Landscape and Habitat Management Plan

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Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd

Tufnell Park Primary School

Landscape and Habitat Management Plan

Tufnell Park Primary School
Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited


This document and its contents have been prepared and intended solely for Morgan Sindall Construction &
Infrastructure Ltd’s information and use in relation to Tufnell Park Primary School.

MLM Consulting Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in
connection with this document and/or its contents.

Document History

Client: Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd

Project: Tufnell Park Primary School
Document Title: Landscape and Habitat Management Plan
Document Reference: 775194-MLM-ZZ-XX-RP-J-0003
MLM Reference: AC/775194/MB

Revision Status Description Author Checked Approved Date

C01 S2 Sam Wilson Jo Robins King Martin Brammah 06/06/2018

Tufnell Park Primary School
Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited


1 Limitations and Exceptions ...................................................................................................................................1

2 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................2

2.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................................2

2.2 Site Description .....................................................................................................................................................2
2.3 Previous Reports ...................................................................................................................................................2
2.4 Time Period Covered by This Plan........................................................................................................................2

3 Objectives for Ecological Enhancement and Habitat Management ...................................................................3

3.1 Site Level Biodiversity Action Plan........................................................................................................................3

3.2 Enhancements to be Incorporated on Site ..........................................................................................................3

4 Creation of Ecologically Valuable Features .........................................................................................................4

4.1 Bat Boxes ...............................................................................................................................................................4

4.2 Bird Boxes ..............................................................................................................................................................4
4.3 Hibernaculum.........................................................................................................................................................4
4.4 Log Piles ................................................................................................................................................................4
4.5 Rock Piles ..............................................................................................................................................................4
4.6 Stag Beetle Loggery..............................................................................................................................................4
4.7 New Planting .........................................................................................................................................................4

5 Management of Existing and New Habitats ........................................................................................................5

5.1 Bat Boxes ...............................................................................................................................................................5

5.2 Bird Boxes ..............................................................................................................................................................5
5.3 Vegetation Management ......................................................................................................................................5
5.4 Hibernaculum.........................................................................................................................................................5
5.5 Log Piles ................................................................................................................................................................5
5.6 Rock Piles ..............................................................................................................................................................5
5.7 Stag Beetle Loggery..............................................................................................................................................5

6 Maintenance Schedule .........................................................................................................................................6

7 References .............................................................................................................................................................7

Tufnell Park Primary School
Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited

1 Limitations and Exceptions

This plan and its findings should be considered in relation to the terms and conditions proposed and scope
of works agreed between MLM and the client.

Interpretations and recommendations contained in the plan represent our professional opinions, which were
arrived at in accordance with currently accepted industry practices at the time of reporting and based on
current legislation in force at that time.

The copyright in this plan/report and other plans and documents prepared by MLM is owned by MLM and
no such report, plan or document may be reproduced, published or adapted without their written consent.
Complete copies of this plan/report may, however, be made and distributed by the client as an expedient in
dealing with matters related to its commission.

This plan is prepared and written in the context of the proposals stated in the introduction to this plan and
should not be used in a differing context. Furthermore, alterations to the initial proposals or changes in
conditions on site over time may necessitate an alteration to the plan in whole or in part after its submission.
Therefore, in the event of any change in proposals or lapse of one year or more from the date of the
plan/report, the content of the plan/report should not be relied upon unless referred to MLM for validation
and, if necessary, re-appraisal.

Scientific survey data will be shared with local biological records centre in accordance with the Chartered
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) professional code of conduct.

This plan was prepared only for our client and is not intended to be relied on by any other party. Third
parties should not rely on the facts, matters or opinions set out in this plan without the express written
permission of MLM.

Please note that MLM does not purport to provide specialist legal advice.

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Tufnell Park Primary School
Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited

2 Introduction

2.1 Purpose

This management plan has been prepared by MLM Consulting Engineers for Morgan Sindall Construction
& Infrastructure Ltd and relates to the proposed development of Tufnell Park Primary School.

The purpose of this plan is to outline how the new and existing habitats at the site should be managed in
future to maximise the biodiversity value of the site. This management plan is a mandatory pre-requisite for
award of any credits under LE 05 ‘Long Term Impact on Biodiversity’ in the BREEAM UK New Construction:
Non-domestic Buildings (United Kingdom) Technical Manual SD5076:5.0-2014.

2.2 Site Description

The site is located at Tufnell Park Primary School, London, N7 0HJ and may be located by national grid
reference TQ 29772 85609.

2.3 Previous Reports

This report has been produced with reference to the recommendations made in the ecological report to
inform BREEAM (ref. 1), produced by MLM.

