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[30 Top Tips For Attaining Khushoo’ in Prayer]
Copyright © [Deenspiration] [11/06/2016]

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About Deenspiration

“Deenspiration is a platform dedicated to providing simple and practical tips, tricks and
tools for your Deen, helping you to worship better and become closer to Allah (swt).
The platform consists of an audio podcast and a blog, where the host, Usman, brings
on a number of influential guests from around the world to share their gems, wisdoms,
advice and inspiring insights on a variety of topics.

From eBooks (like this one), to free guides and worksheets, articles, videos and more,
Deenspiration hopes to provide you with easy-to-follow steps for improving in many
aspects of your worship. The audio podcast serves as a perfect source of on-the-go
inspiration, ideal for listening whilst out and around, at the gym, while travelling, or even
while cooking in the kitchen. With a balance of light heartedness, humour, as well as
valuable and powerful content, the deenspiration podcast is perfect for those looking
for some weekly spiritual pick-me-ups.
Find out more at

About the Author
Usman is the host of the Deenspiration podcast and blog. With his passion for Islam,
mixed with a lively personality and creative media skills, his aim is to collaborate with
talented and influential Muslims from around the world to provide simple, yet powerful
and engaging tools through which others can improve and enjoy their practice of Islam.

A great deal of gratitude and prayers go out to the following guest writers who contributed
to this eBook by providing their top Khushoo’ tips—may they be blessed in this life
and the next:

• Mifrah Mahroof & Maheen Malik - Muslim Life Hackers Podcast

• Sohaib Saeed- Quranica
• Alima Ashfaq - Women of Ilm
• Sumaira Zaheer - Muslimah Mommy
• Belal Khan - Leechon
• Mohammed Faris - Productive Muslim
• Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar - Islamic Self Help
• Shahbaz Mirza - Ramadan Legacy
• Halima El Khurghali - Quran Rehab
• Omar Esa - Nasheed Artist
• Omar Usman - Fiqh of Social Media
• Abdul Azeem Climie - Pathways to Islam
• Kate Hepburn - Healthy Muslimah
• Shaykh Sajid Umar
• Moutasem Al-Hameedy - Rashidoon
• Zakia Usmani - Believer’s Path


How to use this eBook.............................................................................................. 8

Introduction: Khushoo’ and it’s importance............................................................ 9

BEFORE THE PRAYER.......................................................................................10

Perfect your wudu...............................................................................................12
Wear comfortable clothes..................................................................................14
Prepare for the special occasion...................................................................... 16
Get rid of those distractions............................................................................. 18
Pray on time........................................................................................................ 20
Switch them off....................................................................................................22
Make sure you feel awesome............................................................................24
Perfect your intentions....................................................................................... 28
Remember death.................................................................................................30
Destroy Shaytan...................................................................................................32
Pray at the Masjid...............................................................................................34
Bonus tip..............................................................................................................36

DURING THE PRAYER...................................................................................... 38

Forget the world.................................................................................................40
Recite properly....................................................................................................42
Ponder and reflect upon the words.................................................................44

[ Click on the subheadings to skip to content ]


Change things up a little...................................................................................46

Take it easy... it’s not a race!.............................................................................48
Cherish those special moments........................................................................50
Have a conversation with Allah........................................................................52
Think of the rewards for praying......................................................................54
Beautify your prayer...........................................................................................56
Fall in love with your Creator...........................................................................58
Be humble in front of Allah.............................................................................. 60
Let go of your doubts....................................................................................... 62
Train your brain to focus!...................................................................................64
Bonus Tip.............................................................................................................66

AFTER THE PRAYER...........................................................................................68

Dhikr for the soul................................................................................................70
Make Du’a............................................................................................................72
Pray even more...................................................................................................74
Hold yourself to account...................................................................................76
Keep Deen’ing all day....................................................................................... 78

BONUS SECTION................................................................................................80
Summary.............................................................................................................. 81
For the Mammas!................................................................................................82
For the 9-5s / Entrepreneurs.............................................................................84

[ Click on the subheadings to skip to content ]


For the teens.....................................................................................................86

For new Muslims...............................................................................................88
Closing words....................................................................................................90
What to do next................................................................................................91

SPONSORS............................................................................................................ 92

[ Click on the subheadings to skip to content ]

How To Use This eBook
Well done for downloading / picking up this book! You’re here because you recognized
a lack of tranquillity and peace in your prayer and you need some help, right? Well,
you’re definitely in the right place! This eBook was designed to provide you with some
valuable tips, tricks and tools to help you on your way, so you’re sure to find some help
in here - InshaAllah.
It’s important to note that this eBook does not provide miracle cures for a lack of
Khushoo’, nor is it extremely in-depth or complex in nature, but rather provides simple
and actionable tips and tricks that you can implement as soon as you finish reading.
Here are a few suggestions on how to get the most out of this eBook:

Take is easy
There are a number of tips in here, some which you may already be implementing day-
to- day, and others that you’ve yet to try. The key is to do as much as you can without
overwhelming yourself. The path to attaining Khushoo’ is a lifetime journey, so don’t feel
disappointed if you cannot achieve it all at once. This eBook has been designed in such
a way that it’s easy to dip in and out to refresh your memory on the tips, so be sure to
keep it amongst your collection in order that it may benefit you when you need it most.

Complete the Khushoo Exercise Worksheet

Accompanied with eBook is a useful downloadable worksheet with an exercise for you
to complete once you’ve learned the tips from this eBook. Although this is optional, it’s
worth giving it a try to help you track and engage with your levels of Khushoo’ in prayer
over a period of time. You can print and complete it as many times as you wish. If you
missed it, visit

Listen to the podcast episodes

For the purpose of easy reading, this eBook has been kept short and sweet. To
compliment it, the eBook has also been brought to life through 4 episodes on the
Deenspiration podcast - found primarily on iTunes (use the ‘Podcasts’ app if you have an
iPhone), SoundCloud and Stitcher. Simply search for ‘Deenspiration’ in whichever of
these apps you prefer to find the episodes. You can also find the podcast episodes at

Many of the guests within this eBook who’ve provided their top tips have also spoken
on the episodes to elaborate on their tips and provide further advice, inspiration and
take- home gems. There’s a lot more to gain from these episodes than what is in the
eBook, so be sure not to miss out on these! Subscribing to the podcast will also give
you access to all future episodes containing tips and tricks with special guests.

What is Khushoo’?
The term is often used when referring to Salah. Its many possible translations include
tranquillity, humility, calmness, serenity, and submission. Ultimately, it describes the state
that one desires to achieve when praying.
Ibn al-Qayyim (may God be pleased with him) said:
“The khushoo of true faith is when the heart feels aware and humble before the
greatness and glory of Allah, and is filled with awe, fear, and shyness, so that the
heart is utterly humbled before Allah and broken, as it were, with fear, shyness, love
and the recognition of the blessings of Allah and its own sins.” [Kitab Al-Ruh]

The Importance of Khushoo’ in Prayer

The fact that prayer was gifted to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) by
Allah SWT in the Heavens, unlike other acts of worship which were obligated on Earth,
shows the extreme importance of prayer. To add to this, in a hadith reported by Imams
Ahmad, Abu Dawood, An-Nasa'i, and Al-Hakim, the Prophet (peace be upon him) also
taught us that prayer will be the first thing that we’ll be taken to account for on the Day
of Judgement.
In the Qur’an, Khushoo’ is associated with success (i.e. forgiveness and the reward of
Paradise). Allah SWT says:
“Successful indeed are the believers, They who are during their prayer humbly
submissive” - [Qur’an - 23:1-2]
Allah SWT also tells us in Qur’an that the Believing men and women who have Khushoo’
in prayer are among those whom He has promised forgiveness and a great reward
(see Qur’an - 33:35).
If the prayer is this important, would it not then be wise to ensure that we perform it
correctly, striving to be among those whom Allah SWT has described as being successful
and worthy of His Unlimited Mercy, and His Paradise?
In another verse, Allah SWT says:
“And seek help in patience and al-salah (the prayer), and truly it is extremely heavy
and hard except for al-Khashi’oon...” [Qur’an: 2:45].
This also suggests that Khushoo’ is something to be sought after; an important component
of a complete and rewarding prayer, and that attaining this state makes the prayer easier
for us due to the connection with our Lord and certainty of His rewards.

SUMMARY The importance of preparation
The first section of this eBook, rather than providing tips for attaining Khushoo’ within
the prayer itself, focuses on a very vital component of our overall ability to attain
Khushoo’ once we have entered into the spiritual realm of the prayer— the preparation!
Sports champions look impressive on TV, but it’s the hours of blood sweat and tears
that go into that ultimate performance which gives them a much higher chance of
winning the most prestigious prize.
Although it has been appointed five times per day, the Salah for us is the pinnacle of
each and every day of our lives. It is the championship moment, a most honourable
stage, and the prize is worth more than our imaginations can fathom. It only makes
sense, therefore, that we take our preparations leading up to these moments very seriously.
When our Lord calls us to stand before Him to pray, we have received a Divine
invitation greater than all that this world has to offer, but without being “in the zone”,
without having prepared, we are sure to lose our chances of reaping the rewards of
this honourable meeting.
As you read through this section, you’ll pick up some simple and effective tips to
help you set your mind, body and heart right before you commence the prayer.
The following sections thereafter will cover some of the things we can do within the
prayer itself to send our souls into a spiritual bliss, as well as how to maximise the
moments after the prayer has ended to remain connected to our Lord.

Click here to listen to the podcast

episode for this section of the ebook.

1 Perfect your wudu

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever performs ablution in

an excellent manner, then his sins will depart from his body even from
beneath his fingernails.” [Muslim]

It starts all the way back here! Believe it or not, our Khushoo’ can be affected long
before we even stand to pray. If your last prayer had no Khushoo’, ask yourself how
well your wudu was performed.
Many of us forget that performing wudu (ablution) is actually an act of worship, and
therefore don’t take its performance seriously. The act of wudu is like a key to the
Salah, and therefore the level of devotion and concentration you have when washing can
directly impact your ability to attain true Khushoo’ during prayer. The act of wudu is
sacred and was ordered by Allah SWT in the Qur’an—it should be taken seriously!
Too often we see people performing wudu very fast, splashing water carelessly, and
perhaps even missing some essential components in order to make the wudu complete,
and therefore rendering their wudu invalid. It’s also very common to see people talking
to each other when performing wudu and not paying very much attention. This is wrong
and could be a real Khushoo’ buster!
Many of us also forget the immense rewards and blessings that come as a result of
performing wudu. Imagining your sins falling as you perform wudu and realising that
you’re about to stand before Allah SWT can elevate your mood and spiritually prepare
you for your upcoming meeting with Him.

How To Implement This Tip
• Make an intention to perform wudu —get in the zone!
• Understand what you’re about to do and the rewards involved.
• Remember that with each drop of water, your sins are being washed off!
• Perform the wudu slowly, with care, and use as little water as you can.
• Realise that your wudu is preparation to stand in front of the Lord of the Worlds.
Let it cool you, purify you and spiritually awake you!
• Do your utmost best to NOT speak to others around you when performing wudu.
Remember, it’s an act of worship. Focus! Catch up with friends later.

Bonus Tip
Try to learn wudu properly, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him), and also the rulings pertaining to it, i.e. the essential
requirements of wudu vs the Sunnah and recommended actions. This way,
you’ll be sure to never miss a vital component and will perform the perfect
wudu each time. As an added bonus, using tools such as the Siwak / tooth-
stick (an act which is a highly emphasised Sunnah) while performing wudu will
get you a lot of extra rewards, and not to mention, fresh breath!

2 Wear comfortable clothes!

“O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes)
while praying...” [7:31]

Clothes. We wear them everyday at different times, for various reasons and to serve
different purposes. No matter what types of clothes we wear, one thing’s for sure: we
always try to ensure that we are comfortable! Can you imagine playing sports in a tight
fitted suit, or wearing a thick woolly jumper out in the hot summer sun? It would feel
awkward and seriously uncomfortable, right?
It’s not until we find the perfect outfit to wear for a particular situation that we feel
just right, and so the same goes for our prayer. Remember, every little effort helps
when aiming to attain Khushoo’.
Whether we realise it or not, the clothing we wear can psychologically impact the way
in which we behave. Think of the last time you put on a particular uniform before
completing a task. For example, putting on a sports outfit before hitting the gym. Did
you feel more involved in the task and more ready to perform it whilst in the uniform?
It helped you get in the zone, didn’t it? Likewise, the clothing we wear for prayer
should aid us in its performance and not act as a distraction or source of discomfort.
We can’t always choose to wear what we wish, however, especially at work or in other
situations. On the next page are some guidelines to help you get by in any situation,
which will ultimately contribute to better Khushoo’ - InshaAllah.

