STS Reporting

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FRS is an award granted by the Fellows of the Royal Society of London to individuals who have
made a "substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including
mathematics, engineering science, and medical science"
"Sir" is the common title for men who have been knighted in England. Newton was knighted by
Britain's Queen Anne in 1705, during the Queen's visit to Trinity College, Cambridge (where
Newton worked).
instrumental in institutionalizing the study of mathematics at Cambridge.
Regius Professor of Greek
William Whiston
A New Theory of the Earth
Roger Cotes
Cotes' major original work was in mathematics, especially in the fields of integration calculus
methods, logarithms, and numerical methods.
Accelerating for is the bullet, while the reaction force is the guns recoil force. backward
movement a shooter feels when the bullet is discharged.
Gravitational Force
There is a popular story that Newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on his head,
and he suddenly thought of the Universal Law of Gravitation. As in all such legends, this is
almost certainly not true in its details, but the story contains elements of what actually happened.
Simple words:
The gravitational force would be described as a force of attraction (attractive force) that attracts
all physical forms having mass.

This is precisely the form of the gravitational force, with the universal gravitational constant G as
the constant of proportionality. Thus, Newton's laws of motion, with a gravitational force used in
the 2nd Law, imply Kepler's Laws, and the planets obey the same laws of motion as objects on
the surface of the Earth
The Sun's gravity pulls the planets in orbit around it, and some planets pull moons in orbit
around them
Newton used the Law of Universal Gravitation and the Laws of Motion to explain orbits of
planetary bodies. His work supported previous scientists' suggestions of a heliocentric (sun-
centered) solar system and provided the theoretical framework for the idea that the universe was
not geocentric (earth-centered).

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