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Hell Train

by John Watson


Author: John Watson

Artist: Sgt. Dave
Editor: Colin Darby
Layout: John Watson

Playtesters: Brenda Ho, Em Hogard, Tony Hogard, Michael J. Mulligan, Kurt “Black
Scorpion” Raush, Mike Schaefer, Lou Spano, J Sumner, Michael Pietrelli, Nick Gudotti,
Greg Willborn, Grady Moore, Ben Toon, Skylar Flores, Nick Garza, Tucker Tanner, Dil-
lon Fryer, Ian Rucker, and Matt Couch.

Special Thanks
To the “Dark Marshal” David Baity, for his friendship, help, ideas, and my first ever
taste of DCC.
To Lester Smith, one of the greatest designers of TTRPGs, his mentorship, and most of
all friendship.
To Colin Darby, my oldest friend and the only person I knew who would jump into
starting a TTRPG publishing company with me.
To Ian Rucker and Matt Couch, two of the coolest guys and best gamers I’ve ever met
who helped me tweak Hell Train until it was just right.

This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Good-
man Games. This product is published under license. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG are
trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit www.good- or contact
Thank you to all of our backers: Scott, Ben Walker, Donald Colton, Charlie Potter, David
McGuire, Joel Andrew Caleb Ponder, Matt Elias, Raymond Bennett, Michael Pietrelli, Tyler Stroud, Camer-
on Smith, Renee A Bodin, Anthony Neal Emmel, Keith Nelson, Mark Manchester, Jim Meyers, Matt Y, Scott,
Paul Smith, Ronald Radulescu, John Klinkel, FlacoAlto, Anthony Williams, Mark Bruce, Jack Hawksmoor, Jake
Rueth, The Creative Fund by BackerKit, Andrew Patch, calixus, Matt Gullett, Pep Pep, Darrell, Matt Good, Erik
Hammerstrom, Kurt A Raush, Matt Couch, Cody Hertel, David York, Steve George, C3, CoolWhipKid, silverear,
Adam, Big E, Stefan Surratt, Eddie Bartlett, Eric Betts, Jeffrey Olesky, Tony Hogard, John Trier, Bradley Jantz,
Julian Hayley, Nick Garza, GuruPhil - The Dark Orb, David Eppling, Chris Kirby, Petrefax, Aaron, Christopher
Hoffman, Ture Westlund, Jason Taylor, Steven Hartline, Ian Rucker, Jason Verbitsky, Andy Solberg, Mike Nus-
baum, Levi Combs, Jody Whittle, Mike W, Shad, Erik Gradine, Stiff Whiskers Press - aka The Dark Marshal,
Goodman Games, Chris Zank, David Lewis, Lord Yod, Eric Bloat, Kevin McNulty, Victoria Leroux, Christopher
Marshall, Michael Spredemann - 2 Old Guys Games, Savage Robby, Brandon Goeringer, Gregory Frank, Justin
S. Davis, Matt Robertson, Sarah, Jeremiah Rice, Joshua Rose, ChuckieTee, nicholas irvine, Eric Rath, BlingKing,
Sean Christopher, Charles Richer, David Bresson, trunixcoss, Jon Dennis, J Perry Sumner Jr, Marc Mitscher,
Michael Sandlin, Jeff Wallen, Snarkayde (Philip), Robert Limbeck, Devin Corbett, Chris Sullivan, Paul Munson,
Rob Klug, Nikolaus W Matheis, Mario Dongu, Randy Miller, Jonathan Kurts, Tim Sattley, SkyTwo, Michael
Gorsuch, Jerry D’Antonio, Edvin Aghanian, Robert V., Mark Harris, Eisenhorn29, William David Miller, Allan
Bray, Joseph Hepler, Dra8er, Paul Gyugyi, T.J. Mathews, Andreas Melhorn, David Hubbard, Martin Bailey, Eric
Lamoureux, Dan Kawecki, Roger Rebisz, Jack Hanks, Matthew Seagle, Franklin Bidwell, Ian McG, Ben Toon,
Glen Livesay, Michael Potter, Kristen MacLean, Tom Colley, Blind Visionary Publications, Andrew Rockwell, Ian
Burgess, Elliott Moshell, robert kim, Fabien Badilla, Wes Baker, Ken Campbell, Mike McKeown, Shawn Ryan,
Joseph Pingo, Skeeter Panes, Slayer Games, Michael Driscoll, John Esser, Franklin D Lee, Brian Fowler, Bruce
Blaisdell, Louis Hoefer, Joshua Legeman, Paul Chavarria, Tucker Tanner, Tom Bolenbaugh, Israel Kandarian,
David Rudisill, Nylartep, Ryan Moore, Wyatt, Randy Ollhoff, Michael Tapia, Taylor, Meys, Dan McCullough,
Jedamzik und Neugebauer GbR, Petronius Jackson, Grady, William Mayorga, Jared Strickland, Dan Steeby, Ron
Lynn, Brian Bishop, Alain Veilleux, James P Walker, Ætherwulf, John, markthebard, Stephane Gelgoot, Colin
Brodd, Zach McMechan, Candice Rose, Canin, Douglas Rood, Brett Tubbs, RogueUsagi, Greg Gorden, Karl J.
Smith, Derek A. Sorenson, Samer, Mark Finn, Christopher Messemore, Darth Muffin, Dark-Platypus Studio,
RG, Mike Kenyon, Jester, Stephen Murrell, keenan mills, Justin, Scott Kohler, Harry Mace, Dan Frederick, Randy
Nichols, Taylor Kent, Rob Fitzgerald, Belgorn, Jason Stierle, Hawkfire, David Donohoo, BHan, David Quick,
Foreshadow, BiteSizedGaming, Wired DM, Matthew Etherden, sergio (dndlorecast), Lester Smith, John Stiever,
Nicolas Roark, Douglas Williams, MerkinNuevo, jon biscoe, STONEworks Gaming, robert burk, Jason Young-
dale, The High Frontier, Todd, wolfknight75, Ed Stanek, ShenaniganNinja, Jon, Gino Kaye, José Fernando Or-
nelas, christopher J. Lauricella, Loren Valterza, Joel Amonett, Raf Bressel, Donald Welch, sgetty, Nicholas Marsh,
Brandon Frisco Lee Harrison, Jaxvor, Nate Ng, Sören, Tim S, Dizzandra, Eric J. Young, Brandon Vahlsing, Jason,
