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Began to feel tiring

All LO contingents came
home at midnight and in
the early morning, they
had to get ready to go
back to where the
competition was held.

As stated by one of the LO contingents Putri

Vharella when interviewed, “Tired because it was
difficult to go home sooner that night,
furthermore I have to wake up early in the
morning”. This is the same as what was conveyed
by Nurul and Inayah, who said it is very difficult,
especially with the long distance to the boarding
house and also not having a vehicle, make them
feel burdened.

The last day of the

All LO contingents were very
busy compared to the
previous days, because on
the last day of the event, EXTRAORDINARY STRUGGLE
there was a city tour agenda
that had been scheduled for
the contingents.
By : Cika Azzahra
And the task of the LO contingent is to guide
their contingent and become an impromptu
cameraman. Then, after the city tour was over,
the closing ceremony was held. All the winners The 9th National Polytechnic English Olympics (NPEO) was successfully held on
of each competition were announced that May 23-27, 2022. It was an unforgettable moment for the Liason Officers (LO)
night and LO's still had work to do. Contingent because it was their first time participating in a national event. Padang
State Polytechnic (PNP) as the host was very strict in making preparation,
including preparation for facing the contingents later.

According to Ms. Dian, as the coordinator of the LO contingent, for the

Someone had got preparation of the LO’s, PNP first conducted a selection of students who would be
involved in NPEO activities as LO, then the PNP conducted debriefing and training
sick for the selected LO’s, and from the selection, the selected LO’s were selected. 94
LO’s, most of them will be deployed as LO contingent and one person as LO PIC
ne of the LO’s who was
(Person In Charge) Fitria Afika, who will surely work together later in the event.
rushed to the hospital
initially felt dizzy when the
closing ceremony started The first day before the event started, the LO's was already busy, all of them were
and even had to go back assigned to pick up each participants at Minangkabau International Airport (BIM)
and forth to the toilet and had to wait for hours because the plane was delayed. After the participants
because of nausea and arrived, the LO’s immediately escorted the participants to found a room for them,
vomiting that wouldn’t and after that, the NPEO opening ceremony was held.
Not only that, her body was weak, and she
even experienced shortness of breath. On the second day, the competition began. The LO's must prepare everything
While in the hospital, she received fast handling needed by the participants, starting from food, snacks, and medicine. Even if
from the hospital. The doctor immediately put there is also another request from the contingent, then the LO's must agree to it.
in an oxygen tube and injected some medicine One of them was Zoya, as an LO, she was asked by participant to find additional
to reduce nausea and vomiting. And after one outlets. Some were even asked by the contingent to buy bread and cough
hour in the hospital, finally, the situation medicine like what happened to Shelly. And some are asked to buy internet
improved, and she was allowed to go home.
vouchers as experienced by Inayah.

Continue reading on the next page >

The Winner Of 9th NPEO

Likewise, the other LO contingents immediately returned to

their respective homes. And among them, some complain
because they feel very tired. As Shera said during an interview
some time ago, “During being a LO there was one day when my
body was tired and achy”.

Fika, Silvia, Alya and Fraolin felt the same way. Some say that
their whole body feels pain from moving too much as Nurul
does. Shelly, Silvia, and Wiwin even had cold and fever. Not only
that, Putri had an earache after the event so it made her have
to go home.

Ms. Dian said, “Overall the LO contingent has worked very

optimally, but there are still things that need to be improved
such as time management, teamwork, communication skills,
abilities, and their independence in dealing with emergencies in
the field”, she said.

And with the illness of the LO contingents, is proof that the

struggle they are doing is extraordinary for the smooth running
of the NPEO event. And the national event which was held for 5
days went smoothly, it all could not be separated from the
cooperation and hard work of all the committees involved. And
this became the most memorable moment for them while they
were students at PNP.

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