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Training for next professional rank of Master:


This Training log book has been compiled as per the STCW requirements, specifically to prepare
you for the next professional rank in a very structured manner so that all aspects of the job
responsibilities are covered, prior actually taking up the new responsibility.

We thank you in advance for helping fulfil Fleet Management endeavour to have well qualified,
experienced and dedicated officers on board its ships.


Each task is dealing with specific job responsibility and expertise, required to perform the job

Officer preparing for promotion to the next level should complete all the tasks listed below in a
phased manner. A separate file must be maintained for this purpose and all tasks that require a
proof to be filed along with this log.

At times, a task may be required to be completed more than once, Hence master’s signature
should be taken after the completion of each task and once all the tasks have been completed
this log book must be presented to the FMTI for verification & clearance.

Masters are requested to inspect the training log at least once every month and must ensure at
least some tasks are completed prior each inspection.




Generated by PARIS on 18 Jun 2021 Rev. 1 01/20 S - 3.1 L

Proof Officer
Sr. No
TASK / DETAIL Date Master’s Sign
Attached initials
1. - Study and update the ships certificates including trading certificates
on board and their validity / filing order
- Differentiate between short term and full term certificates
2. List out the documents and publications which require class / flag
approval, such as SOPEP, SMPEP, VRP, Stability booklet, SSP, ODME
manual and Cargo securing manual (Prepare a table with document
names and location on board)
3. Where and when is the entry of self inspection of lifting gear made?
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the entries made in the oil record
book/Garbage Record Book.
5. Familiarise with the Sections of the Bridge Equipment status register.
6. Familiarise with the ships drawing & Plans on board.
7. List the documents that must be included in the Enhanced Survey
Program file.
8. What is the consequence of a Continuous Survey items whose
inspection are not carried out before the last date?
9. Give a stepwise description on how you will prepare your vessel for a
Loadline survey
10. State the following parameters for your present vessel:
- Tactical diameter in loaded condition at full speed
- Maximum advance and transfer in present condition
- Stopping distance in ballast condition at dead slow ahead speed.
11. State the minimum UKC to be maintained in shallow waters as per
Company guidelines.
12. Where would you find Master’s Overriding Authority and Responsibility
in the SMS Manual?
13. Carry out an anchoring operation in a confined anchorage on at least 2
occasions under the supervision of Master.
14. Plan, approach and maneuver to pick up the pilot under supervision of
Master for and provide the following information for at least 4 ports.
15. Prepare master’s standing orders in line with the company guidelines.
16. Write night orders for the following occasions:
1. On the day of ship departure from port
2. When vessel is in open waters
3. When Vessel is anchored
(Should Include - Courses to steer, Alteration point when applicable,
weather expected, Hazards expected and precautions to be taken and
when to call master)
17. Plan, Arrival & Departure berth of the vessel under supervision of
Master for at least 2 ports.
18. Calculate the ballast disposition and bunkers for a given voyage. State
the company’s policy with regards to keeping of bunker reserves on

Generated by PARIS on 18 Jun 2021 Rev. 1 01/20 S - 3.1 L

Proof Officer
Sr. No
TASK / DETAIL Date Master’s Sign
Attached initials
19. Study the limitations of various manoeuvring machinery on board your
vessel and record the following:
- Critical rpm of the ship's main engine
- Minimum Starting air bottle to be maintained
- The maximum number of continuous starts (kicks) that can be
achieved with a single starting air bottle
- Maximum speed at which the engines can be reversed
- Time taken for the Main engine to stop after ordering? STOP
ENGINES? After a long passage
20. Describe a stepwise procedure for swinging a vessel in order to
prepare a deviation card
21. Understand the methodology of Starting air arrangement for main
engine and answer the following questions:
- The arrangement of air bottles available for starting the main engine
- Are the air bottles required to be run in parallel and why?
22. When should the Notice of Readiness be tendered?
Prepare a Notice of Readiness and mention the following:
- Port and date of tendering
- NOR tendered to_____
- Mode of tendering
23. Read and understand Charterers? voyage orders as they relate to
signing of Bills of Lading
24. Consolidate all relevant parameters in your present charter party and
record the following:
- Name of the charter party
- Type of Charter
- Parties involved in the charter party agreement
- Charter party speed and fuel consumption
- State the Off Hire clause mentioned in the C/P
- Understand the basic differences between a Voyage charter, Time
Charter and a Bareboat charter
25. State the following after reading your present Charter Party:
- Laytime
- Laycan
- Weather Working Days
- Vessel performance clause
- Deviation clause
- Demurrage and Dispatch clause
- Stevedore Damage clause
- Stability requirement
- Early departure procedure (EDP) clause
26. Refer to your C/P and list the documents required and actions to be
taken in case of an alleged cargo claim
27. As per your understanding, state the following as mentioned below:
- Definition of Dirty Bill of Lading
- Items to be checked prior signing a Bill of Lading
- Action to be taken by the vessel when original B/L is not produced at
the discharge port
- Definition of "Letter of Authorization"

