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Employer’s Representative:



Report No
AKH - YM I - DD - S S 0 0 X - S - P S - R E P - 0 4 0 0 - 0
Project Organization Stage Location Category Discipline Type of Number Vers.

ERC AKH Railway Project






Employer’s Representative:



Report Name:

Report No:
AKH - YM I - DD - S S 0 0 X - S - P S - RE P - 0 4 0 0 - 0
Project Organization Stage Location Category Discipline Type of Number Vers.

Date: 23.12.2016

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 2 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project

Version Details Date Amended By

0 First Issue 23.12.2016 TEAM


Edited by H.Orakoglu Structural Engineer

Checked by H.Orakoglu Structural Engineer

YM Electical Design
Checked by E. Akdoğan

YM General Alignment
Approved by M. Çelen
Design Coordinator

Approved by Z. Uygun YM Deputy GM, Design

Approved by A. Kılıç YM Project Manager




Name Title Signature & Stamp

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 3 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project

Table of Contents

Traction Substation Building Structural Design Report ………………………………1

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………….4

1. GENERAL INFORMATION and UNITS ……………………………………………….5

3. MATERIALS ……………………………………………………………………………….7
4. GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS …………………………………………………..9
5. LOADS ……………………………………………………………………………………..9
6. LOAD COMBINASTIONS ……………………………………………………………….20
7. DESIGN & CONTROLS ………………………………………………………………….21
8. FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS …………………………………………………...42-46

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 4 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
The design will comply with the Eurocode standards. According to these standards, the structural design will be developed
following the Limit States principles, which define that the safety of a structure as a whole, or any of its parts, is assured when
the structural solicitation doesn’t exceed the ultimate structural resistance of the element. This definition can be expressed by
the following equation:

𝑆𝑑 ≤ 𝑅𝑑

Where 𝑆𝑑 represents the structural forces obtained by the design and 𝑅𝑑 is the ultimate structural resistance of the element.

Ultimate Limit States are related with safety of either persons or the structure itself. Forces are obtained by increasing
characteristic values of loads by means of partial safety coefficients. Resistance of elements is evaluated through their
geometrical characteristics and material properties reduced by material partial safety factors.

During some stages of the design, computer programs such as SAP2000 will be used. The results from the structural models
will be justified by presenting graphics and/or tables with the most significant values. Additionally, in some cases, hand
calculations can be used to verify the structural designs.

Horizontally braced system is used at the roof plane and the bracings.

Figure 1.1. CONTROL BUILDING - Drawing Model

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 5 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
Description of the Structure

Structure subjected to this design is a control building. Building has a storage area, a control room area, a PFC room area,
PFC TR room, a battery room area and a WC area separated by an internal wall.

The structure is designed to be a portal frame which is rigided (Direction Y) and hinged (Direction X) at the bottom of columns.
Foundations of columns are reinforced raft foundation. We preferred raft foundation because of cable channels and small
transformers in the building.

Exterior and interior CMU walls are designed to be stand alone stuructures which have no force exchange with steel
superstructure. They are standing on subbasement walls and RC pedestals.

Slab of the structure is designed to be a RC slab on grade to minimize the effects of differential settlement due to storage of

Figure 1.2. CONTROL BUILDING - Structural Analysis Model

Text Unit Sembol

Meter m

Distance Milimeter mm

Centimeter cm

Square Meter m2

Surface Square Milimeter mm2

Square Centimeter cm2

Tons*force t*f
Kilograms*force Kg*f

Tons per meter square t / m2

Kilograms per meter square kg / m2

Temperature Degree Celsius OC

Tons per meter t/m

Unit Weight
Kilograms per meter kg / m

Angle Decimal Degree Degrees

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 6 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
The buildings structural design will be carried out according to the following standards and references:

 EN 1990:2002 - Eurocode - Basis of structural design

 EN 1991-1-1:2002 - Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions - Densities, self-weight, imposed
loads for buildings

 EN 1991-1-4:2005 - Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions

 EN 1991-1-5:2003 - Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-5: General actions - Thermal actions

 EN 1992-1-1:2004 - Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings

 EN 1993-1-1:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings

 EN 1993-1-2:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-2: General rules - Structural fire design

 EN 1993-1-8:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints

 EN 1997-1:2004 - Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design - Part 1: General rules

 EN 1998-1:2004 - Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings

 EN 1998-1:2004 - Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 5: Foundations, retaining
structures and geotechnical aspects
However where specific standards are not listed, then other relevant international standards as applicable will be followed.