Mark Brooks, Theodore Ketchum, James Dezomits, Wil Andrews, Sunny Lewallen, Will Dowd, Abel, Eye-Level
Entertainment, Gberdex, Steven Warble, Jason Aschberger, Joshua, Scott, Pretentious Moniker, Stefan Anundi,
Emily, !REAPER!, Slorder, Jon Terry, Mike Carlson, Pierre Gravelat, Bryan Burns, Richard Mundy, Randy Be-
langer, and Ngo Vinh-Hoi
Jefferson, TX nearby law officers and bounty hunters about
The posse has come to Jefferson, Texas seeking the outlaws. By the time the Texas Rangers and
a reward for ridding the town of the dead. When bounty hunters began looking for the Cotton
they investigate, they find that the actual problem Mouth Gang, the trail was cold. The murderers
is the townsfolk are not staying dead! had escaped. Jefferson mourned the loss of their
beloved sherriff and moved on. The spirit of Jus-
Background tin Jacobs, sheriff of Jefferson, did not.
Jefferson, like the rest of the world, experi- Angered that the people he protected wouldn’t
enced the Seven Days of Night, but after they do anything to save his life, the spirit of Justin
moved on with their life as normal. None of the Jacobs refused to complete his journey to the
townsfolk gave much thought to it (as much as afterlife. All parts of the world have some sort
anyone could when the world changed) and life of a vessel that brings the recently dead to the
continued much as it always had in Jefferson. afterlife. This vessel reflects the area that they
All of that changed one day after the sheriff was are in, as all things are in the Near. In Jefferson,
killed. with the train station having created the town,
Justin Jacobs became the sheriff of Jefferson a a train is also what transports the dead to their
little over five years ago after the former sher- eternal rest.
iff retired to Fort Worth. Sheriff Jacobs was a As soon as he passed, Sheriff Jacobs tried to
good and honest lawman who always enforced lash out against the townsfolk. He found that he
the duties of his office with an even temper and was unable to do anything, and this further en-
calm hand. His five years in Jefferson were raged his spirit. Eventually, like the other souls,
peaceful and he only ever had to use his firearm Sheriff Jacobs soon arrived at the train station
once to shoot a drunk that pulled a gun on him. in the Near. He felt compelled to punch his ticket
Even though the killing was justified, the sher- and board the train, but his anger won out and he
iff thought about it every day after he killed the decided to seek vengeance.
man. The sheriff knew that he could not physically
Over a month ago, a group of outlaws – known harm those he wanted to. He pondered this as
as the Cotton Mouth Gang – were looking for he waited for the train and then realized how
trouble and came through Jefferson. The Cotton the train could help him. The sheriff punched his
Mouth Gang got drunk, trashed the Rusty Nail ticket and boarded the train, but as the rest of
Saloon and began shooting their firearms in the the dead took their seats Justin Jacobs did not.
street. The sheriff, ever dutiful, approached the He made his way to the engine. There he con-
gang to disarm them and let them sleep it off in fronted the engineer (a creature of the Near)
a jail cell. The gang easily overpowered Sheriff overpowered him and forced his darkness into
Jacobs and began to beat him. His cries quickly the engineer taking over his body.
drew a crowd and nearly all the town came run- Now, with control of the train, Sheriff Jacobs
ning to help. They were overwhelmed by the bru- drove it along the tracks passing by all stops. All
tal and bloody scene of horror as their beloved the dead waited for their ticket to be punched,
sheriff was kicked, punched, pistol whipped and but the train kept charging down the tracks.
struck with an axe handle. He cried out to his As time passed more and more dead could not
deputies and the rest of the townsfolk to help move on. Eventually, their corpses still connect-
him, but they were all too terrified to do anything. ed to their spirits but uninhabited, were easy
As the Sun set on Jefferson, Sheriff Jacobs was picking for more nefarious beings to wield as
beaten to death while the people he had protect- tools of chaos and murder. To the sheriff’s plea-
ed for five years watched without lifting a finger sure, the dark spirits were drawn to the area
to save him. with these unihabited corpses (Jefferson). They
After they committed their violent crime, the rose as zombies each night, just as the train
Cotton Mouth Gang sobered up quickly and rode speed by on the tracks, and tore the townsfolk of
out of town. One of the deputies, at last, act- Jefferson and surrounding areas apart. The cor-
ed and sent several telegraphs out to alert the rupted spirit of the former lawman reveled in his

