Lesson Plan) - UNIT6 - Speaking

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Lesson plan UNIT6 : Gender equality Date of planning : 25/1/2023

Period: Lesson 4: Speaking Date of teaching : 4/2/2023

I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Understand how to express opinions
- Apply useful expressions to talk about career choices
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
- Develop presentation skills
3. Personal qualities
- Understand more about their preference of career
- Develop self-study skills
II. Materials
Grade 10 textbook, Unit 6, Speaking
Computer connected to the internet
Projector/ pictures and handouts
Stage Stage aim Procedure Tim

Warm-up - To Fill in the blanks and find the keyword. 5

introduce 1. S G N mins
the topic 2. T T
of the 3. K D G T
lesson 4. D M T
- To get Ss 5. U U
interested 6. R K
in suitable 7. K T
career 8. I E Y
options 9. D G E
10. C L S
11. L P G
12. V T S
13. O P N Y
14. Y

1. The s___g_____n performed an eight-hour operation on

my grandpa yesterday.
2. Some parents may t___t boys differently from girls.
3. K___d__ g___t____ is school for children aged from
three to five.
4. D__m__t__ violence is the behavior intended to hurt
someone you live with

Lesson plan: Unit 6: Gender equality

Nguyễn Mai Thù y Dương Page 1
5. More than half of the world’s u___u___ people are
6. Child marriage also carries serious health r__k_ as
young girls are not physically developed to give birth.
7. Girls mustn’t be k__t at home in today’s world.
8. Gender i__e____y is unequal treatment between men
and women.
9. In many places, parents may see child marriage as a way
to protect their d__g__e__ from violence.
10. Gender equality has been greatly promoted around the
world. However, there are still many c__l_____s that
women face.
11. Women tend to become nurses, secretaries, or shop
assistants, which are l__-p___g jobs, while men choose
high-paying careers as surgeons, airline pilots, or
12. However, many of these young girls become v__t__s
of domestic violence.
13. Education gives girls the o_p_____y to have a better life
and give back to their communities.
14. Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry
15. The keyword is: G__d_r ____l__

1. S U R G E O N
2. T R E A T
3. K I N D E R G A R T E N
4. D O M E S T I C
5. U N E D U C A T E D
6. R I S K S
7. K E P T
8. I N E Q U A L I T Y
9. D A U G H T E R S
10 C H A L L E N G E S
11 L O W P A Y I N G
12 V I C T I M S
13 O P P O R T U N I T Y
14 Y O U N G

Lesson plan: Unit 6: Gender equality

Nguyễn Mai Thù y Dương Page 2
1. The surgeon performed an eight-hour operation on my
grandpa yesterday.
2. Some parents may treat boys differently from girls.
3. Kindergarten is school for children aged from three to
4. Domestic violence is the behavior intended to hurt
someone you live with
5. More than half of the world’s uneducated people are
6. Child marriage also carries serious health risks as young
girls are not physically developed to give birth.
7. Girls mustn’t be kept at home in today’s world.
8. Gender inequality is unequal treatment between men
and women.
9. In many places, parents may see child marriage as a way
to protect their daughters from violence.
10. Gender equality has been greatly promoted around the
world. However, there are still many challenges that
women face.
11. Women tend to become nurses, secretaries, or shop
assistants, which are low-paying jobs, while men
choose high-paying careers as surgeons, airline pilots, or
12. However, many of these young girls become victims
of domestic violence.
13. Education gives girls the opportunity to have a better
life and give back to their communities.
14. Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry
15. The keyword is: Gender equality

Presentatio To Task 1: 10
n introduce a.Game : Name the jobs in the pictures. mins
more ideas
for the
task and
get Ss
involved Surgeons Shop assistants
in the

Lesson plan: Unit 6: Gender equality

Nguyễn Mai Thù y Dương Page 3
Nurses Airline pilots

Firefighters Kindergarten teachers

Engineers Secretaries
T divides Sts into 2 teams A and B. Each team has 20 seconds to
name the jobs from the pictures.
b.Work in pairs. Decide which jobs are traditionally
considered male or female. Use the expressions given to help
* T asks Ss to read through the jobs and makes sure they know
all the job titles.
T introduces some useful expressions to discuss the jobs in the
** Ss work individually to decide which jobs are traditionally
done by men or women and tick the corresponding columns.
*** Ss discuss in pairs and use the expressions given to express
their opinions.
**** T checks answers with the class.
Suggested answers:
Traditionally male jobs: 1, 4, 5, 7
Traditionally female jobs: 2, 3, 6, 8

Controlled To Task 2: Work in pairs. Discuss why the jobs in Task 1 are 10

Lesson plan: Unit 6: Gender equality

Nguyễn Mai Thù y Dương Page 4
practice introduce traditionally done by men or women. Use the ideas below to mins
more ideas help you.
for the * T gives Ss time to read the suggested ideas in the box and the
main example.
speaking • T has one student read the example aloud, and ask if Ss agree
task and with it and why / why not.
get Ss ** Ss work in pairs and discuss each job. T walks round the
involved class and offers help when necessary.
in the *** T asks some pairs of Ss to present their opinions in front of
lesson. the whole class. The rest of the class is encouraged to ask

Less To help Ss Task 3: Work in groups of three. Talk about your career 15
controlled talk about choice(s) mins
practice their * T asks Ss to work in groups of three and has one group role-
career play the example.
choices ** Ss discuss their career choices and note down each group
and share member’s future job and the reasons why he or she has chosen
their ideas it.
with the *** T invites some Ss from different groups to report the career
rest of the choices in their groups and give the reasons to the class.
class. **** T observes and gives feedback to the groups and

Wrap-up To - T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson. 3
consolidat - T shows a video to remind Ss about gender equality in job mins
e what Ss choices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3Aweo-74kY
have learnt
in the

Homework To review _ Prepare for listening : Reading about Valentina Tereshkova 2

the lesson mins
they have
learnt and
prepare for
the next

Lesson plan: Unit 6: Gender equality

Nguyễn Mai Thù y Dương Page 5

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