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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


NAME: __________________________________ SECTION: ___________________ DATE: _________________

DIRECTION: Read and understand the selections carefully and answer the questions. Write only the letter that corresponds to your
correct answer.

For numbers 1-3

The Japanese music is usually slow, sad, and uses the low notes. The musical instruments used are keyboard, piano, guitar
or any traditional Japanese instruments. Sakura is a traditional Japanese folk song depicting spring, the season of cherry
blossoms. It uses 2/4 time signature. Japanese instruments include percussions like Odaiko, Tzusumi, Tsuridaiko and Taiko;
chordophones like Koto, Shamisen, and Biwa: and aerophones like Shakuhachi, Nohan, Hichiriki and Shinobue. Traditional
Japanese music is basically meditative in character and its performance is highly ritualized.

_____ 1. Which of the following is the important aspect of Japanese music?

A. used for rituals
B. used music in religious activities
C. used music to control people
D. concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression

_____ 2. Sakura is a traditional folk song of Japan which means ______________.

A. cherry blossoms C. daisy flower
B. jasmine flower D. rose

_____ 3. Which of the following are Japanese stringed instruments?

A. Shakuhachi, Nohan, Hichiriki C. Odaiko, Tsuzumi, Tsuridaiko
B. Koto, Shamisen, Biwa D. Hichiriki, Shinobue, Nohan

For numbers 4-6.

For several thousand years Chinese culture was dominated by the teachings of the philosopher Confucius, he conceived
music in the highest sense as a means of calming the passion of dispelling of unrest and lust, rather than as a form of
amusement. Chinese music has traditionally been sung in a thin non-resonant voice or in falsetto. All traditional Chinese music
is melodic rather than harmonic. Mo Li Hua is a traditional Chinese song with a beautifully gentle and lyrical melody. The lyrics
about the jasmine flower also turn it into a love song. Chinese musical instruments includes Yuequin, Pipa and Erhu, the most
popular stringed instrument; wind instruments that include Sheng and Dizi and idiophones like Pengling.

_____ 4. How is Chinese music described?

A. gentle and lyrical. C. meditative and highly ritualized.
B. slow in tempo and is very peaceful. D. slow and melancholy

_____ 5. Which of the following is the most popular Chinese stringed instrument?
A. Pipa B. Erhu C. Yuequin D. Biwa

_____ 6. What melody is used in the folk song “Mo Li Hua”?

A. melodic B. pentatonic C. diatonic D. harmonic
For numbers 7-10.

Korean music is focused on court music, folk music, poetic songs, and religious music used in shamanistic and Buddhist
traditions. Traditional Korean music is referred to as gugak which literally means "national music." Arirang is a Korean folk song,
sometimes considered the unofficial national anthem of Korea. It is used as a symbol of Korea and Korean culture. Arirang is in
essence a song of farewell. Traditional Korean instruments can be broadly divided into three groups: string instruments that
include Kayagum and Geomungo, wind instruments like Piri , and percussion instruments like Changgo.

_____ 7. How is the “Arirang” song classified?

A. welcome song C. song for spring
B. love song D. parting song

_____ 8. How are Kayageum, Pipa and Shamisen being played?

A. bowing B. plucking C. pressing D. strumming

_____ 9. Which refers to the unofficial national anthem of Korea that symbolizes Korean culture?
A. Sakura B. Arirang C. Burung Kaka Tua D. Mo Li Hua
_____10. How is the music of Korea described?
A. has light rhythms C. has bright rhythms and melodies
B. has husky melodies D. none of these

For numbers 11-16.

Arts of East Asia are greatly influenced by nature used as themes or motifs and subjects of arts. Landscape painting was
regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting. Three concept of Chinese Arts : Heaven, Earth and Human ( YinYang). Silk was
often used as the medium paint upon, but it was quite expensive. Cai Lun invented paper in the 1st century A.D. Painting is closely
related to Calligraphy among the Chinese people. It is art of beautiful handwriting. The term Origami came from “ori” meaning
“folding”,and “kami” means “paper ”. It is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. Woodblock painting is a technique for printing
text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia. It became one of the oldest and most highly developed visual arts.

