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paper 1 Section B Pape Secon A = = [Aca fees ocd maT QuesionNe. Key Quetba No, Key Ean 19 L : 6 co) 2 69 n. cw) 3 De 28 269 = 140 W (ots 780) “ Aan) ». Den ‘ ae s ne (0) Lerma permite the mater ate imei Pt ‘ S80, H! poo ms200480715)= 147000 2 2a 2 Bao) ‘n= 84 Gain rhe) ‘ acn 3». se ° AGH ie oe Pn Be py durcosantT 0 Ben en 2 Aco many 8 co mmrggs sm % Do 6 op 6 B60 por) =a0 te Pan 3102-06 (os) ” co) » Be » os) ”o 2. cos) > cw, [Fara wocoT 24 2 on slane 2 ago Paap : ssn 6) Wen te up open numberof as mele in ue (© Vet tact te) fow mes om Died Beery of colon of gu lors wih ae Pre etn he prone feat nig ere er ‘eve wl ewe, peu eee ‘tis norma forte HKEAA to dele a srl aber of tem om ts mubiple-cole qaton paper 1 they prove unsatisfactory, In peace, the ae 2 humber of reasons Wh thi conieed essay By firth most cron reson fr dela an te tte om let serine tereon weak and abe candies in ter wordy, the major ofthe carddses volved kd oly on gessveck in nsvering tat question such an ems rend, he mearement proces Feodered es effective. Wheelers have bee te in the ve papers, hy a sil she in he Sees of publions. They ae indeed ws deleted tens.” Sach teas may be daca i he ‘eresponing amination reper. Solution Marks ‘Remarks “Ge eam Wa eee, rng dace wi (TA Increase ifthe ction provided remain the sane ‘ebisies woul ot be ele o top in tine nese of emergency 1A (the dgeoct [x ger cto rere in raking he vl within the |1A Fane disuse, | cient ay occur ithe rakes cna provide ich inal |1A | (©) tee Beaen ae spp cantauously, thermal enegy [1A ‘ented il het wp th rake pares oto Bh ‘empertre hate rake a) 7 (G) LetD ete dntancetavled sling the ran. Knee enray of Yee Seeames is gravistional [IM |[Qrwork don agin velel's peal ener Fras) mo, si30") D~53.710199 ha =8.7m @smbre~ a2" aa Inns of vei [ar venus 2or lnc] Note sin 30° 31.8582 m 228 -2(-9818n300 (ordi2smlrg: DeaTm ta | acco D= 2.0m 00 640 — 2 oo 1 ra Ke+Ps.= (0334) +(03)osi}02) 24 s0sste=29086 ha °24906=30) frg=lOme? 2997 G05 forg=10ms*) | (i) As ae spring gun is ed, heres ecera force acting |IM tare syste the gun, tol momentum (othe spring gun and cannon tal) [1A rot conserved ® 1 fc _ ind _ sense sews for ten sh Veal 2” an 0% (4 i094 L081) of 4 0624705 (06128368 fr . 08258 (08153 frg- 105") 1a Accept 081 5100658 2iosnd) rind: R~ 4 on50"4¢=4 css «0825 efor Rona 2a sige [Acne = 156m00 162m Zistm (.s7mfeeg= tome) [14am 1 © tyverenes in ‘nee nin! vericl veloc) erpaneat i pate a ° Solution Marks @ O wSden)= we UOTE ™ Tot gard kg 1A o oy (@Comterweigh poston: 10.0 em: 0.1 ex. Pereninge mor = 100% (21) 0 eon = 104 24). ine n=101g09 ie-maximumerve= 1g 7 ‘Sing blance reading“ mg=(01 fg) (981. bg) 0981 N (LON tr g= 10 Nig Tow nwa (© | cemirig poston spring tases ening ‘nba baane the same realng inreses| I fiasa (G) The beam balance would fil to work /to measure thet mass ote on, 15 the appentweight zr (or wept) he comer [1A ‘ele an ae ony polo, o Solution Marks Remarks “Gy Fis We (Tn Tem oe ple of paper and Wace Wa [TAO Using ns orl ulin, user acing etd ‘we yada med: det and is anduae ah ay tvs the en eh ay (ot parallel othe lec and ce aight ay long paralel oh rina ae pals) vad he | Direct spother Hake ay parallel tthe frst one rina ai |1A | eed he sth of the eras (ty sing the ray Bo) and wace he pai) of he emer) fy ear ad eae he pos of fay) one pope. intercon (tte picpl vied (hepa f) he eoergng rays (bckvard) and leew [1A neath corespending objet the polit ofmereion (on the foc lane conning fase an nage dsunce von ‘Medute