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Tutorial Letter 102/1/2024

Business Management 1B

Semester 1

Department of Business Management

Please activate your myUnisa and myLife email addresses and
ensure you have regular access to the myUnisa module site

Note: This is a fully online module. It is, therefore, only available on myUnisa.


1 FULLY ONLINE CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT module ............................................................. 3
2 THE ASSESSMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Assessment due dates ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Submission of assessments ........................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Types of assessments .................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Rules that apply to submissions and extensions ............................................................................ 8
2.5 How to calculate your final mark for MNB1601 ............................................................................. 11
3 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 12


Dear Student

The purpose of Tutorial Letter 102 is to inform you of the assessment plan, due dates and other
important information regarding the 2024 assessment policy of the University. This letter should
be read in conjunction with Tutorial Letter 101 as well as the announcements on myUnisa.


This module is facilitated as a fully online course, and no study materials will be printed or
posted. All module content is accessible exclusively online from the moment you are registered.
Upon registration, it is imperative to promptly commence your studies, as extensions will not be
granted. All relevant study material can be found on the online Moodle module site, primarily
under the Lessons tool. The Lessons are not downloadable and should be accessed online.

There are five lessons for your to work through, in conjunction with the prescribed textbook.
These interactive online lessons, accessible on myUnisa, are designed to guide you through
your studies by offering videos for in-depth theoretical explanations and provides activities to
enhance your learning experience. You will also find an introductory lesson which provides
you with a guide on how to approach the module as well as a First Year orientation

It's important to note that you must use the prescribed textbook to complete the assessments
for this module, as without it you will not be able to answer the questions. In addition, regular
access to myUnisa throughout the semester is mandatory, given the fully online nature of the

MNB1601 is also a continuous assessment module and does not use a final summative
examination. Instead, all your assessments will contribute to your final result. Each
assessment contributes a certain percentage towards the final result so that you can manage
your learning throughout the semester.

The benefits of continuous assessment include the following:

• During the semester, you will have a good idea of your final result.
• Each of the assessments during the semester will ensure that you work through all
the study material.
• You will not have to write a final exam for this module.


However, as there is no examination, there is also no supplementary opportunity for MNB1601.

This means that, if you do not pass the module, you will have to re-register. Therefore, do not
take the assessments lightly! Make sure you are prepared before attempting to complete them.
There will be SIX assessments for this module, all contributing towards your final mark. All six
assessments are online assessments, which you will complete on myUnisa.

To complete this module successfully, you must submit six (6) assessments. You will have
two (2) submission attempts for each assessment. The second attempt should only be used if
you experience technical difficulties or if you are unhappy with the marks you received for the
first attempt. You will receive a new set of questions if you take the second attempt. If you need
to take the second attempt, you must still submit it before the due date of each assessment.

To pass this module, you need to obtain a weighted year mark average of 50%. The
assessment weighting for the module is 100%. There is no summative examination. Please
familiarise yourself with the weight each assessment will carry towards your final mark for this

IMPORTANT: Assessment 6 is compulsory. If you do not SUBMIT this assessment you

will fail outright, irrespective of the marks obtained in the other assessments.


2.1 Assessment due dates

The table below outlines the assessment details; specifying the weight, type, and study material associated with each assessment, along with
opening dates, due dates and times for Semester 1 (January – June).

Emphasising the importance of timely submission, you will also note the recommended submission date. This is the submission date your
lecturer recommends you submit your assessment. Since NO EXTENSIONS are given for MNB1601, giving yourself a week leeway ensures
that you are able to avoid any unforeseen problems such as illness, death in the family, power outtages, natural disasters, work commitments,
equipment theft or any other unforeseen situation. Please note that assessments are available for submissions since the start of the semester;
you therefore have plenty of time to submit. DO NOT wait until the last minute to submit!


NR AND MARKS (students who are enrolled for the January – June period)
01 10% Mandatory Lesson 1 15 MCQ 1 January 2024 at 08:00 18 March 2024 at 23:00 11 March 2024
questions am. pm.
02 10% Mandatory Lesson 2 15 MCQ 1 January 2024 at 08:00 2 April 2023 at 23:00 25 March 2024
questions am. pm.
03 15% Mandatory Lesson 3 20 MCQ 1 January 2024 at 08:00 15 April 2024 at 23:00 8 April 2024
questions am. pm.
04 15% Mandatory Lesson 4 20 MCQ 1 January 2024 at 08:00 29 April 2024 at 23:00 22 April 2024


questions am. pm.