success. He continued to navigate the train, night was preaching approaches you. He is of aver-
after night knowing that his vengeance would be age height and build with dark features and a
completed if he kept the souls from boarding the kind, but troubled smile. “Welcome to our hum-
train. ble church, travelers.”, he says as a greeting.
With a hopeful look he asks, ”Are you here to
Arrival help us with our… troubles?” He looks over your
Read or paraphrase the following to the posse. group with an expectant glint in his eye.

The short walk from the Jefferson train station When the party brings up the reward and sto-
into town is quiet. You hread rumors the town ries, they have heard about the dead not staying
needed help and they’d offer a reward. It had at rest, Minister Billings confirms that these
something to do with the dead, which isn’t un- stories are true. He informs the posse that the
common these days. With your wallet a little town has pulled together and can offer the posse
lighter you caught a train to Jefferson to see if $600 as a reward if they can rid Jefferson of the
you could make an extra dollar. The mid-af- dead. He goes on to tell the posse that about two
ternoon sun beats down on you. The thought of weeks ago, one of the recently deceased stum-
wetting your whistle at the local saloon makes bled out of the undertaker’s office and started
you smile. As you approach the buildings on the attacking people. He killed two of the townsfolk
outskirts of Jefferson, you notice a dark crimson before someone shot him in the head. The same
stain on the side of one of the structures. Your thing happened again the next night, but now
posse heads further into the town proper and you there were three of the fallen townsfolk to deal
can see flies buzzing around several dark stains with. By the third night, the townsfolk had locked
on the dirt in the street, broken windows that the corpses in one of the jail cells which held
were hastily covered with boards and other dam- them. Thinking that their problems were over,
age to the businesses and homes. You don’t see a for the time being, the relaxed. On the 5th night,
soul in one of the buildings or on the streets of more of the dead came into town and attacked.
Jefferson. Just when you start to think you’ve After the chaos subsided in the morning the dep-
wandered into a ghost town; you hear a group of uties were found dead among the other bodies in
voices in the distance. the streets. After that, townsfolk boarded them-
selves up in their homes at night and waited out
PCs who can pass a DC 8 Listening check, can the walking dead. The minister hopes the posse
hear voices in the rear part of Jefferson. As they can solve their problem.
walk to the towns center, they can hear the voic- Minister Billings does not believe the towns-
es coming from the church (no check required). folk did anything to cause these horrible things
Upon further investigation, the posse finds all to happen. They have not made any enemies nor
the townsfolk (approximately 30) in the church done anything sinister. Jefferson has been a
listening to a man preaching about the end of quiet place for years, even after the Seven Days
days. of Night. There are local Native Americans, but
Jefferson has never had any problems with them
The Church and vice versa. The minister, and the rest of the
The sermon ends shortly after the posse arrives. townsfolk, are completely naïve to the angry
The townsfolk begin to file out. All of them have spirit of their former sheriff being responsible
long looks on their faces and are plainly tired. for the dead becoming restless.
They nod politely to the posse as they exit the
church and go on about their lives. The Jail
If the players ask about the sheriff, the minister
Read or paraphrase the following to the posse. tells them that they are in-between sheriffs. If
pressed, he tells them the story about the sher-
After the last of the tired and hopeless looking iff being killed recently. It is important to convey
townsfolk walk out of the church, the man who that the minister feels deep remorse as he tells

the tale of the sheriff’s death and even says this. penter – disturbed two days ago, dead for
The posse may want to see the Jail. Inside they three weeks
do not find anything of note except an old picture • Jamey Busse, deputy – disturbed one day
of the sheriff shaking hands with an older man ago, dead for two weeks
that appears to be the former sheriff. The picture • Cheyenne “Hot Shot” Starr, deputy – disturbed
is lying face down on the ground and the frame is three days ago, dead for two weeks
cracked down the center just at the point where • “Yellowstone” Steve, bartender – disturbed
the two men are shaking hands. This is an ill one day ago, dead for just shy of two weeks
omen, but not a clear answer as to what is amiss • Canin Campbell, barber – disturbed one day
in Jefferson. If asked, ago, dead for a
the minister can con- week and a half
firm that this is the • Susie Harrison,
former Sheriff shaking mayor – disturbed
hands with Sheriff Ja- four days ago, dead
cobs in the picture. for a week
• Dave “Buffy”
The Graveyard Donohoo, dry good
The graveyard can be salesman – dis-
found directly behind turbed two days
the church. As the ago, dead for three
posse approaches, days
they notice that the • Percy Furse,
gate is off the hing- doctor - disturbed
es and lying several five days ago, dead
feet away from where for three days
it should be. Many of
the graves appear to If the posse asks
have been upturned or anyone why many
freshly dug. Three men of the townsfolks
move the earth with graves appear to
spades and mattocks have been dis-
trying to return their turbed recently,
friends and family to they are informed
their eternal rest. that all the recently
If the posse checks slain in the grave-
the graves, it is easy yard rise each night
to discover which ones and attack. If one
have been recently of the townsfolk is
disturbed. Anyone who asked about how
passes an investiga- long each person
tion roll (DC 10) can has been dead, they
tell how recently each are informed with
grave was upset. Even if they fail the roll, the the information above.
posse can tell that not all the graves have been If anyone inquiries about the Sheriff not rising
disturbed, just those of the recently deceased, from the grave, they have no idea why it did not
after the sheriff was killed. happen.

• Justin Jacobs, sheriff – just over one month

(undisturbed) The Rusty Nail Saloon
• Mark Wayne Bruce, retired and former car- If the posse wants to wet their whistle, find a

place to rest, or ask some questions, the Rusty ings wants to stay up to witness what the posse
Nail Saloon is the spot they are looking for. If will do and help as he can.
a luchador succeeds on his fame roll, the min- Note: There is a 25% chance that the minister
ister, overwhelmed with joy, rushes off to the will get killed by a zombie in the night if the pos-
Rusty Nail Saloon to secure the posse’s rooms se allows him to stay awake and assist. If anyone
free of charge. He will explain to the propri- in the posse wants to climb onto the roof this is
etor, Jeb Franklin, about the leader of the posse easy (DC 10) and will give them a vantage where
(the Luchador) being in town. In addition to the they can see the entire graveyard. If they fail this
rooms, this results in food and drinks being on climb check and fall, that unfortunate character
the house. Otherwise they will have to pay for suffers 1d6 points of damage from the fall.
their drinks and purchase their rooms at $0.75/ Just before 2AM an otherworldly sounding high
night. In addition to Jeb, there are three occu- pitched and loud whistle can be heard coming
pants enjoying drinks in the Rusty Nail. It is likely from the direction of the train station. No roll is
that the posse will want to gather some informa- required as the train can be heard clearly. If any-
tion by questioning the occupants and Jeb. The one looks for the train, they do not see anything.
townsfolk are not tight lipped and will freely give Not even a smokestack. However, if a calavera
the following information. or sin-eater is in the party, they can clearly see a
smokestack coming from the spirit world around
• If the posse does not know about the sher- the area where the train station is. The train,
riff’s death, one of the occupants (likely Jeb) however, does not stop. The zombies attack all in
will tell the whole tale sight.
• Everyone feels guilty about the sheriff’s
death. They were all just too scared to stop Zombie Townsfolk (one per party member +2):
the outlaws Align WtL; Init +0 (d16); Atk slam +0 melee d6; AC
• The dead started rising about two weeks ago. 9; HD d8; hp 6 each; MV 20’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +3,
They rise every night Ref -1, Will +0; immune to mind effects, fear
• Some of the dead have come from outside of
the town After the zombie townsfolk are dealt with,
• The dead are not all townsfolk or people from things are peaceful for the remainder of the
the farms, some of them have been Native night. If the posse stays in Jefferson another
Americans night, just like the night before, the dead rise a
• They tried to burn one of the bodies, but that few minutes after a train horn can be heard in
did not do any good. It just came back the the distance. If any townsfolk were killed the
next night previous night, they too rise as zombies and at-
• The dead always rise and attack the town tack anything living thing they can see.
right around 2AM Every night the posse stays in town, the zom-
• Nothing else unusual happens around 2AM as bies will continue to rise not long after the train
far as the townsfolk know (see below about horn blasts. The posse should eventually get the
the train whistle) idea to go investigate the train. If they ask the
townsfolk, they confirm that they have heard the
The Zombies train horn every night before the dead rise.
The players will likely want to rest the first night At some point the posse might get the idea to
and wait for the dead to rise again. Just as the destroy the bodies of the dead. No matter the
minister described, the dead rise again coming method, the results will not work as they would
from the graveyard and sometimes from outside like. If they decide to cut the corpses up, the next
of the town. The posse might want to keep an eye evening, the bodies will reassemble. If the posse
on the graveyard. This is a good plan as, accord- decides to burn the bodies, in addition to Minister
ing to the locals, many of the dead will rise form Billings being opposed to this due to his spiritual
their graves. If they ask about using the church beliefs, only the flesh burns off, but the skeleton
as their base the minister agrees. Minister Bill- remains. No matter what the posse tries to do,

