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Subject : English Language

Date/Day : 23 October 2023

Year & Enrolment : 2 Tulips
Level of Proficiency : Mixed
Theme : World of Self, Family, and Friends
Topic : The Old House

Focused Skill / Area : Listening

Complementary Skill : Writing
Previous Knowledge : Pupils can remember
Content Standards : Listening
REFER TO Standards-Based English 1.2 Understand the meaning in a variety and familiar context
Language Curriculum (SBELC)
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive writing
Learning Standards : Listening
1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of the simple sentences.
4.2.2 Express simple ability
Learning Objectives (LO) : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Listen effectively to at least four types of vocabulary of house furniture on

the paper. (GW)
2. Write at least two question sentences of “Is there” and “Are there” and
answer questions of “Yes, it is” or “Yes, there are”, “No, it isn’t” or “No, there
aren’t” based on the pictures (GW)
3. Write down the sentences using any type of object in the classroom with
correct use of grammar and spelling.

*Success Criteria : 1. I can write more than four vocabularies on house furniture
(to be shared with pupils)
2. I can create a question on house furniture.
3. I can write in a short time on question and answer.
Language Focus : Grammar:” Is there” and “Are there”

[Grammar and Language

Lang Functions: Use of “is there?” and “are there?” in the term of singular and plural
functions / skills] Vocabulary: Shower, Book, Kitchen, Bedroom,Bathroom
refer to SBELC : p 44-46

Moral Values :
HOTS : Analysis (LO1) and Applying (LO2)
21st Century Pedagogy : Presentation 6Cs (Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration; Creativity)
Soft skills : Collaboration and Problem Solving
Cross-curricular Elements : Creativity and Innovation
Resources/Teaching Aids :
Task Sheets: TS1;

Stages Content Procedures Remarks

1. T plays the audio of
Activity: My House. Preparation Phase
Set Note: This stage provides interest and
“Sing with me” 2. T then asks the Ps to motivation to the students. Before
follow the action and starting the class, this stage focuses on
the greetings, warm-up or lead-in,
/Warm-up List of vocabulary: sing with T. review(of previous lesson), class
(5 minutes) 1. Book 3. T repeat the song arrangement and/or presentation of
Success Criteria.
2. Shower twice.
3. Kitchen Teaching aids:
4. Bedroom Speaker
5. Bathroom
Presentation Introduction Phase
Activity 1: 1. T divides the Ps into 4 Note: Introduce the topic of the
(25 minutes) lesson and provide context for the
groups. students
Listen and write 2. T then gives Ps a piece of  Present new vocabulary,
paper with 4 sections grammar, or concepts to the
3. T explain to the Ps to
listen to the audio
4. T plays an audio of 4
different types of rooms in
the house such as
bedroom, bathroom, living
room, and kitchen.
5. T asks the Ps to write Teaching aids:
down every vocabulary 1. Blank paper
that they can hear from 2. Speaker
the audio.
6. T then asks the Ps to
state the vocabulary in
the right section based on
the name of the house’s
7. For example, if the
furniture or the things are
in the bedroom, Ps will
write in the bedroom
8. Ps will continue to write
down by listening to the
audio until finished.
9. T write in front on the
whiteboard a few
sentences with the blank
10. space such as I live in a
nice ( ) house. There
are (things in the house)
in my kitchen, ( )in
my bedroom, and also (
) in my bathroom. I love
my house.
11. T explains that is for
singular(one)and are for
plural (more than one)
12. T asks the Ps to write the
sentences by writing
down the vocabulary that
they had found just now.
13. T then explains to the Ps
that T will call a few
names and read the

Practice Activity 1: 1. T gives instructions to the Development Phase

“Let’s exchange” Ps to sit in the same Note: This is the most student-centered
(25 minutes) part of the process. The activities for this
group. stage present the subject matter in
coherent way and provide students
2. T then gives 3 pictures opportunities to participate and practice.
with different images of
place to each group.
3. Each group got the same
types of pictures. Teaching Aids:
4. T explains that they will 1. Pictures
write a sentence such as 2. Blank paper
“Are there any planes in
the bedroom?”
“Are there any books in
the bedroom?”
5. T explains that they will
write a question using the
things that they can find in
the room.
6. Every group will then
change the question and
the other group will
7. The answer must be
“Yes, it is” or “Yes there
are”, or “No it isn’t” or “No
there aren’t”
8. T then gives time for
every group to write the
9. T instructs them to
change the questions.
10. T check the question and
answer of every group.

Consolidation Phase
Production Activity 1: 1. T instructs the Ps to sit in
(Independent practice)
“Create your own song” the same group. Note: This stage gives Ps the
(30 minutes) opportunities to use their newly learned
2. T explains to the Ps that knowledge and skills. It focuses on a
they will play a game of field application and provides time for Ps
to get their doubts clarified.
“pass, write, and point!”
3. T explains that they will
listen to the song first and
pass the maker that will
be given by T.
4. T then instructs the Ps
that hold the pen when
the music stops will write
in front of any question
based on the things in Teaching Aids:
their classroom using “Is 1. Speaker
there” or “Are there”. 2. Maker pen
5. T explains to the Ps that
after they have written the
sentences in front, they
will point to any of their
classmates and then she
or he will answer the
6. The T will continue
repeating the music 10
7. T then discuss the
sentences with the Ps.

Activity 2: 1. T gives worksheets to the

Worksheet Ps individually.
2. T then asks the Ps to
read the question and fill
in the blanks with the
correct answer based on
the text.
3. T discuss the answer with
the Ps.

Closure Question: 1. T asks the Ps about what Conclusion

they learned and (Summary and reinforcement)
(5 minutes) Review the key points of the lesson
understand for today's
and provide overall feedback to the
lesson. students (refer to the Success
2. T highlights the type of Criteria)
3. T summarizes the whole
lesson for today. Moral Values:

Comments by Mentor/Supervisor:

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