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Hole ID : DD19OKK030 11 Easting : 639480 Depth : 60.

0 m
Proposed Hole ID : PDD039 Northing : 1412694 Date Logged :22 January 2019
Drill start date : 17 January 2019 Azimute :240 Logged by : Phuwantat K
Drill completed date : 21 January 2019 Inclination : -55
Lithology Mineralisation Sample Assay
From To Lith1 Text1 Lith2 Text2 Comment From To Comment From To Sample ID Au g/t
Oxide zone, top soil with 2-3% laterite fragments, dark
0.00 1.70 LOS amr
brown and reduced to medium brown color.
Oxide zone, saprolite with partial weathered sandstone
1.70 3.50 LSP amr SST mgr
fragments, light-medium brown color,

Oxide zone, medium grained sandstone intercalated

with laminated siltstone, light-medium brown color,
3.50 9.50 SST mgr SSL lam
strong-extreme weathered and washed, clay-feldspar-
sericite alteration.

Partial oxide zone, mainly medium grained sandstone

intercalted with laminated siltstone, mainly light gray
with medium brown, weak-moderate weathered and Trace weathered sulphides stringers and coat in
9.50 12.30 SST mgr SSL lam 9.50 12.30
washed, very high fracture zone, weathered selvage fracture.
chlorite alteration, common hematite and limonite coat
in fracture.

Partial oxide in fracture, Intercalated medium grained 0.5% quartz-carbonate-chlorite veinlets with pyrite
12.30 13.80
with laminated-thin bed siltstone, light grayish green (0.1%) filled.
with dark grayish purple color, very weak weathered
12.30 14.80 SIS itb and washed, partial high fracture zone, (13.1-13.8m.),
strong selvage silica-chlorite alteration along vein and Fine grained pyrite (3%) disseminated/patch in host
13.90 14.10
fracture, common chlorite stringers and hematite- alteration rock.
limonite coat in fracture.
Mainly medium grained sandstone intercalated with quartz-chlorite rich-carbonate veins with pyrite (5-7%),
interbedded laminated-thin bed siltstone and fine- 21.70 22.10 21.10 22.10 D811592
pyrrhotite-sphalerite (0.2%) filled.
medium grained sandstone, mainly dark gray with light-
medium green/grayish green color, medium fracture 2 cm width quartz-chlorite rich vein with pyrite (1-2%)
28.70 28.80 27.00 28.00 D811593
zone with partial high fracture zone, moderate-strong filled.
14.80 38.70 SST mgr SIS itb
selvage silica-chlorite+/-feldspar alteration along 29.50 29.80 Carbonate veinlets with pyrite (1%) filled. 33.00 34.00 D811594
fracture and laminined bed incluing over printed 34.00 35.00 D811595
Fine-medium grained pyrite-pyrrhotite (1-2%)
chlorite-silica-feldspar alteration, common chlorite 33.15 37.15
disseminated in host alteration rock. 36.00 37.00 D811596 0.02
stringers and <0.2% fine-medium grained pyrite-
pyrrhotite disseminated in host alteration rock. 38.00 38.70 Carboante vein/veinlets/minor crackle less sulphide. 37.00 38.00 D811597
Fault zone as crackle to mosaic brecciated/ sheared 38.00 39.00 D811598
mainly carbonated cemented including quartz- Crackle carbonate brecciated with very fine-fine
38.70 39.40 39.00 41.00 D811599
brecciated sulphide rich in host medium grained grained pyrite (0.2%) filled.
41.00 43.00 D811600
sandstone intercalated with laminated-thin bed
siltstone, light-medium green/grayish green with dark 43.00 44.00 D811601
gray/grayish purple color, moderate-strong washed, 44.00 45.00
43.40 45.00 Crackle carbonate brecciated with pyrite (0.3%) filled. D811602
broken core zone, moderate-strong selvage chloirte-
38.70 50.90 FTZ bxd SST mgr silica+/-feldspar alteration. 45.00 47.00 D811603
brecciated sulphide rich in host medium grained
sandstone intercalated with laminated-thin bed
siltstone, light-medium green/grayish green with dark
gray/grayish purple color, moderate-strong washed,
broken core zone, moderate-strong selvage chloirte-
38.70 50.90 FTZ bxd SST mgr silica+/-feldspar alteration.

