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Minimum Required Pipe Wall Thickness and MAWP - S. I.


Workbook Contents

Click on tabs at the bottom of the screen to access the following:

Tab 1. Contents (current tab)

Tab 2. Calculation of Required Minimum Pipe Wall Thickness

Tab 3. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved.

WP - S. I. Units

NOTE: The cells containing formulas are locked (protected) to avoid the
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however, adjust the number of decimal places for any of the cells.
Minimum Required Pipe Wall Thickness and MAWP - S.I. Units
Minimum Pipe Wall Thickness for Specified Design Pressure

1. Calculate Required Minimum Wall Thickness, t req

User Inputs: Enter values in yellow cells only.

Pipe O.D., D = 60.330 mm Design Fluid Pressure, P = 0.700


(See link at right for std pipe size table)

Allowable Unit Stress
Temp. Coeff., y = 0.400 of pipe material, S = 138
Quality Factor, E = 1.000 End Condition Factor, A = 0.000

Structural Minimum Wall Thickness, ts = 1.800

See notes at right for information on sources for Y, S, E, A, and t s values.


Pressure Design Wall Thickness, tp = 0.1527

(based on ASME 31.3, paragraphs 304.1.1 and 304.1.2)

Required Minimum Wall Thickness, treq = 1.800

(the larger of tp and ts)

2. For New Pipe - Determine Required Schedule No.

From a table like Table E2.1M in the Piping Handbook (see link at right),
find and enter the required minimum pipe schedule number for the
specified pipe O.D, and required minimum wall thickness. , SNmin = 10

3. For Pipe that has been in use and has a previous wall thickness
measurement - Calculate Remaining Pipe Life
User Inputs: Enter values in yellow cells only.

Initial Pipe Wall Current Measured Pipe

Thickness, tinit = 3.910 mm Wall Thickness, tcurr = 2.790
Time between measurement of tinit and tcurr, Dtime = 15


Corrosion Rate, CR = 0.0747 mm/yr

Remaining Life of Pipe = 13.259

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved.

- S.I. Units References and Equations
For background and descriptive information about required minimum pipe
wall thickness calculations see:
Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 12th Ed, Sec 6.7.3 Pipe Fittings

Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations, 2nd Ed, Sec 8.7, Pipe Wall Thickness Determination

For a table with standard pipe size information, see:

Mpa Piping Handbook, Seventh Ed., Table E2.1M - S.I. units

Mpa See the following tables in Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 12th Ed
to obtain values for y and A: Table 6.7.8 for values of y


Values for the allowable unit stress, S, for alloy steel pipe are given in:
Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations, 2nd Ed, Table 2

More extensive tables of values for S, y, E, and A are available in: ASME B31.3 - 2002, Process Piping
Values for structural minimum wall thickness, ts, are available for 1/2" to 24" diam. carbon or low-alloy
mm steel pipe in Table 6 of API-574, 3rd Ed, Nov, 2009. That table gives the following values:
0.07" for 1/2" to 2" NPS; 0.08" for 3" NPS; 0.09" for 4" NPS; 0.11" for 6" to 18" NPS
and 0.12" for 20" to 24" NPS
The equation used to calculate pressure design wall thickness is

This is: Equation 6.7.1 in Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 12th Ed.

For a video showing how to calculate minimum pipe wall thickness and schedule number, see:
Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations, 2nd Ed, Sec 8.6

For a table with standard pipe size information, see:

Piping Handbook, Seventh Ed., Table E2.1M - S.I. units

The equations used to calculate the remaining pipe life are:

Remaining Life of Pipe = (tinit - treq)/CR

mm Corrosion Rate, CR = (tinit - tcurr)/Dtime


minimum pipe

3 Pipe Fittings

al Engineers, 12th Ed
Table 6.7.9 for values of A

ME B31.3 - 2002, Process Piping

24" diam. carbon or low-alloy
e following values:
for 6" to 18" NPS

ngineers, 12th Ed.

chedule number, see:

Minimum Required Pipe Wall Thickness and MAWP - S.I. Units
Minimum Pipe Wall Thickness for Specified Design Pressure

Calculate Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)

for Specified Wall Thickness

User Inputs: Enter values in yellow cells only.


Pipe O.D., D = 60.330 mm Pipe Wall Thickness, tpipe =

(See link at right for std pipe size table) Allowable Unit Stress
Temp. Coeff., y = 0.400 of pipe material, S =
Quality Factor, E = 1.000 End Condition Factor, A =

See notes at right for information on sources for Y, S, E, and A values.


Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, MAWP =

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved.

MAWP - S.I. Units References and Equations
Design Pressure
For background and descriptive information about required minim
wall thickness calculations see:
Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 12th Ed, Sec 6.7.3 Pipe

ow cells only. Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations, 2nd Ed, Sec 8.7, Pipe Wall T

For a table with standard pipe size information, see:

2.790 mm Piping Handbook, Seventh Ed., Table E2.1M - S.I. units

138.0 MPa See the following tables in Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical En
to obtain values for y, and A: Table 6.7.8 for values of y
0.000 mm

Values for the allowable unit stress, S, for alloy steel pipe are given in:
Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations, 2nd Ed, Table 2
More extensive tables of values for S, y, E, and A are available in: ASME B3

13.254 MPa The equation used to calculate

the maximum allowable working pressure is:

This is equation is obtained from the following equation for pressure design wa

This is: Equation 6.7.1 in Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical En

and Equations

rmation about required minimum pipe

Engineers, 12th Ed, Sec 6.7.3 Pipe Fittings

tions, 2nd Ed, Sec 8.7, Pipe Wall Thickness Determination by Piping Code

S.I. units

d Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 12th Ed

Table 6.7.8 for values of y Table 6.7.9 for values of A

lloy steel pipe are given in:

lculations, 2nd Ed, Table 2
nd A are available in: ASME B31.3 - 2002, Process Piping

g equation for pressure design wall thickness by solving for P.

ard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 12th Ed.

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