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POS 221 – Human Resource Man- to management.

agement - Most company

have a separate de-
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT partment to look af-
Human Resource Management 1910 – 1930 ter the well-being
of employees
- deals with approaches or philosophies (al-
- Employment test &
ways anchored with philosophy).
- a strategic, integrated and coherent ap-
proach to the employment, development and well- - Hawthorne studies
being of the people working in organizations. placed a significant
importance in so-
HRM in Political Science – it’s a preparatory 1930 – 1945 cial psychology
course for the students to the outside world - HR greatly affects
Frederick W. Taylor - pioneered the study of sci- the level of job sat-
entific management and eventually became isfaction
known as the father of scientific management. - Union Membership
____________________________________ - Emphasis on em-
ployee and em-
ployer relationship
SOURCE MANAGEMENT - Added benefit sys-
- The main goal of any organization is to tem
provide goods and services effectively. - Civil Rights 1964
____________________________________ 1965 – 1995 - Discrimination was
1995 – - Diverse Workplace
1. Scientific Management
2. Industrial Psychology
3. Hawthorne Study ____________________________________
4. Birth of Union Membership BASIC GOALS OF HRM
5. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
6. Labor Force, Globalization, and Strategic 1. Support
HRM Function 2. Contribute
3. Ensure
____________________________________ 4. Create
- reflect a new philosophy, a new out- ____________________________________
look, approach and strategy, which views an a. SUPPORT
organization’s manpower as its resources and - support the organization in achieving its
assets and not as liabilities or mere hands. objectives by developing and implementing
____________________________________ human resource (HR) strategies that are inte-
grated with the business strategy
1890 – 1910 - Frederick Taylor - materialize the strategies
- Scientific Manage- *Strategies:
ment: brings the  CSR
logic of efficiency - Corporate Social Responsibility

POS 221 – Human Resource Management (Prelims)|Matt Andrei Gallamos 1

- A business strategy of any corpora- - conventional and concentrates on supervi-
tion in pursuit of co-corporate objec- sory administration of people
tives while giving back to the com- Human Capital Management
Example: When company give job - approach in obtaining, analyzing, reporting
opportunities to disabled individuals. on data which informs the discretion of value
This can also be a trademark com- adding people management strategic investment and
pany (Lamoyan Corporation). optional decision at corporate level and front men
b. CONTRIBUTE level.
- contribute to the development of a high- Human Resource Management
performance culture.
*High Performance (Criticism): - a strategic, integrated and coherent ap-
- When employees go beyond their produc- proach to the employment, development and well-
tivity level, it causes so much stress, it com- being of the people working in organizations.
promises your physical and mental well-be-
ing. People Management

- ensure that the organization has the tal- Human Resource Human Capital
Management Management
ented, skilled and engaged people it needs.
- create a positive employment relationship Management
between management and employees and a climate
of mutual trust.
- creation of a more conducive environment.
*Harmonious relationship: starts in the MENT
hiring process, if communicated to you properly.
1. Planning
e. CONTRIBUTE 2. Leading
- encourage the application of an ethical ap- 3. Organizing
proach to people management. 4. Controlling

*Code of Ethics: regulate the behavior of ____________________________________

employees. Social Constructivism – social group constructing
____________________________________ thing for one another.

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE AS- Micromanagement – no autonomy between em-

PECT OF HRM ployee.

People Management Corporate Social Responsibility - A business

strategy of any corporation in pursuit of co-corpo-
- policies and practices which govern how rate objectives while giving back to the community.
people are managed and developed in an organiza-
tion. Positive Employment Relationship – create a
more conducive work relationship.
Personnel Management
Sweatshops – no clearance but continue to operate.
- an administrative function which exists in
an organization to ensure right personnel at right or- ____________________________________
ganizational activity. It is a traditional approach of STAGES OF THE EMPLOYMENT CYCLE
managing employees which focuses on adherence
1. Pre-Hiring Stage
to policies and rules of organization.

POS 221 – Human Resource Management (Prelims)|Matt Andrei Gallamos 2

- human resource planning (HRP) and job
2. human re- analysis.
source - the process of systematically reviewing
human resource requirements to ensure
3. planning that the number of employees matches
the required skills.


- a methodical way of collecting, Inter-
analysis preting, and storing Information about
specific jobs. This information will help

4. human re- identify the content of the work as well

as the worker requirements needed to
perform the job.
source 2. Hiring Stage

5. planning 3. This stage

(HRP) and job comprises re-
analysis cruitment and
6. human re- 4. selection
source practices.
- this stage comprises and recruitment and

7. planning selection practices


analysis - a tool to locate and entice job seek-
ers who are eligible for the job.

8. human re- SELECTION

- choosing the best and the most
source qualified candidate from the pool of ap-

9. planning 3. Post-Hiring Stage

(HRP) and job


POS 221 – Human Resource Management (Prelims)|Matt Andrei Gallamos 3

- describes how people within their orga-
4. The aim of nizations act individually or in groups
and how organizations function in terms
this stage is to of their structure, processes and culture.
*Efficient – doing things right

implement *Effectivity – doing the right thing

5. Contingency Theory
5. HRM prac- - HRM practices are dependent on the or-
ganization’s environment and circum-

tices that will im- stances.