The following softwares will mainly be used for the structural design of Buildings:

 SAP2000


 AutoCAD


 Other engineering and drafting software


The principles and criteria for concrete will be according to Section 3.1. EN 1992-1-1. The properties of each concrete class is
presented in the Table 3.1, EN 1992-1-1.

The values of the design compressive and tensile strengths are defined as:

𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑘,0.05
𝑓𝑐𝑑 = 𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑑 =
𝛾𝑐 𝛾𝑐

Where 𝛾𝑐 is the partial safety factor for concrete. The recommended values are the following:

𝛾𝑐 = 1.50 for persistent and transient situations.

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 7 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
The following concrete classes shall be applied:

Pedestals: C25/30 (fck=25 MPa, fck, cube=30 MPa, fctk, 0.05=1.8 MPa, Ecm=31 GPa)
Walls: C25/30 (fck=25 MPa, fck, cube=30 MPa, fctk, 0.05=1.8 MPa, Ecm=31 GPa)
Foundations: C25/30 (fck=25 MPa, fck, cube=30 MPa, fctk, 0.05=1.8 MPa, Ecm=31 GPa)
Slabs: C25/30 (fck=25 MPa, fck, cube=30 MPa, fctk, 0.05=1.8 MPa, Ecm=31 GPa)
Blinding: C12/15 (fck=12 MPa, fck, cube=15 MPa, fctk, 0.05=1.1 MPa, Ecm=27 GPa)

The concrete dilatation coefficient is 𝛼𝑡 = 10−5 ℃−1 .

Clear nominal cover, cnom, shall be specified on the drawings. It is defined as a minimum cover, cmin (defined in accordance
with EN 1992-1-1, Section, plus an allowance in design for deviation, ∆cdev (defined in accordance with EN 1992-1-1,

cnom = cmin + ∆cdev

Below we include the nominal concrete covers used in the project:

Foundations and pedestals 50mm (> k1=40mm)


The steel to be used in the reinforcing bars of concrete elements will follow the specifications of Section 3.2. and Annex C of
EN 1992-1-1 and also Section 5.3.2 of EN 1998-1.

The steel class will be S420B for all elements.

The yield strength of the reinforcing steel should be:

𝑓𝑦𝑘 = 420 𝑀𝑃𝑎

The recommended values for the partial safety factor of reinforcing steel are the following:

𝛾𝑠 = 1.15 for persistent and transient situations


Structural steel shall comply with Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of EN 1993-1-1.

Structural steel will be of the following classes:

 Structural steel in plates:

𝑡 ≤ 40 𝑚𝑚 S235 (fy=235 MPa, fu=360 MPa, E=210 GPa)
𝑡 > 40 𝑚𝑚 S235 (fy=215 MPa, fu=360 MPa, E=210 GPa)
 Structural steel in profiles:
S235 (fy=235 MPa, fu=360 MPa, E=210 GPa)
S275 (fy=275 MPa, fu=430 MPa, E=210 GPa)

Structural steel dilatation coefficient for steel structures is 𝛼𝑡 = 1.2𝑥10−5 ℃−1 .

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 8 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
Structure subjected to this design report is a typical structure designed to be placed in different switchyard areas located
throughout the trackline. Therefore; the most unfavorable expected soil type is assumed during the design stage and will be
verified with a calculation note whenever the relevant geotechnical reports are provided. Please refer to calculation notes
named as:


where; (*) is the relevant number showing the location of the station area.

Soil Parameters assumed during the design:

Soil Parameter
Bearing Resistance (qu) 360 kPa
Vertical Subgrade Reaction Modulus (kv) 14 MN/m3
Soil Type C
Table 4.2.: Assumed Soil Parameters

Detailed information regarding the soil parameters and suggestions of geotechnical designer will be presented in the
Geotechnical Report of each Station.


5.1 Dead loads

- Weights of structural members are taken into account by analysis program (Sap2000) automatically.
Dead Load Analysis For Roof Covering
Cover-Sandwich Panels : 35 kg/m2
Electrical Equipments : 5 kg/m2
Collateral Loads : 10 kg/m2
Total DL : 50 kg/m2 + Steel Self Weight
- Dead load of all cladding members is taken as 0.05 t /m2 and assigned as uniformly distributed load to null areas.

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 9 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project

Figure 5.1.1 Dead Load

5.2 Live Loads

Live load on the roof is taken as 0.6 kN/m2 and assigned to null areas as uniformly distributed load.

