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2023 GKS-G Available Departments

University Embassy Univ. Track Campus Department Field of Study Medium of Required TOPIK for Admission after Program Required TOPIK for Admission after Program
No. 대학명 (대학알리미 공시 Track Type Applicable Location 학과명 (대학알리미 공시 명칭) 학과계열 (Division) Masters' Instruction Language Program starts Doctoral Medium of Instruction Language Program starts Website URL for detailed information Remarks
명칭) Programs

KyungHee Department of Korean Language & Literature March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
1 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 국어국문학과(고전문학, 현대문학, 국어학, 한국어학, 한국문화콘텐츠학) (Korean Classical Literature, Korean Current Literature, Korean Linguistics, Korean Language and Literature, Korean Cultural Contents) 인문 Humanities O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*
2 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 영어영문학과(영문학, 영어학) Department of English Language & Literature (English Literature, English Linguistics) 인문 Humanities O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean / English Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.);

3 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 사학과(한국사, 동양사, 서양사, 고고학) Department of History (Korean History, Oriental History, Western History, Archaeology) 인문 Humanities O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
4 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 철학과(동양철학, 서양철학) Department of Philosophy (Oriental Philosophy, Western Philosoply) 인문 Humanities O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

5 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 법학과 Department of Law 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or X For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

6 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 정치학과 Department of Political Science 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

7 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 행정학과 Department of Public Administration 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

8 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 경제학과 Department of Economics 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

9 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 무역학과 (국제경제,국제경영,무역경영) Department of International Trade (International Economics, International Business, International Trade Management) 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee Department of Business Administration March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
10 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 경영학과(경영정보시스템(MIS), 빅데이터경영, 마케팅, 생산운영관리, 인사조직, 재무금융, 연금금융) (Management Information Systems, Big data Management, Marketing, Production and Operations Management, 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)
Human Resource Management and Organization, Finance and Insurance, Pension Finance and Management)

11 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 의료경영학과 Department of Health Services Management 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

12 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 호텔경영학과 Department of Hotel Management 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

13 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 컨벤션전시경영학과 Department of Convention & Exhibition Management 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

14 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 조리외식경영학과 Department of Food Service Management 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

15 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 문화관광콘텐츠학과 Department of Culture & Tourism Contents 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

16 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 스마트관광원(관광학, 호스피탈리티경영학) Smart Tourism Education Platform (Tourism Science, Hospitality Management) 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee March or March or Language requirements must be obtained above TOPIK 3 and English Language Proficiency*.
17 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 글로벌Hospitality‧관광학과 Department of Global Hospitality and Tourism 사회 Social Science O English 100% TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September O English 100% TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

18 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 주거환경학과(주거환경, 고령서비스-테크융합) Department of Housing and Interior Design (Housing and Interior Design, AgeService-Tech Convergence) 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)/KHU Standard-Humanities and Social Sciences

KyungHee March or March or Language requirements must be obtained above TOPIK 3 and English Language Proficiency*.
19 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 교육학(교수학습공학,교육행정,평생교육) Department of Education (Educational Technology, Educational Administration, Lifelong Education) 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

20 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 의상학과 Department of Clothing and Textiles 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)/KHU Standard-Humanities and Social Sciences

21 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 관광학과 Department of Tourism 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 3 or above+English Language March or Language requirements must be obtained above TOPIK 3 and English Language Proficiency*.
22 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 물리학과 Department of Physics 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Proficiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*
23 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 화학과 Department of Chemistry 자연 Natural Science O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean / English Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

24 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 생물학과 Department of Biology 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

25 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 식품영양학과 Department of Food & Nutrition 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

26 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 기초약학과 Department of Fundamental Pharmacentical Sciences 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

27 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 천연물융합신약개발학과(생명한약학, 창약학) Department of Integrated Drug Development and Natural Products (Oriental Pharmaceutical Life Sciences, Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences) 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

28 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 음악학과(작곡) Department of Music (Composition) 예체능 Entertainment & O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University Sports September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee March or March or For the program, there would be an extended registration period for thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
31 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 간호학과 Department of Nursing 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)
Other criteria are in accordance with the admission standards for Korean students entering department of nursing, Kyung Hee University Graduate school.

