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The Lived Experiences of Body-Shamed SHS Students of La Consolacion

College Bais City

A Research Study Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School Department of

La Consolacion Collage, Bais

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research 1


Cuayco, Jurose S.

Derequito, John Rhod II A.

Gonzales, Jasmine Jane V.

Gutual, Jamaica P.

Romadia, James Ziryl G.


Approval Sheet






Background of the Study

According to (Schlüter et al., 2023) body shaming (BS) is a popular term for a

type of negative social interaction, which frequently occurs in social media. Mockery of

someone's body type leads to degradation in mental well being and lack of confidence. To

understand the consequences of body shaming, we must evaluate the three aspects-body

image, emotional expression, and life orientation. The aim of this study is to understand

the relationship between body shaming and body image, life orientation and emotional

expression. The interplay between these aspects determines one's personality and how we

see the world around us.(Saxena et al., 2020)

When people experience their physical bodies as in some way unattractive,

undesirable and a source of a ‘shamed self’ they are at risk of psychological distress and

disorders. Such experiences are sometimes referred to as body image disturbances.

However, the concept of ‘body shame’ directs attention to negative experiences of both

appearance and functions of the body, which can involve various sensory modalities.

Moreover, by focusing on shame we can distinguish stigma, internal and external shame,

and humiliation, and consider body shame in the context of developing self-awareness

competencies that unfold in social and cultural contexts. (Gilbert, 2014)



This study aims to understand those SHS students that had Experience Body-Shamed in

La Cosolacion Collage-Bais, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How does body shaming affects their lives?

2. What comes first on their mind when they experience body-shaming?


Students: Learners will benefit from this research as they will understand what the

possible intentions of those students body-shamed other students and how it affects

others. Students can report any kind of body-shaming when they encounter this situations

Parents/Guardians: Parents can benefit from this study since they can educate and teach

their children how to reject body-shaming. They can also discipline their children

regarding the behavior. Parents can help by encouraging children to talk about what is

happening at school.

Guidance Counselor: School guidance counselor will benefit from this study as they

may able to assist body-shamed students. As a support for students affected by body-

shaming, counselor can provide parents with community-based resources. They can also

educate and discipline those students body-shaming other students regarding their actions

Teachers: Teachers can benefit from this study; they can work with students at the class

level to develop rules against body-shaming. They can speak to those students body-

shaming other students and those students who may be experiencing body-shaming.



Body-shaming in


Interviewing those students

Who had experienced body shamed in SHS
students of LCC Bais


Counseling program to
those students body-shaming other

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study



This study focuses on body-shaming among senior high school students at La

Consolacion College in Bais City. Those students experienced body-shaming are the

main focus of this study. The data collection will be conducted among senior high school

students at LCC-Bais for school year 2023-2024, who will represent the population. The

researcher will conduct an interview with those students had experienced body-shaming

of senior high school students at La Consolacion College-Bais.

The other students who do not fall under the senior high school of LCC-Bais are

not within the scope of this research. Students that are not enrolled in this school year

(2023-2024) are excluded from this study. Data collection will be conducted through

interviews; other questionnaires or surveys are not included


Experiences: Experience refers to the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and

understanding gained through direct participation or exposure to various situations,

events, or activities in life. It encompasses both practical encounters and the emotional

and intellectual impact of those encounters.

Body Shaming: This involves humiliating someone by making inappropriate or negative

comments about their body size or shape.


Students: Students are individuals engaged in learning, typically within an educational

institution. They pursue knowledge, skills, and academic qualifications as part of their

educational journey.

Senior High School: The educational level that follows junior high school and precedes

tertiary or higher education.




This section presents the method to be used in this study. It includes the research

design, research setting, participant of the study, ethical consideration, data gathering

procedure and the statistical tools for data gathering.


This study discovered the lived experiences of body-shamed in senior high school

students of La Consolacion College-Bais City. Aligned to this purpose, narrative research

were used in this study.

According to a Colorado State University study from n.d., narrative research is a

literary style of qualitative inquiry that involves gathering and narrating one or more

stories (in detail). To learn how study participants create stories and narratives based on

their own unique experiences, researchers employ narrative analysis. A type of qualitative

research called narrative analysis involves a researcher focusing on a particular subject

and analyzing information obtained through case studies, questionnaires, observations,

and other comparable techniques. After completing their written reports, researchers have

them examined and evaluated.

According to an article published on October 4, 2021 by Harappa Leaning Private

Limited, a researcher doing a narrative analysis needs to be aware of the social, cultural,

historical, and environmental context of the topic under study. This makes it easier for

researchers to interpret what the stories of their subjects mean. Particularly in context-

rich studies, this is accurate.Where a thorough comprehension of the environment or

culture is required to unveil the numerous hidden layers of significance. Prior to starting a

narrative study, researchers want to get as knowledgeable as possible about the subjects

they are studying. important informants were questioned and their comprehensive texts

were gathered. Even personal memories and already published books are among the

many sources they consult. The researchers chose which of these enormous amounts of

data they believed to be good cases to examine and then conducted in-depth analyses of

those situations. In one way or another, narrative is used by narrative researchers in their

studies. Researchers that specialize in narrative employed it as a method and a

phenomenon to explore. These can be connected and categorized as qualitative research

methods by emphasizing techniques for examining and comprehending the lives and

narratives that are shared. The basis of narrative analysis is the experiences that are

conveyed via told and lived tales. Every method and investigation starts with empirical

data that is supplied by the theoretical literature and integrated into the methodology or

experience understanding that the researcher starts with (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000).

Reconstructing one's own experiences in relation to others and the social environment is

essentially the goal of narrative inquiry (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). This research

design enable the researchers answer the questions that is stated in the first chapter of the



This study targeted the school of La Consolacion College-Bais City as the

research locale.

When Legaspi arrived in 1571, he found Negros and proceeded to distribute large

areas of territory known as encomiendas. Primarily planted with sugarcane, Negros

Oriental was home to three of these. Bais's sugar haciendas were primarily held by

Spanish-born families, including the Teveses, Montenegros, and Vicentes. The expansion

of the Catholic faith in Negros Island, which was later partitioned into Occidental and

Oriental regions in 1890, was greatly aided by the Augustinian Recollects order, which

was founded in the 1570s and succeeded Legaspi. During the Philippine Revolution of

1898, rebel forces from Negros Oriental led by Diego de la Vina, a Spaniard, toppled the

Spanish government in Dumaguete and drove the Spanish Recollects off the island. The

Recollects' void encouraged the Aglipayans to intensify their evangelizing efforts, and in

certain cases, they even took control of shuttered Catholic churches. Many Catholics

convert to Aglipayan faith. In Bais, this was particularly true. As this progressed and after

the Americans emerged victorious in the Philippine-American War in 1901, Protestanism

entered Negros Oriental through the founding of the Silliman Institute. The Sisters of St.

Paul of Charters were recruited by the Bishops to reinforce Catholic formation. They

arrived in 1904 and established St. Paul's Academy in Dumaguete.


The researchers chose to conduct a study in the said school since it is the nearest

place to the researchers.

Figure 2: Spot Map of La Consolacion College Bais City



Aligned to the purpose of this study, certain qualifications should be set in

choosing the participants. The inclusion criteria are as follows.

 The respondents of this study were the students of La Consolacion College of

Bais City who are enrolled for the school year 2023-2024.

 The respondents to this study were the Senior High School students of La

Consolacion College, Bais City




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