How To Implement This Tip
Make sure that your clothes:
• Are loose enough to allow for easy movement (super tight clothes are disliked).
• Are of the right size/length to cover your body appropriately.
• Don’t have anything on them that will cause you to itch, fidget or constantly
have to fix them while praying.
• Are clean enough to pray in and are free of any bad smells, so they do not
distract you or the person next to you! (hint: smoking causes an awful smell!)
• As a bonus, are super cosy! When clothes are extra cosy, they can make
positions such as Ruku’, Sujood and sitting much more pleasant and relaxing,
adding to the feeling of peace and tranquillity.

3 Prepare for the special occasion

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "No one will enter Paradise who
has an atom's weight of pride in his heart." A man said, "What if a man
likes his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good?" He said,
"Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means denying the truth and
looking down on people." [Muslim]

Picture this: you’ve been invited to a big event at the end of the week. You’re excited
and can’t wait to make all the fun preparations and finally get there to enjoy yourself.
You’re so excited in fact that all week you think about what to wear; you prepare
your finest clothes, best perfume, shoes, etc. On the day of the event, you’re so
happy that you’re looking your absolute best for those who are there—be they friends,
family, associates, colleagues or other important figures in your life.
What am I getting at here? The fact of the matter is, when something is important
to us, we prepare for it like crazy! The question then is: how many of us prepare like
this for Salah? An event that happens five times per day, better than any other event
we could attend, yet many of us take it for granted. Yes, it’s true that Allah SWT does
not judge us on our outward appearance when praying, but rather what is in our
hearts. However, looking your best for the Lord of the Worlds doesn’t hurt. In fact,
it can increase your rewards even further. Ultimately, when you look good, you feel
good. When you feel good in front of your Lord by doing that which pleases Him,
you’re one step closer to attaining Khushoo’! The abovementioned hadith also indicates
that there’s nothing wrong with dressing well, so long as the intention is correct. Yes,
looking ‘fly’ is a good thing!

How To Implement This Tip
Although not always practical or possible due to our daily situations, try to apply the
following whenever you can to help maximise your Khushoo’.

• Prepare your best clothes and keep them by your place of prayer, making sure
you’re able to put them on easily before commencing. This could be your
favourite thawb / Jubba or Abayah, favourite shirt or any other outfit you feel
would be pleasing to Allah SWT.
• Keep a special set of clothes just for Jumu’ah, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) encouraged us to wear our best garments for this blessed day. The
same applies for the Eid prayers.
• Clean your teeth and freshen your breath with a miswak (tooth stick) before
• Apply attar / perfume before praying to further beautify yourself for the sake of
Allah SWT, and add that extra sense of feeling fresh and prepared.

Bonus Tip
Be sure that any clothes you wear will fully cover your awrah (nakedness)
when praying. Looking good for Allah SWT is important, but not at the risk
of revealing your nakedness. A classic (and very traumatic) example that many
of us have had the horror of experiencing is seeing a view of somebody’s
backside as they bend over for Ruku’ or Sujood. This often happens because
of tight clothing or garments that are too short. Revealing the awrah during
the prayer risks invalidating it, so we all must take great care in this. This
applies to both men and women, by the way!

4 Remove those distractions!

It was narrated that Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘A’ishah
had a patterned curtain with which she covered the side of her house.
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Take
this patterned curtain of yours away from us because its images kept
distracting me in my prayer.” [Bukhari]

Allah SWT has made it such that we can pray anywhere and everywhere that is clean
and pure. For many of us, however, if we’re not at the Masjid, we usually pray at home,
at work, or anywhere else we can find.
Whether it’s in the living room, your bedroom, the back yard, the office or anywhere
for that matter, try your best to make sure that there are no unnecessary distractions
in front of, or around you.
When trying to attain true Khushoo’, we want our focus to be on Allah SWT 100%.
Before you pray, look around. Are there any distractions around you that may catch your
attention while you pray? Pictures on the wall? Smelly socks on the floor? Loud voices
or music? The television? Tech devices that may ring, ping or pop? Does your prayer
mat itself have too many distracting patterns on it?
Whatever the distraction may be, you’ll find that it’s worth it just to move it to the
side, clean up a little or even cover up any distracting objects or images in front of
you. This new empty space, as well as freedom from any audio distractions, will help
you to further clear your mind and find that peace and tranquillity you’re seeking while
praying to Allah SWT.

How To Implement This Tip
• Remove distracting objects, pictures, food, clothes, etc. out of your way before
praying so that you’re not tempted to look.
• Turn off the television and any music. The quieter, the better.
• Maintain a tidy prayer space in your house or regular place of worship that’s
always kept free of distractions and mess.
• Get rid of unpleasant smells around you. This is especially important if attending
the Masjid for prayer. Smells of cigarette smoke, bad body odours or smelly foods
can be really offensive distractions to those around you.
• If you don’t have control over the place you’re praying in, and it’s very distracting
(e.g. a loud shopping mall), try your best to use the least distracting spot for
prayer such as the corner, or away from distracting objects, sounds, or people!

Bonus Tip
Don’t forget that when other people around you pray, YOU could be their
distraction if you talk too loudly, move in front of them or behave inappropriately.
Keep this in mind, especially in the Masjid. Don’t be a Khushoo’ buster for

5 Pray on time

The Prophet (peace be upon him ) said, “The most beloved of deeds to
Allah are: the Salah in its proper time...” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Many of us fall into the trap of thinking, “Oh there’s plenty of time left, I’ll just pray
later”, and therefore resort to delaying the prayer until it’s almost over, or worse, missing
it altogether! Not only is this counterproductive, resulting in you having to rush the
prayer and lose lots of Khushoo’ and rewards, but it can, in fact, become sinful if done
habitually without a valid reason.
Do you ever notice that when you pray on time, knowing that you don’t have to rush
through the movements and quickly finish, you’re overcome with a feeling of calmness,
content, and tranquillity? This is a step closer to attaining true Khushoo’ in the prayer
by pleasing Allah SWT, and allowing you all the time in the world to focus on speaking
with Him, praising Him and contemplating over the wonders that flow throughout the
Qur’an. The benefit and rewards that you derive from the prayer will also be much
more compared to one that is prayed in a rushed manner in the last few minutes.
If you have a habit of constantly delaying the prayer, try to ask yourself what it is that
makes you delay it. Are those other things more important than gaining all of those
rewards? Think of that wonderful feeling of finishing the prayer early and having plenty
of time to work before the next prayer starts. It takes no time at all, and will make
you more productive!
Praying late also shows a sign of laziness and lack of care for Allah SWT and His call.
Remember, He calls you five times per day to stand before Him. Is that an invitation
worth rejecting?

How To Implement This Tip
• If you need to, set an alarm or reminder on your phone near the beginning of the
prayer time so that you don’t forget.
• Don’t let Shaytan trick you into thinking that there is “plenty of time left” before
the prayer ends. Try to think to yourself, “Hmm... who’s worth listening to?
Shaytan, or the call of Allah SWT?”. Easy answer, right?!
• Make sure you plan your day around the Salah, and that you don’t just squeeze
your prayer into your day. This requires a mind-set shift and thinking of Salah as a
top priority rather than a mere obstacle in your way.
• Remember the huge levels of rewards and blessings for those who pray on time,
as well as the potential punishment of praying late!
• Remember that prayer will be the first thing we’re questioned about on the Day
of Judgement, and if our prayers were good in this life, our fate will be good
upon questioning. Not just good with regards to Khushoo’, but also the time at
which we pray.
• Be around friends who have a habit of praying on time - remind each other! It’s a
lot easier to complete a task when others around you are doing it too.

Bonus Tip
If praying early is too difficult, start off by choosing the easiest prayer of the day
for you. In the beginning, be sure to pray this prayer on time every day. In a week
or two, choose the second easiest prayer and pray it on time. Then begin adding
and praying the other prayers earlier too until a habit is formed. Try this and you’ll
have a habit of praying every prayer early in no time, InshaAllah.

6 Switch them off!
If Khushoo’ is about attaining peace, serenity and tranquillity in the prayer, focusing
totally on Allah SWT and what you’re reciting, it’s pretty obvious that the sound of a
new notification, text message or a phone call is going to distract you for a moment
during prayer, or even worse, distract lots of others! Not only that, it leaves many of
us frantically trying to reach into our pockets to find the off switch, causing us to move
around too much and potentially invalidate our prayers.
Unfortunately, we live in a time where the majority of us are obsessed with our gadgets
and constantly being connected to every social network possible, or seeing the latest
and coolest thing on the net. Even though these gadgets can be used for good, our
inability to control our usage can have a damaging impact not only on our Khushoo’ but
our lives in general. Laziness, lack of focus, loss of patience and major procrastination
are just a few examples of side effects that are a result of this addiction.
Later on in the Bonus Section of this eBook, guest writer Omar Usman (Fiqh of Social
Media) goes deeper into this issue, describing the very problems many of us have with
regards to smart phones, social media and the ways in which they distract us during
our Salah.

How To Implement This Tip
• Put your phone/gadget on silent, airplane mode, or even!

• Move gadgets far away if you can. Nothing will happen to Facebook in those
5-10 minutes, don’t worry!
• Try your best to stop all social media and technological activities at least 5-10
minutes before praying to allow your brain to settle and clear itself from all of
the clutter.

Bonus Tip
Remember that when you are in the Masjid, you have to take extra care to
ensure that you’re not a Khushoo’ buster for other people. Imagine being the
reason that every single person in the prayer congregation took their attention
away from Allah SWT because YOUR mobile phone rang? It’s important to
note that if your phone does ring in the Masjid during Salah, you should
turn it off so as to not disturb anyone.

Guest Tip!
“My favorite khushoo hack is to completely disconnect
from everything - physically and mentally. The best
way to do this is by going to the mosque for prayer
(disconnecting physically) and leaving your phone in
the car (disconnecting mentally). If that's not possible
and you're at home, then leave your room/phone and
move to a different area in the house.”
Mifrah Mahroof - Co-founder, (podcast)

7 Make sure you feel awesome

The Prophet (saw) advised to: “Take benefit of five before five: ... your
health before your sickness ... [Hakim]

Earlier we mentioned that our clothes should be clean and comfortable, making our
prayer a more enjoyable experience. However, there’s something much more important
that should be in check before we pray - our bodies!
Being physically uncomfortable can be a real Khushoo’ buster. We can’t always help this
of course, especially if we’re ill, but we should always try to keep our bodies in tip-top
shape with the intentions of not only being healthy but to be able to worship Allah SWT
better too. Our bodies are entrusted to us by Allah SWT, so it is our duty to take care
of them.
Our diets, sleeping patterns, daily routines, the amount (or lack of) physical activities
we engage in, our relationships with others, levels of stress and overall quality of life
can all affect both our physical and spiritual states.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Companions (may Allah SWT be pleased
with them) regularly engaged in physical activities such as horse riding, swimming,
running, wrestling and others to keep fit and in shape. The Prophet (peace be upon
him) was even described as having ‘squares on his stomach’ - i.e., a 6-pack! Now is
that motivation to workout or what?
Keeping our minds, bodies and souls in good condition can contribute to an overall
satisfying experience when we stand before Allah SWT in prayer - InshaAllah.

How To Implement This Tip
• Keep a healthy diet and regular fitness routine to stay in tip top shape. You can
take nutrition and lifestyle inspiration from the Sunnah - there are immense
blessings and wisdom therein!
• Make sure the food you eat before praying won’t make you feel lazy and sluggish
- especially before Taraweeh in Ramadan!
• Grab a light snack if you feel really hungry before praying (so long as there’s
enough time!), so you don’t hear your stomach rumbling as you fantasise
about food!
• Properly relieve yourself (i.e. visit the bathroom) before praying if you need to go.
Struggling to hold it in will definitely distract you during prayer. Plus,
it’s considered to be really disliked to pray while needing to answer the
call of nature.
• Take a little rest if you don’t feel too great. Sip water, relax, then begin.
• Try to maintain a stress-free life. Stress can have large effects on our physical well-
being, making it a very common Khushoo’ buster! Use Salah as your stress-free
get away from the hustle and bustle of life. Let it be the coolness to your eyes.

Guest Tip!
"If someone asks me about khushoo’ then I'm going
to tell them about sleep! Talking about sleep seems
a bit odd but this is especially important when you
are young and just starting to build those life long
routines. Getting in the habit of sleeping at such a time
that you wake up in the quiet hours of the morning
is the biggest hack to khushoo’ I know. The day is
so much calmer when you wake on time catch the
night prayers then pray the Fajr with the concentration
it deserves. Watch how the rest of your day is filled
with effortless ease and your mind is literally ready
for that awesome sense of peace."
Maheen Malik - Co-founder, (podcast)

(Note: I interviewed sister Amina Khan from Amanah Fitness in

an episode of the Deenspiration podcast. Although the episode
covered health and nutrition tips for Ramadan, these tips can still be
applied throughout the year. Visit
to find and listen to the episode.)

