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Preparation time: 10 minutes ENCHILADAS

Cooking time: 30 minutes

2 pounds ground beef
medium toasted tortillas
1 onion
½ cup of tomato paste in a cup of water
The juice of 2 lemons
1 sweet chili (green pepper)
3 large tomatoes
1 large potato
½ cup grated cheese
1 pound of cabbage for salad
3 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon of oil
coriander to taste
4 eggs (boiled) boiled cut into slices
Salt and pepper to taste
First, we chop a tomato, onion and sweet chili into small pieces that we will fry in a pan with a tablespoon
of oil. Once these ingredients begin to give off their smell, we will add the ground meat and stir.
Then we season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste and then add the tomato paste with water. We
will also peel the potato and cut it into small cubes to add it to the mixture. Let the ingredients cook over
medium-low heat for about 30 minutes.
Then we will put the eggs to boil and once they are ready we cut them into slices. While the meat is
cooking, we proceed to chop the cabbage for the salad, another of the tomatoes and cilantro to taste.
We mix them and add salt to taste and the juice of 2 lemons then we leave them resting. Shortly before
the meat is ready, we will cut the last tomato into slices since we will serve one slice for each enchilada
that we prepare.
Ground beef is generally served on the toasted tortilla, then the cabbage salad, a slice of tomato, a slice of
egg and a bit of the meat broth. At the end we add the cheese on top of everything and it will be ready to
be eaten.
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 pinch of salt
½ cup of milk
1 cup of sifted wheat flour
required amount of vegetable oil
First we add In a bowl, mix the eggs with the sugar and salt.
Add the milk and mix well, little by little add the flour and mix until it forms a moldable dough.
Divide the dough into small balls and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
Stretch the dough until it is thin and fry in abundant hot oil. Remove and serve bathing in red syrup.
1 kg of passion fruit
1 liter of water
Sugar to taste
Remove the pulp from the passion fruit by splitting the fruit in two halves and using a spoon to extract.
Place the pulp in the blender and complete with water.
Blend on low speed for 30 seconds to separate the seeds.
Strain to obtain the seedless pulp and mix with sugar to taste.
Serve over ice or store in the refrigerator.

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