47.70 48.80 Crackle carbonate brecciated with pyrite (0.5-1%) filled. 47.00 48.00
48.00 49.00 D811605
35 cm width quartz-brecciated with pyrite (15%)-
48.80 49.70
pyrrhotite (1-2%)-chalcopyrite+/-sphalerite (0.1%) filled 49.00 50.00 0.31
49.70 50.90 Crackle carbonate brecciated with pyrite (0.5-1%) filled. 50.00 51.00 D811607
Mainly medium grained sandstone intercalated with
interbedded laminated-thin bed siltstone and fine-
medium grained sandstone, mainly dark gray with light- Common carbonate vein/vein with partial crackle
50.90 60.00 SST mgr SIS itb medium green/grayish green color, very high fracture 50.90 60.00 breciated carboanted cemented sulphideless, with 52.00 53.00 D811608
zone, moderate-strong selvage silica-chlorite+/- partial sulphide filled in vein.
feldspar alteration along fracture and laminined bed
incluing over printed chlorite-silica-feldspar alteration
Hole ID : DD19OKK031 12 Easting : 638553 Depth : 50.1 m
Proposed Hole ID : PDD019 Northing : 1412697 Date Logged :24 January 2019
Drill start date : 22 January 2019 Azimute :240 Logged by : Phuwanat K
Drill completed date : 23 January 2019 Inclination : -55
Lithology Mineralisation Sample Assay
From To Lith1 Text1 Lith2 Text2 Comment From To Comment From To Sample ID Au g/t

0.00 0.70 LOS amr Oxide zone, top soil, medium to dark brown color.

Oxide zone, saprolite with partial weathered sandstone

0.70 2.50 LPS amr
fragments, light-medium brown color, clay alteration.

Partial oxide in laminated/fracture zone, cabonaceous

siltstone intercalated with partial laminated sandstone,
2.50 5.20 SSL slt SST lam medium to dark gray with medium brown color,
moderate weathered and washed in laminated and
fracture, high fracture zone, partial clay alteration.

Partial oxide in fracture zone, cabonaceous siltstone

intercalated with partial laminated sandstone, medium
5.20 13.40 SSL slt SST lam to dark gray color, very weak weathered and washed in
laminated and fracture, high fracture zone, partial clay
alteration, common hematite-limonite coat in fracture.

Porphyritic andesite dyke, medium green color, weak

13.40 14.25 VAN por spot chlorite-feldspar alteration, trace carbonate
veinlets sulphideless.

Carbonaceous siltstone intercalated with partial

laminated sandstone, dark gray to black with partial
14.25 37.35 SSL slt SST lam medium gray color, partial medium to high fracture
zone, trace carbonated veinlets with/without trace 5-7 cm width massive pyrrhotite vein with pyrite (3-5%)-
35.40 35.50
arsenopyrite-sphalerite (1%)-chalcopyrite (0.5%) filled.
35.00 36.00 D811609 0.02

Fine grained felsic dyke (granodiorite?), olive green 2% quartz-carbonate-chloirte stringers/stockwork with
IFS fgr 37.35 37.85 36.00 37.00 D811610
color, moderate spot quartz-feldspar-chlorite alteration. trace sulphides.
37.35 37.85
Carbonaceous siltstone intercalated with partial 37.00 38.00 D811611
1% carbonate veinlets/minor crackle with pyrite (1%)
laminated sandstone, dark gray to black with partial
37.85 42.80 SSL slt SST lam 37.85 42.80 filled, including medium-coarse grianed pyrite (0.2%)
medium gray color, partial medium to high fracture
disseminated in host rock.