8 Relax...
This tip follows on nicely from the last, however here we’re focusing on the moments
immediately before the prayer begins and the importance of controlling the state of
our bodies as we commence.
Being at work, having a hectic schedule, running around to do things, being late for
prayer, worrying about life and many other things can cause us to come to the prayer
with our hearts still racing and bodies sweating. In such cases, we sometimes stand
upon the prayer mat, and before we know it, we have said “Allahu-Akbar” and began
the prayer, only to have said “Assalaamu ‘Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah” and finished
the prayer so quickly without realising what just happened in between. Not once did
we think of Allah SWT or find ourselves in a state of Khushoo’, and often times it’s
because we didn’t take those few seconds to calm down and relax before commencing.
To avoid the effects of the hustle and bustle of this life, many resort to relaxation
techniques such as yoga or mediation, or find solace in other fun activities that take
their mind away from things. Allah SWT has gifted us with something even better - the
prayer. It is the ultimate relaxation tool, the best form of spiritual and physical exercise,
and the greatest way to escape the horrors of this world through connecting with our
Creator five times per day. (We’ll go deeper into this in Tip 13.)
Well, that’s what is should be for us! However, having a habit of rushing to the prayer
in an unrelaxed, unprepared state can actually cause us to treat it as a distraction
or obstacle in our lives. This way we won’t fully benefit from its numerous wonders.
Sounds familiar, right? It can be difficult to avoid this, but there are some simple ways
to combat this habit.

How To Implement This Tip
• Before praying, take three deep breaths, nice and slowly, and relax your mind.
You don’t have to begin straight away, and it’s okay to pause momentarily to
gather yourself, set your body right and get in the zone.
• If you’ve been rushing around, stop and slow your heart rate down. Even if this
takes a little moment, it will be totally worth it when you start praying. Out of
control breathing doesn’t make attaining Khushoo’ any easier!
• Make sure your entire body is facing the Qiblah, then loosen up a little. Stretch if
you need do. Let the stress leave your body, and let the thought of speaking to
Allah SWT spiritually and physically energize you.

Bonus Tip
When in the Masjid, running to catch the prayer is NOT a good idea, rather
it is discouraged. Yes, you’re desperate to catch the Imam before he stands
up after Ruku’, but you should never run to catch the prayer. Take your time,
if you miss one Rak’ah, you can make it up after. The same goes for wudu.
You don’t want to reach the prayer whilst breathing uncontrollably, sweating,
feeling hot and sticky, not knowing what’s going on whilst distracting those
around you. Have you ever stood in line during prayer as a latecomer
stumbles in next to you, spending at least a minute gathering themselves
and not caring about who else they may be distracting? Total Khushoo’
buster! Don’t be that person.
Story: I once tried to run to catch the prayer at the Masjid... but tripped
and fell. HARD! Lesson learnt! An embarrassing way to learn a lesson, but
it worked!

9 Perfect your intentions

“Actions are but by intentions and every man shall have only that which
he intended...” [Bukhari & Muslim]

Everything we do in life has a clear purpose, backed by an equally clear intention.

When we make breakfast in the morning, the purpose is to replenish and energize our
bodies in preparation for the day ahead. When we lift the cup to our lips, the intention
is to drink from it, right?
Similarly, the prayer has a specific purpose and we should clearly understand our intentions
before we begin to pray. Why are we standing there? Why did we just wake up in
the middle of the night? Why did we just sacrifice our warm beds and use the cold
water to perform wudu? What is it for? Who is it to please? What will it do for us and
our Akhirah?
Mentally acknowledging what you’re about to do can help you get in the zone, and
bring about a strong sense of focus that contributes to a great prayer.
Don’t forget; your intentions can make or break any action. If we perform deeds truly
for the sake of Allah SWT, then we will receive blessings in those actions and a great
reward. If we perform them for the wrong reasons, however, e.g. showing off, then not
only will we completely destroy the potential for any rewards, but can risk falling deep
into sin. The goal is to leave the prayer in a much better spiritual state and with more
rewards in your account, not the other way around!

How To Implement This Tip
Try the following before your next prayer:

• Understand you are praying in front of the Lord of the Worlds, the One Who
created you, the One to Whom you will return, the One Who will judge your
deeds as you stand before Him on the Day of Judgement.
• Remember how much you love Allah SWT, how much you want to please Him
and attain Jannatul-Firdous, and how much reward He will give you if you perform
the prayer properly with true conviction and devotion.
• Imagine that you are standing before Allah SWT and know that He is watching
you. How would you behave if you knew that the Lord of the Worlds was
watching you? He understands you, He hears you, and there is no barrier between
you and Him at this moment.
• No matter who is around you or watching you, remember that you are praying
for Allah SWT and Him alone. Do not purposely beautify your prayer if you think
somebody is watching, e.g. spending longer in Sujood or reciting an extra Surah
so that they will believe you to be more righteous. If you wish to do these
righteous acts, do them for the sake of Allah SWT alone as showing off when
praying can lead to some serious sins. The only One we should happily show off
to is Allah SWT Himself. (This is where your Shaytan blocking skills will come in
handy - see tip 11).
• Make sure you have a clear intention of which Salah you’re about to pray!

10 Remember Death

“When you stand to pray, pray a farewell prayer” [Ahmad]

One of the most effective ways of realising our future in the Akhirah and what we
have to do to prepare for it in this Dunya is to frequently remember death. Death is
a reality for every one of us. Allah SWT tells us in the Qur’an that each and every
one of us will face death (see Qur’an - 3:185), yet many of us forget this in amongst
our busy lives. The Prophet (peace be upon him) advised us to visit the graveyards
for that very purpose - to remember our ultimate destination, and to open our eyes
and use whatever opportunity we have left in this Dunya to repent and turn back to
Allah SWT before our last breath escapes our body, and we stand before our Creator
to answer for each and every action carried out by us in this life.
When we know something is about to happen, naturally we prepare for it. If we only
had one opportunity to do something before it’s no longer available to us, we would
make sure we give 100%, right? This is the same attitude we should have towards
prayer; thinking that this prayer could be our very last prayer and that we may never
get a chance to make sujood again, should be enough motivation for us to focus
solely on its performance. It should make us shake out of fear of our Lord, while at
the same time have hope in His forgiveness and reward. It goes without saying that
our Khushoo’ in this state would be something else! One of the best prayers I ever
prayed was when I thought the world was going to end. Yes, my friend played a prank
on us that night, but it worked wonders for my Khushoo’!

How To Implement This Tip
The following may help you to remember death at the time of praying:
• Attend Janazah / funeral prayers and visit the graveyards when you can so that
you are frequently reminded of death.
• Read the verses of the Qur’an which describe death, the Afterlife, and the
potential rewards / punishments of Allah SWT.
• Remember that we’re not promised tomorrow, and that Allah SWT can take us
at any moment. Simply turning on the news can wake us up to the reality of
sudden death.
• Before you begin praying, ask yourself the following: “Would I be happy to leave
this world with *this* prayer as my last?”.
• Remembering death should instil a healthy dose of fear into us, but it’s important
to remember that Islam is not just about having fear, but also having hope. A
healthy balance of fear of Allah SWT’s punishment, while having tremendous hope
in His Mercy and everlasting rewards is necessary in our lives.

Bonus Tip
Be sure to make du’a to Allah SWT regularly to grant you a beautiful death.
Being born and raised as a Muslim does not guarantee success in the
Hereafter, as many of us go astray. Success is dying upon firm Iman and
in a good state, and therefore we ask Allah SWT to take our souls only
when we are ready to leave this world in a pure state, with high Iman, and
a ticket to Jannatul-Firdous. Ameen.

11 Destroy Shaytan!

“Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them
and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them
grateful [to You]." [Qur’an - 7:17]

Here’s the bad news: all of the tips in this eBook are the things Shaytan does NOT
want you to do, and he will do his very best to make sure you don’t practice them. The
good news? He is weak, and overcoming his whispers can be easy if you know how.
Remember: Shaytan really, really hates you. He works slowly, picks on your weaknesses,
and over time causes you to fall into sins and bad habits if you let him!
Did you know that there is a specific Shaytan that comes to you during prayer to
distract you? His name is Khanzab. He will come to you during the prayer, reminding
you of all the things you were supposed to do, might do, are going to do, should be
doing, or maybe even something you forgot three years ago but suddenly remembered!
Annoying, isn’t it?
As well as yourself and your ego (your nafs), Shaytan is one of the primary barriers
between you and attaining true Khushoo’ in prayer, so it’s important to block him out
before beginning.
Now for some more good news. Allah SWT knows that Shaytan is there to annoy you.
It’s a test from Him, and we’ve been given some techniques within the Qur’an and
Sunnah to help us combat him and his cronies. The realty is, however, that he will
continue to try and whisper to you during the prayer even at your most pious moments.
Developing all of your Shaytan blocking skills will take time to master, and the closer
you become to Allah SWT, the harder it’ll become for Shaytan to interfere with you.

How To Implement This Tip
• Seek refuge from Shaytan by saying A’uthu Billahi Minash-Shaytanir-Rajeem
(I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed) and ask Allah SWT to help you
combat his whispers before you begin the prayer. Also, be sure to recite this
during the start of the prayer after the Thanaa’ (SubhanakAllahumma wa
bihamdika...), just before reciting Bismillahi-Rahmanir-Raheem (in the name of
Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) and Surah Al-Fatihah.
• Understand that Shaytan is incredibly weak. He uses the same old tricks again
and again, although unfortunately we keep falling for them.
• The more you understand Shaytan, the easier it will be to combat him. Try to
study and learn his tricks so you can recognise them when they happen. This is
a massive step towards destroying his ability to affect you.
• Remember, this tip is about being able to avoid Shaytan’s tricks and then
turning your focus back to Allah SWT. What you should not do is spend the
entire prayer thinking of clever ways to combat him, because in that case... he’s
already won!

Bonus Tip
If you suffer from lots of whispering before the prayer, try reciting Surah
An-Nas (chapter 114 of the Qur’an) a few times before you begin to seek
protection from the evil whispers of Shaytan. Remember, Shaytan has been
doing his thing since the time of Adam (AS), so he’s pretty much a black
belt in leading people astray. It’s always good therefore to seek refuge in
Allah SWT from the Shaytan and his evil whispers.

12 Pray at the Masjid

“Prayer in congregation is superior to prayer alone by twenty-seven

degrees.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

As many of us know, attending the Mosque / Masjid / Prayer Room for the congregational
prayer is of utmost importance and carries huge rewards. It also has a huge advantage
in terms of attaining Khushoo; from the Imam’s beautiful recitation, to the feelings of
brother/sisterhood, the calmness and peaceful atmosphere, the Angels surrounding the
place, and more. Not only are the Houses of Allah SWT full of blessings, but there
are some key opportunities to take hold of while there to help positively impact your
levels of Khushoo’ during the prayer.
Whether you attend regularly, once a week, or only in Ramadan, the Masjid is a place
where you should focus on ridding yourself of any worldly related problems and focusing
on connecting with your Creator. No matter what your level of Iman may be, you are
always invited to the Houses of Allah SWT, so when He invites you, make the most of
the opportunity.
Our behaviour inside the Masjid should not be the same as it is outside. If you’re not
in the mood for following some of the tips on the next page, sitting quietly to reflect
is okay too. Whatever you do, try to avoid unnecessary distractions or time wasting.
You came here to worship Allah SWT - get in the zone! The more you prepare your
mind, heart and soul for prayer before the Imam commences, the easier it will be to
attain Khushoo’ once the prayer has started.

How To Implement This Tip
Try the following:
• While on the way to the Masjid, try not to talk so much about worldly things that
are sure to make you laugh or lose concentration when inside.
• If you’re in the car, why not switch on some Qur’an recitation or a lecture to get
you in the mood? If you’re with friends, you can talk about Allah SWT, the Qur’an,
or other beautiful aspects of Islam.
• Try to reach the Masjid early to ensure you’re not rushing around to catch the
prayer, and to give your mind and body enough time to switch to prayer mode.
• If the Adhan / call to prayer is happening while you’re there, repeat it after the
Mu’adhin to not only get yourself in the mood for the prayer ahead, but to also pick
up lots of extra rewards.
• Got time before the congregation begins? You could pray the 2 Rak’ahs / Units of
voluntary prayer for when entering the Masjid, also known as Tahiyyatul-Masjid. If
there are prescribed units of pre-Fardh Sunnah prayers for the Salah you’re about
to pray, this is the perfect time to pray them before the Imam is ready to begin.
• If there’s still time left, you could pick up a copy of the Qur’an until it’s time for
the congregation to begin, recite some Dhikr of your choice or other beneficial
acts of worship. This is not the time to catch up with your buddies on the latest
episode of your favourite show!
• Do NOT speak with your friends while making wudu in the washroom. Remember
Tip 1? Wudu is ‘Ibadah - focus on perfecting its performance and treat it as one
of the first steps to attaining Khushoo’ during your visit to the Masjid.

BONUS TIP For Creative Minds!
Those with creative minds are always thinking of new concepts and ideas, be it for work,
a project or other purposes. This is great, but can often be uncontrollable. Isn’t it
annoying when you need to think of an idea, but it just won’t come to you, only until
you say “AllahuAkbar” to start the prayer, and it pops right into your head? At this
point, all you can think of is that idea and how you’re going to apply it as soon as
you leave the prayer. This can be a real Khushoo’ buster, but there’s a way to help
you overcome this common problem.
On the next page, sister Halima from Quran Rehab shares a quick tip on how to clear
your mind of all your genius ideas to prevent those light-bulb moments from occurring
while you’re praying to Allah SWT.