some dark force is keeping the corpses intact can do so, another interested party arrives.
enough to rise again. The restless dead and the ghost train have not
gone unnoticed by others. A local tribe of Na-
tive Americans have been dealing with the same
The Train & the Medicine Woman horrors that the townsfolk in Jefferson have.
During the day the train station appears normal. Lead by their medicine woman, Usti, some of the
The operator is still there. He can answer ques- tribal hunters come to the train station not long
tions that the characters might have about any after the posse arrives seeking the source of the
trains passing by. If inquired about a train pass- walking dead. Once there, they greet the posse
ing through at night, he will indicate that no train and ask for their help. Usti knows that they are
passes this route at night, but says he has heard more than just average people and believes that
a train whistle. If persuaded (DC 10), or if the they can stop what is going on. She explains that
posse gets him drunk, he will openly talk about a the train is a vessel for the dead to go to the
ghost train passing through the station exactly at afterlife. Something must have happened to the
2AM for the past three weeks. He said the whis- train, but the only way to find out is to board the
tle sounds horrifying and makes his skin crawl. train and seek out the engineer. Usti offers to
He knows it must be a train from hell. send the posse into the spirit world unless they
If a calavera or sin-eater are in the posse, they already have a calavera or sin-eater in which
can clearly see many spirits gathered around case she offers to assist that character in cross-
the train station. A calavera will likely attempt ing over (she will pay half of the Personality
to contact the spirits by using her dead speak cost). She would send more of her people, but
ability. Please see the section below, “Into the those she has sent have not returned.
Near”, for more information about what the spir-
its know. If the party would like to step sideways, Usti – Calavera lvl 3: Align PoR +2; Init +1; Atk
the veil here is much thinner (DC 8). Before they club +2 melee d4; AC 11; HD 3d8; hp 17; MV 30’;

Act 1d20; SV Ref +3, Fort +1, Will +4; Crit die d8; similar.
Fumble die d10; Calavera abilities
Note on luchador’s: The train station has effec-
Hunters (4): Align WtL; Init +2; Atk spear +1 me- tively become a town of the dead. Therefor a
lee d6+1; AC 13; HD d8; hp 3; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV luchador should check against his fame to see if
Ref +1, Fort +2, Will +0 the “townsfolk” have heard of him.

Judge’s Note: If the posse is just not getting the The Train Station
hint that they need to go to the train station, Usti The Jefferson Train Station, in the Near, not only
will come to Jefferson and explain things until acts as the vessel to get the dead to the afterlife
they join her there. for Jefferson, but for all of those within a 40-
mile radius. This means that there is a variety of
Into the Near different types of spirits from different walks of
When the posse agrees to be sent to the spirit life, backgrounds, and cultures at the train sta-
world, read the following. tion.
Most of the spirits walk around the area near
With the assistance of the hunters, Usti builds the train station as if they were carrying on with
a large fire. She then tells you to sit around their lives as normal. Some spirts can be seen
the fire and stare into the flames. You look going in and out of the train station which ap-
around at each other and take your seats, not pears to be very run down looking in the Near.
sure about what will happen next. Once the fire If the posse enters the train station, they find a
is blazing high, the medicine woman chants handful of the spirits in here. All the equipment
while staring into a bowl of water as her hunt- is broken. The building does have a flag outside
ers assist in a chorus. As the voice of Usti reaches that would normally indicate a train passing by
a high point and the chanting of her kinfolk to stop. There is also a small market where a
increases in tempo, there is a great flare from the few vendors have set up shop and a group of
fire and then the world shifts around you. The logs arranged in a circle that the Native Ameri-
color appears to have been drained from every- can Spirits can commonly be seen sitting on and
thing. All the landscape, structures and your conversing with other fellow spirits.
own hands are now different shades of grey with The spirits will willingly speak with the posse.
very few hints of tone. You see several other Unless the posse asks to speak to a specific one
people around you, though they all look hazy. of the dead, they end up speaking to one of the
Usti calls out from across the veil. She informs notable dead (see below).
you that her and her companions can only wait
until the morning for you to return to the train Q: What happened to the sherriff of Jefferson?
station. After that, your posses will be on its A: He was killed by the Cotton Mouth Gang. No
own to return to the Prime. one likes to talk about it, but we all watched
while he was murdered in front of us. He called
Looking around, the posse can see that the out for our help, but we ignored him. I do not
world they are now in is a spiritual representa- know why, but we were all terrified to do any-
tion of the real world. The train station appears thing.
to be run down and abandoned. There are around
sixty “souls” milling about. The souls are the Q: Where is the sherriff?
spirts of the dead, townsfolk of Jefferson, Native A: He boarded the train and departed the last
Americans, travelers, and others who cannot time it stopped.
move on due to the train failing to stop each
night and carry them to their final destination. Q: How do you know that you must get on the
These men, women, and children look as they did train?
in their former life though, dimmer. As the posse A: We can feel it. It’s where we need to go.
notices this, they discover their appearance is