____ 11. What is the art of beautiful hand writing known for?
A. Calligraphy C. Woodblock printing
B. Landscape painting D. Origami

____ 12. Which of the following was regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting?
A. Calligraphy C. Korean painting
B. Landscape painting D. Origami

_____13. In East Asia, silk is often used as medium for painting. Why is this so?
A. It is hard to find. C. It is quite expensive.
B. It is a sacred thing. D. It is low quality.

____ 14. Which of the following is considered as the highest form of Chinese painting?
A. Cityscape Painting C. Landscape Painting
B. Human and Animal Painting D. Seascape Painting

_____ 15. Which of the following country uses painting as calligraphy?

A. Japan B. China C. Korea D. Philippines

_____16. Who invented the paper during the Eastern Han Dynasty?
A. Cai Lun B. Huynbi Lee C. Joseon D. Mundi
For numbers 17-18.

Peking Opera face painting of China or Jingju Lianpu is done with different colors in accordance with the performances
characters’ personality and historical assessment. The Hero type characters are normally painted in relatively simple colors,
whereas enemies, bandits, rebels and others have more complicated designs on their faces. Kabuki Make-Up of Japan or Kesho
is already in itself an interpretation of the actor’s own role through the medium of the facial features. Kabuki Make up is also
another way of face painting which has two types : Standard Make up which is applied to most actors and Kumadori Make up
which is applied to villains and heroes. Korean Mask is called tal or t’al , originated with religious meaning. Black,red and white
help establish the age and race of the figure, Half Red and Half White symbolize the idea that the wearer has two fathers, Mr.
Red and Mr.White, and the Dark-faced mask which indicates that the character was born of an adulterous mother.

_____ 17. What is the similarity of Jingju Lianpu of China and Tal or ‘tal of Korea?
A. They are represented with different colors. C. Colors used are only red and white.
B. They are both done with simple colors. D. More complicated designs are used.

_____ 18. Which of the following represents a Korean mask with half red and half white color?
A. A character born of an adulterous mother C. A villain character
B. A character with two fathers D. A hero type character.

For numbers 19 – 20.

In Architecture, East Asian temples and houses have ” sweeping roofs” with figures which they call as “roof guards”
because they believe that it will protect them from elements of water, wind and fire. It is a Buddhist belief to ward off evil spirits.
The main types of roofs are Straight Inclined which are more economical for common Chinese architecture; Multi-inclined used
for residences of wealthy Chinese, and the Sweeping Roofs that have curves which rises at the corners of the roofs usually
reserved for temples and palaces.

_____ 19. What is the primary purpose of the East Asian “sweeping roofs”?
A. For protection from elements of fire, water and wind C. For status symbol : rich or poor
B. To ward off evil spirits D. All of the above

_____ 20. For an average type of Chinese family, which roof guards can be found in their houses?
A. Straight Inclined C. Multi-inclined
B. Sweeping roofs D. Corrugated Color Roof

For numbers 21- 30.

Basketball is a team sport, wherein the objective is to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points
while following a set of rules. Usually, two teams of five players play on a marked rectangular court with a basket at each width
end. during regular play. A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the basket than
the three-point line, and three points (known commonly as a 3-pointer or three) if the player is behind the three-point line. The
team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) may be issued when the game ends with a
draw. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running (dribbling) or throwing (passing) it to a
teammate. It is a violation to move without dribbling the ball (travelling), to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands then
resume dribbling (double dribble).

_____ 21. What does an athlete do before engaging to his/her sport?

A. Run B. Warm up C. cool down D. Play
_____ 22. Which of the following is the objective of the sport basketball?
A. To move the ball without dribbling and shoot C. To shoot a ball ,score points and win.
B. To hit the ball with a bat. D. To throw the ball over a net.
_____ 23. What will happen when a game ends with a draw?
A. Additional 5-minute overtime will be given until a team is declared winner.
B. The referee will toss coin to declare the winning team.
C. Game will continue and all scores go back to zero.
D. The two teams will be declared winners.
_____ 24. In basketball, when can a player gets a 3-point score in one shoot?
A. If the player is behind the three-point line C. If the player shoots in the free throw line
B. If the player shoots 3 times behind the three-point line D. None of the above.