“When our bodies are in a relaxed physical state, our
minds tend to zone into a meditative state. This creates
the perfect conditions for the birth of new creative
ideas and for best recalling information which we
have instructed our subconscious minds not to forget
throughout the day. Hence our best ideas and our
ability to remember things well, often happen when
we are in the shower, lying down to sleep and praying
etc. To avoid this natural process from affecting our
Khushoo’ in Salat, I recommend carrying a small journal
at all times, within which you can immediately record
any mental notes down onto physical paper for you
to deal with at a later time. This will relieve your mind
of the mental pressure to recall the information and
will provide you with a much more clear mind with
which to focus on your prayers. As they say, what’s
out of sight is out of mind”
Halimah El-Kurghali (UK) - Founder,

SUMMARY The ultimate performance
Preparations and the lead up to the prayer are now done, and it’s finally time to stand
before Allah SWT and begin. So, now what? In this section we’re about to look at
some simple, yet effective ways of elevating our prayers to a level of higher status
and tremendous rewards.
It’s important to note that one can never reach the *ultimate* prayer. The journey
towards attaining true Khushoo’ lasts a lifetime, and there are always ways to continue
perfecting our prayer - both outwardly and inwardly. The standards here have of course
been set by our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and thereafter his Companions
(may God be pleased with them), as well as all of the Prophets who came before (may
peace be upon them all) whom we should aim to emulate with respect to the prayer
and its performance.
The tips in this section of the eBook are here to guide you and get you started, but
you will most certainly pick up your own along the way. Although attaining Khushoo’ is
difficult, the secret is to never stop trying, and to remember that Allah SWT knows the
struggle and, in fact, loves to see you struggling for His sake and will reward you for it.
On our path to bettering our prayer, we should not to look at others and try to beat
them in performance or levels of Khushoo’, but rather the goal is to out-perform
ourselves and aim to have better Khushoo’ than we did the previous day, week or year.
Along the way we may experience difficult ordeals and dips in our Iman, which in turn
can put a stopper on our Khushoo’ progress. Such is life, and we mustn't lose hope.
Each time we experience a feeling of being distant from Allah SWT is just another
chance for us to become close to Him again and taste the sweetness of Iman.

Click here to listen to the podcast

episode for this section of the ebook.

13 Forget the world

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Women and fragrance have been
made dear to my affections, but prayer was made the sweetness of my
eyes." [Ahmad, An-Nasa’i]

Our minds have a habit of collecting a tonne of negative and useless thoughts, and
when we least expect it, decides to surprise us with them all. Conveniently enough, this
often happens as we begin Salah! Remember all of those things you were supposed
to do, but forgot? All of your worries, stresses, and problems in life? The baby is sick.
That exam is coming up. You have no money. Your spouse is really mad at you and you
don’t know why. Wait, what about that epic scene from the movie you watched recently?
I’m sure these thoughts sound familiar to you. So what do you do to alleviate yourself
of these massive Khushoo’ busters? It’s simple: try to FORGET THEM ALL! Everything
else can wait. Think of it like this: for these 10 minutes, my mind, heart and soul should
be focused on Allah SWT. He is deserving of my full attention, and the ONLY One
Who is the Master of all my worries, problems, fears and misfortunes. ONLY He can fix
them, and right now I must please my Lord and call to Him so that He may help me.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) had more trials than we could handle, yet when it
was time for prayer, he truly felt it to be his release from all worries, a chance to be
closer to Allah SWT, and it was the coolness to his blessed eyes (peace be upon him).
Similarly, we should use the prayer as an opportunity to completely submit ourselves
to the One who is above all our problems; who cares for us, loves us, and has invited
us to be with Him. If we don’t feel this in Salah, we’re doing something wrong!

How To Implement This Tip
Try the following:
• When you raise your hands to pronounce the opening Takbeer - Allahu Akbar -
image that during this moment, as your hands raise to your ears, you are pushing
the entire world and it’s worries behind you and letting them go, leaving you
focusing purely on Allah SWT for the next few minutes. It’s just you and your Lord
now, one-on-one.
• If thoughts of the Dunya come to you while praying, as soon as you realise
that you’re thinking of them, just snap out of it and go straight back to thinking
of Allah SWT. It’s natural for the mind to wonder. Just keep coming back to
Allah SWT each time it happens. Don’t ponder over it too long or let Shaytan
play with your mind. He’ll try to confuse you and make you forget what’s going
on in the prayer.

This definitely is difficulty to do and it takes time. The important thing is
that you keep on trying, and start building an attitude that the prayer is
your source of comfort, your getaway, your stress relief, the coolness to
your eyes, and your very reason for being. Understanding your complete
and utter reliance on Allah SWT while having recognition of His Majesty
and Power, and His ability to solve your every problem, will bring about a
strong sense of humility and open many doors for you.

14 Recite Properly

“...and recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones.”


It is a true miracle that the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
as a guidance for us. Its words are not only mind blowing, but part of its miraculous
nature is the preservation and beauty of its glorious recitation.
If we are to attain true Khushoo’, we have learned that we need to take things slow,
relax, and feel tranquillity in our mind, hearts and body. This is also true for our
recitation of the Qur’an during prayer. If we feel relaxed physically, then naturally we
must take care in making sure that we do not rush, mispronounce words and forfeit
proper Tajweed in order to quickly finish the prayer. Of course, you do not have to
recite extremely slowly or better than your favourite world class Qari (although if you
do want to recite like that, Bismillah!), but at least recite in a moderate tone, enough
to allow proper pronunciation and understanding of what’s being said. Allah SWT is
the One Who revealed this very Qur’an, so this is your chance to recite it as best you
can and show your Lord watcha got!
If the recitation of the Qur’an has the ability to move the hearts of even those who
do not believe in its message, then it should most definitely have a strong effect on
our hearts, drawing us nearer to the One by Whom it was revealed.

How To Implement This Tip
• Out with the prayer, be it at home, at the Masjid, at work, in the car, or anywhere
else for that matter, practice reciting with a moderate speed and correct Tajweed
to ensure that each letter is clearly pronounced and not rushed.
• If you need some practice, attend a Qur’an class with a good teacher who can
listen to you and correct your pronunciation, rhythm and tone.
• Similarly, practicing with your friends or family can be a great way to improve your
recitation, picking up tips from others along the way. (Not to mention the
blessings and rewards that such gatherings would bring!)
• If it helps, choose one of the many famous reciters and listen to them as you
recite along, trying your best to imitate their style and melody while listening
carefully to how they articulate each letter. This can also be a stepping stone
towards defining your own personal style of recitation, and be a good aid for
when you don’t have access to a teacher.
• A great way to perfect your pronunciation is to choose a copy of the Qur’an
(Mus’haf) that includes colour-coded Tajweed rules to help you get started. Once
you’re fluent, you can then move on to a Mus’haf that doesn’t include these
helpful guides and test yourself.
• Record and listen to yourself recite. This can help you pick out some
mistakes that you perhaps didn’t realise you were making while reciting.

15 Ponder & reflect upon the words

“Do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other
than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.”

Implementing this top tip will immediately take your prayer to the NEXT LEVEL! The
Qur’an is filled with countless gems, timeless wisdoms, mind-boggling revelations, heart-
pounding descriptions, tear jerking stories and much more. So to attain true Khushoo,
it’s a no-brainer that we really should be working on understanding what we recite
every single day during prayer, right?
For many of us, this is the primary reason we can’t focus in prayer. Can you imagine
trying to converse with someone who spoke a different language? It would be difficult
and perhaps frustrating. Similarly, the only true way to connect with Allah SWT through
his words is by learning what they mean and implementing them into our lives.

“Salah is that intimate conversation with Allah in which we

pour out our hearts and hear Him speak to us through the
Qur’an. The key to connecting through the prayer is to
know what we are saying. How important are His words to
us? What time and effort will you invest to overcome the
language barrier between you and the Qur’an? Reading
translations and commentaries, and listening to lessons, will
certainly take you a long way. Even learning some key words
from the Arabic verses can help trigger those recollections
when you stand to pray by yourself or with an imam.”
Sohaib Saeed -

How To Implement This Tip
• Grab a book that has the translation of Salah in your own language.
• Keep the book close by, and after every prayer, go back into the book and read
the translation of what you just said in the prayer. After some time you’ll begin to
memorise the meanings and will consciously think of them when praying.
• As a minimum, try to learn the deeper meanings behind Surah Al-Fatihah (Qur’an:
chapter 1) as it’s recited in every unit of the prayer. Immediately this will cause
you to focus on what you’re reciting from the very get-go. To kick-start your
journey of learning, there’s an amazing Hadith about this Surah that’ll inspire you
in Tip 19.
• Join an Arabic class or online course to pick up some vocabulary and learn the
Qur’an in greater depth. Check out and learn up
to 50% of the entire Quran’s vocabulary within a few weeks with this course!
• Use books/audio clips/videos that contain some tafseer/commentary on the Qur’an
and your favourite Surahs (chapters) for deeper insights and to help you ponder
and reflect over their meanings and implications. The journey will never end!

Bonus Tip
Ramadan is a wonderful time to improve your relationship with the Qur’an.
Creating a ‘Qur’an timetable’ with which you dedicate parts of your month
to learning, memorising, reciting and pondering over the Qur’an will not
only boost your productivity, but earn you some big rewards. The goal
thereafter is to remain consistent with this timetable and continue to develop
your relationship with the Qur’an throughout the year. In doing so, you
will surely experience an incredibly positive transformation in your life.

16 Change things up a little

“When you go to pray, say takbeer, then recite whatever you can of the
Qur’an...” [Bukhari & Muslim]

Let’s face it, many of us are guilty of continuously using the smallest Surahs we can
find in the Qur’an to quickly finish our Salah and get back to what we were doing,
or simply using the same Surahs repeatedly in each prayer. Surah Al-Kauthar in Rak’ah
one and Surah Al-Ikhlas in Rak’ah two sounds familiar, right? The reality is, although
this may be easy, it’s a sure fire way to start becoming robotic in our prayers and
reduce our Khushoo’.
When we repeat the same things over and over again, our bodies and minds become
used to them and therefore don’t require any conscious thought when doing them.
One way to combat this is to frequently use a different selection of Surahs or verses
during the prayer. Long or short, it doesn’t matter so much. What matters is that instead
of automatically reciting “Qul-hu-Allahu Ahad...” in every single Rak’ah without even
thinking about it, you want to stop yourself and consciously think of different verses
you could recite, and then make the effort to recall and recite them correctly whilst
standing before Allah SWT. You could even choose certain Surahs/verses that relate to
how you feel, or what inspiration you need at the time of praying. What better way
to add a deeper meaning to the prayer?
The same goes for Du’as and Dhikr. There are various moments within the prayer
where extra Du’as or Dhikr can be added, such as: during Ruku’ and Sujood, rising
from Ruku’, in between both Sajdahs, the final sitting after reciting the Tashahhud and
sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and others.

How To Implement This Tip
Try the following:
• Memorise as many Surahs / chapters of the Qur’an as you can.
• Begin by memorising as many of the shorter chapters as you can from the
30th section / Juz’ / Separa of the Qur’an to make things easier for you when
you first begin memorising, and to give you a good selection to choose from
when praying.
• If you lack time but still want to memorise Qur’an, listen to audio recitations
regularly while on the go. Listening to something repeatedly can aid in
memorisation. Just be sure to refer back to the Qur’an to make sure that what
you’re hearing is the same as what’s written there! Of course, having a good
teacher is optimal in this situation.
• After learning the meanings of the Qur’an, choose verses that best suit your
mood or situation at the time of praying. E.g. if you have sinned a lot lately,
verses about the Mercy of Allah SWT may have a stronger, deeper and more
emotional connection with you during the prayer.
• Aim to use a different Surah in each Rak’ah / unit of prayer every time you pray.
• Memorise various Du’as from the Qur’an and Sunnah, which can be added at
various stages within the prayer as mentioned on the previous page.

Bonus Tip
If you only know one or two Surahs and have no choice but to repeat
them in every prayer, read their tafseer / commentary in order to develop
a deeper connection with them. You can also change the way in which
you recite them in terms of the tone / style. Reciting them slowly, or even
more than once will also help you remain in the prayer for longer.