The followings show the minimum load requirements described in the relevant code :

Roof category is “H” as decribed in “BS EN 1991-1-1” as “Roofs not accessible except for normal maintenance repair” and
minimum distributed live load is specified in “NA to BS EN 1991-1-1” as “0.6 kN/m2” for the roofs having a slope less than 30O.

Figure 5.2.1 Live Load

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 10 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
5.3 Thermal Loads
Thermal difference of +/-20 celcius degree is assigned for all structural members excluding side rails and purlins. Cleats
conneting side rails and purlins to portal members are designed to have slotted holes in order to prevent these members to
experience any additional load due to temperature change.

Figure 5.3.1 Thermal Load (+20 C0)

Figure 5.3.2 Thermal Load (-20 C0)

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 11 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
5.4 Wind Loads
Ethiopian Building Code Standard, EBCS-1(1995) is accepted as a National Annex to EN codes and fundamental value of
basic wind speed is taken from that code. The refence wind velocity is taken as 22m/s for all buildings as per "Section 3.7
Reference Wind of EBCS-1". The rest of regulations/requirements are taken from EN1991-1-4.

Wind pressure coefficients are determined according to EN1991-1-4 and presented below.
Wind Loads are calculated according to the procedures suggested in EN 1991-1-4
Values used during the calculations are the followings;
Terrain Category : II (EN1991-1-4 Table 4.1)
Zo : 0,05 (EN1991-1-4 Table 4.1)
Zmin :2 (EN1991-1-4 Table 4.1)
Height of the building : 4,9 m
Fundamental value of basic wind speed, Vb,0 : 22 m / s (EBCS-1:1995, 3.7.2)
Air density, p : 1,2 kg / m3 (EBCS-1:1995, Table 3.1)

Building Properties

d :7m

b : 30 m

h : 4,0 m

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 12 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
e for wind load + Y : Select min(d;2h) => (7m ; 8m)=> e=7 m

e for wind load + X : Select min(b;2h) => (30m ; 8m)=> e=8 m


Wind Load For Direction Y

Distance belonging to A is 7/5=1,4 m ……………………………………………………. Distance belonging to B is 7-1,4=5,6 m

Wind Load For Direction X


Distance belonging to A is 8/5=1,6 m …………………………………………………….Distance belonging to B is 30-1,6=28,4 m

h/d for wind load + Y = 4 / 7= 0,57…………………………………………………………. h/d for wind load + X = 4 / 30= 0,113

Wind Load Coefficients For Vertical Members According To Wind Direction

WIND LOAD +Y -1,2 -0,8 -0,5 0,8 -0,5
WIND LOAD +X -1,2 -0,8 -0,5 0,8 -0,5

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 13 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project

e for wind load + Y : Select min(d;2h) => (7m ; 8m)=> e=7 m

e for wind load + X : Select min(b;2h) => (30m ; 8m)=> e=8 m

Wind Load For Direction Y

Wind Load For Direction X

Wind Load Coefficients For Roof Members According To Wind Direction

WIND LOAD +Y1 -2,0 -1,5 -0,3 -0,4 -1,5
WIND LOAD +Y2 +0,2 +0,2 +0,2 0 0
WIND LOAD +X1 -2,0 -2,0 -1,2 -0,5 -
WIND LOAD +X2 - - - - -

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 14 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 15 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project

Figure 5.4.1 Wind Load (WLXp1)

Figure 5.4.2 Wind Load (WLYp1)

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 16 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project

Figure 5.4.3 Wind Load (WLYp2)

Wind Friction Load :

Wind friction load is taken into account as suggested in En 1991-1-4 Clause 5.3.(3). Cfr is selested as 0.04 from Table 7.10

qp(ze) has been calculated as 0.73 kPa ,therefore; resulting friction load may be defined as 0.3kPa distributed areal load in x
direction as suggested in Equ 5.7 of EN 1991-1-4 ,however; the load is assigned as 0.5kPa for the ease of calculations.

Figure 5.4.4 Wind Load (WLXFR)

Traction Substation Building Structural
Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 17 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
5.5 Seismic Loads
General Information:

In the absence of detailed geotechnical reports related to each site, a ground type assumption is made to be used in the
calculations and the worst of all seismicity parameters foreseen along the alignment is taken as the basis of ground

Peak Ground Acceleration

The following Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values are considered along the project:

PGA : 0,20g in the vicinity of Kare-Kore (up to 25km north and down to 25km south),
PGA : 0,16g at the other places.
Peak ground acceleration value 0,20g is taken for calculations of the structural members.