Q: Do you know of any way to get on the train? an extreme ache in his stomach and then
A: We have tried everything we can think of, but passed on
nothing works. Some of us have tried to catch • A group of five Native Americans that sit
the dark horses that roam this area, but we can- together say that they were killed by the
not get close. Some of us have been… well… I do Shampe one night while camping not far from
not know if killed is the right word, but I do not here. They describe the Shampe as a massive
know what else to call it. hairy beast that eats the flesh of men
• Buddy: A rough looking character that im-
Q: Where are the dark horses? mediately asks the posse for a drink says he
A: They can be found roaming in the fields south was killed by a group of men in a bar who did
of here. If you plan to try to capture them, you not really care for him. If pressed, he grum-
might want to see the cowpoke. He has rope, bles something about having been accused of
saddles, and other things needed to mount a cheating at a game of cards
horse for sale at his shop in the market. • A fashionably dressed young woman says
that she bet everything in a game of poker
Q: Shops? How do I buy things here? and lost it all. She does not say more. With
A: You’ll have to ask the shop keep. Each has a successful intimidate or persuasion roll
their own special price. (DC 12), she will reveal that she bet her soul
against a longer life with a strange creature.
Q: How long have you been here? She lost
A: Mark over there has been here just shy of a
month. The rest of us have been here less than Judge’s Note: If you decide to change the
that. ecounters in the train cars, it is suggested that
you change the notable dead to reflect someone
Q: How did you die? who died in one of the ecounters in the train cars
A: We all died in different ways. You’ll have to ask too. See “Traveling on a railway to Hell” below.
each how he or she met the reaper. (Please see
the section for the handful of notable deaths) If the posse wishes to explore the shops, they
find that there is a small market set up where
Q: Why can’t you move on? they can find a variety of unusual things for sale.
A: We have tried. The train won’t stop and pick us As they were told, each shop keep has his or her
up like it is supposed to. own special price depending on what it is that
they want.
Q: Do you have any supplies?
A: Yes, there are some shops set up over yonder. The tribal shop
You can trade for what you like. One of the deceased Native American’s has a va-
riety of tools and spiritual objects for sale. When
Notable Deaths one of the posse approaches, he greets the cow-
Most of the dead passed on in unremarkable poke, with an expressionless face. Many of the
ways such as a heart attack, being kicked by a things that the Native American sells are mun-
horse, bitten by a rattlesnake, and other com- dane and mostly cosmetic though he does have
mon deaths in the West. The following NPCs have a few interesting weapons – a tomahawk, spear,
died in significant ways. They can sense that the and a club. As for payment, the Native Ameri-
posse is different and might be able to aid them can is interested in trading one item for another.
in passing on. These NPCs feel compelled to find Additionally, if the posse member is willing, he
the posse and tell them how they died. will take a bit of their spirit as payment and coat
their weapon in a dead man’s blood. If asked, he
• A rather wealthy looking man last remem- tells the party that this will help them to fight
bers being in a fine dining establishment, the spirits. In game terms, any player who agrees to
Greatest Steaks, in Marshall, Texas. He had take one point of temporary Personality attribute

loss, will have one mundane weapon, made to 6. White Elixir Consuming causes
strike true against all creature’s encounter in the character to break out in a heavy sweat
the spirit world dealing full damage. The tribal granting the character a +2 to all critical
shop owner will do this for one melee weapon fumble rolls and +2 to all critical hit rolls for 1
or 20 ranged weapon rounds (arrows or bullets). hour
This effect will last until dawn. The character 7. Grey Elixir Consuming causes the char-
will recover this lost Personality after spending acter to feel numb losing 1 point of Stamina,
24 hours resting in the Prime. Only one point of but grants a +3 to fortitude saving throws for
each character’s Personality can be sacrificed 1 hour
per character. 8. Grey Tonic Consuming causes the char-
acter to feel slightly numb, granting a +1 to
The snake oil salesman’s concoctions fortitude saving throws for 2 hours
Just as in life, this slick haired peddler is look- 9. Black Tonic Consuming heals 1d4
ing to sell his elixirs and tonics that will make hp to the character
you stronger, faster, sharpen your senses, and 10. Violet Tonic Consuming causes
increase vigor! Traveling to the Near has im- the character to become slightly dizzy grant-
bued his potions with vitality thus giving them ing a +1 to AC for 2 hours
some actual effects. Like the tribal shop vendor, 11. Green Tonic Consuming causes
the snake oil salesman is asking for a form of the character to become slightly queasy and
payment. He asks to borrow a little bit of the grants a +1 to will saving throws for 2 hours
characters luck in trade for one of his special 12. Orange Tonic Consuming causes
concoctions. In game terms, if a character sacri- the characters mind to process thoughts
fices a temporary point of his Luck attribute, the faster granting a +1 to all ranged attack rolls
fast-talking peddler will give him one random for 2 hours
elixir or tonic determined by rolling 1d14 on the 13. Blue Tonic Consuming causes
table below. If a player asks for a specific elixir the characters eyes to weep for a moment
or tonic, the snake oil salesman genuinely has and grants a +1 to reflex saving throws for 2
no idea what the effects of each potion will be, hours
but he will use fast talking to cover this up. 14. Red Tonic Consuming causes
the character to break out in a red rash and
1. Red Elixir Consuming burns causing grants a +1 to all melee damage rolls for 2
1d3 hp of damage, but grants the character +2 hours
to all melee damage rolls for 1 hour
2. Blue Elixir Consuming causes the char- Each character may only sacrifice 1 point of his
acter to weep giving them a -1 to all rolls to Luck attribute to gain one random elixir/tonic.
notice things with his eyes, but grants +2 to This point of Luck will regenerate after the char-
all reflex saving throws for 1 hour acter spends 24 hours resting in the Prime. As
3. Orange Elixir Consuming causes soon as the character leaves the Near, the potion
the character’s mind to chaotically process loses all magical powers.
thoughts causing a -1 to all rolls involving in-
telligence but grants a +2 to all ranged attack The cowpoke’s wares
rolls for 1 hour If the posse is thinking straight, when they see
4. Green Elixir Consuming causes the cowpoke’s wares, they will figure that it
the character to throw up violently, suffering might not be a bad idea to see if they can get
1d3 hp of damage, but grants a +2 to will sav- the right equipment to capture one of the dark
ing throws for 1 hour horses. The cowpoke has some rope, some sad-
5. Violet Elixir Consuming causes dles (enough for one posse member each), and
the character to become dizzy suffering a -1 various other implements used to ride a horse.
to all ranged attack rolls, but grants a +2 to In game terms, if one of the posse members
AC for 1 hour purchases some of the equipment for riding,

