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To Police Chief Master Sergeant Vicente O. Calongui Jr, our TEAM LEADER, RTC5 ANNEX, Sir.

all our hands on and highly competent training staff and personnel, Good morning Ma’am and Sir. And

ONCE upon a time, there was an island girl who lived an ordinary life. She wasn’t familiar of the
life in the city. Only then she knew about the real world when she went to pursue her baccalaureate
degree and started to be independent.

Not later than finishing her studies, she already had her own family. An early blessing yet
challenging experience that made her wonder.

And now, that island girl is standing here speaking in front of you my respected fellowmen with
butterflies in my stomach. As I don’t have that much to share that will make you wow. I know, we know,
the people around us know how all out and eager we are to accomplish this episode in our lives and take
a step into a new chapter. Years ago, everyday was a normal day. One day I just woke up with my
pertinent documents to be submitted to RRSU beside my bed . Indeed, your decisions in life may change
you and may change the way you look at things once you reach your stage of maturity.

Entering government agency wasn’t really my priority. It is because I do have an immense belief
in the ideal of FAMILY staying together. I worked for our family business. The atmosphere is very
different and comparable. I might describe it as Safe and More Relaxed Environment. So some people
would ask me, why so suddenly did I wanted be a part of the PNP now? Why not pursue teaching as it is
my profession? Or continue managing our family business?

Smiling would be my automatic response followed by the phrase, IT IS WHAT IT IS. I had no
other words or explanation to tell them. But to tell you honestly, I already visualize myself teaching
nowadays. Not just in school but in the community. Maybe after our graduation I will be able to teach
not just in schools but in the community;/or maybe 5 years from now, I will become a instructor. Who
knows right?

My point is, sometimes, life just happens to us. We want or we either don’t want change, but it
happens whether or not we give our consent.

Maybe you are sick and tired of what has become your normal.

Maybe you’ve experienced the sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one and now face a new
chapter of life without them.

Perhaps you needed a more stable job and was forced to start a new phase of your career, or
even a whole new career from scratch.

Or maybe this is what you really wanted and dreamed of.

Whatever the case, our old way of life has ended and we must start a new journey. Whether we
ask or didn’t ask for it, I am here and you are here.

Now Here are some tips I can share with you as your keynote speaker today.
I encourage you classmates to speak up and speak more. Share your thoughts especially about
our experiences here in training. Also, don’t let any bad apples discourage you from speaking up.

Validate What Anyone Says. One at a time.

You don’t have to agree with everything that is said, but you do have to respect the value of
other people’s opinions. Your team looks to you to model expected behavior, so show respect.

Listen. Give silence and lend your ears.

Be mindful of our language – don’t undermine anyone, and be careful about using humor, as
things can easily take a wrong turn.

Stay Humble

Your experience is no more important than someone else’s, so check your own personal bias.
Bring in outside sources to keep your biases in check as well.

The bottom line is: I hope when we go out there in the field, what people from different
backgrounds says, we listen. It’s not their responsibility to change your mind, but it is up to you to
understand where people are coming from. Anyone that comes from a marginalized group constantly
has to explain why what they think is valid, while people of privilege almost never have to defend what
they think. It truly should be the other way around, so do your part in making the change. I hope you
feel me classmates.

Henceforth, let me congratulate all of us CLASS MABANAAG ALPHA TO FOXTROT for accepting
and tapping each other. Congratulations to our continuous positive communication. I am so glad we
already built half percentage rapport and relationship with each other which is very important for us in
building camaraderie. I trust that we can increase productivity and satisfaction in our workplace. I TRUST
YOU and your confidence to yourselves that you can too speak confidently and proudly, share your story
and impart your wisdom to us. Once again, thank you and Good morning
Our guest speaker for today is a 26 years old police trainee FROM THE
ISLANDS OF RAPU-RAPU ALBAY. A graduate of Bachelor of Science in
Elementary Education Major in Preschool in year 2018. She took and passed the
Licensure Examination for Teachers in the year 2019. She is a LICENSED
PROFESSIONAL TEACHER. She has knowledge in book keeping and gained
valuable experience in preparing financial statements.
But it’s not just her professional achievements that make her special. Police
Trainee Arienda is a passionate advocate for educating the next generation. Her
engaging speaking style and ability to connect with audiences of all backgrounds
make her an inspiration to many.
Today, she will be sharing her insights on how we can be a voice to the
people. Be inspired, challenged, and empowered to take action. Please join me in
giving a warm welcome to our Overall Class PIO POLICE TRAINEE ARIENDA
Lord we give you thanks for this new
day that you have given to us. BLESS US
throughout this day and week ahead. We ask
you for the forgiveness of our sins. Please
open our minds and give us wisdom as were
about to face this day full of challenges and
experiences. Help us to learn valuable
lessons and skills from today’s training.
Guide us all especially our tactics and
families outside that we may all have a
healthy body and good mental health. Keep
us away from illnesses and harm. Bless our
journey and everything that we do. We lift
this up to you Lord, through your Son Jesus
Christ, Amen.

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