Figure 5.5.1: Seismicity of Horn of Africa

(Retrieved from :

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 18 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
Identification of ground type

Ground type C is selected for calculations (EB1998-1, Table 3.1 :Deep deposits of dense or medium-dense sand, gravel or
stiff clay with thickness from several tens to many hundreds of metres, Vs,30(m/s)=180-360) and with a conservative approach.
Type I elastic response spectra is sellected according to EN1998-1 Table 3.2 (MS>5,5).

Ground Type S TB(S) TC(S) TD(S)

C 1,15 0,20 0,6 2,0

Structural type is selected as “moment resisting frame for direction Y and concentric bracing for direction X” and ductility class
is selected DCM according to Table 6.2. Upper limit of reference values of behaviour factors for systems regular in elevation,
behaviour factor q is selected as 4 for each direction.

“Lateral Force Method” is used for representation of earthquake loads as described in Clause of EN 1998-1.

The peak spectrum acceleration area is chosen for the ease of calculations.

Seismic forces are assigned as joint loads to the top of columns to represent seismic effect.

Earthquake mass calculations:

TABLE: Base Reactions

OutputCase CaseType GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ
Text Text Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-m Tonf-m Tonf-m
DL LinStatic 0,00 0,00 24,95 88,83 -380,89 0,00
LL LinStatic 0,00 0,00 16,20 56,70 -243,00 0,00
SPE_X LinStatic -3,71 0,00 0,00 0,00 -32,72 26,42
SPE_Y LinStatic 0,00 -3,71 0,00 32,72 0,00 -113,29
SPE_eX LinStatic -3,71 0,00 0,00 0,00 -32,72 26,42
SPE_eY LinStatic 0,00 -3,71 0,00 32,72 0,00 -113,29
Figure 5.5.2: Base Reactions

Total Weight is selected as DL=25,42 t

Horizontal design spectrum acceleration:

The following values are used to calculate design spectrum acceleration:

Importance Factor Class II 1.0 Table 4.3, EN 1998-1

Soil Factor Type C 1.15 Table 3.2, EN 1998-1
Behaviour Factor Coefficient DCM 1.0 Table 6.2, EN 1998-1
Peak Ground Acc 0.2g Section 3.6,AWR-YM-X-BTR-GNRL-001-00
We selected Peak Ground Acc. 0,4g

Sd (T) = ag.S.(2.5/q) Eq 3.14 , EN 1998-1

Sd = 1.4109 m/s2

Seismic Force on Superstructure:

Fb = Sd (T) m  Eq 4.5 , EN 1998-1

By taking correlation factor ,  , as 1 : Fb = 3,59 ton

Base Reaction Verification:

Base Reaction read from SAP Model : 7,56 ton>Base Reaction calculated due to seismic mass calculations: 3,59 ton SAFE

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
This report must not be either loaned, copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for any
purpose without the prior written permission of Yapı Merkezi. © Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi A.Ş.,201 6 Page 19 / 46
ERC AKH Railway Project
Several load cases are defined and set to the model to built and analyze a realistic structural model. Abbrevations used and
the meanings are the followings:

 DL : Representative of dead load of structural members & immovable fixtures

 DL_TML : Representative of dead load and live load on foundation shell members unconsidered during
earthquake calculation.
 LL : Representative of live load on structure
 WLX, WLY : Representatives of wind load acting on the structure for different cases*
 SEPx & SEPy : Representatives of earthquake loads according to the directions
 TL+ / TL- : Representative of effects of temperature changes

(*) : Please refer to “5.4 Wind Loads” for naming legend of wind cases.

For each critical load case, the design values of the effects of actions (Ed) shall be determined by combining the values of
actions that are considered to occur simultaneously. The combinations of actions formed in accordance with EN 1990, Sections to

