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MAC (Media Access Control) Address:

▪ Unique number that identifies a device connected to the internet.

▪ Allocated by the manufacturer.

▪ Rarely changes.

▪ Consists of 6 pairs of hexadecimal digits

What is the Firewall and its Functions?

Firewall: is a device / software between the computer and the external network, filters traffic based on
certain rules.

Functions of Firewall:

➢ Checks incoming & outcoming traffic against certain rules.

➢ Blocks / Filters traffic that doesn’t meet the criteria.

➢ Warns & Stops unauthorized access.

➢ Stops viruses from spreading.

➢ Blocks access to undesirable websites.

➢ Keeps a record of all traffic.

Define the two key network-core functions:

➢ Routing: Determine the path that packets take from source to destination using routing

➢ forwarding: Move packets from router’s input to the correct router output
Describe four source of packet delay

d nodal = d proc + d queue + d trans + d prop

➢ d proc (nodal processing): Time taken by routers to check errors bit and forward a packet, depends on
router capility “often less than millisecond”.

➢ d queue (queueing delay): Time waiting in queue before transmission, depends on network

➢d trans (transmission delay) [d trans = L\R]: Time it takes to transmission all bits of a packet
into the network, depends on packet length(L) & link band width (R).

➢ d prop (propagation delay) [d prop=d/s]: Time that signal takes to travel from source to
destination, depends on length of physical link (d) & propagation speed (s) [~ 2*10^8 m/sec]

What is the web Browser and its features?

➢ the web browser: A program that allows a user to view webpages.


▪ Connects to the webserver using its IP address.

▪ Translates the HTML

▪ Identifies protocols, such as https, http.

▪ Stores user’s favorite websites

▪ Keeps a history of websites visited by the user

▪ Stores cookies
What is the cookies and its uses?
➢ Cookies: Data stored in a text file that is sent by webserver and stored on a user’s computer.

used to:

▪ Store the user’s preferences to customize the experience.

▪ Store login details to speed up login times.

▪ Store payment details.

▪ Store items in online shopping basket

▪ Store progress in online games / quizzes

▪ Carry out targeted advertising.

▪ Save internet surfing habits.

Show the layers used to transfer data between source & Destination passing through
[router & switch] and show encapsulation.
Show HTTP request message:
[ASCII human – readable format]

▪ request line [Get, Post, HEAD commands]

▪ header lines [reserved keywords, value]

▪ message body [optional].

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