2.4 Time Period Covered by This Plan

This plan will need to be followed for at least the first five years following construction in order to be valid
for a credit for LE 05 ‘Long Term Impact on Biodiversity’ in the BREEAM UK New Construction: Non-
domestic Buildings (United Kingdom) Technical Manual SD5076:5.0-2014. Ideally this plan should be used
in perpetuity as it includes simple management operations required each year.

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Tufnell Park Primary School
Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited

3 Objectives for Ecological Enhancement and Habitat Management

The main objective for the site is to maximise its biodiversity value within the confines of the areas available,
taking into account the use of the site as a school.

3.1 Site Level Biodiversity Action Plan

Once completed, the site will comprise the school buildings and their associated hardstanding recreation
areas, alongside areas of scattered trees and scrub, introduced shrub, hedgerow and groundcover

The species and habitats targeted in this plan are all relatively common and likely to be found in an urban
area such as that around site. Therefore the biodiversity action plan for this site is to increase the nesting
and foraging habitat available for common bird species; to provide roosting habitat for bats likely to be
present in the local area such as common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus); and to provide habitat
features which could be used by invertebrates, such as stag beetle (Lucanus cervus).

3.2 Enhancements to be Incorporated on Site

The enhancements to be included on site are:

 3 x Schwegler 2F bat boxes (or similar)

 3 x Schwegler 2GR bird boxes (or similar)
 hibernacula for amphibians close to the pond area, comprising:
- 1 x hibernaculum
- 3 x log piles
- 4 x rock piles
 1 x stag beetle loggery
 new planting including trees

The planting plan for the site is shown on the Fabrik drawing 54V002-FAB-00-DRG-L-0301-P10.

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Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited

4 Creation of Ecologically Valuable Features

4.1 Bat Boxes

The bat boxes will be sited on mature trees angled south-east to south-west, at a minimum height of 3m
above the ground, with a clear flight path for bats entering or leaving.

4.2 Bird Boxes

The bird boxes will be incorporated on trees at a minimum height of 2m, angled away from the prevailing

4.3 Hibernaculum

A hibernaculum will be constructed next to the pond as shown on Fabrik drawing 54V002-FAB-00-DRG-L-

This will constructed following the design shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Design of hibernaculum (from English Nature (2001))

4.4 Log Piles

Log piles will be created close to the pond area, using timber from the removal of trees on site, with a tile
drain to prevent water logging.

4.5 Rock Piles

Rock piles will be constructed from rocks sourced on site or from another local source, with a tile drain to
prevent water logging.

4.6 Stag Beetle Loggery

A stag beetle loggery will be created from approximately ten large hardwood logs, between 10-50cm in
diameter and with their bark still attached. These will be sunk into the ground to an approximate depth of
60cm, touching each other. The loggery will be constructed in a slightly shaded area.

4.7 New Planting

Specific details for the new planting are included on the Fabrik drawing 54V002-FAB-00-DRG-L-0301-P10.

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Tufnell Park Primary School
Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited

5 Management of Existing and New Habitats

5.1 Bat Boxes

The bat boxes require no management and should not be interfered with once installed unless under the
supervision of a licensed bat ecologist.

5.2 Bird Boxes

The bird boxes on site should be cleared out once a year, by removing any nesting materials left over from
the previous year and washing out the box using boiling water only. This maintenance should be conducted
outside of nesting bird season (ie September to February inclusive).

5.3 Vegetation Management

Any vegetation which is suitable for nesting birds such as trees and scrub should only be managed outside
of the nesting bird season (ie September to February inclusive) or after confirmation by a suitably qualified
ecologist that birds are not present.

5.4 Hibernaculum

Once created the hibernaculum will not require further management.

5.5 Log Piles

Any woody vegetation which is cut down should be added to the log piles.

5.6 Rock Piles

The rock piles will only require management if they collapse. Any repairs to the rock piles should be
conducted from March-October inclusive so as to avoid disturbance of any hibernating amphibians.

5.7 Stag Beetle Loggery

The loggery should be replenished with new hardwood logs whenever required (ie when existing logs have
rotted away).

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Landscape and Habitat Management Plan © MLM Consulting Engineers Limited

6 Maintenance Schedule

The above management operations and the time of year they can be conducted are shown in table 6.1
below. This table only includes timings for works on features provided to enhance biodiversity on site.

Table 6.1. Maintenance Schedule: showing months in which the listed task can be conducted. The
schedule will be the same each year and will run for a minimum of five years following construction.

Task J F M A M J J A S O N D
Bird box clear out (annually)
Cutting / pruning of vegetation such as
trees, scrub etc
Log pile and loggery top-up (as
Rock pile repairs (in the event of
Work can be conducted during these months

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7 References

1 MLM (2018) Tufnell Park Primary School, Ecology Report to Inform BREEAM, ref. 775194-MLM-ZZ-XX-

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