18 - An Offline Penet Free Prot SCH For PV-dominated DSs - ETAP

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Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9

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Electric Power Systems Research

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An offline penetration-free protection scheme for PV-dominated

distribution systems
Bahador Fani a,b,∗ , Hadi Bisheh a,b , Alireza Karami-Horestani c
Smart Microgrid Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The rapid growth of small-scale photovoltaic (PV) units in distribution grids brings new challenges in the
Received 27 May 2017 protection coordination of overcurrent relays. So far, various adaptive techniques have been addressed to
Received in revised form solve DG units’ mis-coordination problem, however, the un-predictable penetration of installed PV units
26 November 2017
highlights the importance of a penetration-free methodology. This study presents a novel offline, quick,
Accepted 29 November 2017
Available online 6 December 2017
applicable and cheap solution which guarantees protection coordination for any penetration and location
of PV units. To do so, first, under different PV penetration levels and locations, the conventional protection
performance is studied to discover the worst mis-coordination cases. Next, according to relays standards,
Overcurrent relay the characteristic curve of the back-up relay is modified such that it can maintain coordination in all
Coordination-saving worst cases. The proposed methodology is applied to a practical power distribution network equipped
Photovoltaic (PV) systems with numerous small-scale PV systems. The results successfully prove the effectiveness of the proposed
Penetration-free method. Since this technique only applies some changes in characteristic curves of the back-up relays,
Offline protection plan lack of programmable relay or adaptive protection requirements cannot decrease its performance. This
fact makes this method an attractive option for distribution systems with PV units.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction favorable environmental policies, low greenhouse gas emissions

and cheap operation costs have driven the spread of Photo-Voltaic
Distributed Generation (DG) units have been gradually growing (PV) systems much faster than others [6,7]. The PV systems range
in low/medium voltage networks over the past decades. In case from small rooftop-mounted or building-integrated systems to
of proper placement, these resources are able to reduce power large ground-mounted solar parks or farms.
losses, enhance voltage profile, improve reliability and release the The output current of PV systems is usually limited during
transmission and distribution loading [1,2]. However, DG units fault condition to protect semi-conductor elements of inverters.
may lead to some serious challenges in distribution networks Accordingly, the PV systems have not been usually considered in
like reverse power flow, voltage violation, uncontrolled islanding, short-circuit analysis of power systems. However, with the grow-
short-circuit current increase and fault contribution [3]. Among the ing small PV systems along distribution feeders which have fault
challenges, the fault contribution may result in some conflicts with current contribution up to 2 or 3 times their rated current, it is
the operation of the existing protection system. Accordingly, the not possible to ignore their contributions in fault current [8]. In
protection issue has always been one the most important topics general, PV systems are contributing fault currents according to
among researchers with respect to increase in DG penetration level their penetration levels, locations and protection plans. This fact
[3–5]. will complicate the protection coordination studies in distribution
Today’s technology is daily reducing the investment costs of DG systems, especially with high penetration level of PV systems [9,10].
units, such that, the commercial and domestic users are currently As PV systems are changing power flow directions in distribution
able to install small DG units. Among different technologies, the grids, the traditional one-way-flow short-circuit analysis cannot
adequately be used for designing protection plans [11,12]. Hence,
the researchers have gradually presented various solutions for this
problem over the time, which can be classified as below:
∗ Corresponding author at: Smart Microgrid Research Center, Najafabad Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
E-mail address: b.fani@pel.iaun.ac.ir (B. Fani). 1 Optimal DG locating with respect to protection issues [13–15]

0378-7796/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9

This method uses an optimization algorithm to find the best easily applied on different protection relays, including traditional
places for installing new DG units such that there is no conflict un-programmable ones.
in traditional protection plans. These kinds of solutions are cheap The key contributions of this paper compared to the previous
and also free of protection adaption, however, they would limit the works are as follows:
penetration level of DG units sooner than others with protection
adaption. Moreover, the distributed nature of small PV systems is • The methodology has a penetration and location free nature.
not compatible with this methodology which considers DG units as • The proposed method is offline.
concentrated generations in different nodes of the network. • There is no need to any new investment, including replacement,
installing new devices, designing new online control functions.
2 Limiting the penetration level of DG units in parallel to adapting • The procedure can be applied on different kinds of old or new-
their control functions [16,17] generation relays.

