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Introduction to Entrepreneurship
 Has the capacity to recognize the
ENTREPRENEURSHIP market potential of creativity and
organize the resources needed
It is the process of creating, launching {capital, talent & other resources
and managing: → turn creation into a beautiful
● Creating business operation market innovation}
○ Creating new businesses
○ Creating new ideas  Someone who establishes a new
○ Creating goods & Services entity to offer a new or existing
○ Creating procedures product or service into a new or
existing market, whether it is for a
● Launching business operation profitable or non-profitable
○ Launch the new businesses, ideas, outcome.
goods & services and
 An individual who is able to
perceive an opportunity for a
● Managing business operation
business and create an
○ Managing of the new businesses,
organization to develop and
ideas, goods & services
manage that business
and procedures
● The “act” of being an entrepreneur
1. The Economic Theory
 comes from the French word
“entreprendre” means to
- Entrepreneurs as a Risk Taker
undertake, to set about, “to
undertake or to try”; to start off or
2. The Sociological Theory
to begin (Richard Cantallion
- Entrepreneurs as an Organizer
3. Entrepreneurship Innovation
 Individual that develops new
creations and assumes the risk of
- Entrepreneurs as an Innovator
business to produce products that
satisfies the customers need
4. Psychological Theory
(essential) and wants (desires)
- Entrepreneurs are formed during the
individual’s upbringing,
 Has the ability to find, act on
the need to achieve and prove
opportunities, translate these
opportunities into products that
would satisfy the market.
5. Theory of Achievement 8. Harvest. Selling the business and
Motivation/Achievement Theory harvesting the rewards. This also
- Entrepreneurship can be developed means moving on to the new
and traditional beliefs do ventures and challenges.
not inhibit entrepreneurs.
1. Self-Discovery. Learning what
you are doing, examining your DEFINE ENTREPRENEUR
strengths and weaknesses.
An entrepreneur is an individual
2. Identifying Opportunities. Looking
who creates a new business,
for needs, wants, problems and
bearing most of the risks and
challenges that are not yet being
enjoying most of the rewards.
met or dealt with effectively.
The entrepreneur is commonly
3. Generating and Evaluating Ideas. seen as an innovator, a source of
Using creativity and past new ideas, goods, services and
experiences to devise new and business/or procedures.
innovative ways to solve a
problem and narrowing the field

4. Planning. Researching and The term “entrepreneur” likely comes

identifying resources needed to from the French word "entreprendre,"
turn idea into a viable venture. meaning to start something.

5. Raising Start Up Capital. Using Richard Cantillon, an 18th-century Irish-

the business plan to attract French economist, is widely credited
investors, venture capitalists’ with defining entrepreneurship — and
partners. entrepreneurs — as an economic force
that drives development
6. Start-Up. Launching the venture,
developing a customer base and The earliest definition of
adjusting marketing and entrepreneurship, dating from the
operational plans. eighteenth century, used it as an
economic term describing the process of
7. Growth. Growing the business, bearing the risk of buying at certain
developing and following strategic prices and selling at uncertain prices.
plans and adapting to new
circumstances. The contemporary view is that
entrepreneurs are driven by motivational
forces outside the strict orientation of
market capitalism (McDaniel 2005)
on cognition (Shepherd et al., 2007;
Wood and McKelvie, 2015).
Why is there a need to evaluate
Understanding an Entrepreneurial opportunities?
Use of models for evaluation of business
The tendency to take on projects or opportunities allows entrepreneurs to
create opportunities of a commercial or "open their eyes" in order to avoid risks
humanitarian nature, using a high of a future venture, but also helps them
degree of independence, where the transform existing ideas into business
reward may be monetary or involves opportunities by modifying them.
self-satisfaction. People with a strong
Entrepreneurial Nature have a natural PLANNING is the process of thinking
flair for business. regarding the activities required to
achieve a desired goal.
The entrepreneur who plans will be
more likely to face the difficulties of
It is useful to break the entrepreneurial running a business with more
process into five phases: confidence and ease.
1. Idea generation
2. Opportunity evaluation
3. Planning
4. Company formation/launch
5. Growth.
What is the definition of formation of a
 Idea generation or ideation is the Formation of a company is a complex
act of forming ideas. activity involving completion of legal
 It is a creative process that formalities and procedures.
encompasses the generation,
 development and communication Company formation is the process of
of new thoughts and concepts, incorporating (registering) a business in
which become the basis of your the form of a limited company
innovation strategy.
Company formation is the process of
Example: Brainstorming, Role -Playing, incorporating a business. Upon
Visioning incorporation, a private limited company
becomes a separate legal entity; an
'individual' that is completely distinct
OPPORTUNITY EVALUATION is from its owners and responsible for its
essentially a process of judgment based own finances, assets and liabilities.
GROWTH. The process of improving
entrepreneurial skills and knowledge Competitive advantage: Creativity leads
among individuals with the help of to innovative ways of doing business.
providing well-organized training and Exploring new niches and generating
developing supporting institutions is new ideas lead to efficiency and
called entrepreneurial growth or eventually give an entrepreneur the
development required edge over the competition.
What is an example of a growth-oriented
business? What is critical thinking in
Google (GOOGL), Tesla (TSLA), and
Amazon (AMZN) are three classic Critical thinking in the workplace
examples of growth companies because guarantees objective and efficient
they continue to focus on investing in problem-solving, ultimately reducing
innovative technologies, sales growth, costly errors and ensuring that your
and expansion into new businesses. organization's resources are used