17 Take it easy... it’s not a race!

Abu Qutaadah (may Allah SWT be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet
(peace be upon him) said: ‘The worst type of thief is the one who steals
from his prayer.’ He said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, how can a person steal
from his prayer?’ He said, ‘By not doing ruku’ and sujood properly.’”
[Ahmad & Al-Haakim]

As Muslims, we understand that Allah SWT, our family and friends, the Qur’an, and
even our bodies have rights over us. The same is true for the prayer, and we should
be careful to give each position in the prayer it’s due right. What does this mean? It
means to ensure that every aspect of the prayer is performed correctly and perfectly—
not rushed or with sloppy form.
The fact Allah SWT has created our bodies in such a way that they are designed to
worship, is something to ponder over. Each position of the prayer is comfortable,
natural, and designed to bring us closer to Him. Why then do we waste these precious
moments by rushing through the prayer like a race? By not worshiping correctly, it is
as if we are depriving our bodies of the very function they were created for.
Think of a gymnast; their movements are impeccable, their form is exquisite, and one
wrong move can affect their entire routine. When judged at a competition, bad form
or misplaced steps lose them points. If the prayer is more important gymnastics, should
we not then use immaculate form when standing on the greatest stages of all—before
Allah SWT?

How To Implement This Tip
• When praying, take extra care to make sure that you move into each new
position slowly and perfectly, with ease and proper care. Whether moving from a
point of standing to bow down into Ruku’, from Ruku’ into Sujood, or from Sujood
to sitting or standing, each movement should be performed nice and slowly.
• While moving in and out of Ruku’ and Sujood, make sure that your bones and
your body come to a stop, recite the required Dhikr, and then change positions
again. Moving in and out of Ruku’ or Sujood too fast without properly stopping is
incorrect and should definitely be avoided.
• Learning the various forms of Dhikr which can be recited in between each position
will help you remain there long enough to allow the bones to come to a rest. For
example, reciting the following upon rising from Ruku’ will take at least a couple
of seconds, giving enough time to settle and ensure that you have stood upright
once again:

“Rabbanaa wa lakal-hamd, hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubaarakan feeh”

(Our Lord, praise is Yours, abundant, good and blessed praise)

18 Cherish those special moments
In the last tip, we touched upon the importance of moving into each position slowly,
with perfection and a slow speed so as to give each one its due right. The emphasis in
this tip is now on how long we spend in those positions - particularly Ruku’ and Sujood.
Have you ever gone into Sujood and wanted to stay there forever? Doesn’t your body
feel perfect while there? Doesn’t your heart feel at ease? This is the case for many of
us, and there’s a beautiful reason behind it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught
us that certain positions within the prayer are more powerful than others. In a Hadith
that many of us are familiar with, The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) is narrated
to have said:

“The closest that a servant is to his Lord is when he is in prostration.

And: Prostrate much because there is no Muslim that prostrates to Allah
except that Allah raises him one degree in Paradise by it and forgives
for him a sin.” [Ahmad]

It’s no wonder then that our bodies and souls feel so comfortable in this position. Our
souls recognize the nearness to Allah SWT, His Majesty, and Power, and naturally feel
comfortable being so close to Him. It is the pinnacle of the prayer, the grand finale,
the ‘moment we have all been waiting for’. Why then do we rush in and out of it,
depriving our souls of these nourishing moments?
The same goes for other moments in prayer, such as the beautiful recitation. The next
time you’re behind the Imam and he’s reciting a long Surah, rather than wondering
“Man, when is he going to finish already?”, remember that the longer you spend in
prayer, the longer you get to spend with Allah SWT - now that’s epic! Rather than
feeling sad that he’s taking long, we should feel sad once the recitation has ended!

How To Implement This Tip
• When going into the Ruku’ or Sujood position, understand the significance of
each position with respect to your weakness and Allah SWT’s power. When
bowing, your body is at a vulnerable position; if somebody were to push you
even a little, you would be knocked off balance. Yet in this position you say
“Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem” (‘Glory be to Allah who is my Lord, the Greatest’).
You are recognizing your weakness compared to Allah SWT’s Power and Strength.
When you move into Sujood, you are placing the highest, most important, most
beloved part of your body (your face) low onto the ground, yet you are declaring
how High Allah SWT is by saying “Subhana Rabbiyal A’laa (Glory be to Allah who is my
Lord, the Most High). This is the ultimate submission to Allah SWT and the
greatest honour as His beloved servant.
• Remember that even though you are physically going lower, Allah SWT is
elevating you in ranks. What more do we need?
• Don’t be afraid to let out your deepest, heartfelt emotions towards your Creator
during these moments. Enjoy them, cherish them, long for them, and spend time
in them once you are there. If tears begin to shed, consider this a blessing. Do
not let them go to waste, for a single tear could be worth more than the oceans
in the sight of Allah SWT and cause your biggest sins to be washed away.

19 Have a conversation with Allah

“When any one of you stands to pray, he is conversing with his Lord, so
let him pay attention to how he speaks to Him.” (Al-Haakim, al-Mustadrak)

Many of us don’t realise that Allah SWT actually responds during the prayer. Wait! Really?
Yes, really. As a matter of fact, every single time you recite Suratul-Fatihah [Qur’an -
chapter 1) Allah SWT responds in the most beautiful way. If at no other moment during
the entire prayer, then at least during Suratul-Fatihah we should be fully engaged and
aware that the Lord of the Worlds Himself is listening to every verse and responding.
This comes from the following Hadith:

“Allah the Exalted said: I have divided prayer between Myself and My servant into
two halves, and My servant shall have what he has asked for. When the servant says:
Praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, Allah says: My servant has praised Me. When
he says: The Gracious, the Merciful, Allah says: My servant has exalted Me. When he
says: Master of the Day of Judgment, Allah says: My servant has glorified Me, and
on one occasion He said: My servant has submitted to My power. When he says: You
alone we worship, You alone we ask for help, Allah says: This is between Me and
My servant, and My servant will have what he has asked for. When he says: Guide
us to the straight path, the path of those whom you have favoured, not those who
went astray, Allah says: This is for My servant, and My servant will have what he has
asked for.” [Sahih Muslim]

How To Implement This Tip
• Realise that Allah SWT is the All Hearing, All Seeing, and All Knowing. Each and
every single moment that you spend in prayer, He is watching you, hearing you
and listening to even the deepest whispers of your heart.
• When reciting the verses of Suratul-Fatihah (and other verses of the Qur’an in
general) imagine that you are saying them directly to Allah SWT, especially those
verses in which there are Du’as – e.g. verses 5-7 in Suratul Fatihah (see translation
• When making Du’a at certain points during the Salah, speak to Allah SWT as if
He is your best friend. Open up to Him fully, have complete trust in Him, and
don’t be shy (i.e. don’t feel that you should hold back your emotions).
There is nothing hidden from Him and nothing He cannot give you He is
there to listen to your every worry and need and respond in the best of ways.
• Remember: when somebody has invited you to be with them, speak with them
and take from their gifts, it is rude to ignore them and appear to be bored or
distracted when speaking to them. Do you ever feel insulted when you are
speaking with someone, but they’re clearly not paying attention? Perhaps they are
looking down at their mobile phones and simply saying, “Yes... uh huh...
mmhmm...”. It’s annoying, right? Similarly, remember that Allah SWT has honoured
you with this Divine invitation to stand before Him and speak with Him. Do not be
rude - engage in a conversation with your Lord through the verses of the Qur’an
and Du’as.

20 Think of the rewards for praying

Abu Hurairah: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "If there was a river at the
door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day would
you notice any dirt on him?" They said, "Not a trace of dirt would be
left." The Prophet added, "That is the example of the five prayers with
which Allah blots out (annuls) evil deeds." [Bukhari]

Allah SWT has made us in such a way that we easily forget, and sometimes need a
little reminder to motivate us. The human being naturally requires an understanding of
how something will benefit them before committing to it with their full attention and
passion. That’s why listening to an uplifting speech, hearing the verses of the Qur’an or a
Hadith can boost our Iman and encourage us to do more in order to please Allah SWT.
This feeling can go away quickly, however, after which we need to be reminded again.
Can you remember a task which you completed with little effort, but as soon as you
were reminded of its benefits, you became motivated and worked harder? A simple
example would be playing a game for fun with your friends, compared to playing a
game in which a big prize is at stake - e.g. a trophy. The motivation for winning the
prize will make everyone play with more passion and enthusiasm for winning.
The Salah is similar. We know we have to pray, but the moment we realise just how
valuable the prayer is and the amount of benefit involved, we will make sure that we
pray even better and even more than we used to before. Treating the prayer as being
our prize every day will be a sure good way to help us focus and enjoy it more.

How To Implement This Tip
• Attend classes or listen to / watch lectures about the blessings and virtues of
prayer in order to motivate yourself.
• Think of these rewards and benefits during the prayer, especially in times that you
feel lazy and demotivated.
• Have great hope in the Bounty of Allah SWT, and do not underestimate just how
much He may reward you for the simplest of actions.
• Remember that even though a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) may mention a certain amount of rewards for performing a particular deed,
Allah SWT can still multiply that reward for you many times over simply because
of your intentions and effort when performing it. This applies to any act of worship
or deed, not only the prayer. Never underestimate Allah’s SWT generosity.
• Imagine as though each and every second of prayer is worth more than the
greatest treasures of this world, and that the longer you remain in prayer, the
higher your rank is being raised, the more good deeds are being recorded for
you, and the closer you are to attaining the treasures of Jannah. Keep the Angel
by your right shoulder busy with writing those good deeds!
• Remember: if you hope for Allah’s SWT rewards and forgiveness, you will receive
them. Never lose hope, even if you think your prayer is not worth anything!

21 Beautify Your Prayer

“The Messenger of God is certainly a good example for those of you who
have hope in God and in the Day of Judgement and who remember God
very often.” [Qur’an - 33:21]

We all know that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Messenger
of God and that his Sunnah / way of life plays a hugely important role in the way we
conduct ourselves on a day-to-day basis. We emulate him (peace be upon him) in his
character and behaviour, but most importantly, in the way he worshiped Allah SWT.
He (peace be upon him) was Al-Mu’allim (The Teacher), and everything he taught us
with respect to worship was by Divine Inspiration. This shows the utmost importance
of following his way as closely as possible in order to fulfil our commands to God.
Nowadays, many of us habitually neglect some of the ways of our beloved Prophet
(peace be upon him) with the excuse, “Oh, it’s only a Sunnah”, without realising that
this very Sunnah comes with a multitude of wisdom and benefits. When the Prophet
(peace be upon him) commanded us to pray like him [Bukhari], it was not just to fulfil
the bare minimums so that the prayer is merely accepted, but in order to attain the
highest level of rewards possible and to gain Allah’s SWT pleasure. Each movement,
each word and every little detail that was taught by him (peace be upon him) and
closely observed by his companions (may God be pleased with them) is of utmost
importance, and serves as a means through which we can experience more Khushoo’.
It also highly elevates and beautifies our prayers in the eyes of Allah SWT.

How To Implement This Tip
• Attend classes to learn how the Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed, identifying
which of the acts in prayer fall under his Sunnah so as to not miss them.
• From the very first time you pray (and if it’s been a while, start now!) make sure
that you have a habit of performing the prayer in it’s entirety, i.e. without missing
a single Sunnah action.
• Learn about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) out with the prayer
so that your love for him increases, and performing Sunnah actions becomes
more beloved to you. Love for him increases the love of Allah SWT, which
ultimately increases Khushoo’ - big time!
• Perform Sunnah actions pertaining to other acts of worship throughout the day
too, not just in prayer, in order to further embed the practices and love for
Rasulullah (peace be upon him) in your life.
• Read / learn about the examples of the Companions of the Prophet (may God be
pleased with them) and how hard they strived to fulfil each and every Sunnah
of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that they possibly could. Their stories aught
to inspire you and motivate you to have such zeal for the Sunnah.
• Hold yourself to account every time you miss a Sunnah act without an excuse and
be sure not to miss it next time. Do not allow Shaytan to trick you into thinking
it’s no big deal.

22 Fall in love with your Creator...

“Had Allah lifted the veil for His slave and shown him how He handles his
affairs for him, and how Allah is more keen for the benefit of the slave
than his own self, his heart would have melted out of love for Allah and
would have been torn to pieces out of thankfulness to Allah. Therefore if
the pains of this world tire you, do not grieve. For it may be that Allah
wishes to hear your voice by way of du’a. So pour out your desires in
prostration and forget about it, and know that verily Allah does not forget
it.” - Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah be pleased with him)

This is it. This is THE secret for Khushoo’ in Salah. If you are truly, deeply in love with
Allah SWT, it is IMPOSSIBLE to not have Khushoo’ in the prayer.
Think of somebody who’s madly in love. How often does that person think of the one
they’re in love with? All day, right? They think of them, dream of them, melt every
time they see them, listen to songs that remind them of how amazing they are, and
even write their name 1000 times on their school books. Why? It’s simple; when you’re
mad about someone, they take over your life.
Now let’s ask ourselves a question: are we this much in love with Allah SWT? When we
stand for prayer, do we realise Who we’re in front of, and how much Allah SWT loves
us? Think of every single thing Allah SWT does for you on a daily basis; He cares for
you, gives you life, parents, food, your intellect and more. He provides for you even
when you don’t ask, and forgives you even when you mess up. Even when you fall
out of love with Allah, He still loves you and calls you back.

