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Topik 1

Bahasa Inggris Topik 1

Ruang Kolaborasi

Kelompok 3:
(23100260025) Zalfa Lutfiah Ramadhani
(23100260067) Ashlihatul Latifah
(23100260082) Muhammad Lazuardi Ramadhan
(23100260093) Reinaldy Luthfi Fuady
(23100260115) Nurul Habibah
(23100260139) Wahyu Munaini
Worksheet 1.14
Personal Information

Question for more personal information :

1. What is your name?
2. Where do you come from/ Where are you from?
3. Where do you live?
4. What do you do?
5. What is your hobby?

No Name Origin Place to Live Job Free time


1. Zalfa Lutfiah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Student Swimming and

Ramadhani Special Region Special Region of watching movie
of Yogyakarta Yogyakarta

2. Ashlihatul Bantul, Bantul, Student Playing

Latifah Special Region Special Region of badminton and
of Yogyakarta Yogyakarta cooking
3. Muhammad Kebumen, Kotagede, Special Student Playing
Lazuardi Central Java region of Football, and
Ramadhan Yogyakarta Game

4. Hello my name is I form Klaten, I live on Kaishan, I had Worked as In my free time
Reinaldy Luthfi Central Java Bantul, Supervisor Sales I like playing
Fuady Yogyakarta games and
watching social

5. Nurul Habibah Magelang, Magelang, Central Student Watching

Central Java Java movies and

6. Wahyu Munaini Magetan, East Special Region of Student Reading novel,

Java Yogyakarta and writing

Family member, hobby and job

No Name Father Mother Sister Brother

1. Zalfa Lutfiah My father has My mother is a My sister is a deal -

Ramadhani passed away housewife. maker. She likes
She likes cooking watching movies
and travelling

2. Ashlihatul My father is a My mother is a My sister is a -

Latifah farmer. He likes housewife. She housewife. She
gardening likes cooking. likes listening
music and
watching movies
3. Muhammad Her father's Her mother's he don't have a He has one
Lazuardi hobby is reading hobby is traveling. sister brother. His
Ramadhan books. Her mother's job is brother's hobby
Her father's job a midwife at a is listening to
is a nurse at a community health music. He is a
community center. student.
health center.

4. Reinaldy Luthfi My Father has My Mom works as I haven’t sister I have two
Fuady pass way, My an elementary younger
father used to be school teacher and brothers, they
a teacher and his her hobby is are students.
hobby was reading novels and They have same
fishing comics hobby for
playing game
mobile legend

5. Nurul Habibah My father has My mother is a My older sister is My brother is a

passed away housewife. a nurse. She likes nurse, he likes
She likes watching movies playing
gardening. and dramas badminton

My younger sister
is a junior high
school student.
She likes playing

6. Wahyu Munaini My father is a My mother is a I have five My older

farmer, He is fat, housewife, she siblings, two brothers is
he likes likes cooking sisters, and two seller, he likes
gardening, brothers. My travelling and
second sister is a also likes
seller, she likes business, and
cooking. And my my third brother
fourth sister is a is a Counseling
teacher, she likes Guidance
cooking, reading teacher in Junior
book, and also High School at
travelling. Her Ponorogo city.
job is a
Guidance teacher
in Junior High
School Nurul

Descriptive teks “Zalfa Lutfiah Ramadhani and her family”

Zalfa Lutfiah Ramadhani usually called Zalfa. Zalfa lives in Malangan village,
Yogyakarta. She lives with her mother and sister because her father has passed away. Her mother
is a housewife. She likes cooking. Her sister works as a deal maker at a company in Yogyakarta.
Her sister likes watching movies and travelling. They often make time to watch films together
because they have the same hobby.

Descriptive teks “Ashlihatul Latifah and her family”

Ashlihatul Latifah you can call her Ifah. She lives in Bantul Yogyakarta. She has a hobby
playing badminton and cooking. She lives with her father and mother. Her father is a farmer, and
her father likes gardening. Her mother is a housewife, and she likes cooking. Ifah have one older
sister. Her older sister is a housewife because her taking care of the children. She likes listening
music and watching movies.
Descriptive teks “Muhammad Lazuardi Ramadhan and his family”
Muhammad lazuardi ramadhan you can call him ardi. He lives in Kotagede, Yogyakarta.
He lives with brother, because his parents live in Kebumen. Her father's hobby is reading books
and he is a nurse at a community health center. Her mother's hobby is traveling and she is a
midwife at a community health center. he has one brother, his hobby is listening to music and he
is a student

Descriptive teks “Reinaldy Luthfi Fuady and his family”

Hello, everyone. Let me introduce myself. My name is Reinaldy Luthfi Fuady and my nickname
is Aldy. So you can call me Aldy or Reinaldy. I was born in Klaten, March 23st 1996. I am 28
years old now.
I have a hobby, playing games and watching social media. About my family, I have a beloved
mother, Suprihatini and my beloved father, Supadi. My Father has a passway, My father used to
be a teacher and his hobby was fishing. My Mom works as an elementary school teacher and her
hobby is reading novels and comics. I have two younger brothers Affan and Danang, they are
students. They have the same hobby of playing mobile games. Okay I think enough, thank you.

Descriptive teks “Nurul Habibah and her family”

Nurul habibah, you can call her bibah. Bibah lives with her mother and her younger sister
because her father has passed away, but now she lives in a boarding house in Yogyakarta
because she is studying at Yogyakarta State University. Bibah has two sisters and one brother.
Her mother is a housewife. She likes gardening. Her older sister and her brother are nurses, they
work in a hospital. Her older sister likes watching movies and dramas and she has the same
hobby with bibah. While his brother likes playing badminton. Her younger sister is a high school
student and she likes playing badminton too.

Descriptive teks “Wahyu Munaini and her family”

Wahyu Munaini you can call her Ayu or Ay. She lives with her parents, but now she lives
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta with her sister’s family. She has five siblings, two brothers
and two sisters, her second sister is a seller, she likes cooking. And her fourth sister is a teacher,
she likes cooking, reading book, and also travelling. Her job is a Counseling Guidance teacher at
Junior High School in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile her older brother is a seller, he likes travelling,
and her third brother is a Counseling Guidance teacher in Junior High School at Ponorogo city.

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