It helps in enhancing customer
An entrepreneur is someone who has experience and satisfaction. Remember,
an idea and who works to create a happy customers, are key to
product or service that people will buy entrepreneurial success.
as well as an organization to support
that effort. An entrepreneur takes on Effective communication strategies and
most of the risk and initiative for their execution facilitates enterprise decision
new business, and is often seen as a making to be faster and mature. Good
visionary or innovator. decisions boost business agility and
offer a competitive edge to the
Entrepreneurship is the process of company.
developing, organizing, and running a
new business to generate profit while 4. FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE.
taking on financial risk
What is meant by financial knowledge?
Strong financial knowledge and
1. CREATIVE THINKING. decision-making skills help people weigh
options and make informed choices for
Creativity leads to invention, which leads their financial situations, such as
to opportunity. deciding how and when to save and
spend, comparing costs before a big
Why is creative thinking important for
purchase, and planning for retirement or Business stress management
other long-term savings. incorporates workplace tools, strategies,
or techniques that reduce stress and its
negative impact on employee wellbeing.
You can implement a variety of
emotional, mental, and behavioral stress
management strategies.

What is business SMART in Time management is the coordination

entrepreneurship? of tasks and activities to maximize the
effectiveness of an individual's efforts.
SMART is an acronym for the 5 Essentially, the purpose of time
elements of Specific, Measurable, management is enabling people to get
Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based more and better work done in less time.
goals. It's a simple tool used by
businesses to go beyond the realm of SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFITS FROM
fuzzy goal-setting (malabo na layunin) ENTREPRENEURSHIP
into an actionable plan for results.

Examples of Business Smart Goals 1. PROMOTE SELF-HELP AND

Reduce overtime in the department from
150 hours per month to 50 hours per Every entrepreneur helps or assist the
month by the end of the fiscal year with government not only by providing
no increase in incident reports. Ensure employment
that the 90%+ of the team has
completed training on the new inventory 2. MOBILIZES CAPITAL
management software by the end of the
How does entrepreneurship mobilize
To exploit opportunities, entrepreneurs
mobilize and recombine a variety of
Possessing or showing courage or
resources, such as financial capital
(e.g., cash or loans from a bank), human
capital (e.g., skills from an employee),
"She made a valiant effort to hold her
and social capital (e.g., information
anger in check"
obtained from social contacts).


Taxes generally contribute to the gross How can entrepreneurs help in
domestic product (GDP) of a country. improving the quality of life of people in
Because of this contribution, taxes help society?
spur economic growth which in turn has
a ripple effect on the country's economy; Entrepreneurs provide access to
raising the standard of living, increasing employment, food, affordable energy
job creation, etc. and other critical services to those who
are struggling. It is estimated that
businesses partnering with and
supporting social entrepreneurs could
have a positive impact on the lives of
nearly 1 billion people around the world.
It means having a level of control over
yourself and the world around you and
being comfortable with what you cannot
control. It's about thinking for yourself 8. ENHANCES EQUITABLE
and being true to yourself. IMPACT

Rectifying these inequities represents a

5. ENHANCE NATIONAL IDENTITY significant opportunity: More-effective
AND PRIDE entrepreneurial support has the potential
to improve wealth accumulation
How does entrepreneurship enhance
national identity and pride? ATTRIBUTES, QUALITIES AND
Enhance National Identity and Pride The
quality and quantity of products and
services produced by every Traits and Characteristics of an
entrepreneur is a source of pride and Entrepreneur
identity for a country.
6.  Vision and Passion.
CONSCIOUSNESS An entrepreneur must have a
very clear vision of his business.
How does entrepreneurship increase
competition?  Innovative.

By establishing new businesses, One of the main characteristics of

entrepreneurs intensify competition for entrepreneurship is innovation.
existing businesses. Consumers benefit
from the resulting lower prices and  Risk Taker.
greater product variety.
A risk is an integral part of any
A person who is willing to do Individuals and teams who
things that involve danger or risk demonstrate a 'competitive spirit'
in order to achieve a goal. display this by pushing harder
than others, demonstrating a
 Leader. higher level of skill, consistently
performing at an elevated level,
Entrepreneurial leadership and are the people that others
involves organizing and look up to as leaders and role
motivating a group of people to models.
achieve a common objective
through innovation, risk  Resilient.
optimization, taking advantage of Why should an entrepreneur be
opportunities, and managing the resilient?