Although this method can effectively resolve protection prob- The succeeding sections of this paper are organized as follows:
lems, limiting penetration is not a good idea against the significant Section 2 studies the main concept of increasing DG units’ pen-
growth of PV installation in distribution networks. Moreover, this etration in a typical distribution feeder. The proposed algorithm
solution will increase the complexity of network design and con- for recovering protection coordination is presented in Section 3. In
trol. Section 4, the three-phase, two-phase, two-phase to ground and
single-phase high-impedance faults are simulated on a practical
3 Deploying communication links in protection structure [18–21] distribution feeder for both initial protection plan and the pro-
posed algorithm to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Detecting the fault, this methodology will urgently send the Finally, conclusion and future works are given in Section 5.
appropriate orders to different equipment to adapt control func-
tions against fault condition. This methodology can be used either in 2. Protection system performance in presence of PV-based
wide-area protection systems [18,19] or multi-agent ones [20,21]. DG units
However, in addition to extra expenses, the system reliability may
be affected due to communication maloperations. The fault current contribution of DG units can considerably
affect the performance of the protection system in distribution
4 Disconnecting DG units during fault condition [22] feeders. This contribution which can lose or even improve the pro-
tection coordination is mainly dependent on the three following
This technique strategically disconnects some DG units from specifications of DG units:
distribution network to reduce their contributions in fault current.
Although this method will omit DG units’ fault contributions, there • Technology:
are some disadvantages to DG units’ disconnection. For instance,
because of the timing limits for disconnecting DGs, it is not pos-
DG units’ technology can effect on the fault current contribu-
sible to use fast curves of relays or fuses. In addition, the power
tion; for instance, the PV-based DG units have a limited output
quality indices may become worse or the efficiency of DG units
current due to the control function used in the inverters [5], while
may decrease due to their frequent outages.
synchronous machine DG units have larger output current.

5 Conditional relays replacement [23–25]

• Location:

The new-generation directional, distance or programmable

relays can solve mis-coordination problems of conditional relays. The location of DG units with respect to the main and backup
However, this replacement needs a noticeable investment cost. relays makes three kinds of fault contributions. This fact will be
illustrated using the sample following example.
6 Using fault current limiter (FCL) [26,27]
• Penetration:
The FCL can be used to limit fault contributions through the
system. However, due to steady-state switching losses, significant The penetration is the main factor which can violate the relay
design and installation costs and the dependency of FCL location currents from the coordination intervals and make the coordination
on DG penetration, this method is not common among designers. to be entirely lost.
In recent years, many similar approaches [17,18,28–30] have The accuracy of this coordination becomes more important
been proposed to solve mis-coordination problems. However, to when the small-scale solar PV systems, such as those found on res-
the authors’ knowledge, almost all of them impose noticeable idential and commercial rooftops, have been gradually distributed
charges on power system owners. Therefore, in this context, the in distribution networks. Because, they do not have a constant pen-
contribution of this paper is the development of a new approach to etration in distribution systems due to following reasons:
save protection coordination without any replacement, new invest-
ment or online protection adaption. To this end, according to the 1 The inverters of PV systems are protected against abnormal
penetration level and location of small-scale PV systems, first, the conditions of the network. These protection plans affect the pen-
most problematic scenarios of DG installation are extracted. Next, etration of PV units during normal condition [31].
using an analytical procedure, the characteristic curves of relays 2 The variation in the intensity of the sun’s radiation during the
are modified such that they can properly react against faults with day results in a variable output power of PV systems [32,33].
any penetration or location of PV systems through feeders. In other 3 Given the non-linear power-voltage curve of PV units have a
word, this methodology is completely independent of PV systems’ maximum power at a single point; these units need a controller,
penetration and location and hence, there is no need to online adap- named Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), to maximize
tion. Finally, the modified curve is fitted to a standard curve to be their generation. Accordingly, the common variations in voltage
B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9 3

Fig. 1. Single line diagram of a typical feeder.

Fig. 2. The main and back-up relays’ characteristic curves and the line thermal limit curve.

profile will affect this controller and consequently change the But, if some PV-based DG units are supposed to be installed in
penetration of PV systems. this network, the coordination is not only dependent on the pene-
tration but also the location of DG units. Thus, three following cases
are studied on this sample network.