the tance from ts pen of esecion (ar F) 10th [1A fhe praia x), ene of th as, whieh goes te focal gh ete ens. eae es trmia Souee fener: Sha aeerainyincracypecion ofthe patie ler 1A (Aczepe Using diagram) 0 o (OR Unable to mri he path conecly became oF thse fhe Beam a ih om he yb Jom The ay() reno parallel (othe pei is) erable newer ferent cn inp is HEHE ()Lindiverging/oncae Feny's diverging lene can produce a vial (eet / ‘iminishes} mage becwen teeth ens (0) Focal length 302 Comet a 0 id (i) Cometrayp pt (301)em Solution w o @ wy o o Tharass e eparion bares Ge Sai seven D, ‘The separation ofthe Bight dos on te seen Become ‘age, ths the percentage er a is measurement Is swale ‘The angular positon ofthe 2 order bei dot (82) onus" > a Graing spacing d= “2-25 «10% Applying dia 8=na, 25.10 xsn2912° 2 = 60070" =60b10" me08 am) Wavelength a= “Te egunon cn ony Be apie for “Aco Ge wavelength <= separtion ofthe oo | Scucs), OR 2s mach sale thn Any {FS Bietorniel lp ee ar} AM, > teen Dis > > any Mors expensive a ntallaton cos nreses More ng nvlsed stags: More quer cange see Mor insaliton ine os Section D: Medial Physis @ o beparate pons thar can be detected nan mage, improveret in ‘elution ves an inage wah more deals (: fer). 4.164%) | 2.0 (43%) | SAAS) | 4.0 (@R%) 5.8 (54%) | 6.A (67%) | 7.8 (87%) | B.A (STH) Solution Maks Remar ay Te Regan fin UT Foam te (Toe piezeacreepsa forend wo vib change shape LA when tbe lacuna echoes the sta ‘When te posal eye eomprssod or extended, 1A ‘tprodicer a oti ference vliage sre nde. 4 ©) ©) Watrbeweresclaio, he ity wo dec aad separate, | th abet point ifn dines sang the patho ‘beter ex deetion) sbshe. [Or Pons at caer dane can bo gushed wo TA ‘ive th elton (inversely proportional ‘il esoltion > regdeney = conse Tel Smm=2 Mllz=3 mam Mile (ing oe das point) Teas, 12 Mite the aval reslaion= 3 = 025 m0 2 hm ‘The rope ine of te uleasound ple ough 2 caof ft and 8 cm of of sn re respetinl, [Accept 81 pst 182 95, eden no RS, = an suer00y ys 275 14510" ene “ M ‘2xton = 2282 son a9si04 use 1039 68 °° Tyo eme? 2 abo ine T= 27 59410390) ps SLA2311 ps 3 ys ba 10124158 om 1012 em Le. the depth of ee iter compe 1.2 mm 66g. than sacl pon, o ‘Candidates’ Performance Paper ‘Pigr 1 oasis o wo sections, multi gueston in Seton A and conventional qustions in econ ‘Aqui both econ se comps seats insctn Seton A (mlplchoice questions) Seton A cose 33 muhplecic qustns (of which ene tem wa delete andthe ets ore was 18 "is whee ends’ performance was peal Wear willbe duced belo: 1 pal inner ls, tras vt va pate ee seo neal ome ‘ew als “The ge sows vacuum ask with double ae wal fr Keping lig cod, Q und, Soe the glist srces ofthe inner and out gas wal empertvely. Which to suis are ually ‘sata wither? A Pate BR gant Cc Pinas Do Rands ‘This em war deleted de to inadogutedscrninuion power, Reson fee cents oot soon ‘the key might be duet overlooking sss of pacealy bes determining wheter the ne et hss sures shuld be cowed with ane From which raph low cn one deduce tht the pressure p of ed mass fa al gs severly propornal ios volume Pwhe the tsps of he x ope cnsan A oy, aw op os) . y a -y On'ny 7 Dp, aa (om ca) 0 oF a r ‘ver coo he canines chose option Co represent dey proprio elation A tock of weigh § Nis spend fom moral sing by light nextel sings to two “inzen pats PandO as shown The sings arog lng oh ‘Which ofthe flowing decriptons shou the tensions tnd Ti thet sng vee cores? (0) Themagaide of Fast be greater han 2) Themacimon ae of 7, would aoc exon 8 N. G)—Thermeman fre of Zand Tle 2e0 ‘A May oy Be