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“We do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself

intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” Rom. 8:26 b

Apostles Methodist Church Next Sunday

The Order of Worship Worship
5 November 2023 at 10.30 am at 10.30 am
Holy Communion Sunday
Worship Leader Rev. Sharon Sawant

Invocation By Choir

Opening Hymn No – 222 My hope is built on!

Apostles Creed Section 738 of English Hymnal book

Gloria patria Glory be to the Father

Pastoral Prayer
Rev. V.V. K. Singh / Rev. Sharon Sawant
followed by Lord’s Prayer
Scripture Reading Topic: The Secrets for Meaningful Prayer!
Rom. 7:22-27

Announcements Rev. Sharon Sawant

2nd Hymn (1st Offertory) 163 I have found a Friend!

Sermon Rev. V.V. K. Singh

Hymn of Dedication – 271 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah!

Offertory Prayer Rev. V.V.K. Singh
Holy Communion Section 832
Closing Prayer and
Rev. V.V.K. Singh / Rev. Sharon Sawant
06-Nov Amos James(H), Jemila Harris(E)
07-Nov Ravi Mashi(H), Yohan Eric Herbert(E)
08-Nov Vethavally Raja(E), Budesh Thapa(N)
09-Nov Joslin Harris(E), Soora Manjula Rao(H)
10-Nov Tinsely N.K. Vincent(E)
11-Nov Geeta Nathaniel(H), Kristena Peter(H), Gopal
Tamang(N), Sumati Joel(H)

Wedding Anniversary
06-Nov Joshua Samuel & Liby Marme(E)
07-Nov Nisha Rai & Nikhil Ajit Paul(H), Venkata Apparao
Evangline(E), Nisha Rai & Nikhil Ajit Paul(H)
08-Nov Shekhar Rao & Anju Rao(H)
09-Nov Pradeep Kumar & Hema(H), Govada Sudhakar &
Ramana(H), Dinesh Verma & Mariam Samuel(H)
1. Those who are interested to take membership of AMC, please meet with Rev.
V.V.K. Singh and Rev. Sharon Sawant.
2. PC will meet next Sunday i.e. 12/11/2023 after the English Worship Service.
3. Today the Bake Sale is organized by MYF kindly visit to them and enjoy food.
4. Please remember MYF Camp in your prayers from 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 2023 at
Deodars, Mansoorie.
5. Today MYAF meeting will be held at 2. pm sharp in the Church basement or in
the Office.
6. For adult baptism and confirmation- if parents are requested to give their
children’s names, classes will be started from Jan. 2024 to March 2024. And
confirmation ceremony will take place during Passion Week-2024.
7. Sunday school Sunday will be observed on 26 th November 2023, please uphold
our children and Sunday School Teachers in your personal prayers.
8. Senior Citizen Day will be observed on 9th Nov. 2023 i.e. second Saturday of the
month-Timing 11 am-2 pm. will be at AMC.
9. Gospel Event of Nepali Congregation will be organized on 18 Nov. 2023, 3 pm
to 9 pm @ AMC. Remember in your prayers. .
Please Contact For Prayer
Pastor in-charge Rev. V.V.K. Singh 9811123697

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