYWAONPUOS ayy Jey? MOYS Lpare[ar » Kay are mop “Ayt[Igour pue [2A YUP suonogja uss} ayy euyaq (e ‘uosaafa ue Aq paidnoso aq |IIm Jade] ABsaua tuuay ay2 MO[aq A2CO AHS B tay Auyiqeqosd o4g6 st asey YOIyM ye aumreraduar ain pury (q ‘uorenba aaem s.JaBuIposyag Jo WHOS : rwepuadepur aU ayy ealieg {uonoUNy anem Aq URaUI NO Op RUM (e ou ‘suonssanb ayy yo }dwany. ‘syamud jynf arooypur uiBaoui ays ut saanBif ayy “aqqoayondd so 40f 80 SpAoK wiso stay) Uj SsomsuD AoY) aa]8 01 posmnbou 40 sojuprpuo>) “sg: Ou, Sb Sse] seq Hare Sursoul3ug [eowjoalg :asinos 001 S4sBW [IN dg souureBorg 8107: wea, [Py soysouag cera 3]2AaT ALISUZAINN VEVHOd SxZ fenuaiod uf ymg @ 10) jeuormuaG (q Yonmuedui uot (omg Aty) :uo sajou ‘HOYS ony, “Toronpuodlwias Jo [e\sKio aPBuls sy wrego oy D PiseysozD ayy urerdyo “yoroys rau yt (q UNUOS ou ULeIqO pur YrBUR| Woisnyip auyag @ Woneziie|og (sejodip anbiutpay YMOLD [RISKS *S2/04 405 uonenba Aymi Tw ay JwAU SI [PAE] -sojonpuoozures uooi{is ound uy deB pueg Jo a]ppr raiag Jo uonisod ay) 1exR eAo1g gioronpuosTIBes Jo sada up axe THUAN (© “OLx7EL'7 8} wNFUTUINTE JO Auyiqudeosns ayy “wNTUTWNTE YM Pax{f ST [}09 ‘ButAureo yuaLINo B UTM 201 auseu Jo sedAy ‘soJeyoq onougeur oxp 0} SuTpoooe sye}s9}eUI ON quaiapip ap urejdxg gsiusuiow efodip oneuseu Aq wesw nok op rey (8 + JOU ,,01XZ0'9="N PUP Jou eee «lio g'] st Aysuap sy Waals ry PyOs JO siEsUOS NO2IOIP OH ain aeIMoyeD *,WY,.01XL'T St Wore xy Jo AyIqezurejod ouoNoaTe SUL (4 “Ayamnraned oy qm Anyiqezuejod Sumejes ‘uonezirejod ooo Joy uorenbe Mosse] -snisne{Q ay SAWEq ‘voHEziejod 0} uoNeal WI play Teo, euyeq (& “amyesoduray uo spuadap axd[onge[9 Ul UOHONpUOD oTuOr Tey, MOYS PUR s1AJox109|9 UT OHONPUOD a1Uo! aquosaq LPINbY] UI UMOpyBaq jeoInos]a Aq uvaw! Nod op reUAA (q (wore Jad uoqoaja aay suo sumssy) *, JOU ¢*E9 s} ssew onMoIe SH pure wows 96°g st seddoo jo Ausuap ay *,.W9,.75,01x 6° S| eddoo 30 AYHonpuos ayp wey UaAls ‘oimyerodury woos ye saddoo ut suondaye Uononpuos Jo aun BuLoyeos ue ap pue Aupiqou Yup ap aremnoyed (e “Augoui pur Aysuap aB2ey9 Jo onpoud s} 1oonpuos ouTreW UTP suonos[a Jo AyAnonpuos ey yey MOYS gparefal Ao are mor “ApIqour pue Ay90j2A YUP uoNos[a sua} am suyog (q ‘TM Tenuarod eyuy ur ue o} pauyuos uoNDe|= ue. JO AB9u0 . 1p 40) uoyssaidxe aup aauiog vajdioutd Azureaoun s,SioquestaH auyaq (e ‘suonsanb ays yo 1dwany ‘Syapue nf arooypun wB20u sip wy somByf ayy “eqoouopad so 40 80 SpioM UMO stay) Wy S4amsu 4}04) 2x18 01 paamnBou ao seroppun ‘sgt OU Sb SHIEY sseg SHIP SupeoUrsug Teolnoeig :asmo> Pe TINY a ourmrerSo1g aA, Bundg sa\seweg sojsyseg :yoaaq ALISUSAINN VUVHOd ay) uayM ‘g pjey opeuseUr ey) UT esearOUT eBequsoied omy pul (4 4 SxZ AydesBouptjoioyg (9 ‘woHOUNE Ng paserq premio} jo a{dioud Suiserg (q Tow Jo Au0ay uonodqa sary (e (043 Atry) :u0 sajou yoys SA ‘amy Aressooeu WHIM WMorB TeIsAt0 Jo ssovoid au0z Sunreoyy oi urejdxg guintmeuLios ‘em sfeuowetr