- associated with the notion of fit – the
need to achieve congruence between an
prove and sustain organization’s HR strategies, policies
and practices and its business strategies

6. employee within the context of its external and in-

ternal environment.
- Capacity of an organization to function
work perfor- effectively in order to meet or achieve
desired results.

mance level
- The aim of this stage is to implement HRM
HRM practices that will improve and PRACTICES
sustain employee work performance
“Age, Technology, Unionism”
6. Institutional Theory
- Conforms or adheres to internal and ex-
THEORIES OF HRM ternal environmental pressures
1. Commitment
- Strength of an individual identification
with and involvement in a particular or-
ganization. CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement)
- the strength of an individual’s identifica- - Agreement between the administration
tion with, and involvement in, a particu- with the union members and the union
lar organization itself.
*Richard Walton – workers would respond New Institutionalist
best and must creatively when they are not
tightly controlled. - Broader analysis of the employment re-
lationship between an employee and em-
2. Motivation ployer.
- Factors that effect on goal-directed be- - 9/9 principle
havior and therefore influence the ap- 7. Human Capital Theory
proach. - concerned with how people in an organi-
3. Resource Based View zation contribute their knowledge, skills
- competitive advantage is achieved if a and abilities to enhancing organizational
firm’s resources are valuable, rare and capability and the significance of that
costly to imitate. contribution.
4. Organizational Behavior Theory 8. Resource Dependence Theory

POS 221 – Human Resource Management (Prelims)|Matt Andrei Gallamos 4

- Groups and organizations gain power 1. MATCHING MODEL
over each other by controlling valued re- - Proposed by Fombrun
sources. HRM activities are assumed to - indicated that HR systems and the orga-
reflect the distribution of power in the nization structure should be managed in
system. a way that is congruent with organiza-
9. AMO Theory tional strategy.
- Formula set out by Boxall and Purcell, 2. HARVARD MODEL
2003. - Beer (1984)
- performance is a function of Ability + - (HRM) involves all management deci-
Motivation + Opportunity to Participate. sions and actions that affect the nature of
- HRM practices therefore impact on indi- the relationship between the organization
vidual performance if they encourage and employees – its human resources.
discretionary effort, develop skills and - it was necessary to adopt ‘a longer-term
provide people with the opportunity to perspective in managing people and con-
perform. sideration of people as a potential asset
- The formula provides the basis for de- rather than merely a variable cost.
veloping HR systems that attend to em- 3. CONTEXTUAL MODEL
ployees’ interests, namely their skill re- - emphasizes the importance of environ-
quirements, motivations and the quality mental factors by including variables
of their job. such as the influence of social, institu-
10. Social Exchange Theory tional and political forces that have been
- Employees will reciprocate their contri- underestimated in other models.
bution to the organization if they per- - broader, integrating the human resource
ceive that the organization has treated management system in the environment
them well. in which it is developed
11. Agency Theory 4. 5-P MODEL
- role of the managers of a business is to - formulated by Schuler (1992) the 5-P
act on behalf of the owners of the busi- model of HRM describes how HRM op-
ness as their agents. erates under the five headings of:
- there is a separation between the owners
(the principals) and the agents (the man- a. HR Philosophy
agers) and the principals may not have - a statement of how the organization re-
complete control over their agents. gards its human resources, the role they
- Is desirable to operate a system of incen- play in the overall success of the busi-
tives for agents, directors or managers, ness, and how they should be treated and
to motivate and reward acceptable be- managed.
havior. b. HR Policies
12. Transaction Cost Theory - provide guidelines for action on people-
- Under agency theory related business issues and for the devel-
- Businesses develop organizational struc- opment of HR programmes and practices
tures and systems that economize the based on strategic needs.
costs of the transactions (interrelated ex- c. HR Programmes
change activities) that take place during - shaped by HR policies and consist of co-
the course of their operations. ordinated HR efforts intended to initiate
and manage organizational change ef-
How do we economize?
forts prompted by strategic business
- Hiring someone to do something for needs.
you. d. HR Practices
____________________________________ - Activities carried out in implementing
HR policies and programmes.
MODELS OF HRM e. HR Processes

POS 221 – Human Resource Management (Prelims)|Matt Andrei Gallamos 5

- Formal procedures and methods used to
put HR strategic plans and policies into


Programmes Policies


Practices Processes

- Brewster (1993) six variables
a. ENVIRONMENT – established legal
b. OBJECTIVES – organizational objec-
tives and social concern – people as a
key resource
c. FOCUS – cost/benefits analysis, also en-
union and non-union
AGERS – specialist/line liaison
f. ROLE OF HR SPECIALIST – specialist
managers - ambiguity, tolerance, flexi-
Hard - emphasises the quantitative, calcula-
tive and business-strategic aspects of man-
aging human resources in as “rational” a
way as for any other economic factor.
Soft – traces its roots to the human-relations
school; it emphasizes communication, moti-
vation and leadership.
- Tangible (physical, money, etc.)
- Intangible (recognitions, praises, etc.)
*”one size does not fit all”
*”rewards mechanism doesn’t work every time”

POS 221 – Human Resource Management (Prelims)|Matt Andrei Gallamos 6

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