05 20% Mandatory Lessons 5 25 MCQ 1 January 2024 at 08:00 13 May 2023 at 23:00 6 May 2024
questions am. pm.
06 30% Compulsory Lessons 1 to 70 MCQ 1 January 2024 at 08:00 27 May 2023 at 23:00 20 May 2024
5 questions am. pm.

It is important to ensure that you keep an eye on the due dates as, in expetional cases, they may change! Should this happen, you will be duly
informed through the announcements page on myUnisa.

We cannot emphasise this strongly enough: DO NOT WAIT until the last minute, specifically the last day the assessment is due, to complete
or submit your assessments. Ample time is allocated throughout the semester for you to complete and submit all assessments. NO extensions
are given for MNB1601.


2.2 Submission of assessments

Unisa, as a comprehensive open distance e-learning institution (CODeL), is moving towards

becoming an online institution. You will therefore see that all your study material, assessments
and engagements with your lecturer and fellow students will take place online. We use myUnisa
as our virtual campus.

The myUnisa virtual campus will offer you access to the myModules site, where learning
material will be available online and where assessments should be completed. This is an online
system that is used to administer, document and deliver educational material to you and support
engagement between you and the academics.

The myUnisa platform can be accessed via Click on the myModules
2024 button to access the online sites for the modules that you are registered for.

Should you encounter any myUnisa related problems or errors, please follow the guidelines
proposed by information communication technology (ICT) team: clear all time cache and
cookies on your internet browser, and once cleared, close the browser and log in again.

For any additional assistance with myUnisa, please contact the ICT team directly by
sending an e-mail to MyUnisaHelp <>; myModule22

Please do not contact your lecture for any technical assistance; they cannot assist and
are there to guide your academic progress.

To complete quiz assessments, please log on to the module site where you need to complete
the assessment. Click on the relevant assessment shell (Assessment 1, Assessment 2, etc.).
Access the quiz online and complete it within the time available to you. Quiz assessment
questions are not included in the tutorial letters and are only made available online. You must
therefore access the quiz online and complete it online where the quiz has been created.

It is not advisable to use a cellphone to complete the quiz. Please use a desktop computer,
tablet or laptop when completing the quiz. Students who use a cellphone find it difficult to
navigate the Assessment tool on the small screen and often struggle to navigate between
questions and successfully complete the quizzes. In addition, cellphones are more vulnerable to


dropped internet connections than other devices. If possible, please do not use a cellphone for
all the assessment type.

2.3 Types of assessments

All assessments for this module are either mandatory or compulsory.

2.3.1 Mandatory assessments

You will notice that Assessments 1 to 5 are mandatory assessments. This means that if you fail
to submit a mandatory assessment, no mark is awarded, and the year mark is calculated
accordingly. You will, therefore, forfeit the marks attached to this assessment when the final
mark for the module is calculated.

2.3.2 Compulsory assessments

Assessment 6 is a compulsory assessment, which means that if you do not submit this
assessment, you will automatically fail the module.

IMPORTANT: Submission of the final assessment, Assessment 6, is paramount, as

failure to do so will automatically lead to a module failure, regardless of the submission
of mandatory Assessments 1 to 5 and the attainment of good marks.

2.4 Rules that apply to submissions and extensions

2.4.1 Submission rules

• You will have two (2) submission opportunities for each assessment.
• You may use your second attempt should you experience any technical issues during
the submission process or to improve your marks.
• It is not COMPULSORY to use the second attempt.
• You will receive a new set of questions if you use the second opportunity.
• There is no set assessment; you will receive a set of randomised questions once you
start the assessment online.
• Once you used both attempts, the highest grade will be accepted.


2.4.2 Extension rules

Assessments are open for submission from the start of the semester. Students therefore have
ample time to complete their assessessments and extensions will only be granted on absolute
exceptions. There are strict rules for granting extensions to ensure fairness and consistency.

The rules for applying for an extension are as follow:

