Calib RX Horizon2

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Calib thu CTU2 - tuû Horizon 2

Khi calib thu tuû Horizon 2 (CTU 2 coù 2 dri) thì baét buoäc phaûi coù 01 DRI ôû traïng thaùi E-U hoaëc B-
U, DRI coøn laïi phaûi ôû traïng thaùi E-L. Do ñoù, ta chæ coù theå gaén maùy ño vaøo ngoõ ra cuûa DUP
khi ñaõ thöïc hieän xong leänh : “set_carrier cara”. Caùc böôùc thöïc hieän leänh nhö sau:

Gaén daây caém vaøo HIISC

Taïi CTU 2 caàn calib : lock 01 dri vaø unlock dri coøn laïi.

MMI-RAM 1015 -> lock 27 dri 0 0

DRI 0 0 Taking this DRI out of service may cause calls to be dropped.

Are you sure (y=yes,n=no)? y


Gaén daây caém vaøo port CONTROL PROSSESOR cuûa CTU2

Khi ñoù daáu nhaéc chuyeån thaønh daïng nhö sau: CTU2.carA.ts_0>

Chuyeån sang möùc an ninh cao hôn

CTU2.carA.ts_0> chglev
Enter Password: pizza

Access Level 3 Granted

Vaøo cheá ñoä calibration test mode vaø taét caùc caûnh baùo
CTU2.carA.ts_0> cal_test_mode on
Enter calibration test mode

Asking SW to acknowledge Cal test mode (13 second timeout)...PASS

Now entering calibration test mode.
Type 'cal_test_mode off' to exit test mode.

CTU2.carA.ts_0> fm test_mode on
Puts the DSP fault management module in test mode.

FM Test Mode is: ON

CTU2.carA.ts_0> fm_test block none none 0xff
Blocks all DSP fault management alarms.

The following alarm(s) has been: [BLOCK]

Car : 00 TS : 00 FC : 00ff
SFZ : 0x20
Addl: 0x00000000

Taét caùc boä phaùt soùng cuûa CTU2

CTU2.carA.ts_0> set_carrier cara
Switches DSP MMI control to carrier A.

Setting carrier to carrier A

CTU2.carA.ts_0> ts a txp 0xff

Turns off Tx closed-loop power control for the current carrier.

Name tx_power
TS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
OVRD ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
rt ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff

CTU2.carA.ts_0> set_carrier carb

Switches DSP MMI control to carrier B.

Setting carrier to carrier B

CTU2.carA.ts_0> ts a txp 0xff

Turns off Tx closed-loop power control for the current carrier.

Name tx_power
TS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
OVRD ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
rt ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff

CTU2.carA.ts_0> set_carrier cara

Switches DSP MMI control to carrier A.

Setting carrier to carrier A

Gaén maùy calib thu (maùy phaùt tín hieäu) vaøo DUP, roài baät nguoàn leân
Caøi ñaët caùc anten thu caàn ñöôïc Calib
CTU2.carA.ts_0> cal_config rx_cab_antennas 0a
Configures which carriers will be calibrated by the Rx cabinet calibration

Setting RX Cabinet Calibration antennas to: 0A

Baét ñaàu tieán trình calib thu

CTU2.carA.ts_0> cal_cabinet rx_cab
Executes the Rx cabinet calibration procedure.

Enabling receive
[c A, b 0] Setting RX diversity switch to double-density (inject carrier A into carrier
Enabling transmit
Number of frequency groups = 22

*** New antenna ***

Please connect the signal generator to branch 0A

Press return when the signal generator is connected.

Press any key to continue

Frequency group 1 of 22

Please set the signal generator to

POWER -65.2000 dBm
FREQ 880.8052 MHz

Press any key to continue

IQ average reading C0B0: 2322521, 0x00237059

IQ average reading C1B0: 2209866, 0x0021b84a
Measured gain = 11.52 (0x0b84)
Measured gain = 11.08 (0x0b14)

Frequency group 2 of 22

Please set the signal generator to

POWER -65.2000 dBm
FREQ 882.4052 MHz

Press any key to continue

IQ average reading C0B0: 2397946, 0x002496fa

IQ average reading C1B0: 2307099, 0x0023341b
Measured gain = 11.95 (0x0bf4)
Measured gain = 11.52 (0x0b84)

Frequency group 3 of 22

Please set the signal generator to

POWER -65.2000 dBm
FREQ 884.0052 MHz

Press any key to continue

IQ average reading C0B0: 4703, 0x0000125f

IQ average reading C1B0: 4741, 0x00001285

*** Low input power. Confirm the signal generator ***

*** settings and cable connections. ***

Press any key to continue

IQ average reading C0B0: 2432158, 0x00251c9e

IQ average reading C1B0: 2394282, 0x002488aa
Measured gain = 12.22 (0x0c38)
Measured gain = 11.84 (0x0bd6)

Frequency group 4 of 22

Please set the signal generator to

POWER -65.2000 dBm
FREQ 885.6052 MHz

Press any key to continue

IQ average reading C0B0: 2451672, 0x002568d8

IQ average reading C1B0: 2485392, 0x0025ec90
Measured gain = 12.48 (0x0c79)
Measured gain = 12.18 (0x0c2e)

Frequency group 5 of 22

Please set the signal generator to

POWER -65.2000 dBm
FREQ 887.2052 MHz
Press any key to continue

IQ average reading C0B0: 2458333, 0x002582dd

IQ average reading C1B0: 2567545, 0x00272d79
Measured gain = 12.65 (0x0ca7)
Measured gain = 12.46 (0x0c75)


Frequency group 22 of 22

Please set the signal generator to

POWER -65.2000 dBm
FREQ 914.4052 MHz

Press any key to continue

IQ average reading C0B0: 1757705, 0x001ad209

IQ average reading C1B0: 1995687, 0x001e73a7
Measured gain = 11.33 (0x0b54)
Measured gain = 11.31 (0x0b4e)

RX Cabinet Calibration procedure complete.


Hoaøn taát tieán trình Calib

CTU2.carA.ts_0> cal_store_1
Stores the calibration data.

Initiating radio calibration data storage (16 second timeout)...PASS

Ñöa CTU2 thoaùt khoûi cheá ñoä test mode

CTU2.carA.ts_0> fm test_mode off
FM Test Mode is: OFF

Chuyeån daây caém vaøo HIISC.

MMI-RAM 1015 -> ins 27 dri 0 0

DRI 0 0 Taking this DRI out of service may cause calls to be dropped.

Are you sure (y=yes,n=no)? y


Xong chöông trình calib thu. Coù theå laëp laïi caùc böôùc cho töøng CTU coøn laïi hay töøng nhaùnh coøn

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