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3/5/2021 948 PDEV 1013: Understanding the Self -

948 PDEV 1013: Understanding the Self

Eastern and Western Thoughts

The Social Construction of the Self in Western Thought

Social construction is a shared assumption or perception of the people in society. The western social construct of the self can be characterized in three

1. Individualistic self - At a very young age, the child is already taught to pursue what is best for self. Thus, later in adult life, the measure of a
successful life is when the self is able to fulfil the life-goals set for and by the self.

The individualistic self is always conceived as the autonomous bounded entity. For one to be autonomous, one must be able to show independence.

2. Self-sufficiency - This construct presumes that a successful self must be able to supply one’s needs without external assistance.

Being self-sufficient also implies confidence in one’s capacity to provide what the self needs from one’s own resources and authority. Therefore, it is
important for the self to establish one’s power and accumulate the needed knowledge and resources so that one will be able to provide one’s needs.

3. The self being rational - In the western practice, there is no time for the self to be weak and emotional. The self must not waste resources on
meditation and other metaphysical cognitions but to be constantly rational and reasonable.

The self masters the causal relationships of things. Everything must be explained by logic and reason. Phenomenon outside the logical realm are simply
discredited and rejected. This explains the western logical positivist movement. It contends that what is rational and reasonable are only those which can
be logically viable. The successful self therefore, is grounded on one’s investment on reason and logical thinking.

It also necessarily follows that. when the self adapts the rational-logical conception of things, one must be scientific. The self marvels at the safety measures
of scientific procedures. Scientific researches ascertain the cause and effect relationship of things and phenomena. Safety is derived from the mastery of the
phenomena concerning the self.

This brings about the ideals of self-efficacy in which everything can be explained by science, and everything can be provided for by science. The successful
self embraces the scientific conception of things that affect one’s growth, psycho-physical development, intellectual capacity, interaction with others and
involvement in societal institutions and infrastructures.

Self-Efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in a particular situation. Psychologist Albert Bandura described these beliefs as determinants of
how people think, behave, and feel. 1/2

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