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Allowing Students to Use Cellphones During Class Hours: Is it Beneficial

or Not?
Technology such as cellphones should be banned to be used in school particularly
during class hours for it can be tool for students to cheat and distract the attention of the
students in listening to their teachers thus, it is disrespectful to the teachers.

Nowadays, mobile phones have indeed played a vital role in people’s lives especially
for students regarding on their studies. These gadgets make it easier and convenient for the
students to make their school activity, however, students became blind of the different
negative effects it brought on them. Due to the, some people argue that using this gadget
should be banned at school and I completely agree with this view and believe that using
smartphones while studying can engender several obvious harmful consequences to students.

For instance, they became too dependent & lenient towards the use of this technology
particularly to internet in answering their school activity that cause them to stop using their
own skills and enhance their creativity as well. Moreover, students became lazy to study
because of mobile games that result for having a low academic performance.

While some people disagree with this, however, for others they claim that is beneficial
for students because technology has made it possible to search for and find information of
any topic no matter where they live. It also makes it is easier for them to find solutions
towards their activity and assignments which results for them to be able to comply all of the
required assignments or schoolwork.

Yes, it does help in finding information but using phones in the classroom can
negatively affect the performance of scholars. In other words, children are not mature enough
to use this device to help them in their studies, so they spend time using social media or
texting friends rather than focusing on courses and with the teacher. As a result, their
concentration in the classroom decreases and they become less focused on what the teacher
explains. All these reasons may lead to a decline in their achievement. For example, many
researchers demonstrate that the removal of phones from classrooms can lead to an
improvement in student grades. That is why this gadget should not be allowed to children
while studying.

On the other hand, it cannot be set aside the fact that this has made it easier than ever
to students to communicate with people all over the world like for example their family,
friends, and colleagues in real-time regardless of where they are located. For example,
students can be able to rely to their classmates as well as to their teachers regarding of the
emergency like the reasons for being absent.

However, as for my opinion, the excessive usage of this technological device tends to
decrease the opportunities for social interaction and physical activities during recess and
lunchtimes. When scholars have some free time, they tend to entertain themselves with
smartphones which provide many ways of amusement such as chatting with friends or
playing video games and then they will be more isolated and introverted. Also, rather than
engaging in leisure activities at schools such as sport or music they will prefer to spend their
free time only on this device. Thus, it would be better for them to not use this development at

In conclusion, despite that smartphones can be helpful for children in some cases, I
strongly believe that the excessive usage of this gadget at school remains an unfavorable
habit because it tends to decrease social interaction and physical activities and reduce
students achievement.

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