that character gains a +2 bonus for all rolls to their attack roll applies. If the posse wants
while trying to capture a horse or ride one. Like to work together to lasso a horse, increase the
the other vendors, the cowpoke will not accept bonus by another +2 for a character trying to
regular currency for her gear – she wants the lasso a horse that has already been lassoed.
characters thoughts in return for her equipment. In addition, grant a character trying to saddle a
A character must sacrifice 1 point of his Intel- horse that has already been lassoed a +2 to their
ligence attribute to gain one set of equipment Agility roll, which can increase to a total of +4 if
form the cowpoke. Each character can only two other characters are helping hold the horse
make this sacrifice once. The ability point will with a lasso. Once saddled, the black horse
regenerate within 24 hours after returning and listens to the characters commands and will not
resting in the Prime. try to buck him. Other black horses will not try
to attack a mounted character. The difficulty for
The Black Horses all rolls involving the black horses is a 12. If the
The corrupted soul of Sherriff Jacobs has left its characters make the mistake of attacking the
mark on all places it has traveled in the Near. black horses, the mad animals will not flee, but
Thankfully, this has been minimized to the train continue to attack the characters. They will fight
station and surrounding areas. His taint attracted until they are dead or subdued. Once all the pos-
the Black Horses who are damned creatures of se is mounted, the other black horses will stop
the Near. Due to the large number of spirits, they attacking and flee.
keep their distance from the train station, but Wrestling moves can work to mount a black
they are compelled to stay near the tracks. horse.
Eventually, the posse should figure that they
will need to sort out a way to get on the train and All aboard!
they do not have a lot of time to do it. Trying to Now that the posse is saddled up (hopefully),
lasso and saddle some of the black horses might they can make plans to attempt to board the
seem to be the obvious choice. If they asked train to the afterlife. Just before 2AM the posse
around, the posse could easily find the fields, can see a grey pillar of ash just over the hori-
just south of the train station where the black zon. Not long after, the metallic engine crests
horses are roaming. Though, it is about half a the horizon and the ghostly whistle of the train
mile away, distances are much shorter in the blasts. The hell train has arrived, but it is not
Near and the posse arrives within a few minutes. stopping.
As they approach, the horses immediately spot The black horses, being creatures of the Near,
the posse, but keep their distance. The mas- will ride up near the Hell train without trouble
sive four-legged beasts are even darker than as it passes by the train station, without slowing
everything else within the Near. Their eyes all down. The characters can either try to reach out
have a red hue to them, and they seem to have a and grab onto part of the train and pull herself
strange awareness. If the posse approaches, the off his horse requiring a Strength check (DC 10)
horses will attack, which makes trying to saddle or leap from the saddle and landing directly on
one difficult. the train requiring an Agility check (DC 10). If
either check fails, the character falls and suffers
Black Horses (8): Align PoD; Init +3; Atk hooves 2d6 damage as she violently strikes the ground.
+1 melee d3+2; AC 12; HD d8; hp 5; MV 60’; Act Any character who falls has extraordinarily little
1d20; SV Ref +1, Fort +1, Will +1; mundane weap- chance of making it onto the locomotive and will
ons only deal ½ damage to the Black Horses have to do some creative thinking to join her
During the fight, the black horses try to scat- Once aboard the exterior of the train, the posse
ter and attack different members of the posse. is likely near the caboose. If they try the door at
If a character tries to use a lasso, easily fash- the back of the caboose, they find it is unlocked.
ioned from some of the rope purchased from the The posse may try to climb up onto the top of the
cowpoke (or if they have their own), the +2 bonus train as it races along the tracks (DC 10 Strength

check). Failure results in the character falling The posse will have to travel further along
off the train and suffering 2d6 damage. Once on the tracks and much further away from the
top, the posse can stay low and hold on without train station to find trees large enough to
difficulty. Any door the posse tries, to include the support them and close enough to jump onto
engineering cart, takes them to the cart in the the train. This requires the character to first
caboose. climb the tree with a Strength check (DC 12).
It is possible that the posse may not get the When the train arrives, they can then jump
idea to try and use the horses to board the train onto it with an Agility check (DC 14) as the
and seek other methods of gaining passage. A train speeds by. If they pass, they do not suf-
list of other likely methods and the difficulty fer the 2d6 damage from falling off the train
follow. but must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 12)
to roll with their landing and avoid taking 1d6
• Climbing to the roof of the train station and damage
jumping off. This can be done as the train • Jumping/grabbing the train as it passes by.
speeds by, but it does present its challeng- This is the most difficult of the methods to
es. The character must first make an Agility board the train. If the character wants to
check (DC 10) to avoid missing the train and grab the train as it flies by, she must make a
falling off which results in 2d6 damage, and Strength or Agility check to grab the train as
(if successful) then a Reflex save (DC 12) to it passes (both DC 16) to pull herself onto the
avoid taking 1d6 damage as they strike the train. If she fails, she suffers 3d6 damage as
train and fail to roll with the impact. If the she is hit by the side of the train and tumbles
character passes the first Agility check, she onto the ground. If successful, she must then
lands on the train make a Fortitude save (DC 14) to avoid tak-
• Climbing a tree and jumping on the train. ing 1d6 damage from her body being jerked