• Sick Note/Doctor's Letter: If you have a valid/official sick note or doctor's letter for missing
an assessment, it should cover a period of at least two weeks before the assessment
due date, including the due date of the assessment. DO NOT send your lecturers a sick
note that covers a period of less than two weeks; it will not be accepted.
• Any other Reasons: If you missed an assessment for reasons other than illness, a police
affidavit explaining the situation and indicating the dates (covering a period of at least
two weeks before the assessment due date, including the due date of the
assessment) would be required. DO NOT send your lecturers an affidavit that covers a
period of less than two weeks; it will not be accepted. Please note that funeral notices,
employment letters or other documentation will not be accepted. You must provide a
police affidavit.
• It is important to note that system issues and loadshedding are disruptions that you
should anticipate and plan for. Hence, these issues will not be considered valid
reasons for missing a deadline. NO EXTENSION will be given! DO NOT contact your
lecturer if you missed your assessment due to loadshedding.
• Documentation should be submitted directly to your lecturers (MNB1601- WITHIN 48 hours of the missed assessment to qualify for an
extension. Failure to submit the valid documentation within this period will result in your
request being rejected.
• Any documentation received from personal email accounts will be discarded. You must
submit any official requests through your myLife email account.
• Extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. There will be NO group
extensions. Requesting an extensions does NOT mean it will be granted; thus an
extension is not guaranteed. You will be informed via email if your request has been
successful. Make sure that you are aware of any new dates communicated.

To reiterate, no extension will be granted without a valid sick note or police affidavit. It's crucial
to note that these documents must be submitted within 48 hours of the passed due date of an

2.4.1 Loadshedding

Loadshedding and network issues can pose challenges when meeting assessment deadlines if
not properly planned for. As indicated, loadshedding is not an acceptable excuse for late
submissions and no extensions will be granted for loadshedding.

All assessments are open from the start of the semester to accommodate different work, life,
and loadshedding schedules. Therefore, please plan ahead and allocate sufficient time to
complete your assessments. It is crucial to manage your time effectively and utilise available
resources to minimise the impact of unforeseen circumstances.

When facing loadshedding or network issues, here are a few alternative arrangements you can

• Power Backup: Prepare a backup power source, such as an uninterruptible power

supply (UPS) or a generator, to ensure an uninterrupted electricity supply during
• Alternative Locations: Identify nearby locations with power backup, such as libraries,
cafes, or friends' houses, where you can access a stable power supply and complete
your assessment.
• Mobile Hotspots: If your home internet connection is affected by loadshedding, consider
using a mobile hotspot or tethering your mobile data to connect to the internet and submit
your assessment.
• UNISA myModules mobile app: The mobile app allows you to access course materials,
including assessments, and submit your work directly from your mobile phone. This
option can be a convenient alternative during power outages if you have a charged
mobile device and a stable internet connection. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the
app's features and requirements beforehand to ensure a smooth and successful
submission process.
• Plan Ahead: Keep track of loadshedding schedules and plan your study sessions
accordingly. Allocate specific time slots when there is no loadshedding to focus on
assessments and complete them before any potential power disruptions.

Remember, being proactive and prepared for loadshedding will help minimise its impact on your


To reiterate:

System issues and loadshedding are disruptions you should anticipate and plan for. Hence,
these issues will not be considered valid reasons for missing a deadline. We hold you
responsible for your studies, which entails proactive planning to avoid unforeseen
circumstances. Take charge of your time management to ensure timely completion of your

2.4.2 Issues with myModules

We know that students may from time to time encounter system challenges while attempting to
submit assessments. Should you experience any problems or errors during your online
assessments, it is advised to follow these steps:

• Clear all time cache and cookies on your internet browser.

• Once cleared, close the browser and log in again.
• Alternatively, try again at a later stage to access your assessment.

System errors and disruptions will not be considered a reason for requesting an extension as
ample time is being given for the submission of assessments. Students are strongly encouraged
to submit their assessment AT LEAST one week before the due date; this will give you time to
submit your assessment should you encounter any problems.

2.5 How to calculate your final mark for MNB1601

To pass this module, the combined weighted average of your assessment marks must be 50%
or higher. All the assessments contribute to the final mark. In addition, Assessment 6 is
compulsory; without submittting this assessment you cannot pass MNB1601.

Here is an example of how the final mark is calculated:

Assessment number contribution to final Your mark (for
mark (weight) example)
Assessment 01 10% 60%
Assessment 02 10% 60%


Assessment 03 15% 40%

Assessment 04 15% 50%
Assessment 05 20% 55%
Assessment 06 30% 68%

The final mark is calculated as follows:

Final mark = (60 x 10%) + (60 x 10%) + (40 x 15%) + (50 x 15%) + (55 x 20%) + (68 x 30%)
= 6 + 6 + 6 + 7,5 + 11 + 20,4
= 56,9%
= 57%

In this regard, do no rely on the marks which will appear on the Grades tab on myModules; the
marks not weighted according to the assessment plan set for MNB1601. Instead, make use of
the above explanation to calculate your final mark.


Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you are experiencing problems with the content of this
tutorial letter or with any academic aspect of the module.

Happy studies!
The MNB1601 lecturers

UNISA 2024


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