STEEL DESIGN LOAD COMBINATIONS Extra Load Combinations For Only Reinforced Concrete Foundation in
addition to left column.
ECW01 0,9 DL + 1,5 WLXp1 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECT22 1,0 DL + 1,20 DL_TML + 1,2 TL+
ECW02 0,9 DL + 1,50 WLXp2 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECT23 1,0 DL + 1,20 DL_TML + 1,2 TL-
ECW03 0,9 DL + 1,5 WLYp1
ECE24 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 SPEX + 0,3 SPEY
ECW04 0,9 DL + 1,5 WLXp2
ECE25 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 SPEeX + 0,3 SPEY
ECV05 1,35 DL + 1,5 LL
ECE26 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 SPEY + 0,3 SPEX
ECW06 1,35 DL + 1,5 WLXp1 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECE27 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 SPEeY + 0,3 SPEX
ECW07 1,35 DL + 1,5 WLXp2 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECW28 1,35 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLXp1 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECW08 1,35 DL + 1,5 WLYp1
ECW29 1,35 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLXp2 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECW09 1,35 DL + 1,5 WLYp2
ECW30 1,35 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLYp1
ECE10 1,0 DL + 1,0 SPEX + 0,3 SPEY
ECW31 1,35 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLYp2
ECE11 1,0 DL + 1,0 SPEeX + 0,3 SPEY
ECW28 1,0 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLXp1 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECE12 1,0 DL + 1,0 SPEY + 0,3 SPEX
ECW29 1,0 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLXp2 + 1,5 WLXFR
ECE13 1,0 DL + 1,0 SPEeY + 0,3 SPEX
ECW30 1,0 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLYp1
ECT14 1,35 DL + 1,5 TL+
ECW31 1,0 DL + 1,35 DL_TML + 1,5 WLYp2
ECT15 1,35 DL + 1,5 TL-
ECW32 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 WLXp1 + 1,0 WLXFR
ECV16 1,35 DL
ECW33 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 WLXp2 + 1,0 WLXFR
ECV17 1,0 DL + 1,0 LL
ECW34 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 WLYp1 + 1,0 WLXFR
ECW18 1,0 DL + 1,0 WLXp1 + 1,0 WLXFR
ECW35 1,0 DL + 1,0 DL_TML + 1,0 WLYp2 + 1,0 WLXFR
ECW19 1,0 DL + 1,0 WLXp2 + 1,0 WLXFR
EC_ENV_C Envelope of all combinations for RC design
ECW20 1,0 DL + 1,0 WLYp1
ECW21 1,0 DL + 1,0 WLYp2
EC_ENV_S Envelope of all above combinations

Traction Substation Building Structural

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ERC AKH Railway Project
o Calculated and Assigned Steel Frames

Figure 7.1.: Assigned Profiles on SAP2000 Computer Program

Main Beams : IPE 240 – S275 JR – Red Colors

Main Columns : IPE 300 – S275 JR – Turquois Colors
Purlins : UNP100 – S235 JR – Green Colors
Roof Braces / Pressure Frames : Pipe 114,3 / 4 mm – S235 JR – Dark Blue Colors
Side Braces : Pipe 139,7 / 4 mm – S235 JR – Dark Blue Colors
o Steel Frames Properties

Figure 7.2.: Assigned Profile Properties

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o Classification

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ERC AKH Railway Project
o Displacement Controls
 Directions X
Displacement Check in Direction X on Top level of Column
*X Direction Max. Displacement = 0,003 m Combination ECENV
Height h=4,0 m Boundary Condition Displacement < H/300= 4/300=0,0133 m
Displacement Ratio =0.003m < 0,0133m OK
 Directions Y
Displacement Check in Direction Y on Top level of Column
* Y Direction Max. Displacement =0,0131 m Combination ECENV
Height h=4,0 m Boundary Condition Displacement < H/300= 4/300=0,0133
Displacement Ratio=0.0131m< 0,0133 OK
o Deflection Controls
For Main Beams
Deflection Check
* Max. Deflection = 0,010 m Combination ECV17 (DL+LL)
Lenght =6,5 m Boundary Condition L/250
Deflection =0.010 m < L/200= 6,5/250=0,026 OK

o Steel Design

Figure 7.3.: Identify All Steel Failures on SAP2000 Computer Program

Traction Substation Building Structural

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ERC AKH Railway Project
 Column and Main Frames Design (Class 2)
TABLE: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - Eurocode 3-2005
Frame DesignSect DesignType Status Ratio RatioType Combo Location ErrMsg WarnMsg
Text Text Text Text Unitless Text Text m Text Text
4 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,198 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
6 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,198 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
45 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,293 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
47 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,302 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
50 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,358 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
51 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,358 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
56 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,326 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
57 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,339 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
58 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,276 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
59 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,276 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
60 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,487 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
61 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,476 PMM EC_ENV_S 3,61 No Messages No Messages
64 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,163 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
65 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,175 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
96 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,276 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
97 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,276 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
98 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,474 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
99 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,463 PMM EC_ENV_S 3,61 No Messages No Messages
102 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,048 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
103 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,060 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
114 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,276 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
115 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,276 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
116 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,489 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
117 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,478 PMM EC_ENV_S 3,61 No Messages No Messages
120 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,163 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
121 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,175 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
132 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,358 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
133 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,358 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
134 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,515 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
135 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,500 PMM EC_ENV_S 3,61 No Messages No Messages
138 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,326 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
139 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,339 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
140 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,199 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
141 IPE300 Column No Messages 0,199 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
142 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,374 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
143 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,368 PMM EC_ENV_S 3,61 No Messages No Messages
146 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,293 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
147 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,301 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
204 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,370 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
208 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,368 PMM EC_ENV_S 3,61 No Messages No Messages
212 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,513 PMM EC_ENV_S 0,00 No Messages No Messages
216 IPE240 Beam No Messages 0,511 PMM EC_ENV_S 3,61 No Messages No Messages
Figure 7.4.: Steel Design Summary Data For Beams and Columns Failures on SAP2000 Computer Program