around Enraged, the rowdy patrons each attack one of
the posse or double up on those with the low-
Traveling on a railway to hell est Luck. If an unfortunate member of the posse
falls, the angered rowdy will continue kicking,
Judge’s Note: The next part of this adventure can punching, or shooting that character for one
easily be swapped out with other encounters or additional round before attacking another. They
another adventure. Making it through the Hell fight to the death.
Train should be a series of encounters as the
Judge sees fit. The only thing that should stay Treasure: All the rowdy’s have a Light Pistol
the same is the final encounter in the engine of (fully loaded – 6 rounds of .36, d8 damage) hol-
the train. Otherwise, have at it partner! This is stered.
your game.
After the dust settles, the posse sees a metal
To make it to the engine, the posse has a tough door with a handle on it floating across the other
trail to blaze. As they go from cabin to cabin, they side of the bar. None of the patrons of the bar
must face the same fate, but survive, that one of make any move to hinder the posse’s movement
the restless souls of the Jefferson area perished as they make their movement or activities after
to. After they make it through the final one, they the rowdy’s have been dealt with. As the posse
must deal with the possessed engineer. approaches the door the distant sound of a train
moving along tracks can be heard more clearly.
1. The bar fight As soon as one of the posse opens the door, just
Once the posse enters any door on the train, like before, there is a moment of darkness be-
there is a brief darkness and then they all are fore they see the next encounter. The bartender
standing in a saloon. The distant sound of a train is not there, after the encounter.
on the tracks can still be heard.
2. Dealing with the Devil
After you open the cabin door, you are enshroud- Read the following to the posse.
ed in a deep darkness. The sound of a train
moving along the tracks can be heard in the Once the brief moment of darkness passes, you
distance. After a few moments, you are sudden- are sitting at a table with a pile of coins, small
ly standing in a saloon. The half door swings bills, and a large battered golden necklace pilled
back and forth behind you as you look around. in the center of it. The necklace has a bright
You see a group of rough looking men sitting green gem in its center that gives off a soft glow.
around a couple of tables talking and drinking The rest of the room is shrouded in darkness.
whiskey. The rough bunch all turn to you and Across from you, a lone figure sits. An extra set
narrow their eyes. As the bartender takes cover of skinny insect-like arms protrude from its
behind the bar, one of the rowdy’s stands and back. It looks in your direction with two sets of
points at you. “I warned you not to come back insectoid eyes. The creature has a dress shirt and
here you son of a…”, he shouts at you. The rest vest on. A man, not with your posse sits to your
of the rough characters stand up, brandishing right, across from the creature like you. The
bottles, fists, and a couple of shooting irons. creature smiles wickedly at you revealing rows
of jagged teeth from its maw and in a raspy
The rowdy’s immediately attack the posse with- voice says, “Well, there it is. The necklace. Now
out saying another word. we play.” The creature then begins dealing
cards to each of you, himself, and the stranger.
Rowdy Patrons (6): Align PoD +2; Init +0; Atk Before the game can begin, the stranger sitting
unarmed +0 melee d3 or +0 light pistol d8 (see on your side of the table says,”I won’t play!”.
below); AC 10; HD d8; hp 7; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV The creature smiles and asks the man, “Are you
Ref +0, Fort +1, Will +0 folding?” The stranger nods a confirmation and
the creature extends one of its four arms with

the palm facing towards the stranger. White their cards, they may up the bet. The creature
smoke begins to syphon from the man and into will ask them if they would like to do so after
the creatures open mouth. The man’s flesh rap- consulting his own cards. If any of the characters
idly grows tight and his eyes sink back into his asks what they are betting the creature will flash
head. Moments later, he collapses on the table its devilish smile again and say, ”Why just a small
face first, dead. The creature continues to deal bit of your soul. Nothing you’ll miss.” In game
cards without saying another word. terms, a character may lose 1 hit point (which the
The game: takes in
Whether a similar
they like way to if
it or not, a char-
the posse acter
members folds but
cannot get places it
up from the within a
table. They small vile
are not tied on the
down, but table) to
their legs increase
simply will his bet.
not work. If The crea-
a character ture will
refuses to produce
play, the one small
creature silver
cocks its coin and
head and place it
asks,” Are in the pot
you fold- for each
ing?” If character
the posse that loses
member 1 hit point
responds to up
with an his bet.
affirmative Starting
in anyway, with the
he suffers posse,
the same each card
fate as the player
stranger may dis-
who had his card up
life force to three
sucked out by the creature and dies. cards, face down and be dealt an equal number
of new cards in return. If a player (or the crea-
The game is 5 cards draw poker. The Judge ture has an Ace) he may discard up to four cards
should take two decks of cards, shuffle them and receive four more, but he must keep the Ace.
(taking out the jokers) and deal five cards to Then the Judge does the same for the creature.
each player and himself. No one can look at each
other’s cards. After the players have consulted After having consulted his hand the Creature

may discard up to two more cards and replace Read the following aloud to the posse.
them. Each posse member may burn up to three
points of Luck and draw a new card per point You are suddenly under the open night sky sit-
burned. All card players should now have their ting around a campfire as the trains familiar
final hand. sound begins to fade. All is calm and peaceful.
A cloud of smoke rises from the fire offering a
Starting with the player immediately to the left soothing sent, as a wild boar sits over the flames
of the Judge, each posse member must reveal cooking. Animal skin bedrolls are laid out on
his hand. The creature will reveal his hand last the ground near each of you.
and determine who the winner is. If the creature
wins, the entire posse has their souls consumed The posse has been discovered by the Shampe,
and are dead. If a posse member wins, the crea- a giant hairy man-eating creature that lives out-
ture politely smiles at that character, whispers, side of Jefferson. It will watch them and wait for
“well done”, in his raspy voice, stands up adjusts the posse to let their guard down to attack. Allow
his top hat, and then walks into the shadows all the posse to make a notice roll (DC 15) to hear
fading away into the darkness. the Shampe as it moves out of the darkness. On
a success the character has avoided being sur-
Treasure: The winning character receives $23.57 prised by the monster. The Shampe will immedi-
(plus $1 for each hit point a character used to ately attack the character with the lowest Luck
up the bet) in various coins and bills and the attribute or highest amount of Hex chips who
necklace. The necklace is a magic item called also failed his roll to hear its approach.
the Necklace of Life that grants the character
wearing it a +1 bonus to AC and can restore up to Shampe: Align WtL; Init +1; Atk claws +4 melee
13 hit points. The character may restore between d7+4; AC 12; HD 3d14; hp 31; MV 35’; Act 2d16; SV
1 and the maximum amount of hit points stored Ref +1, Fort +3, Will +0, fear; mundane weapons
within the Necklace of Life during each use. Once only deal ½ damage to the Shampe
all the hit points are drained, the Necklace of Life
loses the ability to restore hit points, but retains After the Shampe has been slain, a similar door
the bonus it grants to AC. For each party mem- appears with the same noises surrounding it
ber that lost 1 hit point in raising the bet, the total during the posse’s approach.
amount of hit points stored in the Necklace of
Life is increased by 1. 4. Supper time
Read the following to the posse.
After the winner claims the pot, once again a
large metal door with a handle appears floating As the familiar sounds of the train diminish,
on the other side of the room, just outside of the you find yourself in a high-end dining estab-
darkness. Again, as the posse approaches, they lishment. Wait staff walks quickly between
hear the distant sound of a train rolling over tables bringing food, drinks, and politely tak-
tracks growing louder. When a posse member ing orders. Your posse sits alone at your table.
opens the door, all goes black. A waiter quickly walks over, smiles and asks
if you are ready to order your food and drinks.
Note on the gambler class: If one of the posse You look down and find the same short menu in
is a gambler and would like to use his shady front of each of you.
dealings - cheat ability, he may. The creature has
a +3 to its roll. If the sly gambler succeeds, he The menu reads:
wins. If not, the gambler is caught by the crea-
ture. It will immediately drain his soul, killing 1. Braised beef with noodles
him. 2. Half chicken with french peas
3. Salmon with tartar sauce
3. The Shampe 4. Sirloin of beef with mashed carrots

