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1. Introduction financial system in Ethiopia

 The financial sector in Ethiopia consists of formal, semi formal and informal institutions.
A. The Formal Sector
The major formal financial institutions operating in Ethiopia are
(i) banks,
(ii) insurance companies
(iii) microfinance institutions.
B. Semi formal: Saving and Credit Cooperatives
C. Informal Finance
The major informal financial institutions in Ethiopia are
(i) iddirs,
(ii) iqqubs
(iii) mehabers

2. Commercial banks in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian banking sector is currently comprised of a central bank (The National Bank of Ethiopia or
NBE) one state owned development bank a government owned commercial bank and twenty for private banks.

2.1 History of banking in Ethiopia

 The agreement that was reached in 1905 between Emperor Minilik II and Mr.Ma Gillivray,
representative of the British owned National Bank of Egypt marked the introduction of modern
banking in Ethiopia.
 Following the agreement, the first bank called Bank of Abysinia was inaugurated in Feb.16, 1906
by the Emperor.
 The Bank was totally managed by the Egyptian National Bank and the following rights and
concessions were agreed upon the establishment of Bank of Abyssinia.
 The capital of the Bank was agreed to be Pound Sterling 500,000 and one-fifth was subscribed and
the rest was to be obtained by selling shares in some important cities such as London, Paris and New
 The Bank was given full rights to issue bank notes and monitor coins which were to be legal tender
and all the profits there from a ruing to the bank and freely exchangeable against gold and silver on
cover by the Bank as well as to establish silver coins and abolish the Maria Theresa.
 Land was given to the Bank free of charges & permitted to build offices and warehouses.
Government and public funds were to be deposited with the bank and all payments to be made by
 Within the first fifteen years of its operation, Bank of Abyssinia opened branches in different areas
of the country. In 1906 a branch in Harar (Eastern Ethiopia) was opened at the same time of the
inauguration of Bank of Abyssinia in Addis Ababa. Another at Dire Dawa was opened two years
later and at Gore in 1912 and at Dessie and Djibouti in 1920.
 Thus by 1931 Bank of Abyssinia was legally replaced by Bank of Ethiopia shortly after Emperor
Haile Selassie came to power. The new Bank, Bank of Ethiopia, was a purely Ethiopian institution
and was the first indigenous bank in Africa and established by an official decree on August 29,
1931 with capital of £750,000.
 Ethiopian government owned 60 percent of the total shares of the Bank and all transactions were
subject to scrutiny by its Minister of Finance.
 Bank of Ethiopia took over the commercial activities of the Bank of Abysinia and was authorized to
issue notes and coins. The Bank with branches in Dire Dawa, Gore, Dessie, Debre Tabor, Harar,
agency in Gambella and a transit office in Djibouti continued successfully until the Italian invasion
in 1935.
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 During the invasion, the Italians established branches of their main Banks namely Banca d’Italia,
Banco di Roma, Banco di Napoli -and Banca Nazionale del lavoro and started operation in the main
towns o
 The State Bank of Ethiopia had established 21 branches including a branch in Khartoum, Sudan and
a transit office on Djibouti until it eased to exist by bank proclamation issued on December, 1963.
Then the Ethiopian Monetary and Banking law that came into force in 1963 separated the function
of commercial and central banking creating National Bank of Ethiopia and commercial Bank of
Ethiopia. Moreover, it allowed foreign banks to operate in Ethiopia limiting their maximum
ownership to be 49 percent while the remaining balance should be owned by Ethiopians.
 National Bank of Ethiopia with more power and duties started its operation in January 1964.
Following the incorporation as a share company on December 16, 1963 as per proclamation
No.207/1955 of October 1963, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia took over the commercial banking
activities of the former State Bank of Ethiopia. It started operation on January 1,1964 with a capital
of Eth. Birr 20 million. In the new Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, in contrast with the former State
Bank of Ethiopia, all employees were Ethiopians.There were other financial institutions operating in
the country like the Imperial Savings and Home Ownership public Association (ISHOPA) which
specialized in providing loans for the construction of residential houses and to individuals under the
guarantee of their savings. There was also the Saving and Mortgage Corporation of Ethiopia whose
aims and duties were to accept savings and trust deposits account and provide loans for the
construction, repair and improvement of residential houses, commercial and industrial buildings and
carry out all activities related to mortgage operations. On the other hand, there was a bank called
Agricultural Bank that provides loan for the agricultural and other relevant projects established in
1945. But in 1951 the Investment Bank of Ethiopia replaced it. In 1965, the name of the bank once
again hanged to Ethiopian Investment Corporation Share Company and the capital raised to Eth.
Birr 20 million, which was fully paid up. However, proclamation No.55 of 1970 established the
Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank Share Company by taking over the asset and liability
of the former Development Bank and Investment Corporation of Ethiopia.
 Following the declaration of socialism in 1974 the government extended its control over the whole
economy and nationalized all large corporations. Organizational setups were taken in order to create
stronger institutions by merging those that perform similar functions. Accordingly, the three private
owned banks, Addis Ababa Bank, Banco di Roma and Banco di Napoli Merged in 1976 to form the
second largest Bank in Ethiopia called Addis Bank with a capital of Eth. birr 20 million and had a
staff of 480 and 34 branches. Before the merger, the foreign participation of these banks was first
nationalized in early 1975. Then Addis Bank and Commercial Bank of Ethiopia S.C . were merged
by proclamation No.184 of August 2, 1980 to form the sole commercial bank in the country till the
establishment of private commercial banks in 1994. The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia commenced
its operation with a capital of Birr 65 million, 128 branches and 3,633 employees. The Savings and
Mortgage Corporation S. . and Imperial Saving and Home Ownership Public Association were also
merged to form the Housing and Saving Bank with working capital of Birr 6.0 million and all rights,
privileges, assets and liabilities were transferred by proclamation No.60, 1975 to the new bank.
Proclamation No.99 of 1976 brought into existence the Agricultural and Industrial Bank, which was
formed in 1970 as a 100 percent state ownership, was brought under the umbrella of the National
Bank of Ethiopia. Then it was reestablished by proclamation No. 158 of 1979 as a public finance
agency possessing judicial personality and named Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank
 It was entrusted with the financing of the economic development of the agricultural, industrial and
other sectors of the national economy extending credits of medium and long-term nature as well as
short-term agricultural production loans.The financial sector that the socialist oriented government
left behind constituted only 3 banks and each enjoying monopoly in its respective market. The
following was the structure of the sector at the end of the era.