Porphyritic hornblende andesite dyke, medium-dark

42.80 45.20 VAN por green color, moderated spot chlorite-feldspar
alteration, trace carbonate veinlets sulphideless.
Carbonaceous siltstone intercalated with partial 0.7 cm width quartz-carbonate rich-chlorite veinlet with
45.20 45.65 SSL slt SST lam laminated sandstone, dark gray to black with partial 45.60 45.65 pyrite (10%)-sphalerite (2%)-arsenopyrite (1%)-
medium gray color. scorodite (0.3%) filled
45.00 46.00 D811612

Porphyritic felsic dyke (granodiorite?), olive green 0.5% fine grained pyrite disseminated in host rock and
45.65 46.05 IFS por 45.65 46.05
color, moderate spot quartz-feldspar-chlorite alteration. carbonate veinlets with trace sulphides.

Carbonaceous siltstone intercalated with partial

46.05 46.30 SSL slt SST lam
laminated sandstone, dark gray to black color.

Fine grained felsic dyke (granodiorite?), olive green 1% quartz-carbonate-chlorite veinlets with pyrite (1-
46.30 46.95 IFS fgr 46.30 47.40 46.00 47.00 D811613
color, moderate spot quartz-feldspar-chlorite alteration. 2%)-sphalerite (0.5%) filled

Carbonaceous siltstone intercalated with partial

46.95 47.40 SSL slt SST lam
laminated sandstone, dark gray to black color.

Fine grained felsic dyke (granodiorite?), olive green

47.40 47.80 IFS fgr
color, moderate spot quartz-feldspar-chlorite alteration.

Carbonaceous siltstone intercalated with partial 1.5 cm width pyrrhotite vein/veinlets with pyrite (2-3%)
47.80 50.10 SSL slt SST lam
laminated sandstone, dark gray to black color.
47.90 48.00
47.00 48.00 D811614 0.01
Hole ID : DD19OKK032 13 Easting : 643190 Depth : 54.0 m
Proposed Hole ID : PDD045 Northing : 1414802 Date Logged :30 January 2019
Drill start date : 25 January 2019 Azimute :270 Logged by : Phuwanat K
Drill completed date : 28 January 2019 Inclination : -55
Lithology Mineralisation Sample Assay
From To Lith1 Text1 Lith2 Text2 Comment From To Comment From To Sample ID Au g/t
0.00 0.30 LOS amr Oxide zone, top soil, dark brown color.

Oxide zone, saprolite with fine-medium grained

sandstone fragments, medium brown with light gray
0.30 4.00 LSP amr
color, strong-extreme weathered and washed, clay

Partial oxide zone, fine-medium grained sandstone

intercalted with interbedded laminated-thin bed
siltstone and medium grained sandstone, light gray
4.00 6.75 SST fgr ISI itb with light-medium brown color, moderate weathered
and washed along fracrute, moderate spot silica-
chlorite alteration, trace sulphide disseminated in host

Partial oxide along fracture, fine-medium grained

sandstone intercalted with interbedded laminated-thin
bed siltstone and medium grained sandstone, light
6.75 8.85 SST fgr ISI itb gray with light-medium brown color, moderate
weathered and washed along fracrute, moderate spot
silica-chlorite alteration, trace sulphide disseminated in
host rock.

Laminated-medium bed fine grained sandstone

0.3% quartz-carbonate-chlorite veinlets with/without
intercalated with laminated-thinbed siltstone, medium-
pyrite (0.2% and upto 1%) including fine grained pyrite
8.85 18.20 SST lam SSL lam dark brownish purple with light grayish green, medium 8.85 18.20
(0.1% and upto 0.5% in alteration zone) disseminated
fracture zone, strong selvage silica-chlorite along
in host rock and upto 0.5% in alteration zone.

Porphyritic andesite dyke, mottle dark grayish green

0.2% fine-medium grained pyrrhotite-pyrite
18.20 19.70 VAN por with white spot color, strong spot chlorite-feldspar 18.20 19.70 18.00 19.00 D811615
disseminated/patched in host rock.