Given that the penetrations of various distributed PV systems

throughout the network are almost assumed as some probabilistic 1) The PV units are installed between PD1 and PD2:
terms, the ideal protection system performance should be robust
against different penetrations and also locations of PV-based DG
units in distribution grid. In other words, the high penetration In such a condition, if a fault occurs downstream of PD2, DG
of small-scale PV-based DGs, despite their less importance with units’ contribution will respectively decrease and increase the cur-
regard to synchronous DGs, would significantly threaten the pro- rent passing through PD1 and PD2. According to what shown in
tection coordination. However, what is far more important is the Fig. 2, if the difference between current flows through PD1 and
following fact: PD2 does not exceed the coordination range [IF min , IF max ], PV units
“Because the PV systems have a time-varying and unpredictable not only will preserve the coordination, but also will improve it by
generation, the miscoordination problems of PV units are not increasing the timing margin between main and backup protection.
solved as easy as synchronous DGs.” That is, the miscoordination However, with growing PV penetration, this difference will exceed
problems made by synchronous DGs which usually generate a pre- coordination range and the current passing through backup pro-
dictable power can easily be solved with various techniques, but, tection will be less than IFmin . As a result, PD1 relay will not operate
the situation would become more problematic while DGs’ penetra- as backup of PD2. In other word, in such a situation, PD1 operates
tion is continuously changing during a short period of time. when the feeder have previously been heating up too much.
To better clarify this fact, the following sample example exam- The temperature is a key indicator showing the amount of power
ines the impacts of penetration and location factors on conventional losses due to current flow through conductors. Given the fault
relays coordination. current is usually many times greater than rated current, the tem-
Fig. 1 shows a sample radial distribution feeder connected to perature of conductors is noticeably increased during a fault. Thus,
upstream network. In this feeder, there are two protection relays as for preventing any damage to equipment, the “IEC 60909” Standard
‘PD1’ and ‘PD2’, where PD1 is the back-up relay of ‘PD2’. The timing- proposed the following equation for thermal limits of conductors
current curves of these two relays are also illustrated in Fig. 2. As in a network [34].
shown, the coordination is fully achieved via different ranges of
fault currents. I 2 · t ≤ K 2 · S2 (1)
4 B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9

3. Proposed protection coordination algorithm

3.1. Proposed algorithm requirement

To preserve the protection coordination against different pen-

etrations of PV systems, the proposed methodology should have a
proper operation in the following limit states:

A. The penetration level is 0%.

B. The penetration level is 100% and PV systems are between PD1
and PD2.
C. The penetration level is 100% and PV systems are upstream of
D. The penetration level is 100%, some of PV units are between PD1
and PD2 and the others are upstream of PD1.

To this end, this methodology modifies the characteristic curves

of PD1 such that all of the above states have not only an acceptable
Fig. 3. The protection system performance during limit state ‘C’.
distance from thermal limit curve, but also an appropriate Coor-
dination Time Interval (CTI) for both IFmin and IFmax fault currents.
It is noteworthy that if the CTI were maintained for the minimum
and maximum fault currents, there would be no CTI violation for
where, I represents the rms value of short-circuit current in Ampere, any other fault currents.
t denotes the short-circuit period in Second, K is a coefficient which In the first step, consider limit state ‘A’ applied to Fig. 1 and
is dependent on conductor type and S is the cross section of con- there is no PV unit in the network (n = m = 0). In such a condition, if
ductor in square millimeters. a fault happens downstream of PD2, the flowing currents through
According to this standard, the maximum period of short-circuit PD1 and PD2 are calculated as IPD1,2 = IS = VS /ZT , where IPD1 and
current should be less than maximum thermal limit. Thus, as shown IPD2 denote the currents flowing through PD1 and PD2 relays, IS rep-
in Fig. 2, the characteristic curves of two relays are below thermal resents the injected fault current which is related to short-circuit
limit of the conductor with an appropriate distance. power of upstream network, VS is the rated voltage and ZT is the
Thevenin impedance seen by main source of the upstream network.
Given that the fault happens in the protective region of PD2,
2) The PV units are installed downstream of PD2: this relay should operate as soon as possible. Next, if the fault is
not successfully cleared, the backup relay (PD1) should operate to
disconnect the protective region from the network. Due to the equal
The downstream PV units will equally decrease the fault cur- currents of PD1 and PD2, this goal is achieved with an appropriate
rents in PD1 and PD2 relays. As a result, the PD1 and PD2 will CTI between PD1 and PD2, according to what shown in Fig. 2.
operate later than usual. However, due to less current passing In the second step, the limit state ‘B’ is simulated on Fig. 1. To
through the equipment, delayed operation has no damage to equip- obtain the general equation, first assume that only one PV system
ment and the protection coordination is never compromised. is installed between PD1 and PD2 relays (n = 1 and m = 0). This PV
system will change the flowing currents through PD1 and PD2 as
3) The PV units are installed upstream of PD1:
IPD1 = (VS − IPV 21 (Z21 + ZF )) /ZT (2)