How To Implement This Tip
• Remember how much you love Allah SWT, how much you want to please Him
and attain Jannatul-Firdous, and how much reward He will give you if you perform
the prayer properly with true conviction and devotion
• Continue to learn about Allah SWT, His attributes, qualities and relationship with
His servants. How can we fall in love with someone without knowing who they
are? If we are in constant awe and recognition of our Maker, our Glorification of
Him then becomes more meaningful and powerful.
• Keep a good company of friends who will instil the love of Allah SWT in you and
remind you of Him constantly.
• Take part in activities, attend events and live your life in ways that bring you
closer to Allah SWT.

Guest Tip!
“My top tip of gaining khushu’ in salah is to instil the
love of Allah in your heart. The more you love Allah,
the more khushu’ you’ll have in your salah. Prove
your love to Allah outside your salah and He will
prove His love for you by giving you khushu’ inside
your salah. Don’t pray because it is obligatory; pray
because you yearn for the pleasure you find in it, pray
out of longing to be with the one you love.”
Zakia Usmani (Toronto, Canada) - Teacher

(Note: In Episode 2 of the podcast, sister Zakia goes a lot

deeper into this tip!)

23 Be Humble in Front of Allah

Simply, Allah’s rights upon us are way beyond our ability to even thank Him as He
deserves. Yet, Allah has even taken care of this for us. Your sincerity towards Him,
your mindfulness of Him, you gratitude towards Him are dearly appreciated and
generously rewarded. Relax you’re in safe hands!
In fact, realizing that no matter what we do we can’t pay Allah back serves two
noble purposes:
First it keeps us from the self-conceit and pride some of us might develop due to
doing acts of righteousness, which Shaytan knows well how to utilize.
Second, it opens our eyes and hearts to the vastness of Allah’s mercy and care
towards us, causing us to love Him even more.
Don’t confuse this wonderful state with feelings of guilt. Unlike guilt, this state captures
a balance between the realization that Allah deserves far more than we can offer
on the one hand and a subtle sense of contentment that we’ve offered our best
which Allah, through His mercy and kindness, promises to accept. Guilt however is
a chronic self- destruction tool characterized by the tendency to beating oneself. It
stands in sharp contrast to what I described earlier and reflects psychological feelings
of unworthiness and a strong craving for approval, and it discounts the fact that
Allah is Loving and Merciful, often in a subtle manner. In guilt, our focus is on our
selves; but what we are talking about here means focusing on Allah.

It is extremely important to be able to tell the difference. As a

matter of fact, guilt will ultimately take you away from Allah and
lead to a state of disappointment and despair of the mercy of
Allah. But the humbleness experience we are speaking about
will draw you closer to Allah and magnify your love of Him.
Moutasem Al-Hameedy - excerpt taken from the book: ‘Fully
Connected: How to experience the Prayer at a deeper level’

How To Implement This Tip
• Remember that no matter how much you may think so, Allah SWT is not in need
of your prayer, but you are in need of Him. At any moment he can take every
single thing away from you - you are completely and totally dependent on Him,
whereas He is completely and totally independent from all things.
• Consistently remember the favours of Allah SWT upon you and know that you will
never be able to count them and that you are forever indebted to Him. It is out
of His sheer love for His slaves that He gives without asking.
• Following from the above tip, a good practice is to remember all the favours of
Allah SWT upon you for each day before you sleep, and thank Him abundantly
for them. Use these points to maintain a strong sense of gratitude throughout
the prayer.
• Never be proud or satisfied with your level of worship, but rather always strive to
become better over time.
• On the contrary, do not feel bad or guilty either because you think that you’re not
doing enough. It’s your effort that Allah SWT wants to see, and He loves you for
it. Shaytan is the one who wants to make you feel useless.
• Look at those who are above you in piety for inspiration. For example, studying
the ways of the pious predecessors and scholars can help us realise the lengths
they went to in order to please Allah SWT - even those who were Promised
Paradise! This should motivate us to constantly improve ourselves.
• Study the Islamic science of self-purification (tazkiyyah) in order to learn the
diseases of the heart and their cures - e.g. learning how to control your nafs (ego).
This will help you to ultimately realise that you are the slave in total need of Allah
SWT - the Master - and that the way to become closer to Him and attain
Khushoo’ is through complete humility and submission.

24 Let go of your doubts
As previously mentioned, the Shaytan really hates us. The specific Shaytan which dedicates
itself to distracting us during prayer (Khanzab) has mastered the art of instilling doubt
into many of our minds and hearts. So much so, that some people suffer from extreme
whispering during the prayer which results in them stopping and re-starting it, or going
back to perform wudu multiple times, or perhaps even stopping the act of praying
altogether. The more we allow these doubts to enter our minds, the more Shaytan can
play with us and completely destroy our Khushoo’.
In Islam, there is a legal maxim which states that certainty overrules doubt. Meaning
that if you are certain that you have done something, then you go with this positon and
not the minor doubt that comes to you regarding it. For example, you may perform
wudu before the prayer, and know for a fact that you performed it, but half-way
through the prayer suddenly think, “Hmmm... did I still have wudu before praying?”.
In this situation, because you are certain that you did perform wudu, but are doubtful
as to whether or not you broke it and can’t specifically remember doing so, then you
should assume you are still in the state of wudu and continue as usual.
Worrying about having broken wind, having performed wudu correctly, having missed
something out from the prayer, or forgetting which unit / Rak’ah of prayer you’re on,
are all very common ways in which Shaytan tries to ruin our Khushoo’. It’s up to us to
counter these with those Shaytan blocking skills we previously touched upon.

How To Implement This Tip
• Before beginning the prayer, reassure yourself that all of the pre-conditions of the
prayer have been fulfilled (e.g. wudu, facing Qiblah, pure clothes, pure surface,
etc.) so that you won’t think of them during the prayer.
• If your doubts are about wudu and cause severe worries, have someone stand
by as you perform it next time so that they can watch you and ensure that you did,
in fact, perform everything correctly. Once they confirm this, you must fully
reassure yourself and completely ignore any whispers from Shaytan that may
suggest otherwise. This is difficult at first, but after a while, you will slowly be able
to forget all the worrying and focus on being calm, humble and tranquil in front of
Allah SWT.
• Develop a habit of thinking with certainty. If you feel that you’re constantly
thinking “what if...”, “maybe....”, “I’m not sure if...”, then it’s time to start telling
yourself, “No, I have done this”, and quickly move on. Do not linger over a doubt
for too long and let it destroy you. Allah SWT didn’t make Islam that difficult.

Bonus Tip
If a number of other possible doubts or whispers from Shaytan become
severe during prayer and distract you, a little trick you can do is to recite
A’uthubillahi minash Shaytanir-rajeem, turn your head slightly to the left
and gently dry spit 3 times (i.e. without really spitting out any saliva).
This trick is from the Sunnah [narrated in Sahih Muslim], as taught by the
Prophet (may peace be upon him) to a Companion, who complained of
being distracted and confused by Shaytan during prayer. This will stop the
extreme distractions and whispers, InshaAllah.

25 Train your brain to focus!

Sometimes it’s a case whereby people are very poor when it comes to
focusing; they become distracted quickly and they side-track very quickly.
And when a person develops their own ability to focus, it increases their
ability to focus in their Salah.
The place of focus in the brain is known as the pre-frontal cortex. The pre-
frontal cortex is relatively small [compared] to the rest of the brain. It is the
place responsible for active thinking, and specialists have actually said the
pre-frontal cortex can only focus on 4 things at a time, for someone who is
generally good with regards to their ability to focus. Once you add a 5th
thing in the pre-frontal cortex, you will forget one other thing.
When you’re in Salah, you’re focusing on standing in front of Allah SWT, you’re
focusing on the Salah that you’re reading, you’re focusing on what you’re
reading [during recitation], you’re focusing on the unit of Salah that you’re in.
The moment you think of something outside of the Salah, something has to give.
A lot of times people actually lack Khushoo’ through the form of them actually
forgetting which unit of prayer that they’re in. This ability to master the
control of the pre-frontal cortex definitely adds to one’s ability to experience
greater Khushoo’ and contentment in their Salah. When they keep the pre-
frontal cortex filled with matters pertaining to the Salah,
then that naturally is going to increase the Khushoo’, it’s
going to increase the ability to feel closer to Allah, to
appreciate their standing and the reality of their situation.
Shaykh Sajid Ahmed Umar -

How To Implement This Tip
• Develop a habit of emptying your mind before entering the prayer, allowing it to
fill up with that which is important within the prayer once you begin.
• Before praying, actively think of all that you need to do, i.e. the number of units,
what to recite in which Rak’ah, etc. Then, while in the prayer, remind yourself of
these things when required to ensure that you do not forget. The more you pray
and the more you do this, the easier it will become.
• If your mind begins to wonder during the prayer and you catch yourself doing so,
simply ‘interrupt’ the thought and bring your mind back to the prayer. For
example, if you’re day-dreaming about the most delicious cake in the world during
Surah Al- Fatihah, then suddenly you realise, “Hey wait a minute, I’m actually
praying. I should be focusing right now!”, this is the point in which you’d make
the image of the cake vanish from your mind, and quickly remind yourself of
where you are, what you’re doing and most importantly, how Allah SWT would
feel if you were ignoring Him at this particular moment!
• Hunger, stress, dehydration, lack of sleep, your environment, and many other
similar factors can all affect your focus. Refer back to the “make sure you feel
awesome” tip in the “before the prayer” section of this eBook to remind you of
some ways to stay on top of your game.
• Rather than looking around, fix your eyes on one point of the prayer space in
front of you to prevent your eyes from wondering, seeing distractions and causing
you to lose focus. And no, don’t try to make little imaginary shapes from the
random dots spilled around on the carpet either!

BONUS TIPRealise Who You’re In Front Of
Every day we engage with different types of people and audiences - some more
important than others, some even scarier than others. For example, speaking with your
best friend isn’t the same as standing in front of an audience of judges at a school
presentation which will determine your final grade. The first situation is easier, and so
our minds and bodies feel at ease, not worrying about any consequences. The latter
may cause distress and anxiety, an adrenaline rush, stage fright, and force us to perfect
the way we conduct ourselves so as to make a good impression.
As mentioned earlier in the eBook, when standing in Salah we are upon the ultimate
stage. To add to that, we can also say that we are standing before the ultimate audience;
an audience like no other, an audience of only One - Allah SWT Himself. How then
must we feel when standing before the Lord of the Worlds?
Unlike the unpleasant experience of being in front of those school judges, sweaty and
nervous, the experience of standing before the Judge of all judges is different. It is
fulfilling, soul replenishing, mesmerising, awe-inspiring, and unlike anything else we
could experience throughout the day. Unlike the other judges, Allah SWT (Al-Hakam -
The Judge) pours down His Mercy and Blessings upon you as you stand before Him,
loves you no matter how little you present to Him, and raises you in ranks as you
speak with Him.

To illustrate another real-life example, I asked Omar Esa - a voice-only nasheed artist
who regularly performs in front of hundreds of people - about how he attains Khushoo’
in prayer. He experiences those nerves and moments of awe in front of large audiences,
but what about when in front of Allah SWT? This is what he had to say:

Guest Tip!
“As a nasheed artist I stand in front of crowds of people
regularly reciting my nasheeds or talking about Islam.
When I get ready for salah, my mind focuses on the
fact that now I am going to stand in front of my
Creator, Almighty Allah SWT, and this is my most
important recital every time.
There is nothing more important than standing in
salah and praising Almighty Allah SWT. Knowing that
this salah (especially in Sujood/prostration) gives me
the ultimate connection with my Almighty Allah SWT
makes the hair on the back of my neck stand just
thinking about it - SubhanAllah. The people of the
world sometimes want to meet politicians, sport stars,
actors etc., but as Muslims we get to have a one-
to-one meeting with the Master and Creator of the
Universe, Almighty Allah SWT, five times a day. How
beautiful, liberating and powerful is that? Allahu Akbar!
This is how I get my khushoo’ for Salah.”
Omar Esa (UK) - Nasheed artist,

SUMMARY Keeping the hearts connected
The Salah is now over, and we have poured our hearts and souls into its performance.
However, it’s not time to get up and leave yet. These moments after the prayer has
ended are more important than we may realise. There’s still an opportunity to reap huge
rewards, blessings, and forgiveness simply by carrying out the few actions mentioned
in this section of the eBook.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “The angels supplicate
in favour of one of you so long as he remains in the place where he has
performed Salat (prayer) in a state of Wudu’. They (the angels) say: `O
Allah! Forgive him, O Allah! Have mercy on him.’” [Bukhari]

Yes, the acts mentioned in this section are completely voluntary and by no means affect
the validity of the prayer. However, we should keep in mind that it’s not just about
finishing one prayer to get it over and done with; it’s also about preparing for the
next one, and ensuring that we make every moment in between each prayer a means
for us to continuously become closer to Him. Keeping this strong connection to Allah
SWT outside of the prayer will, therefore, help increase Khushoo’ inside the prayer.
Remaining seated at the end of the prayer - even for just a short while - is a wonderful
habit to develop; it’s almost as if we’re not ready to say goodbye just yet, and Allah
SWT is still pouring His Blessings down upon us.