1. The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE)

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2. The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE)

3. Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank (AIDB)
 Following the demise of the Dergue regime in 1991 that ruled the country for 17 years under the rule of
command economy, the EPRDF declared a liberal economy system. In line with this, Monetary and
Banking proclamation of 1994 established the national bank of Ethiopia as a judicial entity, separated
from the government and outlined its main function.

 Monetary and Banking proclamation No.83/1994 and the Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business
No.84/1994 laid down the legal basis for investment in the banking sector. Consequently shortly after the
proclamation the first private bank, Awash International Bank was established in 1994 by 486
shareholders and by 1998 the authorized capital of the Bank reached Birr 50.0 million. Dashen Bank was
established on September 20,1995 as a share company with an authorized and subscribed capital of Birr
50.0 million. 131 shareholders with subscribed and authorized capital of 25.0 million and 50 million
founded bank of Abysinia. Wegagen Bank with an authorized capital of Birr 60.0 million started
operation in 1997. The fifth private bank, United Bank was established on 10th September 1998 by 335
shareholders .Nib International Bank that started operation on May 26, 1999 with an authorized capital of
Birr 150.0 million. Cooperative Bank of Oromia was established on October 29,2004 with an authorized
capital of Birr 22.0 million. Lion International Bank with an authorized capital of Birr 108 million started
operation in October 02,2006. Zemen Bank that started operation on June 17, 2008 with an authorized
capital of Birr 87.0 million. The last bank to be established to date is Oromia International Bank that
started operation on September 18, 2008 with an authorized capital of Birr 91 million.

