Allez Cuisine One-Page TTRPG by Inez Tan

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ALLEZ CUISINE! (one-page edition) 🔪 Name 🔪 Pronouns 🔪

Appearance 🔪 Where are
A GM-less cooking competition comedy TTRPG for 1-10 players by Inez Tan.
you from? 🔪 What was the
Create dishes with a theme and secret ingredient as you face off against other elite moment you decided to
chefs in a mysterious cooking competition! become a chef? 🔪 What is
your culinary specialty?
SETTING THE SCENE (This is just for flavor and
This game is GM-less, but you may wish to have one person take on the role of the doesn’t limit what you can
cook.) 🔪 What did you
facilitator and host (they can still play!). Decide together on the flavor of the world - a
hear the grand prize was,
televised show like Iron Chef America or The Great British Bake-off, a sci-fi future or and why do you want it so
the French Revolution. This is a flavor-first, fiction-first, rules-lite game, so ham it up! badly? 🔪 Designate 3
Strengths and 3
CHARACTER CREATION Weaknesses: 1) Taste 2)
3+ players: Each player creates one character; 1-2 players: Create a few characters Technique 3) Knowledge of
ingredients 4) Plating 5)
each! Challengers, go around and introduce yourselves dramatically. Time management 6)
Emotional regulation
ROUND ONE AND ROUND TWO Originality, creativity, and charisma were left off
deliberately to allow all players to roleplay them. :)

• Roll 2 d20s to determine the Theme of the round.

• Optionally, choose a SECRET INGREDIENT that all Challengers must incorporate THEME (roll 2 d20s)
1 Adventurous Childhood
into their dish - something you ate today, something with strong world flavor, or
2 Underwater Battle
something randomly generated (e.g. Announce this as
3 Grateful Bravery
dramatically as possible (
4 Traditional Comfort
• Make up the esteemed Judge for this round. Roll 2 d6s on the list of
5 Healing Appetizer
Strengths/Weaknesses to determine this Judge’s special criteria. Each Challenger’s
6 Street Surprise
gets a Judging Score of +1 per Strength and -1 per Weakness from the criteria.
7 Romantic Breakfast
8 Magical Sandwiches
One hour of furious cooking takes place. IRL, each player shouldn’t take more than
9 Shared Dessert
five minutes to think of and optionally draw their dish (bad drawings are totally fine).
10 Fun Beverage
We cut to:
11 Classy Apology
12 Outdoor Revolution
Presenting: Each Challenger presents their dish to the Judge. Explain what your
13 Unusual Moon
dish is (give it a magnificent name), wax poetic about the story behind this dish and
14 Deceptive Party
what it means to you, and gloriously embellish what went into preparing it (narrate
15 Midnight Snack
flashbacks of the cooking hour). Most importantly, regale us with how your dish
Really Good
addresses the theme of the round! Don't worry if you as a player don't know much 16 Spicy Noodles
about food or cooking. Whether your dish is escargot or a boiled egg, just have fun 17 Controversial Mourning
spinning a wild tale about it. 18 Holiday Celebration
19 Forgotten Heritage
Challenger’s total score = 1d6 + Judging Score Crouching ____,
The Challenger with the highest score wins the round (all Challengers tied for the Hidden ____
(roll second (Choose a
highest score count as winners). Losers are encouraged to dramatically narrate 20 column twice) season)
what went wrong. Collaboratively roleplay the Judge’s reaction and comments.
1d10 or choose)
ROUND THREE 1) It just tasted terrible 2) Too
Each Challenger may shout, “ALLEZ CUISINE!” to designate one Strength to count much of an ingredient 3) You
forgot the most important
as +3 and one Weakness to count as -3 (the rest are still +1/-1) for their Judging ingredient, you fool 4) The
Score. Then play out the round like the previous two. Go nuts: this is the finale! plating was a disaster 5) A key
cooking step failed 6) A piece
of equipment malfunctioned 7)
Challenger’s total score = 1d6 + Judging Score + 2 per previous round won You just ran out of time (why?)
Whoever wins this round is the final winner! You may accept co-winners, or break 8) You misinterpreted or poorly
interpreted the theme 9) Your
ties by who won more rounds or who rolled higher on their final d6. presentation of the dish
offended the Judge 10) You
had a meltdown and instead of
EPILOGUES a dish, you made...
Narrate an epilogue for each Challenger. What did they do after the competition? A/N: What I learned from making this one-page
Were they spurred on to do even better, or were they left defeated and broken? End RPG (my first full game!) is that it’s probably more
of a 5-page RPG! Look out for an expanded,
on the winner. Did they get the prize they were hoping for? prettier version coming soon! All feedback
gratefully welcomed! :) v1.2, August 21, 2022.

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