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Intrusive\unintrusive narrator ?
Reliable(a story in which the narrator presents a straightforward, credible account of events)
\unreliable narrator(a story in which we might not entirely trust what the narrator is telling us).
Stylistic devices:
 Graphon – F-R-E-E(capitalization), I-secretly-know-you-want…
 Detachment - She was a gently bred creature with a high forehead, and her dress -
allowing for her surroundings - was neat.
 Parenthesis – information in brackets (…..)
 Personification - Animals, inanimate objects or abstractions are represented as having
human characteristics (behaviour, feelings, character etc.). Station hadn’t told her
 Alliteration - repetition of initial consonant sound A neat knot need not be re-knotted.
 Allusion - indirect reference to a person, event or piece of literature. The software
included a Trojan Horse. (allusion on the Trojan horse from Greek mythology)
 Anaphora - successive clauses or sentences start with the same word(s). Every child
must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them.
 Epiphora - repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses. “I am an
American, he is an American, and everybody here is an American,”
 Hyperbole - deliberate exaggeration. I was so hungry, I could eat an elephant.
 Metaphor - figurative expression. etaphor compares two different things in a figurative
sense. Road to marriage\her life in miniature
 Metonymy - figurative expression, closely associated with the subject. Leper’s bell
(meaning contagious) The land belongs to the crown. (crown = king / queen / royal
family / monarchy)
 Repetition - words or phrases are repeated throughout the text to emphasise certain facts
or ideas. - Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! »I wonder how
many miles I've fallen by this time?« she said aloud. […]
 Ellipsis - when we leave out (in other words, when we don’t use) items which we would
normally expect to use in a sentence if we followed the grammatical rules. I am absolutely
sure [that] I have met her somewhere before.
 Inverted epithets – years of hopelessness\value of the pleasure\sharpness of her remark
 Polysyndeton (Repetition of Conjunctions): and that and that and that!"
 Asyndeton (without conjunctions, just commas)
 Oxymoron - two words or phrases used together that have, or seem to have, opposite
meanings: brimming hollows (переповнені пустоти)
 Inverted sentence\inversion – Abruptly, she dropped the chain
 Euphemism - polite word or phrase that is used to avoid saying something embarrassing
or offensive. Draggie (dragon)
 Framing – repetition at the beginning and at the end (обрамлення)
 compound epithet consisting of two descriptive words made into one. apple-faced
woman, silver-sandalled feet

Narrator – author
Narratee – reader

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