 On the other hand, modern forms of insurance service, which were introduced in Ethiopia by Europeans,
trace their origin as far back as 1905 when the Bank of Abysinia began to transact fire and marine
insurance as an agent of a foreign insurance company. According to a survey made in 1954, there were 9
insurance companies that were providing insurance service in the country. Except Imperial Insurance
company that was established in 1951, the rest of the insurance companies were branches or agents of
foreign companies. The number of insurance companies increased significantly and reached 33 in 1960.
At that time insurance business like any business undertaking was classified as trade and was
administered by the provisions of the commercial code. This was the only legislation in force in respect of
insurance except the maritime code of Ethiopia that was issued to govern the operations of maritime
business and the related marine insurance. The minimum paid-up capital required to establish an
insurance company was as little as 12,500 Ethiopian dollars as stipulated in the commercial code. There
was no restriction on foreign insurers.

 The first remarkable event that the Ethiopian insurance market witnessed was the promulgation of
proclamation No. 281/1970. This proclamation was issued to provide for the control & regulation of
insurance business in Ethiopia. It is peculiar in that it created an Insurance Council and an Insurance
Controller’s Office.

 The controller of insurance licensed 15 domestic insurance companies, 36 agents, 7 brokers, 3 actuaries &
11 assessors in accordance with the provisions of the proclamation immediately in the year after the
issuance of the law.

 The law required an insurer to be a domestic company whose share capital (fully subscribed) to be not
less than Ethiopian dollars 400,000 for a general insurance business and Ethiopian dollars 600,000 in the
case of long-term insurance business and Ethiopian dollars 1,000,000 to do both long-term & general
insurance business. Non-Ethiopian nationals were not barred from participating in insurance business.
However, the proclamation defined ‘domestic company’ as a share company having its head office in
Ethiopia and in the case of a company transacting a general insurance business at least 51% and in the
case of a company transacting life insurance business, at least 30% of the paid-up capital must be held by
Ethiopian nationals or national companies.
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 Four years after the enactment of the proclamation, the military government that came to power in 1974
put an end to all private entrepreneurship. Then all insurance companies operating were nationalized and
from January 1, 1975 onwards the government took over the ownership and control of these companies &
merged them into a single unit called Ethiopian Insurance Corporation. In the years following
nationalization, Ethiopian Insurance Corporation be came the sole operator.

 Following the change in the political environment in 1991, the proclamation for the licensing and
supervision of insurance business heralded the beginning of a new era. Immediately after the enactment of
the proclamation private insurance companies began to flourish. Currently There are 16 private banks and
3 government-owned banks, 19 private and 1 government owned insurance companies, and 35 MFIs (as
of May,2012.)

2.2 Function of banks

 Accepting deposits.
 Lending loans and advances.
 Transfer of funds.
 Issue of notes/ drafts.
 Credit deposits.
 Foreign exchange services

3. Insurance business in Ethiopia

3.1 History of insurance in Ethiopia

 Ethiopian Insurance Corporation (EIC) was established in 1976 by proclamation No. 68/1975. The
Corporation came into existence by taking over all the assets and liabilities of the thirteen
nationalized private insurance companies, with Birr 11 million (USD 1.29 million) paid up capital
aiming the following objectives. Engage in all classes of insurance business in Ethiopia; Ensure
the insurance services reach the broad mass of the people;
 Subject to the provision of Article 18 of the Housing and Saving Bank establishment proclamation
No. 60/1975, promote efficient utilization of both material and financial resources
 EIC was operating the business for about nineteen years under protected monopolistic system as state
owned-sole insurer. After the demise of the Marxist regime in mid-1991 a fundamental change has
taken place and there was a shift in political, economic and social orientation from totalitarianism to
that of liberalism. Therefore, EIC was re-established as public enterprise under proclamation number
201/94 with Birr 61 million (USD 7.13 million) paid up capital.
 Upon re-establishment of the Corporation in 1994 as state owned enterprise, the law covers the following
new objectives to the Corporation:
 Engage in the business of rendering insurance services;
 Engage in any other related activities conducive to the attainment of its purposes.

 Currently, there are 17 insurance companies operating in the Ethiopia and Ethiopian Insurance
Corporation has 40% of the market share at the end of year 2014 in the Ethiopian insurance industry.