Laminated-thinbed siltstone intercalated with fine- 7cm width quartz-brecciatedwith very fine-medium
medium grained sandstone , medium-dark brownish grained pyrite-pyrrhotite (0.5%)-galena (0.1%) filled 0.01
19.70 22.40 SSL lam SST fgr 19.70 19.80 19.00 20.00 D811616
purple with light grayish green, medium fracture zone, and 0.2% fine-medium grained pyrite-pyrrhotite
strong selvage silica-chlorite along bedding. disseminated in host rock.

Porphyritic diorite dyke, dark garyish purple with mottle

0.2% find-coarse grained pyrrhotite-pyrite
22.40 23.40 IDR por white spot color, moderate spot feldspar-chlorite 22.40 23.40 22.00 24.00 D811617
disseminated /patched in host rock
Porphyritic diorite dyke, dark garyish purple with mottle
0.2% find-coarse grained pyrrhotite-pyrite
22.40 23.40 IDR por white spot color, moderate spot feldspar-chlorite 22.40 23.40 22.00 24.00 D811617
disseminated /patched in host rock

Mainly siltstone intercalated with laminated-medium

bed fine-medium grained sandstone including 7cm fine
grained felsic dyke, dark brownish purple with light- 0.1% find-coarse grained pyrrhotite-pyrite
23.40 26.05 SSL slt SST bed 23.40 26.05
medium grayish green color, medium fracture zone disseminated /patched in host rock
strong selvage silica-chlorite+/-epidote alteration along
laminated bed including fracture and veinlets.

Coarse graoned feldspartic sandstone, mottle light- 0.2% find-coarse grained pyrrhotite-pyrite
26.05 28.65
dark green with medium brownish purple color, low disseminated /patched in host rock
26.05 30.85 SST cgr fracture zone, strong spot chlorite-feldspar alteration 28.65 28.80 Upto 3% pyrrhotite-pyrite disseminated in host rock 28.00 29.00 D811618
including selvage/overprinted feldspar-chlorite-epidote
alteration. 29.70 30.00 Upto 5% pyrrhotite-pyrite disseminated in host rock 29.00 30.00 D811619

Mainly siltstone intercalated with laminated-medium 0.2% and upto 2% fine grained pyrite disseminated in
32.00 35.00 33.00 35.00 D811620
bed fine-medium grained sandstone, dark brownish host rock.
30.85 44.60 SSL slt SST bed purple with light-medium grayish green color, high-very 38.00 39.00 D811621
high fracture zone, strong selvage silica-chlorite 0.2% fine grained pyrite disseminated in host rock
38.00 41.00
alteration along laminated bed. including pyrite stringers. 39.00 41.00 D811622

Medium-coarse grained sandstone with partial

laminated siltston, medium grayish green color, high-
44.60 48.15 SST mgr SSL lam
very high fracture zone, weak spot feldspar-chlorite
49.00 50.00 D811623
Fine grained hornblende andesite dyke, dark green 1% quartz-carbonate rich-chlorite veinlets with pyrite
48.15 51.00 VAN dyk 49.50 50.70
color, low fracture zone. (2%)-sphalerite (0.2%) filled. 50.00 51.00 D811624

Quartz-carbonate-chloirte with pyrite (0.5%)-

Medium-coarse grained sandstone with partial 51.70 51.75 51.00 52.00 D811625
sphalerite(0.1%) filled
laminated siltston, medium grayish green color, strong
51.00 54.00 SST mgr SSL lam washed (51.45-51.7m) medium-high fracture zone,
strong selvage silica-chlorite-feldspar alteration at 1 cm width quartz-carbonate chlorite breccieted with
52.40 52.45
pyrite (3%)-sphalerite (0.5%) filled
52.00 53.00 D811626 0.08
minor carckle and along fracture.