Traction Substation Building Structural

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ERC AKH Railway Project
 Brace Frames Design (Class 1)

TABLE: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - Eurocode 3-2005

Frame DesignSect DesignType Status Ratio RatioType Combo Location ErrMsg WarnMsg
Text Text Text Text Unitless Text Text m Text Text
66 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,680 PMM ECT14 0,00 No Messages No Messages
67 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,262 PMM ECT15 0,00 No Messages No Messages
68 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,680 PMM ECT14 0,00 No Messages No Messages
69 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,262 PMM ECT15 0,00 No Messages No Messages
72 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,241 PMM ECT14 0,00 No Messages No Messages
73 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,241 PMM ECT14 6,17 No Messages No Messages
76 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,123 PMM ECT15 0,00 No Messages No Messages
77 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,123 PMM ECT15 6,17 No Messages No Messages
148 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,262 PMM ECT15 0,00 No Messages No Messages
149 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,680 PMM ECT14 0,00 No Messages No Messages
150 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,262 PMM ECT15 0,00 No Messages No Messages
151 TUBO-D139.7X4 Brace No Messages 0,680 PMM ECT14 0,00 No Messages No Messages
154 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,123 PMM ECT15 0,00 No Messages No Messages
155 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,123 PMM ECT15 6,17 No Messages No Messages
156 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,241 PMM ECT14 0,00 No Messages No Messages
157 TUBO-D114.3X3.6 Brace No Messages 0,241 PMM ECT14 6,17 No Messages No Messages
Figure 7.5.: Steel Design Summary Data For Braces Failures on SAP2000 Computer Program

Traction Substation Building Structural

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 Purlin Frames Design

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ERC AKH Railway Project
o Steel Connection Design
 Anchorage Details (IPE300 Strong Axis Rigid – Weak Axis Pinned)
TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Text Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-m Tonf-m Tonf-m
Support SC_ENV Combination Max/Min 9,36 0,71 12,75 P / -8,24 T 1,50 0,00 0,00
Figure 7.6.: Joint Reactions on SAP2000 Computer Program

We selected 6 M24 (5.6 Quality Anchor Rods)

Distance between two anchorage miles= 0,43 m

Nmoment=M/d=1,50/0,43=3,49 t

NTotal_Situation1= NMoment – N Pressure = 3,49 / 3 – 12,75 / 6 = 0,97 t Pressure

NTotal_Situation2=NMoment + NTension = 3,49 / 3 + 8,24 / 6 = 2,54 t Tension

Chosen Anchor Rod= 1 x M24 (5.6) Area=3,344 cm2

Tension Stress= 3,23 t / (1 x 3,344) =0,97 t/cm2 < 1,5 t / cm2 TENSION OK

Shear Stress= 9,36 t / (6 x 3,344) =0,47 t/cm2 < 0,87 t / cm2 SHEAR OK

According to basic calculation Chosen Anchor Rod= 6 x M24 (5.6)

Traction Substation Building Structural

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ERC AKH Railway Project
Embeded Plate for each anchor

NTotal_Situation2=NMoment + NTension = 3,49 / 3 + 8,24 / 6 = 2,54 t Tension

Chosen Plate= 10mm ….50mmX100mm

Compresion Stress on Concrete=2,54 t / (10*5-5,306)= 61 kg/cm2 < 70 kg/cm2 OK

Chosen Anchor Rod= 6 x M24 (5.6) L=1000mm

Chosen Base Plate= 20mm ….400mmX500mm S235 JR

Chosen Stiffening Plates= 2x 10mm ….H=100mmX500mm S235 JR

Chosen Embeded Plate= 10mm ….50mmX100mm S235 JR

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project
 Column (IPE300) – Beam (IPE240) (Rigid Connection)
TABLE: Column (IPE300) – Beam (IPE240) Connections
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType N V22/Vvert. V33/Vhoriz. M33 M22 T
Text Text Text Text Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-m Tonf-m Tonf-m
IPE300-IPE240 SC_ENV Combination Max/Min 1,56 2,69 0,90 3,22 0,60 0
Figure 7.7.: Beam Values on SAP2000 Computer Program For Column (IPE300) – Beam (IPE240) Connections