Meanwhile, installing PV units upstream of PD1 has a different IPD2 = (VS + IPV 21 (ZT − Z21 − ZF )) /ZT (3)
effect on coordination. Although PV units equally increase the flow-
ing current through PD1 and PD2, the coordination may be lost in where, IPV21 represents the PV system injection current, Z21 denotes
some situations. the impedance between PV21 and PD2 relay, and ZT and ZF are
Assume Fig. 3 shows the characteristic curves of PD1 and PD2 the main source and PD2 relay impedances to the location of fault,
relays. respectively.
As shown in this figure, the increase in penetration of PV units According to Eqs. (2) and (3), depending upon the capacity (IPV21 )
causes fault current exceed IFmax . As a result, the minimum required and location (Z21 ) of PV21 system, it will reinforce and reduce the
timing margin between two main and backup curves is violated and fault and upstream currents, respectively. Indeed, the increase in
the coordination is lost. PD2 current will decrease the operation time of main protection.
In sum, this example shows that the protection coordination On the other hand, with the decrease in PD1 current, the operation
accuracy depends on the location and capacity of PV units. Thus, it is time of back-up relay will increase. As a result, the CTI between PD1
necessary to present a method for making protection coordination and PD2 may increase such that it threatens the coordination plan.
independent of PV units’ characteristics. To this end, this paper pro- In general, for a large number of PV systems between PD1 and
poses a novel algorithm for modifying relay characteristic curves to PD2 (n = the number of middle PV systems and m = 0), Eqs. (2) and
reach an accurate performance for different penetration and loca- (3) can be generalized as the following equations.
tion of PV units in the distribution system. According to the fact that
the presented quick, applicable and cheap solution only needs some 


changes in characteristic curves, lack of programmable relay or IPD1 = VS /ZT − IPV 2j (Z2i + ZF )/ZT (4)
adaptive protection requirements cannot decrease its performance. j=1 i=1
B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9 5

350 ms), will cause the coordination be lost. To treat this misco-
ordination, the PD1 curve should be modified such that it has an
acceptable CTI at Imax−PV . Hence, the operation time of PD1 (tmin )
at the 100% penetration level should be equal to the sum of PD2
operation time and the minimum allowable CTI as shown in Eq.

tmin = t  PD2 + CTI (7)

In the last step, limit state ‘D’ should also be considered. Never-
theless, since upstream and middle PV units counteract each other’s
effect, state ‘D’ would not yield to new miscoordination problems.

3.2. Relay characteristic curve modification

As discussed in the previous part, two limit states of ‘B’ and ‘C’
change two limit points of the PD1 curve to [Imax−PV , tmin ] and
[Imin−PV , tmax ] which are illustrated in Fig. 4 with points b and
Fig. 4. Proposed modified curve for PD1 relay. a, respectively. According to the common characteristic curves of
relays, these two points can accurately specify the modified curve.

j For instance, assume common IEC 60255 standard as a sample
IPD2 = VS /ZT + IPV 2j − IPV 2j (Z2i + ZF )/ZT (5) standard for defining characteristic curves of relays. This standard
expresses the relay operation time as a function of fault current
j=1 j=1 i=1
with the following equation [35].
where, n is the number of PV systems, IPV2j is the injected cur-  P

