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Business. Scope Engineering Procurement Construction Maintenance
Document No MEC-PRO-HSE-001 Doc Status Active Doc. Type PRO 1|1

In pursuance of the corporate technical mission, aimed at delivering high-quality services, and
prevention and control of losses, the company shall adopt an integrated enhanced HSE
management system, and shall execute its operations in such a way; as to
• Develop and maintain good relationships with host communities/clients and others.
• HSE remains a line management responsibility.
• Preserve the health and HSE of the worker and others who may be affected.
• Protect and conserve the environment, and safeguard human and material resources.
MEC management is committed to the building and Integration of HSE- MS into the job
description to facilitate and actualize cumulative planned business proposals. Matters affecting
Community Affairs, the Health and Safety of workers, the Preservation of the environment where
we operate and the Security of human beings and property shall be given equal attention as to
production, as HSE remains a line management responsibility. Finally, we believe that accidents
are unacceptable but preventable as work will be suspended whenever it is considered unsafe for
life, properties, and the environment.
Strategies such as toolbox meetings, HSE meetings, debriefing, emergency and surveillance drills,
hazard management audits, HSE induction, unsafe acts, near misses, accident reporting and
investigation, environmental protection, and HSE performance evaluation, among others, shall be
carried out.

The HSE department is empowered to implement HSE standards in line with international, local,
clients, and corporate HSE provisions to achieve the corporate HSE objectives.

Emergency Response:
The objective(s) of MEC emergency SYSTEM response is to:
• Consolidate established cordial relationships with host communities/clients and others
• Save lives, assist the injured reduce damage to client or company’s resources, and the
environment and defend corporate integrity. All the systems, strategies, and procedures
necessary to achieve these objectives shall be well coordinated. Reasonable attention shall be
given to the development and sustenance of relevant resources towards the achievement of
defined objectives.

Domingo Baini
Managing Director

System 5.2- OH&S Policies

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