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Qualitative Vs Quantitative research:-

More details point-by-point comparison between the two types of research

1. Goal or Aim of the research
The primary cum of Qualitative research to provide Qualitative data-enough
observation, interview or other methods of data collection methods. On the other hand
Qualitative research concerned on numerical data, number system or statistical method
using for research purpose.
2. Usage
Qualitative research is ideal for earlier phases of research projects while for the latter
part of the research project. Quantiitative research is highly recommended Quantitative
research provide the researcher a clear picture of what to expect in this research compared
to Qualitative research
3. Data gathering instrument
The researcher serves as the primary data gathering instrument in Qualitative
research. Here, the researcher employs various data gathering strategies depending upon
the thrust or approach of his research examples of data gathering strategies used in
Qualitative research are individual in-depth interview, focus groups, narratives, content or
documentary analysis. Participant observation and archival research on the other hand.
Quantitative research makes use of tool such as questionires surveys, measurements and
other equipment to collect or measures data.
4. Type of data
The presentation of data in Qualitative research is in the form of words (from
interview) and image (videos) or objects (such as artifacts). If you are conducting a
Qualitative research what will most likely appear in your discussion are figures in the form of
graphs. However if you are conducting a Quantitative research what will most likely appear
in your discussion are labels containing data in the form of number and statisticks.

In this research both Qualitative and Quantitative methods are used like
(i). Interview
(ii). Participant observation
(iii) case study

Quantitative methods are used in this research project like

(i) Numerical analysis
(ii) Statistical data

Case study method-

In this research paper used case study method basically case study method are used
in social science research because it helpful for _____ a research in a proper way. Case
studies are in-depth investigation of a single person, group, eventor community. Typically
data are gathered from a variety of sources and by using several different method (e.g.
observation and interview) according to it, odum the case study method of data collection is
a technique by which individual factor whether it be an institution or just an episode in the life
of an individual or a group in analyzed in its relationship to any other in the groups. Thus, a
fairly exhaustive study of a person (as to what he does and has done, what he thinks he
does and had done and what he expects to do and says he ought to do) or group is called a
life or case history. Burgess has used the word “the social microscope” for the case study

Some basic assumption of case study method-

1. Under this method the researcher can take one single social unit or more of such
units for his study purpose; he may even take a situation to study the same
2. Here the selected units is studied intensively it is studied in minute details.
Generally the study extends over a long period of time to ascertain the natural history of the
unit so as to obtain enough information for drawing correct inferences.
3. In the context of this method, we make complete study of the social unit covering
all facts through this method. We try to understand the complex of factor that are operate
with us a social unit as an integrated totality.
4. In respect of the case study method an effort is made to know the mutual inter-
relationship of casual factor.
5. Under case study method the behavior pattern of the concerning unit is studied
directly and not by an indirect and obstruct approach.

In brief, we can say the case study method is a form of qualitative analysis where in careful
and complete observation of an individual or situation or an institution is done; efforts are
made to study each and every aspect of the concerning unit in minute details and then from
case data generalization and inferences are done.

Sampling is the most important part of the research. Sampling means selecting the
group that you will actually collected data from in your research. In this research, name used
purposive sampling which include non-probabily sampling. I have taken 10 suspendant from
the talca population. Purposive sampling (also known as judgement, selective or subjective
sampling) is a sampling technique and which researcher relies on his or own judgement
when choosing members of population to participate in the study.

According to the type of cases, purposive sampling can devided into the following
categories like:-
1. Typical case- Explain cases that are average and normal
2. Extreme or deviant case- Deriving sample from cases that are perceived as
unusual or rare such as exploring the reasons for corporate failure by interviewing
executives that have been fired by share holders.
3. Critical case- Sampling focuses on specific cases that are dramatic or very
4. Homogenous sampling- Focuses on “the particular subgroup in which all the
sample members are similar, such as a particular occupation or level in an organization
5. Theoritical sampling- It is a special case of purposive sampling that is based on an
inductive method of grounded theory.
Data analysis is the process of evaluating data using the logical and analytical
reasoning to carefully examine each component of the data collected or provided. In my
studies on ISKCON movement or organization data are collected through the Qualitative or
Quantitative method since direct or primary procedure are choosed. I have choosed to
respondants in any research the respondant profiles are below:-

Name Age Gender Educational Marital

Status Status
1. Bijay Krishna 40 M Below 10th No
2. Asit Kumar Das 41 M Below 10th No
3. Ramahari Das 27 M 10th No
4. Gobinda Krishna Das 29 M 10th No
5. Avaya Krishna Das 45 M +2 No
6. Bijay Krishna Das 36 M 10th No
7. Srikant Hari Das 43 M 10th No
8. Dillip Krishna Das 28 M Btech No
9. Sidhartha Krishna 22 M +3 No

Above table shows the number respondant his age, gender and educational and
marital status of the ISKCON devotees at ISKCON temple, Bhubaneswar.

ISKCON Bhubaneswar- Krishna Balaram temple is situated NH-5, near Krishna tower, IRC
village Nayapalli. In 1975, Sirla Prabhupada instructed Gour Govinda Swami to build temple
in Bhubaneswar. It is the 108th and last temple project or Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada which was completed and inaqurated in 1991. On lord Nityananda Prabhu holy
appearance day after seventeen year of preparation and construction. As instructed by Srila
Praphupada: Gour Govinda Swami installed Sri Gaur Nitai, Krishna Balaram and Jagannath
Baladeva, Subhadra devi on three avatar and named the temple Sri Krishna Balaram
temple. It has also Gour Govinda Maharaja Samadhi mandir and Srila Prabhupada Bhajan
Kutira. At the back of the temple there is a Brahmacharis, the ashram complex includes four
rooms for analysis a conference hall for 300 and an office. The temple has fifteen acres of
farmland which is used for growing vegetables for maintaining for this temple of this it own
administration and it rules or regulation.

Analysis of socio-cultural life of devotees:-

In ISKCON temple when I was selected to devotees for my research or study. I found
that their social and cultural life is purely different from other person those who are live in the
society. Most of the devotees those are coming from the middle class family. The basic
reason of joining to the ISKCON organisation is the offer the tension and ____ of their life
they couldn’t have manage- their life and certainly thinking about the real life most of the
devotees were joined this organization. Devotees are purely oriented toward the morality of
religious life. They would not properly interact with their family and may be avoided the social
connection of the family structure. In the ISKCON organization they maintain all the rules or
regulations given by ISKCON. Some socio-culture activities of devotees
1. Some devotees are young and some are old and energetic
2. Most of the devotees are unmarried
3. Some devotees are not social interact with their family, they avoid the family life.
4. They accept and manage the all the principle of ISKCON organization.
5. Food habit is purely simple and are vegetarian.

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