rent of jth PV system and Z2i denotes the impedance between two tPD1 = A × T · D/ (IPD1 /Ipickup ) − 1 (8)
consecutive PV systems (as shown in Fig. 1).
As the amount of decrease in IPD1 may cause the relay operating where, tPD1 denotes the operation time of the relay, T.D is the time
time exceed the maximum allowable thermal limit of conductors, setting coefficient, Ipickup represents the current setting threshold
it is possible to consider PD1 operating time (tPD1 ) as a criterion for and A and P are two constant coefficients related to the curve slope
situation of protection coordination. specification. According to the fact that Ipickup and T.D are depen-
According to Fig. 2, when there is no PV in the system, the dent on the current passing through the relay, they would vary with
downstream fault makes the main source to produce IS current and penetration of PV systems, that is, they are not suitable parameters
the PD2 relay to operate at tPD2 . Next, if there is an unsuccessful for modifying the curve and achieving a penetration-free algorithm.
operation, passing the minimum time interval required between On the other hand, A and P are two independent constants in Eq. (8)
operation of primary and backup relay (CTI), PD1 should operate at which can be easily used to attain the goal. Therefore, the desired
tPD1 to prevent any thermal limit violations. A and P are calculated based on two following equations made
According to this figure, at 100% penetration level of PV systems, according to the specifications of points a and b.
IPD1 decreases to Imin−PV and IPD2 increases to Imax−PV . In such a situ-
ation, although the CTI (t PD1 − t PD2 ) increases, the minimum time logA×T.D+t
Imin −PV
− logA×T.D+t
Imax −PV
min = logtmax tmin
Imin −PV − logImax −PV (9)
for clearing fault decreases to tmc . In other word, the PD1 should
operate sooner than tmc , whereas this relay operates at t PD1 which P = logA×T.D/t
Imin −PV
max +1
is much longer than tmc . Given that PD1 curve causes this misco-
ordination, modifying PD1 characteristic curve is the best solution Calculating the desired A and P from Eqs. (9) and (10), it is possi-
for solving this problem. ble to modify the PD1 curve just once to be completely sure about
Usually, the allowable threshold for operation of backup relay is coordination with any penetration of PV systems. In other words,
considered 1000 ms. That is, both PD1 and PD2 characteristic curves there is no need to any adaptive control or change in protection
should be below the thermal limit curve. Therefore, after consider- settings in response to variable penetrations and locations of PV
ing state ‘B’ as the worst case (Fig. 4) which changes IPD1 to Imin−PV , systems.
it is necessary to modify PD1 curve such that t PD1 transfers to a Finally, the resulted coefficients can be rounded to the nearest
point under thermal limit curve like tmax . five predefined A and P of Table 1 to find the best-fitting IEC curve
In the third step, it is necessary to consider the limit state for PD1 relay.
‘C’ where all PV systems are installed upstream of PD1 (n = 0 and
m = the number of upstream PV systems). In this situation, the cur- 3.3. Proposed algorithm procedure
rent passing through PD1 and PD2 are calculated as Eq. (6).
This procedure is triggered via a significant change in network



IPD1,2 = VS /ZT + IPV 1j (Z1i + ZF )/ZT (6) layout. Thus, after every change, the back-up relay curves should be
modified offline according to two limit states of ‘B’ and ‘C’ following
j=1 i=1
the procedure outlines in Fig. 5.
where, m is the number of upstream PV systems and Z1i represents As shown in this figure, first, corresponding to each pair of main
the impedance between two consecutive PV systems. and back-up relays, two limit states ‘B’ and ‘C’ are simulated to
Considering Eq. (6), the increase in penetration level of PV sys- verify the coordination. If the coordination is lost, the back-up relay
tems will increase both IPD1 and IPD2 and it will thereupon force curve is modified according to the method proposed in Section 3.1,
the fault current to exceed IFmax at limit state ‘C’. Thus, the resulted else, next pair of relays is examined. This process goes on till all
CTI, which is less than the minimum allowable threshold (usually relays are verified.
6 B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9

Table 1
A and P coefficient according to IEC 60255 [35].

Parameters IEC curves

Short time inverse Normal inverse Very inverse Extremely inverse Long time inverse

A 0.05 0.14 13.5 80 120

P 0.04 0.02 1 2 1

Table 2
Summarized characteristics of the studied system.