Hole ID : DD19OKK033 14 Easting : 643228 Depth : 51.7 m
Proposed Hole ID : PDD031 Northing : 1414543 Date Logged :3 February 2019
Drill start date : 29 January 2019 Azimute :090 Logged by : Phuwanat K
Drill completed date : 31 January 2019 Inclination : -55
Lithology Mineralisation Sample Assay
From To Lith1 Text1 Lith2 Text2 Comment From To Comment From To Sample ID Au g/t

0.00 1.70 LOS amr Oxide zone, top soil, dark brown color.

Oxide zone, saprolite with fine grained sandstone

1.70 4.00 LSP amr
fragments, light-medium brown color, clay alteration.

Partial oxide zone,fine grained sandstone (silicified?),

Trace carbonate veinlets with rear sulphide, common
4.00 6.20 SST fgr dark grayish purple with brown color, moderate-strong
limonite coat in fracture.
weathered and washed, very high fracture zone,

Partial oxide in fracture, fine grained sandstone

6.20 8.00 SST fgr (silicified?), dark gray color, weak weathered and
washed, high fracture zone.

Very fine grained sandstone (silicified) intercalated with 6.20 10.50 Trace carbonate veinlets with rear sulphide.
laminated-thin bed siltstone/medium grained
8.00 10.50 SST vfg SIS itb sandstone, dark grayish purple with medium gray color,
medium fracture zone, trace selvage/spot chlorite

Porphyritic andesite dyke, dark green color, moderate- 0.1% medium grained pyrite-pyrrhotite disseminated in
10.50 10.85 VAN dyk
strong spot chlorite-feldspar alteration. host rock,

Siltstone (silicified) intercalated with laminated-medium

1-2% carbonate vein/veinlets with rare sulphide
bed fine-coarse grained sandstone, mainly dark gray
10.85 15.65 SSL sil SST lam including 5% quartz-carbonate-chlorite veinlets/crackle
with medium gray color, moderate fracture zone,
with pyrite (5%) filled at 10.85-11.00m depth.
moderate selvage chlorite alteration along veinlets.

Coarse grained sandstone (feldspartic) with partial

laminated-thin bed siltstone, mottle grayish purple with
15.65 17.00 SST cgr SSL lam white spot color including dark gray layer, low fracture
zone, weak selvage chloirte alteration and spot
feldspar alteration.

Interbedded fine-coarse grained sandstone with

laminated-medium bed siltstone (silicified), medium-
dark grayish purrple with light grayish green color, 19.00 20.00 D811627
17.00 22.45 SIS itb
medium fracture zone, strong selvage chlorite 2% quartz-carbonate rich-chlorite vein/veinlets with
19.00 22.45 20.00 21.00 D811628
alteration along fracture and vein including moderate pyrite (0.2%) filled.
spot feldspar-chlorite alteration. 21.00 22.00 D811629
2 cm width quartz-carbonate rich-chlorite brecciated
Medium grained sandstone (miner crackle brecciated), 22.25 22.30
vein with pyrite (10%)-sphalerite(5%)-galena(3%) filled 0.36
light grayish green color, moderate washed, low
22.45 22.95 SST mgr fracture zone, moderate-strong pervasive chloirte-silica 22.00 23.00 D811630
alteration including selvage/spot and spot chlorite- 5 cm width quartz-carbonate-chlorite brecciated with
epidote alteration 22.70 22.95 pyrite(10%)-galena (5%0-sphalerite(3%)-arsenopyrite-
pyrrhotite(1%) filled.

23.00 25.00 D811631

Mainly fine grained sandstone intercalated laminated- 25.00 27.00 D811632 0.01
thin bed siltstone including medium grained sandstone
1% carboante vein/veinlets with pyrite-pyrrhotite- 27.00 29.00 D811633
22.95 31.00 SST fgr SSL lam with partial minor crakle texture, medium-dark grayish 22.95 31.00
sphalerite (<0.2-0.5%) filled.
purple color, low-medium fracture zone, moderate-
strong selvage chlorite alteration along vein. 29.00 31.00
Quartz-base metals vein with pyrrhotite(30%)-pyrite
Fine-medium grained sandstone with 30 cm massive 31.05 31.40 (7%)-sphalerite(5%)-chalcopyrite(2%)-galena(1%)
31.00 32.25 SST fgr VQ mas quartz-sulphide vein, medium grayish green color, filled 31.00 32.00 D811635
strong washed, strong chloirte-silica-epidote alteration
31.40 32.25 0.2% pyrrhotite-pyrite filled in crackle/stockworks.