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project
 Beam (IPE240) – Beam (IPE240) (Rigid Connection)
TABLE: Beam (IPE240) – Beam (IPE240) Connections
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType N V22/Vvert. V33/Vhoriz. M33 M22 T
Text Text Text Text Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-m Tonf-m Tonf-m
IPE240-IPE240 SC_ENV Combination Max/Min 1,56 2,69 0,90 3,22 0,60 0
Figure 7.8.: Beam Values on SAP2000 Computer Program For Column (IPE300) – Beam (IPE240) Connections

Traction Substation Building Structural

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ERC AKH Railway Project
 Brace Connection Between Columns on Vertical Connection (Pinned Connection)
TABLE: Brace Connections
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType N V22/Vvert. V33/Vhoriz. M33 M22 T
Text Text Text Text Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-m Tonf-m Tonf-m
139,7/4 SC_ENV Combination Max/Min 11,35 / -12,03 0,05 0 0 0 0
Figure 7.9.: Vertical Brace Values on SAP2000 Computer Program

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project
 Brace Connection Between Beams on Horizontal Connection (Pinned Connection)
TABLE: Brace Connections
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType N V22/Vvert. V33/Vhoriz. M33 M22 T
Text Text Text Text Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-m Tonf-m Tonf-m
114,3/4 SC_ENV Combination Max/Min 7,02 / -6,96 0,01 0 0 0 0
Figure 7.10.: Roof Brace Values on SAP2000 Computer Program

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project
 Pressure Beam Connection Between Beams on Horizontal Connection (Pinned
TABLE: Brace Connections
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType N V22/Vvert. V33/Vhoriz. M33 M22 T
Text Text Text Text Tonf Tonf Tonf Tonf-m Tonf-m Tonf-m
114,3/4 SC_ENV Combination Max/Min 2,91 / -4,03 0,04 0 0 0 0
Figure 7.11.: Roof Pressure Beam Values on SAP2000 Computer Program

Traction Substation Building Structural

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ERC AKH Railway Project
We created two models. One of them is to design upper structure. Other one is whole structure with foundation. There is an assumption
which is DL_TML load case.
We don’t consider foundation masses for earthquake loads because of embeded.
Model 1 = CONTROL BUILDING_12122016_03a.sdb
Model 2 = CONTROL BUILDING_12122016_03a_F2.sdb


o Sub-Base Course Stress Analysis
Sub-base course stress of the raft foundation,
Raft Sizes : 9 m x 32 m
Raft Thickness : 40 cm

Dead & Live Loads Analysis For Foundation Shell Member Type 1
40 cm FOUNDATION : 1000 kg/m2
Filled Soil 120cm : 2640 kg/m2
Field Concrete 20cm : 500 kg/m2
Field Concrete Cover : 250 kg/m2
Live Load on Field concrete : 1000 kg/m2
Total DL_TML : 5,39 t/m2
Dead & Live Loads Analysis For Foundation Shell Member Type 2
40 cm FOUNDATION : 1000 kg/m2
Filled Soil 120cm : 2640 kg/m2
Field Concrete 20cm : 500 kg/m2
PFC Transformer on Field concrete 6 t/(1,8*1,2)= : 2778 kg/m2
Total DL_TML : 6,92 kg/m2


Traction Substation Building Structural
Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project
Loads and foundation properties are applied to the computer modelling as described above and sub-base course stress outputs
are obtained as below;

DL+LL Max Displacement due to relevant loads =0,0051 m

DL+LL Soil stress due to relevant loads = 0,0051*1400= 7,14 t/ m2

Gz,max=7,14 t/m2 < Gz,em=36/3=12,0 t/m2 (3,0=Safety Factor) OK


DL+LL+E Max displacement due to relevant loads =0,0114 m

DL+LL+E Soil stress due to relevant loads = 0,0114*1400=15,96 t/ m2

Gz,max=15,96 t/m2 < Gz,em=36/2=18,0 t/m2 (2,0=Safety Factor) OK


DL+LL+W Displacement due to relevant loads =0,01066 m’dir.