Click here to listen to the podcast

episode for this section of the ebook.

26 Dhikr for the soul
The prayer is full of the Dhikr (remembrance) and praise of Allah SWT through the
recitation of the Glorious Qur’an and other supplications, but there’s a sweet opportunity
after the prayer has ended to not only further dip your soul into more tranquillity, but
to strengthen your relationship with Allah SWT whilst also attaining some great rewards!
In this tip, the Dhikr being referred to entails sitting for some moments after the prayer
and by using either your fingers or a counting device (beads or electronic), mentioning
certain words and phrases to praise and glorify Allah SWT. Although this act of worship
is not exclusive to sitting after the prayer and can be performed almost anywhere, in
this tip we’re emphasising the idea of remaining seated for a couple of moments once
the prayer has ended and using this opportunity to remain connected to your Lord,
rather than rushing back to once again connect with the world.
The following is one of the most common and very highly rewarding prescribed forms
of Dhikr to be recited after Salah, as taught by our Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him):

“Whoever glorifies Allah (says SubhaAllah) 33 times immediately after

each prayer, and praises Allah (says Alhamdulillah) 33 times, and magnifies
Allah (says AllahuAkbar) 33 times, this makes 99, then to complete 100
says Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-
hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (There is no god except Allah
Alone, with no partner, His is the power and His is the praise, and He is
Able to do all things) – his sins will be forgiven even if they are like the
foam of the sea.” (Sahih Muslim)

How To Implement This Tip
• Once the prayer has ended, get in a comfortable position and prepare to sit there
for just a couple of minutes before leaving to continue your day.
• If you don’t have time to sit after the prayer, try to at least remain silent for a
couple of minutes as you get up to resume your day, in order to recite some Dhikr
as you walk / drive / travel / work.
• Using your fingers, a set of beads, an electric counter or any other means you
find useful for counting, begin reciting and counting your Dhikr. Choose from
among the recommended Adhkar prescribed in the Sunnah. As a bonus, you can
set a target number to recite in 1 day and split it between all 5 prayers in order to
make it more achievable.
• If you need to, bring a book or your Dhikr notes to recite from. Introduce
new forms of Dhikr every so often to keep your mind fresh. (Note: you can
use the ‘Meaningful Dhikr’ exercise to help take your Dhikr to the next level -
• If you don’t want to recite Dhikr, try to at least just sit there quietly to reflect -
even for just 30 seconds. This time of peace and pondering is extremely valuable
and can do wonders for both your spirituality and health. Your mind and body will
thank you for this much needed break amongst the busy hustle and bustle of life.

27 Make Du’a & Call Out To Your Lord

“... I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me ...”

[Qur’an - 2:186]

Making Du’a to Allah SWT is one of the most powerful acts of worship we can perform.
Like the Salah, it’s a direct connection to the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth,
Who hears all and sees all, and Who knows all of our needs, worries, fears, desires,
and the deepest depths of our hearts. Du’a is the weapon of a Believer, a changer of
destiny, and a sure great way to further increase our khushoo’ overall by allowing us
to connect with Allah SWT on a deeper and more personal level.
In the Qur’an, Allah SWT teaches us the Du’as of the Prophets from the past (may
peace be upon them all), exemplifying their power, significance and importance in their
ultimate fate. Powerful Du’as of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have
also been narrated among the Ahadith, showing us that it is one of the greatest ways
to connect with our Lord, to ask of Him anything that our hearts desire (that is good!),
and to show our complete submission to His Will and recognize that we are indeed
His slaves, in true need of His Bounty and Mercy.
Regardless of what language we speak, Allah SWT knows and understands everything
about us. Even if we are not able to articulate the words to say, He just knows. Many of
us may not be able to understand the Qur’an or connect to it well, but we all have the
ability to raise our hands and make Du’a to the Lord of the Worlds and pour out our
hearts to Him. Whether it’s asking for sincere forgiveness, for a favour from Allah SWT,
to pass your exams or get married, making Du’a is a regular must-do for every Muslim.

How To Implement This Tip
• Of all the prayers in the day, try to make sure that you make a sincere Du’a after
at least 1 of them.
• Making a list of all the things you want to make Du’a for will help you focus and
bring a clear objective to each Du’a you make.
• NEVER underestimate the power of Du’a and Allah SWTs willingness to accept it.
He hears you, even the deepest thoughts that you struggle to articulate and
speak. There is NOTHING He cannot give you, pour out your heart to Him and
ask from the Giver of all givers [Al-Wahhab]!
• As the days go on, try to increase the length and sincerity of your Du’as.
• If a Du’a isn’t answered immediately, never lose hope. Allah SWT is the best of
planners and knows exactly when to answer your Du’a. It could be days, months
or years before it’s accepted - even in the Akhirah instead of this world! Make the
same Du’a 1000 times if need be. Allah SWT, unlike us humans, doesn’t get
frustrated when we continuously ask Him for the same thing. In fact, He SWT
loves it.
• Use the Du’as from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Small pocket-sized books such as
Hisnul-Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim) are really useful and contain loads of daily
Du’as for every situation you could think of.
• Learn the etiquettes of making Du’a to Allah SWT in order to increase their
effectiveness and reward (e.g. starting and ending each Du’a by praising Allah
SWT and sending peace upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)).

Remember: so long as you are making Du’a, you are knocking on the door
of Allah SWT. He wants to hear you call upon Him, and give you more
in return.

28 Pray even more!

"Allah will build a house in Heaven for whoever is diligent in observing

12 Sunnah Rak'aat (as follows): 4 Rak'aat before and 2 after the Dhuhr
(Midday) Prayer, 2 after the Maghrib (Sunset Prayer), 2 after the ‘Ishaa’
(Evening) Prayer and 2 before the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer." - [Tirmidhi]

The 5 daily prayers are mandatory, and we must perform them. They are no doubt
extremely rewarding. However, another way through which we can become beloved to
Allah SWT and prove our love for Him is through performing extra voluntary prayers. In
fact, in part of a Hadith it mentions that Allah SWT says:
“...And My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than
the religious duties I have obligated upon him. And My servant continues to draw near
to me with nafl (supererogatory) deeds until I Love him. ...” [Bukhari]
Throughout our journey as Muslims, our enthusiasm for prayer does naturally increase
and decrease over time. At the beginning, we may be praying because we have to, while
the ultimate stage is to pray purely out of the love for Allah SWT, and because we want
to. Reaching this destination may be difficult, but praying voluntary prayers (Sunnah /
Nawaafil) is a great way to show Allah SWT your extra efforts and also to pick up some
epic rewards.
There are specific voluntary prayers, such as those mentioned in the above hadith, which
are highly emphasised in the Sunnah. Others prayers have also been recommended for
various times and situations, and we should strive to perform these whenever we can.

How To Implement This Tip
• When planning prayers, set aside some time for the prescribed voluntary prayers
that come before or after the obligatory Fardh units. The highly emphasised ones
are mentioned in the hadith on the previous page.
• If praying at the Masjid, arrive early and/or stay a little later to complete the
prescribed voluntary prayers, or pray them at home upon returning.
• If you are not used to praying voluntary prayers, start by adding the easiest ones
to your daily praying routine, and aim to increase as the days go along.
• Learn about, and try to pray other voluntary prayers (aside from the 12 from
the page before) recommended and taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him), such as: the prayer for making a big decision (Istikharah), the
post-sunrise prayer (Ishraq), the mid-morning prayers (Duha), the 2 units after
completing wudu, the 2 units for when entering a Masjid, Tahajjud prayers,
and others.
• Make the intention to get closer to Allah SWT through the voluntary prayers, and
see them as going the extra mile for Him, hoping for His reward & Mercy.

Being consistent in praying all of the daily Fardh (mandatory) prayers
is of the highest priority. Once you have all the Fardh prayers down, the
next step is to add more and more voluntary prayers to your day. To help
track your prayers and motivate yourself to pray even more, go ahead
and download the free, useful prayer tracker worksheet on our website:

29 Hold yourself to account

“Hold yourself accountable before you are held accountable...” [Umar Ibn
Al-Khattab - may Allah be pleased with him]

One of the most effective ways to become proficient at something is through constantly
practicing, learning from mistakes and continuing to perfect those small, important details
that hold us back from the ultimate performance. It would be wasteful to continue to
perform a task without measuring our performance or holding ourselves to account,
and therefore not really knowing whether or not any improvement is taking place.
This principle is true for business, sports, and many other aspects of life, and in our
case, it also applies to Khushoo’ in Salah. If we are to leave the prayer and carry on
with our day without reflecting for a moment over our performance, how are we to
stay true to ourselves and find any room for improvement?
As a habit, many of us shy away from analysing ourselves or holding our actions to
account, and therefore live in a constant state of deception, convincing ourselves that
nothing needs to change. In this state, it doesn’t take much for us to even become
offended when someone offers some constructive criticism, simply because we are so
used to telling ourselves that everything is okay. The first step to conquering a problem
is admitting it is there in the first place. Being true and honest to ourselves is crucial
for self-development and a stepping stone to becoming even closer to Allah SWT.

How To Implement This Tip
After you have finished praying, here are some questions you can ask yourself:
• Did I become any closer to Allah SWT during this prayer than I was before it?
• Did I connect with Allah SWT more during this prayer than in my last one?
• Did I implement as many of the tips in this eBook as possible? If not, why?
• What went wrong, why, and what can I do next time to fix it?
As an optional activity, you can print off and complete the Khushoo’ Tracker worksheet
( The worksheet, compiled by our brother Ameen
over at Seera Masters, encourages you to implement one tip at a time and to measure
your progress over the course of a set number of days. Go ahead, try and it and see if
it helps you!

30 Keep Deen’ing all day!
As we said before, the more we remember Allah SWT throughout the day, the more
we will remember him during our prayers. Similarly, in order to attain true Khushoo’
inside our prayers, we must also attain Khushoo’ outside the prayer. How? This comes
through truly remembering and fearing Allah SWT in everything we do.
Do we have Khushoo’ in our businesses? Our dealings with other people? The way we
speak? Or do we cheat people, tell lies and break promises? We can study Khushoo’ all
we like, but unless the way we act out with Salah is pure, our Khushoo’ will never truly
come within it. How can we expect to stand before Allah SWT and feel a connection,
when outside the prayer we couldn’t care less about what He thinks of us (i.e. if we
constantly commit sins)?
Allah SWT allows us to enjoy this Dunya so long as we remain within His limits. It’s
important however, that we do not become lost within it to the extent that we forget
to fulfil our obligations, or render them weak due to our urge to continuously favour the
Dunya and our daily activities over pleasing Allah SWT. Whatever occupies our minds
and hearts all day, whatever we wake up worried about and go to sleep dreaming of,
are all things that will take over our minds during Salah. If we make Allah SWT, our
love for Him and our potential state in the Akhirah our number one focus, then this
will make focusing on Him in our prayers easy.

How To Implement This Tip
• Engage in lots of activities out with the prayer that are rewarding. These include
those that are beneficial to both your Dunya and Akhirah, both Islamic and non-
Islamic. The more good you do, the more Allah SWT will bless you, the closer you
will become to Him, and the more Khushoo’ you will develop.
• Be honest in all that you do, be it with business, work, dealing with other people
or anything else in life.
• Beautify your life by following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
and the examples of the Sahabah (may God be pleased with them) as much as
• Abstain from sins by developing strong taqwa (God consciousness). Keeping away
from sins and striving to do good will continuously cause the blessings of Allah
SWT to come into your life.
• Don’t lose hope if you forget and fall into sin. Remember: Shaytan will convince
you that Allah SWT can’t forgive you and that your prayers aren’t worth it
anymore, whereas Allah SWT Himself welcomes you back each and every time
with unlimited amounts of mercy. All you have to do is take the first step back
to Him.

Bonus Tip
Do not fall into extremes with your religion. Islam is about the healthy and
balanced middle path. You will learn a lot as you journey on the path to
Allah SWT, picking up priceless pieces of knowledge and countless wisdoms
along the way. As long as you remain consistent and strive towards attaining
His Pleasure, your journey to attaining true Khushoo’ will also become easier.

Top tips from Muslims
around the world

Unlike the general tips you’ve read until now, the following bonus chapters in this
eBook are dedicated to specific Muslims based on their demographic / occupation /
lifestyle situation. In these chapters, some influential Muslims from around the world have
featured their very own Khushoo’ top tips to help you based on their knowledge and
experience. They also happen to belong to the group being addressed in the chapters,
(with the exception of the guest on page 87) making the tips more relatable as they’ve
experienced the same obstacles when trying to attain Khushoo’.
The tips, for the purpose of keeping this eBook concise, have been made short and
sweet. However, Episode 4 of the Deenspiration podcast is entirely dedicated to this
section of the eBook where many of the guests been interviewed by me, and share
many more inspirational tips, advice and wisdom.
To get the most out of this eBook and this unique bonus section, you really don’t want
to miss out on these podcast episodes!
To listen, go ahead and visit
Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud or Stitcher to catch all
future episodes of the Deenspiration podcast. Simply type ‘Deenspiration’ into these
free apps to find it.