Ghouy co Gada oaly enn DB. GhandG)only Gen, ‘Les thn 40% ofthe canis were able to densi clear understanding ofthe vector ate of free \ ‘A asf ight rigid od OXishinged snowy to wall a one od. Its ipl Ms cosets by aligh inexcasibie sting to pol Y ciety above O while weight i spd fom he a endothe rod ssbown. Rod i remains oriental. The eat force eng a tod due ‘oe was along he deecion A op. 0%) Bog, G9, “eo oe an BOs 40% ‘Around oot ofthe candidates were able to make use of he condos for sti quia Sorc out tear, a, ‘A block of mass spied ons soot incline makiog a angled with the rz a tows ‘Whats fore of mgt F parle othe nein ir ppd to lod vel the eine Wh ssceleraton a Ife appli fre Becomes 2, What woud he agate of fe aeceerton be ? Be be +A goer tan2e one BR quultoze a) © batweenaand22 Gow) 1. wheter its gene han 2a, equal © 2a or between «and 2s depends on he ile oe ay, Les than 40% of he andes elie hat the component fh lok’ weight eis wrchamesd | ‘sd deed he cet ne, ‘The fig below shows tbe dplcementcine grph of parce P and Q on the sm uaneverse ‘rye wave of wavelength places ‘Which othe olbwing semen MUST BE core? Upward dpacemetis then oe pose ()—Artine=25, Pe momentary ste. () —Attine:=43| Of moving downmard, (3) Thesearaon Seton the euilnunposios of? aod 08 0253. A Qhenly 96) B Ghouy Ga) +o mda) oaty 0) D. (hand Ghany 60%) ‘vr tai ofthe candidates cha options B ad D whlch sages they wrongly Owe tha he ‘separation bswecn the elven pions of Pan Qs 0281 Which ofthe allowing it NOT pz und intent level hat ecu nly ie? ‘A. 130d: whenan aplane ake 63% B.110dB atareck weer (ino C8048 ving a noma conversation G0) 3. 30d: ini an” aise) ‘Candidate in gear! wer fia withthe ypc sound inns level ht cer in iyi a x0 2 paris OD 2 and Q ace two partis crying th same ameunt of care bu of itera masses, They tal with the same send ad ee a nfo magnet eld posting cto the pape ar sown Semele ats wath feet rl ae dso Bef they emerge fom the Sed. Which Secpins Selo () Both 7 and gar postvely charge. (2) Pandg emerge om th fel withthe same pee. @)Themassofd is grewer tan ator? A Wand gyony 9) Banda) ee © Ghand) oly no, 1D. (aaa) Ge) ‘enly 30% of he candidates hos option B whch augue hey may not ave ele ht th epode te parler unchanged nthe magnet el In the chet below, i212 V ssl ne. pled across ab and scree respectively he 6 Vins s i api cos Sod oe especie, What would ee voltages ero ab oy respectively ete voltage erst ab lige ser ay a Ry nv a 3 ny ov Gon, c sv. sv 90) 5 hy ov ais) [As 404 of he candidates chose opine A sD, his suggests gute 3 umber of tem dd ot fly Understand how «pote vier wok and Ye wo radioactive cles, The rato of thems of atom of tha fs tm of Ye 1:2, Thebal ves of and Yar Pand 2 respective Ivo samples caning of purely and F ‘espctvly baw the same inl mas, nd the ao ofthe namber af wnecsed ace ofthat fair pid of 47 2 é D 4 cow 2 (Gor 1 O36, t a6, ‘uty 4% oft canis managed btn th comet newer by manipsating the ratioof al Ives ofthe wordnet ars " Seton B (convention ‘Gaston Ser Pefomancs in General T “This uestion eve d candidat’ nwedgy and unsuning oa bet copay ad elie power, itwar gery well tsawered Some weaker andidas di ot kx the conect Felon boon ener an power. In (0), utes number ef the cans had aiMeiis ‘woking ot th crest Sow ate water bsp me Th Gy mat canliaes were He © we Gi Yo Gnd fe aman! of hon as ‘enelA. However, sme of them jut eed 3nd stead of 3p an Fn thle working. In (Gh, ar many stared wih he conservation of numberof gar moecls Wesker ene re edo employ 2A7A.