 Persistent. Being resilient might be a

prerequisite for having an
Entrepreneurial persistence is entrepreneurial mindset. Several
demonstrated by an studies show that resilient people
entrepreneur's continued positive are more likely to launch new
maintenance of entrepreneurial ventures, take over existing
motivation and constantly- businesses and pivot their
renewed active engagement in a business during a crisis like the
new business venture despite COVID-19 pandemic.
counter forces or enticing
 Ethical.
They establish genuine TO BUSINESS GROWTH
accountability in their lives.
They avoid compromising If you gain knowledge and acquire skills
situations. through personal development, you are
They don't make decisions based empowering yourself to produce better
on personal cost or gain. results. It boosts work motivation and
They confront injustice and job satisfaction. Working on personal
unethical behavior. development will motivate you to work
harder. You'll experience higher
They make mistakes just like
satisfaction when you have a clear path
everyone else.
to follow
 Competitive Spirit.
What is competitive spirit in
1. Refine your interpersonal skills
Be confident, friendly and your field (think about your strengths
approachable–consistently. Practice and weaknesses to spot gaps).
these things daily and they’ll become Conferences and events, seminars, and
habitual. meetups offer easy ways to upskill and
make new connections at the same
2. Connect with other entrepreneurs time.

Twitter is a great place to start. As a

real-time platform, it’s perfect for
eyeballing what others are up to and
discovering key people.
3. Join communities in your industry INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY IN
Example online platform via different
means. Content Strategy is the name of Innovation is the process of turning a
the platform. new concept into commercial success or
widespread use. Invention is the
4. Make a book list creation of a new idea or concept.
Creativity is the act of turning new and
There are many great books people imaginative ideas into reality
mention in passing conversation. Make
a list. Then slowly work your way ENTREPRENEURSHIP TREND AND
through reading–or listening to–them. ISSUES

5. Practice resilience The Biggest Trends in

Learn from things that don’t work.
Challenges happen, and if things don’t 1. Everyone is doing it. It seems like
go to plan you need to work out why so everyone calls themselves an
you don’t fail at the same thing twice. entrepreneur. The barriers to
entrepreneurship are technically low.
6. Ringfence time to de-stress You don’t need a ton of capital. It is
generally fairly easy to go through the
Your learning rate as a proactive bureaucratic steps to be an
entrepreneur is going to rocket. Catch a entrepreneur.
film, or take time out to read a book
that’s on your personal rather than 2. Intrapreneurs are becoming more
professional list. common. Many established companies
are promoting innovation through
7. Keep your learning active internal entrepreneurs. These are
employees that are allowed to work like
The need for continuous learning is high entrepreneurs.
as an entrepreneur. Look for courses in
3. Solopreneurs are increasing. A taking that to the next level and going
solopreneur is an entrepreneur who runs completely online.
their business alone. They don’t have
employees, but may have contractors. 10. Marketing is getting more
interactive. Twitter/Facebook is an
4. Marketers are becoming example. Users comment or retweet.
Entrepreneurs. More and more people Social media marketing is making
with marketing ability are taking up marketing a two-way conversation.
entrepreneurship. With the rise of social
media, it’s increasingly marketing ability 11. Consumers are in control. You
that sells any product. can’t manipulate or trick people into
buying your product. That just doesn’t
5. Hiring contract workers is the thing work today. Being honest works. They
to do. Since it is getting more expensive can also easily give feedback. Negative
to hire and retain experienced staff, a feedback instantly ruins your reputation.
common solution is to find term
contractors. It’s a win-win for both the 12. The Internet of Things is here.
contractor and start-ups/small Internet of Things (or IoT) connects
enterprises. devices to the Internet to open up new
possibilities for using those devices.
6. Entrepreneurs are laser-focused on Apps to control those devices through
revenue. More entrepreneurs are IoT are in demand. Data from wearable
seeing the need to focus on revenue, devices or even your fridge
first and foremost. Funding is limited.
The entrepreneur is forced to gain early 13. Automation is rising. Chatbots and
viability and near instant revenue. digital assistants are increasing. They
are also getting intelligent. Some even
7. Few entrepreneurs are starting big answer like a human would do.
companies. Most companies are digital.
They focus on digital technology. The Biggest Challenges/Issues
ideal entrepreneurial venture now
happens with a laptop and a vision. 1. Difficulty Keeping up with innovations
or being the visionary. With the large
8. Technology is becoming more and number of competitors emerging, it is
more disruptive. Take the examples of becoming increasingly difficult to keep
Uber. These startups have redefined up innovating. On top of that, investors
hotel industry and transportation want a better product. Knowing when to
industry. change is becoming key.

9. Working from home. Almost every 2. Harder navigating regulation and

startup is leveraging the power of compliance. More and more regulations
remote work. And many startups are and bureaucratic red tapes have
emerged. Many startups are bringing in
a consultant to help with these areas
rather than trying to understand the
complexities themselves.

3. Exploding data. With 90% of the

world’s data was created in the past two
years and managing, keeping safe and
extracting insights from the ever-
increasing amounts of data your
company produces is becoming difficult.

4. Maintaining reputation is getting

tougher. With sites like Yelp or
TripAdvisor, customers can voice any
displeasure so much more publicly and
loudly than ever before. Businesses
need to continually monitor and maintain
their online reputations.

- END -

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