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* Marathon program (filename
* Created by 1,000_naymes for ICT 352
* Program informs a user of the distance of a marathon (26 miles, 385 yards) in
* miles and kilometers.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Marathon

public static void main( String[] args )

// declaring & initiating variables
String OutputMessage;
double distanceMiles, distanceKilometers;
// welcome message
System.out.print("The distance of a marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards. \n\n
This program will convert the distance to miles and kilometers. \n \n");
distanceMiles = (( 26 * 1760.00 ) + 385) / 1760.00;
distanceKilometers = ( 1.609344 * 26 ) + ((385 / 1760) * 1.609344);

OutputMessage = "The exact distance of a marathon in miles is " +

distanceMiles + "\n" + "The exact distance in kilometers is " + distanceKilometers;
System.out.println( OutputMessage );


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