« BBY t fd ean. (OK) wi wel 0 enpay PA. Dah (was lf answered ough some cages consider the whale syste which edo he conshson hat the volume of {he ga nesses, wah as bot appropri pte, anaes wee able we te terns in Kine they to ar the question (ke prices ht the coe wall mare ‘squeal Wesker oes Bld» miscneopton that pressure Was dst coisas meng lea Cesdidates performance wae ecto. Tn (0) many candies mised pot ba the fico F, remained unchaged (tks xia ale) whe the maximum od iit was ected, the braking csance od would be longer according 10 the equation Trw=fd een. 0, ne cig ys ommend wy Be ates comiuously, nl the more ale css pied out hatte thermal ney generated tmorld case the tepertre teach aver aw andred gree Celt metone in Thepassge In Oy) some candidates ha icles exiting how fr the eile woud tel up te ramp by aping eer te principle of energy conser te equa fourm deserted maton A few evn aid aot ew htt eclerton up the ap was gd Par (was well anwere. Tao) oly oo mae ale candida undetod ashe ‘pray gun mer Exod otal oct) acted onthe stem até ths mamextun Was Do Sneed, Moreover smn candies ly undone in he enswers ht men Was hott same before afer he proces, ih going an explanation. Par (0) was ell tered However afew candies hd iets in resales the ital eos of Be ‘non tal corveciyi h estcland rz component a (2) ob te mare abe nes reasoned without any numeral ealesinon ht would crease a ina erie ‘ele vind ines Tn (9(), mos candies corey conierel he bance of moncnis ia th ee However fev ade sakes i he conersoa of wns (eI em = 000] moe 30 = O15) ani was new fo most ants. Many cosiered the maximum an ini Wales an found their diforenc intend of sig percentage er Some candies ‘velo hat oly the erased with te coe weigt's postin mas onl {©2005 cn ah clatons. (mst we ale oe = mg de ‘orect ale In(c), only some candidates were abl to comely sat the coumi-weght orn oe Ha ace Most ewe ae i er me [pring tlc rending Candas perfomance in (XI) Was oat ‘were sie ‘ecscy expan wy te eam bale fled t work ae Bee fling Hi. Son of es ‘engy hoop at th eam loge red Would dees, ™ | Candia” pert in (=) ws poor_Net many of hm cnet sass wrows } Paper Piet? comin of four sctins_ Each section contd eight moiple-cholee quo and one scared ‘ens, oe ry oh he les posta and pimple comely marked on che qn wich cared 10 aes. Section A coined quetons on ‘Asrnomy al Space Seine Seton B Dior of pape) ora paral ray rom try oxo fn the foes gh of he ane Jens. Weaker oats, bower, wrongly ted ota an image fomed by th anes & the “Atomic Word, Secton C on “Enary and Use of Ear” sad Secon D on ‘Medial Pai en sig Js sngle ght vy frm the fy box Pat () was in geal well weed ‘Mort were slo da a aa Hak ryt nd he ea! gh of he lef). (@yt, however, seme candidates fated indicate comet pt of yp. Cendiae prema wel io ND). Only « ew cents did aot realoe tot Oe Decenage cori ease was being refered oad hey awed east ot [e pstas of makina asthe dots are brighter. Some ends fled to find the cores tales of & er mistook te order of faction as n= 4 in (OX) Weaker ons wronsy rit y= 2 i st. I 0 ye a a tin 4y~ P could only be appiod when << o nd @ << D. Some even thought tht the equation was only aplabe frit. ‘A consdrable numberof ends wrongly cove terials ¥ i Kf the “aig Imad. ven for thor wo che tris nd ot feud he caren ros om the supply in aX, some wrongly employed ths oalcurent wo fnd the power consumed [ste mode of hecpng amin 2X). Is (OX, any holt at the mae Was ‘eewrdvohag, cures or power. (OD was In general wel answered alough some ‘aids didnot tmp ts part psx a as oo challenging. ‘iota