Sunonpuoonuas 10, pauayaid st woos sam (@ a squaroyjaco ToIsnBIP otf pue Aifiqour ay wsemieq diysuonear suisisug ap Joy uorssaidxe ey) eaoq] Zitistayye0o uorsnyyIp £q uvaus Nok op rey (e O0s=L pue .Wd,.01XSp'] Sf} WoReNueouCS oisuIUT ey, “WIplm uoNeldep Hexeao pue epis-d pue opis-u ur wypim uortojdep ‘Jenuaiod ut ymq aU OEINOTED “.W9,,01 JO VOHERUOUCD JOOP YIM epis-U 2 payout ST _,W9,,01 JO UoreNUacUCD Jo}deooe yum apis-d padop Ajiazay y (Q 1 juato1ja09 UoIsKyyIp pue AryfIqow uaeMI2q ain moqe uoNBALAP Kressavou yum ureidyy (@ “9 Lay, ,O1 = Play) otnoa|a ue 40) suonsap= pur sajoy Jo As0|an YUP ay WINDIBD OsTy “TeHTHU oIsULAUL 2up Ul SuONZaa Jo AYSUAP aI BEINIIED “s-a/,t 1° St wintuewtse5) tar So0g a AujiqoU! 3]OU BULL 'S-4/,U4 6E'0 St ODE 1” AUIGOU! uonsaj9 Lau “wes Gyro St NOE 7 wUUUIE’ Jo Anjansisay oysutnel SLL @ ung uononpuoe pure pureg 20u9]e~ wasmraq gKemprur son) soronpuoomuias,atsurmut Jo [aAay mua TH MOUS es Shouse urany Rul ZoyouR wos ur Jono w9/suanHOZ L — diysuoneyay s,u1e L971 PIPY jo Sumpurm ev ysnonp possed st yuan? WO I! voneznousou g jo Aysuarur ayy pur play) oneauBow F JO Ausuanur pray aun awnsrea bp sjeuarew shaumeu pzey pue Yos usomiag ysingunsig (4 ssyeuiaieuts JO ssej9 YO? 40} ajdurexa ¢ ur anip ‘sfeuarewr onauseuelp Pu snaumuend uaowiag ysingunsig (°'P 8 spéuare uy suustueyoaus uonrZetod 163723HP umdxg (4 unoaja moy ureidxg (FE L sose ut aoeyd say wononpuoe [P “suotsiy]0> w2o%leg 1D “8/01 x ZT SE paads wag s1 suonga|e voronpuos Jo SGoN yua @ .gopus aanioeyje aancdau ideas ena oy vorssaudxe wmgo a@ suonsaja Jo ured saij weal aut PINT ueow puke ~—S1-Az' fo sseu aansaya vent 1 e Burqjanen uoroud # Jo nsua|enem areinole -ABs9Ua YU suap suyad (@ T g osty uosa|® J StU 006 suorouny saves Jo AU 6 Aieasjoqesed soya af 1 mous -suonsonb ayy yo sawn yur saandyf UL ajqoouze.d s nba 240 SaxoPIPuPD qu pnp av0ogpen wyBuD Mt 2H sayy wy szamsur snayl 2A 01 P28 unf.sp spsow wend | oungatel :98!M0D sug UM me :syJ0 WW a s(ruare suyaoulsua won ig 98009 001 Tek seg 8009S aa ea oT ALISHAAING yuvHAod ae b) What are the advantages of Sili con over Germanium? Write the 345 advantages of ion implantation process over diffusion process, 7. Write short notes on: (Any two) 2x5 a) Compensation doping b) Dielectric breakdown ¢) Czochralski method of crystal growth POKHARA UNIVERSITY + Spri Year 22017 eee Semester SmunB Full Mars: 100 Course: Electrical Engineering Materials Pass Marks: 45 Time : Shrs. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Attempt all the questions. 1. a) Explain the Energy well model of metal and Show that the stationary wh? 8mL? b) If longest wavelength required photoelectric effect for a certain metal = 7 energy levels of the particle are given by E 0 is 2250A i. _ Find Work function of the metal ii. The velocity of electrons ejected from the metal surface if the ° same metal is radiated with 2 = 1800 A . iii, Kinetic energy of ejected electrons. 