5 DWATCH 2 Sending Safety Related Messages To Other Stations Using UAIS MKD

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W-CME-20-042 rev.01 16 Feb.


Assessment Title Sending Safety Related Messages to other Stations using UAIS MKD
Level of Table A-II/1 Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a
responsibility navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Function Table A-II/1 F1 Navigation at the operational level

Competence Table A-II/1 F1 C2 Maintain a safe navigational watch

Table A-II/1 F1.C2 KUP1.4: The use of information from navigational equipment for maintaining a
safe navigational watch
At the end of the assessment, the assessee will be able to:
Send Safety Related Messages to other Stations using UAIS MKD
At the end of the ssessment the assessee will be able to:
Outcome LO1.6: Apply the basic principles of Universal Automatic Identification System equipment and its
From the initial position of Lat. 36* 03.6946’N Long.005* 17.2562’W, the ship is navigating safely
at full sea speed, heading 238°T and proceeding to a pre-defined route in an open sea setting
Scenario with a single target. Action taken to avoid a close encounter or collision with other vessel is in
Description accordance with Rule 8: Action to avoid collision, Rule 15: Crossing situation and Rule 16: Action
by give way of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended.
Passing distance from another vessel must not be less than 1.0 nm.
Ship name: M/V Hual Trooper
Ship’s Particulars Length Overall: 200.73 meters Breadth: 32.26 meters
Twin screw, fixed right-handed propeller.
Weather condition Good Visibility Wind: 090 Beaufort Scale No. 4 Current: 090* 0.9 knot
Area: Gibraltar
Initial Position: Lat. 36* 03.6946’N
Initial Heading: 238°T
Initial Condition Speed: 12kts
Steering Mode: Auto Pilot Mode
Time: 1000H
Engine RPM 100% / 90rpm
1. Inform the assessee regarding House Rules
Assessor’s Action
2. The Assessor must ensure that: Observe the execution of the assessee of the
expected performance taking into account the corresponding performance criteria.
W-CME-20-042 rev.01 16 Feb. 2023

3. Indicate in the appropriate column whether the task was "competent" or "not yet
During: Instruct assessee to log in their names (Station No./Surname/Name/MI)
1. Verify if the assessee is in their respective assigned stations.
2. Check the Initial Conditions as per Assessors copy.
3. Remind assessee the duration of the Assessment scenario.
4. Start assessment scenario (Log at “remarks” START TIME)
5. Inform the assessee when the scenario ends.
6. Pause assessment scenario (Log “remarks” STOP TIME)
7. Instruct assessee to proceed to debriefing room.

1. Debrief the assessee (refer to debriefing notes)
The Assessor must:
1. state the purpose of briefing;
2. distribute copies of the scenario and scoring instruments to the assessee; and
3. explain the performance criteria, performance standards and the grading system.
The assessee fails if:
1. the grade is below 60%;
2. there is unsafe action/behavior of the assessee during the Assessment;
3. he/she is unable to complete the assessment within specified time
4. he/she does not comply with the performance standard.
60 Minutes
15 minutes briefing
30 minutes execution
15 minutes de briefing
Assessment Area Bridge Simulator Room
Bridge simulator.
Simulator See attached Familiarization Checklist*
Familiarization Note: Familiarization conducted 1 day prior to the Actual Assessment
The assessee must be able to:
1. observe house rules and emergency procedures
2. attend familiarization and completely filled up and sign the familiarization checklist
Assessee’s 3. present themselves during the actual practical assessment in good condition;
Actions 4. listen attentively during briefing and de-briefing session. Ask anything if in-doubt
5. perform the practical assessment in accordance to the assessment criteria and
assessment standards;
6. follow the Assessors instruction at all times; and
W-CME-20-042 rev.01 16 Feb. 2023

7. show confidence and good attitude while performing the actual practical Assessment.
1. Use checklist for scoring system.
2. Passing grade is 60% and above.
3. State the intention of the learning objectives of the Assessment.
Practical 4. Inform the assessee of the initial condition of the Assessment
Assessments 5. Present the actual feature of the RADAR/ARPA and explain the different buttons and
Scheme functions for actual operations.
6. Provide the assessee a checklist where all key simulators functions should be checked
and acknowledge by the assessee that she/he is familiar; this should also be signed by
the assessee.
CRITERIA Competent
Use AIS Minimum Keyboard Display (MKD) to send
 
Safety Related messages to other stations.
Switching ON the UAIS Minimum Keyboard Display
 
Switch “ON” the AIS MKD  
1.1.1 Press “UAIS MKD’ button on “Nav. Aids’ page
 
of the ship Conning Display;
1.1.2 Turn on the MKD power supply, press and
 
hold 2 seconds the power button on the front panel;
The frequency and 1.1.3 Press “OK”; button to access the MKD main
extent of  
monitoring of traffic, 1.1.4 To choose the required item of the MAIN
the ship MENU,  
use <↑> <↓> buttons and press “Select” button;
and the
Send and safety message to any AIS station:
environment  
2.1 Choose OTHER STATIONS item of the MAIN
with accepted MENU.
 
principles and The screen will display the list of available AIS
procedures stations which the text message can be sent to.
2.2. The <↑> <↓> buttons to choose the AIS station
which the next message should be sent to, and
 
press “SnMsg’
2.3. To select the message addressee, choose “To”
line  
and press “Change” button.
2.4 Use digital on screen keyboard to type the
addressee  
MMSI or 0 to broadcast, and press “OK” button to
W-CME-20-042 rev.01 16 Feb. 2023

confirm input.
2.5. For entering the message text, choose “Txt” line
Press “Change” button. Then enter the message  
2.6. Type the necessary message text and press
“Ok”  
button to confirm input.
2.7. Press “Send” button to transmit the message.  

The Assessor must:

1. state the purpose of debriefing;
2. distribute results to assessee;
Assessment 3. explain the performance criteria and performance standards attained or satisfied;
Debriefing 4. ask if any assessee has objections or appeal on the results; and
5. require the assessee to acknowledge receipt of the Assessment Results
The assessee will be marked NYC (Not yet Competent) when any of the following is committed:
1. Un-able to demonstrate the required task.
Failure State 2. When the assessee exceeds the allotted time.
3. When the grade is below the passing percentage (60%)
Result After the assessment the result will be discussed to the assessee by the assessor.
Grades C – Competent, when the assessee passed above the required passing percentage (60%)
NYC – Not Yet Competent, when the score is below 60%
NYC – the assessee can APPEAL his/her grade upon the approval of the Dean.
Re-sit NYC – the assessee can retake up to the maximum of three times
Assessee, who fails in the same competence for three times, will undergo training/tutoring in the
area where he/she got failed.
Result: Tick the box for the result of the practical Competent Not yet
Assessment 100% competent
Resit 1: Tick the box for the result of the practical Competent Not yet
Assessment 90% competent
Resit 2: Tick the box for the result of the practical Competent Not yet
Assessment 75% competent
Resit 3: Tick the box for the result of the practical Competent Not yet
Assessment 60% competent

I hereby confirm that I have undergone all the process of briefing, familiarization, execution and debriefing of
the Laboratory Assessment No.5 entitled Sending Safety Related Messages to other Stations using UAIS
W-CME-20-042 rev.01 16 Feb. 2023

___________________________________ _____________________
Name, year, sec. & Signature of the Assessee Date

____________________________ ______________________
Name & Signature of the Assessor Date

Prepared by: Validated by: Reviewed by: Approved by:


Instructor Lead Assessor Program Head Dean of CME

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