Description Subject

Length of feeder 30 km
Feeder type Head way type & not transposed —
Conductor size MVa line = 120 mm2 –LVb
line = cable 4 × 50 + 25 mm2
Line shape Horizontal & distance between
lines = 70, 140, 70 cm
Nominal voltage MV = 20 kVLL , LV = 400 VLL ,
3ph + N + PE
Legs altitude 9m
Transformer 630 kVA, /y grounded –
20 kV/0.4 kV
MVASC of main substation 500 MVA
PV inverter 200 kVA & tied grid without
battery for saving energy
Level of load unit 200 kVA
Medium voltage.
Low voltage.

residential PV systems. These PV systems are capable of producing

power equal to maximum residual consumption and restricting the
Fig. 5. Proposed characteristic curve modification procedure. fault currents up to twice their nominal currents.
As shown in this figure, two over-current relays, named PD1 and
4. Simulation PD2, are installed at the beginning and the middle of the feeder to
protect this line. Moreover, the connected branches of this feeder
A radial, 3-wire 20 kV feeder of a practical distribution network are protected by a fuse installed at the beginning of the line.
is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method The specification of PD1 and PD2 relays are shown in Table 3.
in ETAP software. The details of the system, source, load and PV According to the thermal limits of conductors, the maximum
data are presented in Table 2. A group of residential customers are allowable time for clearing a fault in distribution systems has tra-
connected to this feeder through several 20/0.4 kV transformers. ditionally been assumed 1000 milliseconds (ms). Moreover, the
As shown in Fig. 6, these customers are equipped with the Tie-Grid minimum CTI between two relay should not be below 350 ms.

Fig. 6. The practical distribution system with large PV systems.

B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9 7

Table 3
The PD1 and PD2 characteristics.

Device Type Curve type T.D IPickup

PD1 ALSTOM-P121 IEC-VI 0.03 1.1

PD2 ALSTOM-P121 IEC-SI 0.5 0.22

Fig. 8. The initial protection plan in presence of PV systems upstream of PD1.

relation (8) is used to specify the operation time of PD1 (t PD1 ).
To make sure of correct back-up relay operation, a safety mar-
gin of 200 ms is considered between PD1 and thermal limit curves.
Therefore, the maximum allowable time for PD1 operation at 100%
Fig. 7. The initial protection plan in presence of PV systems between PD1 and PD2. penetration of middle PV systems (tmax ) is 800 ms. That is, the back-
up relay for a 1390 A fault current will operate at 800 ms instead of
1880 ms.
According to these initial input data, two case studies are The upstream PV systems will increase the fault current passing
designed to first validate the proposed method as follows: through PD1 and PD2. For instance, assume the penetration level is
10%. The fault current will increase to 1910 A. PD2 and PD1 relays
4.1. Relay coordination for zero-impedance faults will operate at 255 and 563 ms, respectively. As mentioned, the
penetration level would have a reverse relation with CTI. This fact is
Since the worst miscoordination usually happens when the shown in Table 5 for different penetration of upstream PV systems.
largest fault current is passing through relays, in this case study, As shown, although 10% penetration has decreased CTI, the PD1
the fault impedance (ZF ) is assumed zero for relations (4)–(6). relay is still successfully coordinated with PD2. However, the coor-
Assuming no PV system is installed in the network, the max- dination will be lost when the CTI becomes less than 250 ms with
imum current passing through PD2 will occur when there is a 30% penetration of PV units. This trend will continue to reach the
three-phase fault at F point. In this situation, the fault current is least CTI with 144 ms period at 100% penetration as shown in Fig. 8.
1860 A and PD2 will respond to it within 259 ms. According to the Given that the least unacceptable CTI happens at 100% pene-
fact that the passing fault currents through PD1 and PD2 are equal, tration, it is rational to modify PD1 curve for this point to reach a
the back-up relay will operate in 609 ms which is much higher than proper coordination for any penetration of upstream PV systems.
350 ms. To do so, first, according to relation (8) the operation time of PD2 is
Installing PV units between PD1 and PD2 will change the current obtained, next, 350 ms as the minimum allowable CTI is added to
passing through relays. Assume the penetration level is 10 percent, it to calculate PD1 minimum timing and create tmin . This modifica-
the fault current at F point will be 1946 A at PD2 and 1798 A at tion will change the PD1 operation time from 144 ms to 350 ms for
PD1. As a result, the main and back-up relays will operate at 253 100% upstream PV penetration with a 2188 A fault current. Draw-
and 676 ms, respectively. It is seen that the CTI is increased with ing a new curve by connecting the tmin to the tmax points will create
respect to zero penetration to have a more confident coordination. the modified curve for PD1 relay. The new curve is coordinated with
Table 4 shows CTI values for different penetrations of PV systems PD2 for any penetration and location of PV systems. Furthermore,
of Fig. 6. it is completely below the thermal limit curve with a predefined
As shown in this table, when the penetration exceeds 50%, PD2 safety margin.
operates later than tmc . For instance, for 60% penetration, PD1 acts Finally, the new curve should be fitted to a standard curve. For
within 1163 ms which is not acceptable for coordination. The worst this reason, when the range of changes in fault current and oper-
case happens when the back-up relay acts within 1880 ms for 100% ation time for PD1 relay is obtained according to the relations (9)
penetration. Fig. 7 illustrates the initial protection plan of PD1 and and (10), it is possible to calculate all unknown parameters of the
PD2. modified characteristic curve. Nevertheless, due to the changing
This figure shows the impact of the middle PV systems on relays configuration of PV systems in distribution networks, it is better
coordination. When the penetration exceeds 50%, the initial plans to fix two parameters like T.D and Ipickup to their initial values,
loses its coordination. In such a condition, first of all, the current which are 0.03 and 1.1 respectively. To avoid repetitive setting for
passing through PD1 is calculated according to relation (5). Next, these parameters, only two parameters as A and P should change to
8 B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9