2. a) State Fick's law of diffusion. Derive Einstein's relationship between 8 mobility and diffusion coefficient. b) Explain how electrical conduction takes place in liquid ? 3. a) What is polarization? Show that “there will be no polarization if 8 ‘ eel”. b) Define local electric field. With the help of this obtain the expression — 7 for Clausius-Massotti equation, 4. a) Explain the domain structure and domain wall of magnetic material. b) What is magnetization, explain the types of magnetization? 8 5. a) What is minority carrier suppression? Prove electron concentration and conduction in n-type semiconductor is defined by donor impurity. b) A Si sample has been doped with 10!” arsenic atoms cm®, Calculate 6 the conductivity of sample at 27 °C and at 127 °C. Given, jte= 800 cm? VS" at 27°C, pe= 420 em? VIS"! at 127 °C and ni= 1.45 x 10!° cm’. © 1 Sxz fenuaiod ur ying = (9 sjeuaiew oneusew prey pure yog (q Waa yoaqaag = (B (om Auy) :uo soiou toys ars, {ssadoid uorsnyyip son0 sadeiueapesip Pue sodeiueape sy are rym “ssaooud uonmuowaldurt-uor urejdxq @ “(W901 X Spl =") 4ordnpuostwas 20y puke = uondaja 101 Wi pedop uaaq sey wo )01 Suturewos soonpuosrwas afi -u y smut uonenuzouos *E|ND]LD +, wd swore (2ordao2e)uos0g swore (s0U0p) snuoydsoug ,, (r al 9 8 pur 1 (eU0) PuonEWaNO UMidxa puE VoNEZUBIOd Jo sadéy ayn ApSSEID (a ie qmunde pieg ew {lAKv] 9pIXo Ul paonpUL iuawoW ajodip SA ore eg PRd SEAL aponDAID pe LinULIN|E UaEmIAg paride mete i P yeuuarod y “gsi (’a) CQyYy Jo ieIsuoD sundA\aip. d Jo aourntoedy mete as SPY WUDQOp Rae adnJNs annisaya Burzipixo & Jo Bunsisuios sasuapuon aijonsaia yy (@“€ oP, 5 Jaen SEP = su uoneyas ain anuag (q ; wonsaja jo awit uone: oe i miar puw AULLGoW areinaje> Osty “ UY @ -uorenba onem JadUlposyos [BUOIsUe yunrp avo qwopuadaptn awn so} UOLNJOS UTeIQO, Bue] awurzuy st v1 axayes =x Pur =X ‘sauepunog aun mm idaoxe * 0: (Xx) A UM [a yequaiod ut padden st ajured Vy tronjenby aaeAy JaBUIpquyas [eUO!sUaUILP B40 yuapuadapur awn aauiag BeyoD LION ey ssuonsanb ay) |p 1dwany oBeri “ ee wee nbaad shoe ‘guide “syaous nf a10aiput uiBanw ayl ut Sun yf + sy ee spots Bene ayqoauanad so . baa aap salopIpun) nf Sv Sp4owr UO ajay uy S4ansud ayayy an} 01 padin’ i anf sv 8 f Sie ; ae ee Quusaudug (eourels :28IN0; era esdord Sb SRN SSBd a PELCal oe eA yea eisours sojauree z ei ALISUBAINN WUVHHOd “pinby Yononpuog |eonoatq (9 uonoury uoNNaiasip seIq-tuuey —(q. Yonoury aABM Jo uoNResdsayU] feoIskyg (e Sxz : (omg Auy) :uo sajou Woys aii Ay L “wonworgey alf.4oj ssaoosd vonejuejdunt uot ure|dxg — (q “sjeuereut 8 sneuBeu! Jo soniodoid oun ureydxa pue spetioreu onauBew ay Ajissei (e ‘Goal pur Ausuap aazeyo oun yoroys. pur proyy wnuurxeu Pu 3D ‘tx ‘OK "9A arEMDIBD’ «WO s.OLXp="N st UOIBOl uml “24 pagolte ay ut uonenuacuoa 4o\daoor ayy ey aunssy “Wd Z7S0°0 PURI WHIM ‘UoHOeS ss0s0 JeInou19 Jo uoHHouNt rdrage ue Surwoy 8 M9 O1=FN) aidures uosiiis adfi-u ue o UW pafole si wnuwnyy —(q “uonduinsse. 