KyungHee TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*
28 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 기초의과학과 Department of Biomedical Science 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.);

KyungHee March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
32 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 신경과학과 Department of Neuroscience 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

30 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 치의학과(치의학, 이학, 공학) Department of Dentistry (Dentistry, Science, Engineering) 의학 Medicine O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee 융합의과학과 Cooperative Education Program : Univ March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
31 경희대학교 University A General Seoul (첨단재생의학(이학), 첨단재생의학(의학),융합암생물학(이학), 융합암생물학(의학),응용멀티오믹스및정밀의학(이학), (Regenerative Medicine- Science, Regenerative Medicine-Medicine, Integrative Cancer Biology-Science, Integrative Cancer Biology-Medicine, 의학 Medicine O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)
융합건강노화및노인성질환(이학),융합건강노화및노인성질환(의학),천연물융합과학(이학), 천연물융합과학(약학)) Applied Multi Omics and Precision Medicine-Science)

KyungHee March or March or Language requirements must be obtained above TOPIK 3 and English Language Proficiency*.
35 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 정보디스플레이학과 Department of Information Display 자연 Natural Science O Korean / English TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September O Korean / English TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

33 경희대학교 KyungHee A General Seoul 생체의과학과(의학, 한의학, 치의학, 이학, 건강데이터과학융합(공학)) Department of Biomedical Science and Technology 의학 Medicine O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

KyungHee March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
37 경희대학교 University A General Seoul 통합의료인문학과(인문학, 의학) Department of Integrated Medical Humanities(Humanities, Medicine) 인문 Humanities O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)/Interdisciplinary Programs

KyungHee Seoul, Department of Big Data Analytics (Business Administration, Natural Science, Engineering/Must be admitted to a campus belonging to a guidance March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
38 경희대학교 University A General Gyeonggi / 빅데이터응용학과(경영학, 이학, 공학) professor) 사회 Social Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 5 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)/Interdisciplinary Programs

39 경희대학교 Kyung Hee A General Gyeonggi / 국제한국언어문화학과 Department of International Korean Language & Culture 인문 Humanities O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
University Youngin September September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*;
40 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 기계공학과 Department of Mechanical Engineering 공학 Engineering O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.).

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / Entertainment & March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
41 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 디지털콘텐츠학과 Department of Digital Contents 예체능 Sports O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*;
42 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 사회기반시스템공학과 Department of Civil engineering 공학 Engineering O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.).

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*;
43 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 산업경영공학과 Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering 공학 Engineering O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.).

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / Entertainment & March or

44 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 산업디자인학과 Department of Industrial Design 예체능 Sports O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September X

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*;
45 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 생명공학원 Graduate school of Biotechnologgy 자연 Natural Science O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.).

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*;
46 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 생체의공학과 Department of Biomedical Engineering 공학 Engineering O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.).

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / Entertainment & March or

47 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 시각정보디자인학과 Department of Visual Information Design 예체능 Sports O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September X

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*;
48 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 인공지능학과 Department of Aritificial intelligence 공학 Engineering O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.).

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or TOPIK 4 or above or TOPIK3+English March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 4 or above or meet TOPIK 3 + English Language Proficiency*;
49 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 환경응용과학과 Department of Applied Environmental Science 자연 Natural Science O Korean / English Language Profiency September O Korean 100% Language Profiency September For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
(The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.).

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / March or March or For the Ph.D. program, there would be an extended registration period for doctoral thesis submission after the 2years of regular courses.
50 경희대학교 University A General Youngin 환경조경학과 Department of Landscape Architecture 자연 Natural Science O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September O Korean 100% TOPIK 4 or above September (The registration fee for an extended period needs to be paid once no matter the length of the period.)

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 3 or above + English Language Proficiency*
51 경희대학교 University A None Youngin 국제통상협력학과 Department of International Trade & Economic Cooperation 사회 Social Science O English 100% TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September X Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 3 or above + English Language Proficiency*
52 경희대학교 University A None Youngin 국제개발협력학과 Department of International Development Cooperation 사회 Social Science O English 100% TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September X Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 3 or above + English Language Proficiency*
53 경희대학교 University A None Youngin 국제경영학과 Department of International Business 사회 Social Science O English 100% TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September X Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies

Kyung Hee Gyeonggi / March or Language requirements must be obtained TOPIK 3 or above + English Language Proficiency*
54 경희대학교 University A None Youngin 국제관계학과 Department of International Relations 사회 Social Science O English 100% TOPIK3+English Language Profiency September X Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies

※ English Language Proficiency

① Citizen or an English-speaking country or a country where English is an official language, or applicants who have one of those designated English test results as follow:
② Applicants who have one of those designated English test results as follow:((The
expiration date should be after the starting date of online application
- TOEFL(iBT 80) or above (institutional TOEFL and Home Edition are not accepted)
- IELTS 5.5 or above(Home Edition are not accepted)
- NEW TEPS 326 or above

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