Generated by PARIS on 18 Jun 2021 Rev. 1 01/20 S - 3.1 L

Proof Officer
Sr. No
TASK / DETAIL Date Master’s Sign
Attached initials
28. - Action to be taken when the cargo quantity as shown on the Bill of
Lading differs significantly (write limit of discrepancy at which action
will be considered necessary) from ship’s quantity
- Action to be taken when Charterers request that an Original B/L be
carried on board
29. Describe action to be taken in case of stevedore damage
- Draft a suitable Letter of Protest
30. State any 2 situations that may require attendance of a P & I inspector
and the procedure to arrange for the said inspection.
31. Study the Health, Safety and Environmental policy of the company and
understand the Master’s responsibility with regards to seaworthiness
of the vessel and safety of the vessel, personnel and cargo.
32. Demonstrate the understanding of Hazard identification and risk
assessment process.
33. Prepare a Master’s review for the present month in consultation with the
34. Organize and preside a Safety Committee meeting under the
supervision of Master, prepare the minutes of the meeting and attach
a copy.
35. Draft a CIRM – Medical emergency advice message on 2 occasions.
36. - Develop an understanding of Company’s Environmental Management
programme with special reference to SOPEP, SMPEP, VGP, VRP /
NTVRP etc.
- State the full form of these abbreviations
- List the various types of overboard discharges as mentioned in a VGP,
that are required to be controlled as per the requirement
37. Understand company’s Permit system guidelines.
38. Is it necessary to conduct an annual review of Ship Security Plan,
SOPEP, Panama canal SOPEP, VRP, NTVRP? Who is responsible for
doing annual reviews if required and how are they to be documented?
39. Prepare a typical notification flow chart as required by company SMS.
40. State the reporting procedure to be followed and make incident
report, on account of:
- Grounding incident on board your vessel
- Collision incident on board your vessel
41. Demonstrate familiarity with important contacts in case of emergency:
QI, DPA, Alternate DPA, CSO, Alternate CSO, ERS, COPT (in case of ships
calling US) by mentioning below the names / titles of each of the said
42. Carry out an emergency drill/exercise as required by your SMS and
attach a detailed report on the same. This report should include the
- Plan of the Drill
- Minutes of the Drill
- Post-Drill analysis and training needs identified
43. Refer to section 11.8.5 of QHSE manual and discuss with Master with
regards to media handling post an incident on board.

Generated by PARIS on 18 Jun 2021 Rev. 1 01/20 S - 3.1 L

Proof Officer
Sr. No
TASK / DETAIL Date Master’s Sign
Attached initials
44. Develop an understanding of Core Leadership qualities and take up the
following tasks under the supervision of Master:
- Meet various port and shore officials under and carry out clearance of
- Ensure all mandatory drills / tests / procedures prior arrival /
departure are carried out
- Check the bunkering plan of vessel and supervise bunkering
- Prepare the vessel for a port state inspection and list out possible
deficiencies that may be raised
45. Study the appraisal system of our company and the importance of
Master’s role in appraising an individual crew member.
46. Demonstrate the understanding and significance of onboard training
by carrying out a detailed training for your ship staff and attaching a
report of the same. Understand the Company’s system of CBT
Training? TOLAS.
47. Define the principles of effective team building and develop the ability
to identify the strengths and weaknesses of every individual crew
member of the shipboard team.
48. Demonstrate an understanding of the required logbook entries, crew
contract details and general ship related paperwork including, but not
limited to, Code of Conduct, Handling of disciplinary procedures,
Crew joining/leaving vessel, weekly inspections, changing to new
49. Summarize the basics of effective communication and distinguish
between different communication techniques and their importance, in
order to be a good communicator
50. Give examples how you, as captain, will motivate your crew to be:
- More safety conscious
- Follow the company’s SMS
- Work as a team
- Develop a sense of pride in their work
51. Crew Management:
- Prepare a crew member for sign off including his appraisal and
account of wages.
- Prepare a Portage bill including the entries that are to be made by the
Master and the procedure for making these entries.
- List out the details covered under the section "Portage Bill Back" and
get the same verified from Master.
52. Prepare a position report under the supervision of Master for a
scenario when your vessel is transiting Gulf of Aden.
53. - Carry out a setting up procedure for PARIS system under Master's
- Upload a document in PMS module of Paris and seek Master's
approval for the same.
54. Carry out a risk assessment for the following:
- Prior departing port in very poor visibility.
- Prior conducting a renewal of Lifeboat falls at anchorage
55. - Report a crew injury on your vessel under the "Incident Reporting"
- Search for the Panama Flag state circulars for the year 2010 on PARIS
system and get the same verified by the Master.

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Training Requirements Prior to Promotion


BTM / BTM Refresher & Ship simulator course

ECDIS, Both Generic & Type Specific

Command orientation training

ENT / ESE / EMS / VOC (Tankers only)

Safety officer course



New Risk Assessment course

MLC 2006

Master’s Verification:

The signatures of at least two Masters along with ship names will be required
Verification Master
Ship’s Name Master’s observations about the officer Master’s Sign Ship’s Stamp
Month Name

Inspection by FMTI / Navigation Committee:

Date Remarks Verifier’s Name Verifier’s Sign

Generated by PARIS on 18 Jun 2021 Rev. 1 01/20 S - 3.1 L

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