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OPN MOY ueydxg (4 gojan aBesaae ay, woIst|[o> Oma usaMIaQ joo usaming aut aBe1ane 10IN912) iqow! @ envy apruasie tr onwzuejod 21u01192| gpinby uy aoeid -aasyut ,0| st won19a|@ 40 Ait jaaea aoursip ae[NP2D “wots LS AMP 88 50 4 om nt 8 padopun ut uonoajg ‘auinjon wun Jad suo I> yo aquinu ayl aq U araym (42 Ueto, 01% $9 € =Ig Si [apou! UONDa|9 L Bady 40) 0122 ainjosqe 1 Adioua !Uley yo uotssardxe ou Yeu) BAD @ -yorouny aaem pazifeusou pur ABsoua [e101 JOY uorssaidxe ayy 2ALep ‘sBuluBat [ensN ety SAP suONRIOU ayy azaym ‘ypsoog + soulsy = (XJ SB ‘2829 C1 105 uowenb g . 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JO souwoWyyaBIs 2 ose puy “Bayussur jensen ee pang word oy 204M ayy oar 2nP/92P _ 4g yz se UONde|? UBIO SEM aanigayyo s0y vorreto# amp 2AneC] @ 2 pxryooyen waged vumipg6 st vonsele we 3° wpBucjanvm tf a nines ‘yoqered st ABs2U9 pue jag, dyysuonel? yy vem MOUS sgoqueyoow! rysuoneyes oT 0 ares Jo. AySUOP ue. , ee . wmjuenb UI uowouny eS re ayers Jo s0quine Tal jo MysuoP pur : out Sp eR ssvd 901 NeW 1nd ylOt* swok 2 ieUaAINo yuvHnod 9 ‘uoneisussoi0yd §— (9 ssoooid yMoud peysA19o pysfesyoozyD (4 wsyousewouss (2 (omy Auy) :u0 sajou HOYs AIHA : gAsessooou s! ulfwouue Aym urejdxe osye sowuejdunt uo! oy uterdxo yoroys 194 aan (4 POKHARA UNIVERSITY +2014 Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring YO et) Programme: BE Full Marks a Course: Electrical Engineering Materials Pass Marks : a Time : 3hrs. Candidates are required to give their answers in their ow! in words as far as practicable. ‘The figures in the margin indicate full marks. ‘Attempt all the questions. a) Define potential well. Using Schrédinger equation prove that the energy of an electron that is confined in an infinite potential well of width L is given by En=n’h?/8mL? where n, ™ and L have their usual meaning. b)- For an electron confined to an infinite potential well of width 0.1nm, determine the uncertainty in momentum and kinetic enerey: a) Show that the conductivity of electrons within metallic conductor is product of charge density and mobility. b) Calculate the mean free path and the mean free time between collisions of an electron having drift mobility 43em’v ‘stand mean speed 1.2x10°ms" 1) Explain with example the conduction process in electrolytes. b) Define the polarization. Show that “there will be no polarization if Eri". a) What is magnetism? Define and differentiate hard and soft magnetic material. b)- Explain the ferromagnetism on the basis of hysteresis loop. a) Show with necessary derivation that in intrinsic semiconductor, Fermi energy level lies in the middle of the band gap. b) Coloulsie the diffusion coefficient of electrons at 300K in n-type » silicon semiconductor doped with 10'° arsenic atoms per cm’. What are various n.ethods of diffusion? Explain ion implantation in detail. b) Derive the Einstein relationship for holes and free electron. 