Fine-medium grained sandstone, medium grayish 32.00 33.00 D811636 0.01

Common carbonate stockworks with/without sulphide
32.25 34.80 SST fgr purple color, high fracture zone, moderate selvage 32.25 34.80
filled 33.00 34.00 D811637
chloirte alteration.

Fine-medium grained sandstone, medium grayish

2% base metals veinlets as pyrite (10%)-sphalerite
34.80 35.80 SST fgr green color, high fracture zone, moderate selvage 34.80 35.30 34.00 35.00
chloirte alteration. D811638 0.02
Sheared zone in host fine grained sandstone, medium Sheared zone with pyrite(15%)-sphalerite(7%)-
35.00 36.00 D811639 0.2
35.80 37.00 FTZ shr SST fgr grayish green color, strong washed, strong pervasive 35.80 37.00 pyrrhotite(3%)-galena(3%)-chalcopyrite(1%)-
chlorite-silica alteration. arsenopyrite (<1%) filled 36.00 37.00 D811640 12.55

Mainly fine grained sandstone intercalated with partial 37.00 38.80 Minor carckle as carbonate-trace sulphide filled
37.00 38.00 D811641 0.02
laminated-thin bed siltstone including medium grained 38.00 39.00 D811642
sandstone with partial minor crakle texture, medium-
37.00 40.50 SST fgr SSL lam
dark grayish purple with partial light grayish green
color, very high fracture zone, moderate-strong selvage
chlorite alteration along vein.

Fine grained sandstone intercalated interbedded 39.00 51.70 Common carbonate veinlets/stockworks rare sulphide
laminated-thin bed siltstone with medium grained
40.50 51.70 SST fgr SIS itb sandstone with partial minor crakle texture, medium-
dark grayish purple color, very high fracture zone,
moderate-strong selvage chlorite alteration along vein.
Hole ID : DD19OKK034 15 Easting : 643250 Depth : 60.0 m
Proposed Hole ID : PDD029 Northing : 1414061 Date Logged :4 February 2019
Drill start date : 1 February 2019 Azimute :090 Logged by : Phuwanat K
Drill completed date : 2 February 2019 Inclination : -60
Lithology Mineralisation Sample Assay
From To Lith1 Text1 Lith2 Text2 Comment From To Comment From To Sample ID Au g/t

0.00 1.20 LOS amr Oxide zone, top soil, medium-dark brown color.

Oxide zone, saprolite with fine grained sandstone

1.20 4.20 LSP amr
fragments, light-medium brown color, clay alteration.

Previous local shaft as very size of sediments and rock

4.20 8.80 CVT fgr OVB fgr
fragments, light-dark brown color.

Partial oxide zone, fine grained sandstone intercalated 9.00 10.00 D811643 0.01
with laminated siltstone, minor crackle brecciated
texture,medium grayish purple with grayish green and 10.00 12.00 D811644
8.80 12.20 SST fgr SSL lam
brown color, moderate weathered and washed, very
high fracture zone, strong selvage chlorite along
sandstone bedding and crackle. 1-2% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite 0.01
8.80 14.70 12.00 14.00 D811645
(0.3% and upto 1%) filled

Fault/shered zone in host siltstone with sandstone,

medium grayish purple corlor, weak weathered, high
12.20 14.70 FTZ shr SIS itb
washed, strong selvage chlorite along sandstone 14.00 16.00 D811646

Siltstone with partial fine grained sandstone, minor 16.00 18.00 D811647
crackle texture, medium grayish purple color, weak
5% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite (0.2-
14.70 18.00 SSL slt SST fgr washed, low-medium fracture zone, strong selvage/ 14.70 18.00
0.5%) filled
spot chlorite alteration along sandstone bedding and 18.00 20.00 D811648

