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Workshop 6 – Assessing Your Brand

Using Keller’s Brand Report Card to Assess Your Brand

Having read the article (link above), you will now be working in pairs on your one of your chosen brands
filling out the worksheet. You will come back after a set period of time and talk about some of the
named attributes for your brand and you will cite your evidence.

Name of Your Chosen Brand:

Attributes Which Means Evidence

The brand excels at delivering It creates an engaging

the benefits customers truly customer experience.

The brand stays relevant Elements of the brand, such as By keeping up with influencers eg
the type of person who uses David laid
the brand, are modified to fit
the times.
The pricing strategy is based The nature of the product— for
on consumers’ perceptions of example, premium versus
value household staple—should
influence price.
The brand is properly It clearly communicates its
positioned similarities to and differences
from competing brands.
Is consistent Marketing communications
don’t send conflicting messages
over time.
The brand portfolio and
Brands work logically together.
hierarchy make sense
The brand makes use of and All marketing activities and
coordinates a full repertoire channels communicate the
of marketing activities to same messages about the
build equity brand, solidifying the brand’s
The brand’s managers Managers know consumers’
understand what the brand different perceptions of
means to consumers the brand.

The brand is given proper Companies consistently invest
support, and that support is in building and maintaining
sustained over the long run brand awareness.
The company monitors Companies use a formal brand-
sources of brand equity equity-management system.

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