_____ 25. After the ball was passed to Ezekiel by his teammate, he ran immediately and forgot to dribble the ball. What violation was
committed by Ezekiel?
A. double dribble B. technical foul C. offensive foul D. travelling

_____ 26. Which of the following is NOT the proper way of dribbling the ball while playing basketball?
A. Dribble the ball with hand and use only the tip of your finger in dribbling it.
B. Dribble the ball with your two hands right in front of your body.
C. Spread your fingers to allow full control of the ball as it dribbles.
D. While dribbling in one hand, use the other hand to drive your defender away from the ball.

____ 27. Which type of pass originates from the chest to the receiver’s chest level?
A. bounce pass B. overhead pass C. chest pass D. air pass

____ 28. Which of the following is the role of a referee in basketball?

A. The referee is the official that controls the game.
B. The referee has the power to make decisions on any point not specifically covered in the rules.
C. He is the one who tosses the ball up for the center jump at the start of the game and each overtime period.
D. All of the above.

_____29.Shooting is the first basic skill to be learned in basketball. Which of the following is a good tip to improve shooting skill
in basketball?
A. Be relaxed and concentrate on the basket.
B. Be in proper balance when shooting the ball.
C. Remember BEEF (Balance, Elbow, Elbow, Follow Through when shooting the ball.
D. All of the above.

_____ 30. Who was the founder of the team sport Basketball?
A. Bernard Naismith B. Brandon Naismith C. Jericho Naismith D. James Naismith

For numbers 31- 32.

Dating is a social activity that involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s suitability for a potential
relationship. It can also be enjoyed as part of an already active relationship. It can be classified as standard date, double date
or group date. Courtship is an establishment of a more enduring kind of relationship. It precedes engagement and marriage in
the period of the couple’s relationship. Right dating practices or behaviour and proper courtship will result in building a long-
lasting relationship and a strong foundation of marriage and family life.

____ 31. What is the BEST definition of Dating?

A. An establishment of a more enduring kind of an agreed relationship
B. It is a social activity that involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s suitability for a potential
C. Precedes engagement and marriage in the period of couple's relationship
D. A private or an informal matter between two people, or a formal arrangement with family approval

_____32. The following are ingredients to a successful marriage, EXCEPT:

A. Love C. Understanding and Respect
B. Love Quarrel D. Loyalty
For numbers 33 – 40.
In a traditional Filipino family setting, the father is the provider and the head of the family while the mother is responsible for
the needs and in-charge of the emotional growth and values formation of the children. Responsible Parenthood is the ability and
willingness to respond to the family’s needs and aspirations. Responsible parenthood comprises of choosing our partners, the right
time to form families, when to have the first child, child spacing, the number of children to have in all, etc. But responsible
parenthood does not end with decisions on when to have them and about how many children to have. Responsible parenthood
must be on making decisions that will ensure the best possible lives for ourselves and our children.

____ 33.Which of the following best describes the duties and responsibilities of parents “Inculcating discipline”?
A. Parents should always give allowances to their children
B. Parents should give advice when their children are down.
C. Parents should impose disciplinary actions to their children
D. Parents should be role models in inculcating discipline in their children

____ 34. Which refers to the legal union of man and woman, as husband and wife?
A. courtship B. dating C. marriage D. engagement

____ 35. Which refers to the period when couples are ready to embrace their responsibilities to care for the children bringing them
quality life?
A. marriage B. courtship C. engagement D. parenthood

____36. Which among the statements given below upholds the responsibility of parents to their children?
A. Choose their course in college C. Choose their husband or wife
B. Teach them religion D. Teach them values

____ 37. Why do people marry?

A. For economic security C. For love
B. For social status D. All of the above

____ 38. Why do couples want to have children?

A. Children are considered wealth of parents
B. Religious institutions require it
C. Society expects couples to have offspring
D. Strengthens the bond between husband and wife
_____ 39. Which is an ingredient of a happy married life?
A. Commitment B. Love C. Sincerity D. All of the above

_____ 40. Which is a wrong reason for having children?

A. Children are gifts from God
B. Children make married couples happy
C. The sole purpose of marriage
D. Parent’s security in the future

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Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Signature
QA & Checked by:
Master Teacher I Head Teacher II Head Teacher I
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QA & Checked by:

Master Teacher I Head Teacher II Head Teacher I

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