Table 4
The simulated operation time of PD1 in limit state ‘B’.

PV level (%) Fault type

3 L-L-G L-L

Conventional Proposed Conventional Proposed Conventional Proposed

0 609 652 661 648 674 675

10 676 666 725 662 757 693
20 756 681 796 676 854 713
30 845 696 878 690 964 732
40 938 711 971 705 1080 749
50 1043 725 1082 720 1216 767
60 1163 739 1213 737 1375 786
70 1300 754 1372 754 1564 805
80 1461 768 1598 774 1795 824
90 1651 783 1910 796 2084 844
100 1880 799 2337 820 2454 864

Table 5
The simulated CTI for different fault types in limit state ‘C’.

PV level (%) Fault type

3 L-L-G L-L

tPD2 t tPD2 t tPD2 t

Conventional Proposed Conventional Proposed Conventional Proposed

0 259 350 393 262 342 365 293 318 345

10 255 308 386 261 324 361 292 301 342
20 253 273 379 260 307 358 291 285 338
30 250 245 374 259 292 355 289 271 336
40 248 222 369 258 278 352 288 257 333
50 247 202 364 257 265 349 287 244 331
60 245 186 361 256 253 346 286 232 328
70 244 172 357 255 242 344 285 221 325
80 242 162 355 254 232 342 284 211 323
90 241 153 353 253 224 360 283 202 321
100 241 144 350 253 216 338 282 195 320

reach the new curve. As a result, for this case study the A and P are
calculated which are compatible with “short time- inverse” curve.
The validity of the proposed method for different penetrations
of middle and upstream PV systems is presented in Tables 4 and 5,
respectively. Fig. 9 also illustrates the impact of PV systems on oper-
ation times of PD1 and PD2 relays when the proposed algorithm is
applied on the network.
As shown in this figure, none of limit states, presented in Section
3, could cause any miscoordination for PD1 relay. Therefore, other
probable penetration and locations of PV systems would rationally
have a proper coordinated protection plan.

4.2. High impedance fault impact on the proposed method


The high impdenace faults (HIFs) usually occur when a conduc-

tor breaks or touches a high impedance surface, e.g. tree branch,
building wall, asphalt road, sand or cement [25]. Since the protec-
tion schemes may fail to preserve relay coordination during HIF
conditions, this case study will assess the impact of HIF on the pro-
posed method validity. Accordingly, assuming a 20  L-G fault for
the network shown in Fig. 6, Table 6 will illustrate the relay coor-
dination status for different penetrations of middle and upstream
Fig. 9. The simultaneous illustration of both initial and proposed protection plan in
PV systems. presence of PV systems.
As shown, above 30% penetration of middle-stream PVs, the con-
ventional method violates the maximum thermal limit. Moreover,
it would also fail to preserve coordination when the upstream PVs 5. Conclusion
exceed 50% penetration. That is while, the proposed method would
successfully protect the system for any penetration of middle and The un-predictable nature of the sun’s radiation makes it dif-
upstream PVs. ficult to adapt protection setting upon a change in penetration of
B. Fani et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 157 (2018) 1–9 9

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