5. Roasted turkey with new potatoes If the player characters are suspicious and wish
6. Pullet, english style to check the food, allow them to roll an Intel-
ligence check (DC 13) to detect the poison. If a
The waiter will remain until each member of the posse member is successful and prevents all the
posse has ordered their food and then quickly posse from consuming one of the poisoned dish-
departs. As they wait, the posse begins to realize es, the same floating door will appear across
they are all quite hungry. A while later, the wait- the restaurant and the characters can rise from
er returns with the posse’s food. Just like while their seats.
at the poker game, the posse members find that If one or more of the posse members is poi-
they cannot get up. Just before the posse mem- soned, the door will not appear until all char-
bers dig into the food, the Judge should roll one acters have either passed their check to save
die in secret (determined by the variety of dish- against the poison, are cured in some other way,
es ordered) and note which dish of food the die or die from Stamina loss.
determines. Any character who ordered that dish Once out of their chairs, the posse is free to
and consumes it, has been poisoned (DC 13 Fort look around, try to help their poisoned compan-
or suffer d3 in Stamina damage per minute, until ions, and talk to anyone. The bulk of the waiting
one save is made). Once the food has been con- staff is alarmed and shocked if any of the posse
sumed, the posse can now move as normal. is poisoned and will do everything to help. Any
If a member of the posse refuses to eat, all character who is looking should make a notice
members find that they still cannot get out of roll (DC 14) to see if they can find anything suspi-
their chairs. The posse members cannot share cious. Those who pass notice one of the waiting
their food. They find their plates are stuck to the staff standing in the back and looking nervous. If
table or their utensils will not pick up another caught, he will cower and will put up no fight. If
character’s food. Once all posse members have searched, the same poison as described above
eaten, they can get up from the table. can be found on him along (with one dose left)

with two vials of antidote that can be used to The Cotton Mouth Gang (6): Align PoD +2; Int +2;
save the life of any who are still suffering from Atk +2 axe handle d6+1 or +2 heavy pistol d10
the poison. (range 10/20/60); AC 12; HD 2d10; hp 14; MV 30’;
Act 1d20; SV Ref +1, Fort +2, Will +0
The Engineer & The Sheriff’s fate
As the posse enters though the final door, at last After the battle, read the following to the posse.
they find themselves in engine room, though an
odd scene is laid out before them. After the last of the Cotton Mouth Gang has
been killed, the town and townsfolk fade away.
Read the following aloud. Only you and Sherriff Jacobs remain surround-
ed by white. The Sherriff stands and the blood
As the darkness dissipates, you clearly hear the slowly vanishes from his body. His eyes appear to
sounds of the train rapidly crossing tracks. You grow a bit brighter as he looks over you. “Thank
find yourself in a hot metal smoke smelling car. you. I…” He shakes his head. “I was so angry
You can clearly see the tracks laid out before with the people of Jefferson for letting me die.
you through an opening in the front of the car. I can see now that it was not their fault. The
A tall man wearing a dull blue uniform stands Cotton Mouth Gang would have killed them if
looking out of the front of the train with his they had tried to help. I’ve done so much harm
withered hand resting on a handle. The train by possessing the engineer and not allowing the
continues to steam on ahead with urgency as dead to rest.” The sherriff’s voice trails off. He
the man stars out onto the tracks with his back pauses and stares off into the white nothing.
to you. The figure does not seem to notice you. “Thank you for saving me. It’s not much, but
I will help you as much as I can.” The form of
The man will not respond to anyone trying Sherriff Jacobs slowly starts to fade, and his es-
to speak to him, though he appears to still be sence slowly surrounds one of your shooting irons.
breathing. If any of the posse comes within a
few feet of the man or takes any hostile action If the posse has a gunslinger, the sheriff’s es-
towards him, he turns and stares into the char- sence further infuses one of her shooting irons.
acters eyes and everything fades away for the The pistol (players choice) gains a +1 magical bo-
whole posse. Read the following. nus to attack rolls. If this is a funnel adventure.
The sherriff does the same for one character
You stand in the middle of Jefferson, just as who becomes a gunslinger.
the sun is setting. All the townsfolk are gath-
ered around the with your posse standing among This is your stop
them. An older man on his hands and knees is Once the sheriff fades away, the posse returns
surrounded by six rough looking characters. The to the train engine. There, the engineer regains
group of six strike the older man with pistols, his faculties and pulls the emergency stop. He
axe handles, punches, and kicks. You see the thanks the posse for their help and immediately
glint of a sheriffs badge pinned to the beaten reverses the trains engine to return to the Jef-
man’s chest. He cries out for help, but none of ferson Train Station. Once there, he allows all the
the townsfolk move. He looks directly at you, restless souls to board and for the posse to exit
pleading and simply says, “please”. The gang the train.
turn their heads towards you all at once, a Once the posse returns to the Prime, they can
wicked glint in their eyes as they raise their collect their reward from Jefferson - $600. Usti
weapons. also offers her thanks and gives each of the par-
ty members a small foul-tasting potion that will
The Cotton Mouth Gang attacks the party. They restore 1d3 points of ability damage.
fight to the death as the sherriff and townsfolk
watch. Future Adventures
Though the town of Jefferson is saved, the Cot-

ton Mouth Gang is still at large. If one of the
posse had her shooting irons empowered by
Sherriff Jacobs, she feels a compulsion to find
the murders. The remainder of the party may
feel that the Cotton Mouth Gang must be brought
to justice. Though the trail ran cold for the Tex-
as Rangers and local bounty hunters, the posse
may have better luck.

Hell Train Playtests

Lone Star Game Expo - 2019

The Long Con - 2021 North Texas RPG Con - 2019

RMG - 0001

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