DL+LL+W Soil stress due to relevant loads = 0,01066*1400=14,93 t/ m2’dir.

Gz,max=14,93 t/m2 < Gz,em=36/2,4=15,0 t/m2 (2,4=Safety Factor) OK


Ultimate Displacement due to relevant loads =0,0157 m’dir.

Soil stress due to relevant loads = 0,0157*1400=21,92 t/ m2’dir.

Gz, max=21,92 t/m2 < Gz,em=36 t/m2 OK

Choosen foundation dimensions are applicable. Punching check should be approved.

o Foundation Punching Check

o Obtaining Raft Foundation Reinforcement

Obtaining Minimum Reinforcement For Foundation Section

Minimum Reinforcement Ratio For slabs having two ways to carry loads is 0,0015–0,002. To provide safety, this ratio may be considered

as 0,002. Min. Reinforce. Area =Asx=Asy=0,002*35*100=7,0 cm2/m

Chosen Main Reinforcement Φ14/20 (As=7,69 cm2/m)

Minimum Reinforcement’s Moment= (Asx,sy=Md/(Fyd*0,86*d))=7,69*3,65217*0,86*35=845,38 t*cm=8,46 t*m

Minimum reinforcement's Moment is 8,46 t*m

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project

Figure 8.3.: M11 Moment Case Visual (EC_ENV_C)

Figure 8.4.: M22 Moment Case Visual (EC_ENV_C)

Moment Values Obtained From Computer Model

Maximum M11=12,45 t*m/m Maximum M22=7,08 t*m/m

Minimum M11= -8,46 t*m/m Minimum M22= -3,99 t*m/m
Minimum reinforcement's Moment is 8,46 t*m. Therefore, Minimum Rebar Ratio is NOT enough.

Chosen Extra Reinforcement Φ12/20 (As=5,65 cm2/m)

Minimum Reinforcement’s Moment= (Asx,sy=Md/(Fyd*0,86*d))=5,65*3,65217*0,86*35=621 t*cm=6,21 t*m

Extra reinforcement's Moment is 6,21 t*m > 12,45 t*m – 8,46 t*m= 4 t*m=. Therefore, Extra Rebar Ratio is enough.

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project

 Direction X
o Main Rebar = Φ14/20 (As=7,69 cm2/m) For Top & Bottom
o Extra = Φ12/20 (As=5,65 cm2/m) For Just Top & Bottom of Column Area
 Direction Y
o Main Rebar = Φ14/20 (As=7,69 cm2/m) For Top & Bottom
o Extra = Φ12/20 (As=5,65 cm2/m) For Just Top & Bottom of Column Area

Obtaining Minimum Reinforcement For Pedestal Section

Figure 8.5.: Longitudinal Reinforcing Area For Pedestal Columns (CC_ENV)

Computer program calculated rebar ratio 0,0035-0,004. But minimum Reinforcement Ratio For pedestal is 0,005.

Therefore, Min Reinforce. Area =Asx=Asy=0,005*50*70=17,5 cm2/m

Chosen Pedestal Reinforcement 12Φ14 (As=18,48 cm2) Vertical Rebars,

Chosen Pedestal Stirrup Reinforcement 10Φ10 Horizontal Rebars and Overlapping lenght assumption is  60.

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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ERC AKH Railway Project
TABLE: Concrete Design 1 - Column Summary Data - Eurocode 2-2004

Frame DesignSect DesignType DesignOpt Location PMMCombo PMMArea VMajCombo VMajRebar VMinCombo VMinRebar ErrMsg WarnMsg

Text Text Text Text m Text m2 Text m2/m Text m2/m Text Text

1 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

1 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

1 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

2 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

2 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

2 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

3 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

3 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

3 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

5 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

5 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

5 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

7 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

7 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

7 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

8 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

8 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

8 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

9 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

9 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

9 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

10 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

10 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

10 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

11 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

11 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

11 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

12 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

12 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

12 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

13 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

13 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

13 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

14 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

14 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

14 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 ECE13 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

15 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

15 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

15 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

16 C50*70 Column Design 0 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

16 C50*70 Column Design 0,8 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages

16 C50*70 Column Design 1,6 ECW01 0,0035 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 ECE11 (Sp) 0,003 No Messages No Messages
Figure 8.6.: Longitudinal Reinforcing Area For Pedestal Columns (CC_ENV) on SAP2000

Traction Substation Building Structural

Design Report AKH – YMI – DD – SS00X – S – PS – REP – 0400 – 0 23.12.2016
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