Click here to listen to the podcast

episode for this section of the ebook.

BONUS TIPS For the Mammas!
In this opening chapter of the bonus section, we’re focusing on the mothers of this
Ummah. It goes without saying that mothers (and of course, fathers too!) play a vital
role in our lives. Parents most definitely understand just how difficult things can get
when children come into the picture!
Of course, children are the coolness of our eyes and a true blessing from Allah SWT, but
with regards to Khushoo’, they can sometimes test our patience by raising stress levels
and tiring us out. Aside from caring for their children, mothers usually have a whole lot
more to do, including taking care of the family, cooking, cleaning, washing and more.
With all of this going on at the same time, especially for new mothers, life can get
difficult and attaining true Khushoo’ in Salah can seem impossible. So, how do we
solve this? On the next page, some Muslim mothers have shared their top tips and
how they manage to deal with things.
(Note: we’re not missing out the fathers here! Fathers play a large (sometimes larger
than the mother) role within the house and with the kids. The tips here can also apply
to them!)

“I laid Zakariya next to me as I prayed ‘Asr, and it was
going well. I was connected, and he was playing, but
then midway, as I went down in sujood, he grabbed my
headscarf, and we had a scuffle - it was real. In my mind
I was; “Allahu... please, let, go... Akbar.” whilst I freed
myself, and it was comical. Then, he has the audacity to
start giggling, distracting me once again as I made an
effort to regain my concentration.
I really appreciate knowing what I’m saying in my prayer,
and even when I disconnect for a short while, and it is
inevitable with children around, I restart the connection,
whilst thanking Allah (swt) for all my blessings, especially
him, even if he’s a little playful, or mischievous!
It’s important not to lose the love of your prayer when
the children come along. Make an effort to revive it every
day by reading on concentration, reading Qur’an and
seeking knowledge through listening to talks (even whilst
changing your baby!) as all these factors will help you
remain connected.
Remember, for every struggle we all face, mothers and
fathers, Allah (swt) will give a return. He will always return
what we’ve lost, as long as we keep connecting. Keep giving,
and reviving the connection in our lives, as it weakens, or
begins to fall apart.”
Alima Ashfaq - Mother -

“Mamas, we all know how difficult it is to pray with young

children in the same room, right?! As a mother of three
children and another one on the way in sha Allah, I definitely
am aware of the struggles that come with praying. There
have been times where I had to re-start my prayers over
at least twice due to the interruptions of my children, but
I never stop praying with them in the same room because
they NEED to see me praying- that’s how they will develop
the love of prayer themselves.
A tip for mothers is to encourage children to pray with you;
if they are too young to pray, then give them some items
to keep them occupied, such as building blocks - the aim
here is to keep them busy so that they don’t distract you.”
Sumaira Zaheer - Mother -

BONUS TIPS For The 9-5s / Entrepreneurs
Now it’s time to focus on all those (men and women ) who are super busy with regards
to working and the Dunya, be it with a hectic 9-5 job or with a crazy entrepreneur’s
24/7 lifestyle. Why these people in particular? Usually, people in these situations have
the following in common:
• Their schedule is ridiculous—always busy, always on the go!
• Their minds are FULL of what’s got to be done, what’s not done yet etc.
• Their stress levels are higher than usual with everything that’s happening,
thinking of all the things they wish they could do, but can’t!
• Their lifestyle prevents them from being able to dedicate the amount of time
towards their Deen they would prefer, which means less Khushoo’!
• The pressures of performing well, impressing their bosses, meeting deadlines
among other things, can also be a source of stress and distraction in their lives,
making it difficult to experience high levels of peaceful tranquillity.
• And many more factors!
This chapter does, of course, apply to anyone who suffers from the same issues, no matter
what age or background. So how do those of us in these situations focus in prayer?
Here’s what some entrepreneurs and productivity / time management experts had to say.

“My khushoo tip is a combo move.
• Warm up. Get two [Rak’ahs] in before you get into
the Fard.
• Leverage the power of congregation - whenever you
have the opportunity, pray with someone.
• Make it a point to really perform. You’re on an inter-
galactic divine stage with Allah as your audience. Make
it one worth remembering. Enunciate each letter,
and movement.”
Belal Khan - Founder,

“Whenever I’m really busy; I make sure that I set an alert in

my calendar at least 30-minutes before when I’m supposed
to head out for prayers. This gives me a 30-minute window
to turn off the “fan” in my mind and start slowing it down
in preparation for Salah instead of having my mind buzzing
during Salah. For example, if Asr Salah is at 4pm and I need
to leave my house at 3.45pm, I’ll set an alert at 3.15pm.
I do this for all the other prayers that fall during working hours.”
Mohammed Faris (Abu Productive) - Founder,

“Think of Salah as taking a break from work to ask Allah to

help you with your work. Is there any more productive way
to spend your break than conversing with the only One who
can make you successful and help you resolve all your work
Abu Mu’awiyah Ismail Kamdar - Founder,

“In any given day, I see salah as a milestone to reach, and

if there are any difficulties, then I know that a window of
opportunity is coming up in order for me to ask Allah for help.
If I have done something wrong, then I wait in anticipation for
the next salah to ask for forgiveness. If I am going through
a trial, then I wait in anticipation for the next salah to ask
Allah for help. Think about, what do you need from Allah
on a daily basis?
If you can change the way you think about salah, it will
surely change the way it benefits you.”
Shahbaz Mirza - Founder,

BONUS TIPS For The Teens
Teenagers, this chapter is for you!
It goes without saying that our teenage years are some of the craziest, wildest, scariest,
yet most important times of our lives. These years shape us; our personalities, skills,
social status, among many other factors that make up our lives.
In today’s society, however, one major problem that’s prevalent amongst the youngsters
is that of smart phones and social media. Whether we admit it or not, many of us
adults also spend way too much time on these devices, however for teenagers, the
habit is a lot harder to break and perhaps is much more addictive.
Social status is extremely important to teens. Always being in the know, staying on
trend and portraying a certain image online is something many strive to excel in.
This leads to an obscene amount of time being wasted and ultimately a whole lot of
Khushoo’ affected!
On the next page, guest author Omar Usman (founder of ’Fiqh of Social Media’) briefly
covers this issue and provides some easy tips to help bring that all important Khushoo’
back into the lives of our young teens!
(Note: The tips on the following page may actually apply to everyone who suffers from
“always checking my phone” syndrome, not only teenagers.)

Prayer, ideally, should be a time of disconnecting from the world and focusing
on our personal connection with Allah (swt).
Here’s what usually happens. You know it’s time to pray. Before you get up to
pray, you have to finish checking everything on your phone. Finish sending a
few snaps to friends, replying to texts, maybe posting a photo on Instagram.
Then you quickly get up and pray.
Instead of concentrating on what you are saying, or having any kind of reflection,
your mind is wandering... I wonder if anyone liked my Instagram photo yet. By
the time I’m done praying, I should at least have a few comments on it.
Then you start wondering if a particular person is going to like it, or leave a
comment. Then you remember your friend posted a selfie, and you accidentally
scrolled past it without leaving a comment saying “Awesome!”
You might realize your mind is wandering and try to focus on prayer again.
And that’s when you feel the buzz of the phone in your pocket. Is it a text?
Is it an email? What kind of notification is it? Which app? Who is it from?
And then it buzzes again. You can’t handle it. You need to know what it is
right away.
After a few quick minutes, prayer ends. You barely finish moving your head
toward your left shoulder to say salam and your hand is reaching into the
pocket to grab your phone and see what you missed in the last 4 minutes. It
doesn’t take a lot of deep analysis to realize this isn’t conducive to developing
a deeper relationship with Allah (swt). So what do you do?
Don’t overcomplicate things. Follow this simple 3 step procedure
for praying.
1) Put your phone in airplane mode (and no wifi).
2) Wait a minute or two to clear your head and then pray.
3) After prayer, sit for another minute or two and make dhikr or make
dua. Or just sit there quietly and do nothing - that’s fine too. This is
not a difficult action to implement, but it is an action that requires
you to be intentional and in control.
Omar Usman (USA) -

BONUS TIPS For New Muslims
This chapter is dedicated to our brothers and sisters who’ve recently accepted Islam
and are going through the exciting, emotional, and often times overwhelming stages
of learning all the new aspects of the religion.
With so much to learn all at once, many new Muslims can find themselves lost and
confused, especially without the correct guidance or a support system. There’s lots of
new terminologies to learn, cultural / religious norms that may be faced, what’s halal
and haram, how to perform wudu and pray, and much more. With each new person
they meet often explaining things in complicated ways, it can make matters even worse!
With all this going on, it may seem impossible to then also worry about the issue of
Khushoo’ in prayer. “I have barely learned the movements and words of prayer, how
am I supposed to feel Khushoo’ too?”, is something a new Muslim may have in mind.
It’s important to note that Allah SWT does not expect miracles from you, and He
understands that the learning process is slow. You have embarked on a beautiful new
journey and one that encourages slow and steady progress. With that being said, on
the following page are some tips from Muslim reverts / converts on how to think of,
feel and approach Khushoo’ in prayer when you’re just starting out.

“With the inevitable information overload that a beginner
will take on, it’s easy to become preoccupied with the
stuff you need to remember. Allah swt has given us a
constant, regular reminder, however, to help us focus
on what we are actually trying to achieve in prayer.
We open every prayer with Allahu Akbar, which literally
means “Allah is greater” (as in greater than everything
else) and we use this to dismiss the ‘chatter’ of the world
as we focus on our Lord. It’s no accident that we repeat
this so regularly at key points in each rak’ah. Use every
“Allahu Akbar” to remind yourself that Allah swt is more
important than whatever just distracted your thoughts
and to renew your focus on what is the whole point of
the prayer - to engage with He Who is more important
to you than anything else.”
- AbdulAzeem Climie, Convert, - “Pathways to Islam”

My top khushoo’ tip for new Muslims would be to

relax and focus on your intention and the sincerity of
your prayer first and foremost. Allah knows you’re still
learning, and it’s okay if it’s not perfect.
- Kate Hepburn, Convert, -

Closing words
You made it! Well done for reading the entire eBook, may Allah SWT bless you for your
effort. On behalf of myself and the Deenspiration team, thank you for taking the time
out to read it. I pray that it was of benefit to you and that it’s a resource which you
can refer back to time and time again to remind you of the simple tweaks and changes
you can make to your life and prayer in order to take your Khushoo’ to the next level.
At Deenspiration, our goal is to make Islam easy and digestible for you in simple and
engaging ways, be they eBooks, videos, podcast episodes or other free downloads.
This eBook is only the first of many to come InshaAllah, as well as a variety of fun,
inspiring and spiritually uplifting podcast episodes featuring influential guests.
Be sure to stay tuned on our website and social media pages for more valuable content.
We love engaging online, so don’t be shy to drop a tweet, Facebook message or email!
I’d also like the take the time our to thank our awesome sponsors for helping to support
this project. Make sure you check them out on the next few pages!

/deenspiration @MyDeenspiration

/deenspiration /deenspiration

What to do next
• Now that you have the tips, make a sincere intention to improve your Khushoo’
from now on, and make Du’a to Allah SWT for help. (Don’t forget us in your
Du’as too!)
• Don’t overwhelm yourself! There’s no harm in slow progress; implementing just
one tip at a time can be a great way to steadily increase your Khushoo’ over
time. You can use the khushoo’ tracker mentioned previously in this eBook to help
you measure your progress. The tracker also encourages you to work with one tip
at a time, which makes it easier to maintain steady progress.
• Share the eBook! Send a friend to so they
can download it too. If they download the eBook because of you and improve
their prayers from now on, for each prayer they apply the tips to and experience
increased Khushoo’, you will also take a share in the reward! (Note: If
you’ve also downloaded this eBook online, please do not simply send
them an electronic copy. If they don’t sign up on the above download page,
they’ll miss out on lots of future tips, tricks and inspiration! Plus, that’s kind
of cheating!)
• Share the tips on social media using the hashtag #KhushooTips. Don’t forget to
tag us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram if you do!
• Teach the tips to your friends and family - continue the cycle of rewards!
• Listen to the podcast episodes that accompany this eBook; as mentioned already,
they have a LOT more tips and value packed into them, as well as interviews with
many of the special guests featured throughout the eBook.
• If you haven’t already, you can print off this eBook and continue to read it in the
future. You can also add your own personal notes or annotations as you wish. Hard
copies may be available for purchase. Contact us to find out more

Some awesome brands that helped
make this project possible!

Assalamu Aaykum dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

I hope you have enjoyed this amazing e-book with tips on how to increase your khushoo towards
Allah during your daily Salah. Would you like to take this to the next level?

I am Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulrahem, the founder of Understand Quran Academy. We believe one of
the keys to attaining Khushoo in Salah is understanding what we say to transform our Salah from
just a ritual, to a much more spiritual devotion.

We have taught our course "Understand Quran & Salah - The Easy Way in 9 Hours" to 100.000s of
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