caine nied he cin of 7 omealy & (i may ‘netione the resting magnet force aswell asthe ned fra exert free to ble [Bede to maitin a unfrm motion of th ois (GH), aay cates employed Faraday’ law to prove the equatien Instead of cosieig the mechanical power ips, whch at reguied bythe que. nealing the doced emt i (sm Candidates mde missin Tesolving the magnet eld or in converting ts unt. Many 1 not understand te eon of tdteed Sm‘ and daebaton of charges inne 8 fending od (OE) was pony anawered. Weaker andes js based to se lon whether te cucu was ope o closed to determine wheter re would bea caren Candies were eure atm all question in woof te fur eos sion | Popa] = oo Paroomace in Gener 1 1» in ex, most cade new tow to door the toc of sar wing paral ough aw of tem made mistakes i unit conversion, Xi), well fered, Ou, soe de ame ncn fan ek oS Seidtes dl nt fly dest the cosep of unis and righted ths pefomed poorly in). Nol many wee able oss the phys! gusty | fT hat soul be measured nore to fd the prod Tin OY). Weaker one Aid not understand Dopplr shit er simply di at ks what the question seed fx, Cand prormane ws faa OK eadiine wee geal wal a preening gale ve We We ego (Mat se no crest pat enh i cw Sing Spee tin, Se op eae Ty we te moi nce ety of te pions eC), oe cds ner al fhe mveeag caectlybt some co al alin wa ovis ln) seas fun ape cect safe pve cones orp a re Goer et ann Wee oe Jt cnt om fot ft gg ose i 0, ©) ate dope No timyinew te posal maxing eae ed sme wooly ted be Hope whe Tn eh met ens lc ow ede wor eon Hoveve, seo em ave ee wrongly rode he sun ome ph a(t cates ke te Bae oni sgl bt any we le cen Sep im Ki ery of pein pads gy en of photoelectric effect. = aa a Suma a nar ign pons Sats wo ne Oe 3) ae) ON, ede pea a at woe oe cay Te awa 10 [Pat @) wat well avers thwgh some erdkars commend hi sms wih mor sg 2 ecmleees noes tt wy oom Sl ee Dearest gee assumes were mae bl In (MD, th ase of Some Eine pres at ws say eng geste Indon eed srndea. eax canoes ony cd on he ET Sve a id ote at eyo ntsc sty of he Ramen 0° (hh ary cas wrong bed atte 26 wc at ot pre an hs mie Heh ot iter wees, In (mot cade ee abet eke te ‘Macs intn, Reems at ind aly undead ean mu erty or ete fet opty EHCP OH? Bee ot ede sca Of gees mum of tn edo Gat eps were read ae 1 be ang sng poe en un Jat get lad cater to fd mise. Pa (was well ane nM, ok may {Sdaingn iter opt of mien cme en of ering soy ey oe aes were abe ae gy he vena sd he ome a ‘paar comedy ea a, smo rangmen ote Te | SR ps RT was RA Tew aE a a i wavelength was twice he ests tcknes, ‘Many canes fled oie ‘The mean percetage comet achive by the cards was igh ower han SO%. Mast maas aged ha there wa an appropri lance Reeen questions esting baie nowiedge snd hove esi higher rer Seo erplansons in (0. Few poled out explicty Ga te bration of te amy ‘Cys nates vologe’ A lot of them js sted ha electieal igal™ ‘a praoed wn the resound ‘over teary, which wa oo peer | an explanation Many candsses did ot udestand wbst (OK) asked, Pari the meaning of ail eohaon”. Mot ean jst saver bo the quency affected resoaton an pesraion or wed genre tens sich a cla to desribe the effects of w higher resaution, In (XI, some candies seee no abe o mails the cleltion of evens proportion. (cK) was Wl “tswered though few canines omited the factor "2" fr 8 round ep Candids peroraane ia (0) was fa as they id ot rea tht the te depth vas 10 em. Weaker canis sinply di not understand the reaonhip between th compuied depth and te calration pet. 18 %

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