92 7. Write short notes on: (Any two) a) Ferro Flectricity b) Photolithography. c) Recombination of electron and holes, 2x5 POKHARA UNIVERSITY Level: Bachelor Semester: Spring Programme: BE Course: Electrical Engineering Materials Candidates are required to give their answers # as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate, full marks. Attempt all the questions. n that is confined in an infinite a) Prove that the energy of an electro’ nth?/8mL? where L, ™ and n potential well of width Lis given by En=" have their usual meanings ( Use Schrodinger equation). b) The resistivity of copner at 20 degree centigrade is 0.69% 10% Q-m and 7 density of free electron is 8.5% 10%m?, Calculate the mean free time of electron in copper lattice. Assume m*=1.01 m, whe! a) What is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? Using this principle prove 8 that the minimum kinetic energy of a particle confined in an infinite potential well of width L is given by = h?/8mL? where h and m have their usual meanings. b) Define polarization. Show that “there will be no polatization if 7 e, =1". a) A parallel plate capacitor of area 20cm? and separation of Imm. The 8 space between plates is filled with Al,O3 when potential difference of 10 V is applied. Calculate field strength and dipole moment induced in oxide layer. Assume relative permittivity of AlO3 = 8 » ea how the iam occurs in liquid di-electrics. a) Explain with examples about parama; etism, dia i 5 a gn , diamagnetism and b) Explain the domain structure and domain walls of ferro in walls i 5 oe magnetic c) Electrons in undoped alli i ili aus ped gi m arsenide have 8 mobility of 8,800 5 8. e average time between collisions, Calculate distanc: travel between two collisions. Use average velocity of electron 10” ’ ir oO com emis, a) Obtain the expression for contract potential KT Yo & Se tno q ni? b) The steady state excess hole concentration of AP = 10% at (x = 0) is injected to semi-infinite silicon bar of cross-section A = 10°$cm* If hole diffusion length L,=10° om and hole life time C=10* S. Then derive equation of excess hole distribution and calculate i, Steady state storage charge ii. Hole current I,(x=0). a) Define diffusion capacitance and depletion layer capacitance. b) For intrinsic semi conductor prove that Fermi level lies in middle of Bond gap. c) Sketch energy band diagram for forward bias and reversed bias P.N. junction and why reverse leakage current seems independent with reverse voltage for V. S Vrpo: Write short notes on: (Any Two) a) Epitaxial growth and ion implementation. b) Continuity equations. c) Magnitue dipole moment.

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