Laminate-thin bed siltstone intercalated with fine 20.00 22.00 D811649

grained sandstone, partial minor crackle textrure,
medium-dark grayish purple with light-medium grayish 2% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite (0.2- 22.00 24.00 D811650
18.00 26.70 SSL lam SST fgr 18.00 26.70
green color, weak-moderate washed, high fracture 0.5% and upto 1%) filled
zone, moderate-strong selvage chlorite aloteration 24.00 26.00 D811651
along beding and crackle/vein.

Fault/shered zone in host fine grained sandstone, 26.00 28.00 D811652

1% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite (0.2-
26.70 28.90 FTZ shr SST fgr crackle brecciated texture, medium green color, strong 26.70 28.90
0.5%) filled
washed, strong chloirite alteration
28.00 30.00 D811653
Fault/shered zone in host porphyritic andesite dyke,
28.90 31.80 FTZ shr VAN por dark green color, strong spot chlorite-feldspar 28.90 31.80 0.2% pyrite filled in sheared
alteration. 30.00 32.00 D811654

Siltstone with partial fine grained sandstone, minor

crackle texture, medium grayish purple color, weak 2% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite
31.80 34.00 SSL slt SST fgr 31.80 34.00 32.00 34.00 D811655
washed, low-medium fracture zone, strong selvage/ (0.3%) filled
Siltstone with partial fine grained sandstone, minor
crackle texture, medium grayish purple color, weak 2% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite
31.80 34.00 SSL slt SST fgr 31.80 34.00 32.00 34.00 D811655
washed, low-medium fracture zone, strong selvage/ (0.3%) filled
spot chlorite alteration along sandstone bedding and

34.00 36.00 D811656

Fault/shered zone in host siltstone with sandstone,
1% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite
34.00 37.30 FTZ shr SSL slt medium grayish purple corlor, high washed, strong 34.00 37.30
(0.2%) filled 36.00 38.00 D811657
selvage chlorite along sandstone bedding.

Siltstone with partial fine grained sandstone, minor

crackle texture, medium grayish purple color, weak 1% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite
37.30 40.55 SSL slt SST fgr 37.30 40.55 38.00 40.00 D811658
washed, low-medium fracture zone, strong selvage/ (0.3%) filled
spot chlorite alteration along sandstone bedding and

40.00 42.00 D811659

Fault/shered zone in host siltstone with sandstone,
1-2% carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle with pyrite 42.00 44.00 D811660
40.55 46.80 FTZ bxd SIS itb medium grayish purple corlor, high washed, strong 40.55 46.80
(0.3-0.5%) filled.
selvage chlorite along sandstone bedding. 44.00 46.00 D811661

Siltsotne intercalated laminated-medium bed medium 46.00 48.00 D811662

grained sandstone, minor crackle, medium-dark
Common carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle rare
46.80 52.80 SSL slt SST mgr grayish purple with light-medium grayish green color, 46.80 52.80
weak washed, high fracture zone, strong selvage 48.00 50.00 D811663
chlorite along sandstone bedding.

50.00 52.00 D811664

Fault/shered zone in host intercalated
sandstone/siltstone, light-medium grayish green with 52.00 54.00 D811665
52.80 58.50 FTZ shr SIS itb 52.80 58.50 0.3% fine grained pyrite filled in shered.
medium grayish purple color, strong washed, strong
selvage chlorite alteration along crackle. 54.00 56.00 D811666

Siltstone intercalated with thin bed medium grained 56.00 58.00 D811667
sandstone, minor crackle texture, dark grayish purple
Common carbonate-chlorite filled in crackle rare
58.50 60.00 SSL slt SST mgr with partial light-medium grayish green color, high 58.50 60.00
fracture zone, moderate-strong selvage chlorite along 58.00 60.00 D811668
sandstone bedding and fracture.


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