Awareness of Bike Riding

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Hi, my name is shaurya from class 9th section G and today I am going to talk about bike

Riding a motorcycle requires a heightened sense of awareness, and more strength and
coordination than driving a car. Riding also involves many risks. For example: If you are not carefull
on a road while riding you might crash your bike on someone causing severe injury to both you are
the person you hit. Road safety rules are made for a reason if you don’t follow them there is
obviously a high chance of a fatal injury. If not then you will still get fined for riding too fast crossing
a red light suddenly changing lanes for no reason what so ever. All these risks can be managed
through training and education.

I know you have heard this a million times. Riding a bike or any vehicle which can produce
toxic fumes for that matter will damage the environment. Even though everyone knows this they
don’t use this information. Sure if you are in an emergency or getting late for something you can use
a bike but if you want to still ride bikes and not cause pollution, simple buy an electric bike which
runs on electricity and will not damage the environment.

That’s all I have to say about awareness of bike riding I hope you all not just learn
anything new but implement it in your lives. Thank you.

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