3.2 Functions of insurance companies in Ethiopia

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Although the main function of insurance is not to reduce loss but merely to spread/distribute losses among
members of the insured group, insurers are nevertheless vitally interested in keeping losses at a minimum 31,

Functions of an Insurance Company

The main function of insurance is that eliminates the uncertainty of an unexpected and sudden financial loss.
This is one of the biggest worries of a business. Instead of this uncertainty, it provides the certainty of regular
payment i.e. the premium to be paid.

functions of insurance are

• Insurance provides certainty,
• Insurance provides protection,
• Risk-Sharing,
• Prevention of loss,
• It Provides Capital,
• It Improves Efficiency,
• It helps Economic Progress

4. Micro finance institution in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, microfinance was introduced in 1995 to reduce poverty, and since then, Ethiopia's government
has stimulated the expansion of modern financial services in the country. Presently, around 31 licensed
microfinance institutions are operating throughout the country

4.1 History of micro finance institution

 In 1996 (proclamation 40/96) the Ethiopian government issued its first microfinance legislation with the
objective of providing microcrdit service to poor. As of 2022, there are about microfinance institutions
registered under National Bank of Ethiopia (AEMFI, 2008). According to Amha and Narayana (2000)
cited from UNDP (1999), in Ethiopia the number of economically active poor who can potentially access
financial service is about 6 million. From this amount, about 8.3% of the active poor have gained service
from licensed MFIs.

 In Ethiopia microfinance institutions are classified into three peer categories on the basis their size: Small
- MFIs with a gross loan portfolio less than or equal to Br 15 Million. Medium MFIs with a gross loan
portfolio from Br 15 million to Br 50 million and large MFIs with a gross loan portfolio greater than 50
million (AEMFI). Currently in Ethiopia there are about 30 microfinance institutions that serve the society.
From these institutions data is collected from15 Institutions (6 large, 6 medium and 3 small MFIs) over
seven years period covered from 2003 to 2009.

1. Amhara Credit and Saving Institution S. Co. 11. One Microfinance Institution Share Company
2. Dedebit Credit and Saving Institution S.C. 12. Digaf Micro Credit Provider S. Co.
3. Oromia Credit and Saving Institution S.Co. 13. Tesfa Micro Finance Institution S. Co.Somali Micro
4. Omo Micro Finance Institution S. Co. finance Institution S.Co.
5. Gasha Micro Financing S. Co. 14. Lideta Micro Finance Institution S.C.
6. Vision Fund Microfinance Institution S. Co. 15. Adaday Micro finance Institution S.Co.
7. Sidama Micro Finance Institution S.Co. 16. Gambella Micro Financing S. Co.
8. Africa Village Financial Services S. Co. 17. Kendil Micro Finance Institution
9. Dire Micro Finance Institution S. Co. 18. Kershi Microfinance Institution S.C
10. Aggar Micro Finance S.Co. 19. Sheger Microfinance Institution S.C.
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20. Grand Microfinance Institution 31. Specialized Financial and Promotional Institution S.
21. Meklit Micro Finance Institution S. Co. Co.
22. Addis Credit and Saving Institution S. Co. 32. Nisir Micro Finance Institution S.Co.
23. ESHET Micro Finance Institution S.Co. 33. Rays Micro Finance Institution S.Co.
24. Wasasa Micro Finance Institution S.Co. 34. Peace Microfinance Share Company
25. Benishangul-Gumuz Micro Financing S.Co. 35. Afar Microfinance Institution S.C.
26. Metemamen Micro Financing Institution S. Co. 36. Debo Microfinance Institution S.C.
27. Harbu Micro Financing Institution S. Co. 37. Yemsirach Microfinance Institution S.C.
28. Harar Micro Microfinance Institution S. Co. 38. KAAFI Microfinance Institution S.C
29. Lefayeda Credit and Saving S.Co. 39. Kalub Microfinance Institution S.C
30. Dynamic Micro Finance S. Co.

4.2 Function of micro finance institution

 Over 80% of the Ethiopian population lives in rural areas and 45% of the population lives below the
official poverty line. Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in the country are contributing to poverty reduction
by providing loans and to mobilizing savings from low-income segments of the population.

5 . Objective and function of national banks in Ethiopia

 To regulate the supply, availability and cost of money and credit. To manage and administer the country's
international reserves.
 To license & supervise banks & hold commercial banks reserves & lend money to them. To supervise
loans of commercial banks and regulate interest rates.
The main objective national bank of Ethiopia

The principal objective of the monetary policy of the National Bank of Ethiopia is to maintain price &
exchange rate stability and support sustainable economic growth of Ethiopia.

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